14:15:52 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:15:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 17 14:15:52 2016 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:15:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:15:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:15:53 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:15:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:15:53 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:16:13 <randomuser> paste from the page, Pete, not to the page... 14:17:39 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:17:40 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:17:48 <bexelbie> randomuser, zodbot bot should just be smart enough to auto-agenda 14:18:04 <randomuser> that's a good idea, bexelbie 14:18:07 <bexelbie> something like #nexttopic :) 14:18:28 <bexelbie> randomuser, left you a PM as well 14:18:28 * pbokoc 14:18:38 <bexelbie> how do you do that pbokoc ? 14:18:49 <pbokoc> magic 14:18:59 <pbokoc> (/me<space><space>) 14:19:00 <bexelbie> that explains a lot about you 14:19:09 <bexelbie> bueno as the TV here just said 14:19:26 <randomuser> /action 14:22:13 <randomuser> ok then, we're here 14:22:38 <randomuser> #topic Where are with the Release Cycle and Docs? 14:22:57 <randomuser> we need to push translations 14:23:17 <randomuser> habitually and incidentally 14:23:50 <randomuser> I'd like to set up one of our cloud instances to do so programatically for us, I think 14:24:15 <bexelbie> +1 14:24:39 <bexelbie> I'd love to see translation comment on how often they want pushes and republishes as well 14:24:45 <bexelbie> the whole 100% versus mix issue 14:25:18 <randomuser> You know, I've asked them a few times, and I don't know there's a one true path 14:25:43 <bexelbie> randomuser, I believe a lot of them will be at FUDCon APAC - I'll try to start some f2f around this 14:26:12 <bexelbie> the consensus from the person I talked to here was push often to translation and republish everytime English changes .. even though that means a mixed document 14:26:14 <randomuser> I think they most want us to be predicatable and consistent 14:26:18 <bexelbie> here == FUDCon LATAM 14:26:39 <bexelbie> predictability ... so ... predictable :P 14:28:05 <randomuser> i can say firsthand that waiting for 100% translation is not a good idea 14:28:25 <randomuser> works simply do not get to 100% 14:28:52 <bexelbie> then let's make a definition of predictable for us and cc their lists for feedback. I suggest we follow your lead, randomuser, and get a builder to do it and we adopt a pull and republish on all English changs 14:28:55 <bexelbie> changes 14:29:27 <randomuser> we should know if a team has opted for review, and publish all reviewed or available translations depending on their choice 14:29:48 <bexelbie> randomuser, as long as we can automate it :) 14:30:08 <randomuser> on that, I would like to have English builds and translation builds separate actions 14:30:35 <randomuser> if I update a doc and publish it immediately, we obviously would not immediately have the translations available 14:30:57 <bexelbie> randomuser, are you proposing a queueing system or a manual second action to get trans published? 14:31:19 <bexelbie> that just gave me a builder idea ... 14:31:23 <randomuser> I was thinking a nightly/periodic rebuild of translations 14:32:25 <randomuser> because pulling in POs is frankly quite slow, and pulling all langs on every publish is going to take a republish job from ~30s to ~30m 14:32:28 <bexelbie> randomuser, it'd be great if we could get Zanata to tell us if there are changes so we don't publish without need 14:32:37 <bexelbie> ~30m is generous :P 14:32:42 * randomuser nods 14:33:00 <randomuser> the transifex API was better designed for that purpose 14:33:01 <bexelbie> I should see Alex Eng in APAC - I'll see if he has signaling ideas from a Zanata perspective 14:33:38 <randomuser> I know they've added some features in that area in the last year or so, but don't recall what 14:33:58 <bexelbie> I'll let you know what I hear 14:34:16 <randomuser> in the meantime, I see no reason not to push POTs all the time from release branches 14:35:03 <bexelbie> +1000 14:35:23 <bexelbie> But I also think we could easily put that on a timer so we don't do it a lot if we have a lot of translations 14:35:42 <bexelbie> something like push no more than 1/hour or 1/day as is appropriate 14:36:12 <randomuser> why hold back? 14:36:36 <bexelbie> was thinking it could cuase problems if someone was actively translating 14:36:40 <bexelbie> but you're probably right 14:37:33 <bexelbie> I can easily support push POTs on all English updates and dial it back if t18n asks us too 14:38:35 <randomuser> I wasn't making a statement; I really do not know why they would ever prefer to have outdated POTs in the system 14:39:02 <bexelbie> agreed 14:39:59 <randomuser> but yeah, talk to them about it 14:40:10 <bexelbie> will definitely do 14:41:04 <randomuser> otherwise, our release cycle activity should focus on guides at this stage 14:41:06 <randomuser> so 14:41:12 <randomuser> #topic Specific Doc Status 14:41:43 <randomuser> Any guide coordinators around today? 14:43:27 <randomuser> sounds like not 14:43:27 <randomuser> #topic Open floor discussion 14:44:45 <bexelbie> do we have convo to have around publishing yet? 14:44:53 <bexelbie> randomuser, I want to set dates for us to meet 14:45:11 <randomuser> yes, please, I need to give those dates to my employer 14:45:50 <bexelbie> Anytime between 21 and 27 - what is best for you? 14:46:31 <randomuser> I'm thinking over that weekend or monday/tuesday but let me get back to you 14:47:15 <randomuser> i'll email/telegram/call/carrier pidgeon/smoke signal 14:47:31 <bexelbie> randomuser, please - I need to get beds and tickets bought :) 14:47:46 * randomuser nods 14:47:46 <bexelbie> also would like a hotel recommendation in Austin that is convenient for you - remember I don't drive :P 14:48:17 <randomuser> will work on that too 14:48:49 <randomuser> I do drive, convenience is relative 14:49:25 <randomuser> I have $dayjob stuff building up this morning, let me get back to you a bit later 14:49:26 <bexelbie> uber drives too :P 14:49:31 <bexelbie> sounds good randomuser 14:49:50 <randomuser> no uber in austin 14:50:07 <bexelbie> is there a similar service, assuming uber is a generic noun? 14:50:41 <randomuser> categorically, those services are now legally required by the city of austin to do rigorous backround checks on their drivers 14:50:51 <randomuser> and they pretty much all just backed out 14:51:31 <bexelbie> ahh 14:51:43 * bexelbie picked the wrong month to be without his driver's license 14:52:16 <randomuser> we'll sort it out, i don't mind driving as needed 14:52:34 <bexelbie> brb .. going afk to deal with the real world 14:52:45 <randomuser> yeah, let's wrap this up 14:52:51 <randomuser> #endmeeting