14:35:14 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:35:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 6 14:35:14 2017 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:35:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:35:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:35:14 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:35:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:35:15 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:35:19 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:35:24 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:35:28 <randomuser> .hello immanetize 14:35:29 <zodbot> randomuser: immanetize 'Pete Travis' <me@petetravis.com> 14:35:39 <randomuser> moving right along, 14:35:46 <porfiriopaiz> .hello porfiriopaiz 14:35:47 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 14:35:47 * porfiriopaiz from Managua in Nicaragua 14:35:52 <randomuser> #topic Centos CI update from Bex 14:35:56 <randomuser> #chair bexelbie 14:35:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie randomuser 14:36:03 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:36:04 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:36:16 <randomuser> go go gadget bexelbie 14:36:49 <bexelbie> ack 14:36:50 <bexelbie> ok 14:37:04 <bexelbie> I had a meeting with Nigel and bstinson (separately) 14:37:06 <bexelbie> I have hte access 14:37:09 <bexelbie> I have some templates 14:37:12 <bexelbie> I have nothing running yet 14:37:17 <bexelbie> two blockers (one sort of resolved) 14:37:40 <bexelbie> 1. I still don't see the trigger mechanism - this requires a follow up with bstinson -- I am now setting my goal on something I can push a button and get usefulness out of 14:37:54 <bexelbie> 2. the council-docs needs ditaa to build which is a non-starter for CentOS 14:38:06 <bexelbie> so I have temporarily removed that build dep by building the one diagram and committing it 14:38:24 <bexelbie> so I have a path forward 14:38:34 <randomuser> one CI issue, one content issue; that's not too bad 14:38:36 <bexelbie> and I think I have a new idea for the CI job structure that will simplify builds 14:38:47 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 14:38:48 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 14:38:53 <bexelbie> short-version: Each repo that is published on docs.fp.o 14:39:02 <bexelbie> will have a "trigger" for a CI job that will do two things. 14:39:09 <bexelbie> 1. build all PRs and stage them for review 14:39:49 <bexelbie> 2. Build all commits on production branches .. if it passes it will commit the output to a master source repo ... if it fails it will complain to the repo owners 14:40:04 <bexelbie> a second job will watch the master source repo and rebuild and republish as needed 14:40:16 <bexelbie> this prevents us from getting blocked by a random documentation collection having a bad publication branch 14:40:24 <bexelbie> this master source repo doesn't exit yet --- but will soon 14:40:24 <randomuser> sounds good so far 14:40:25 <bexelbie> :) 14:40:41 <randomuser> that's not https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/docs-fp-o ? 14:41:04 <bexelbie> it will be :) 14:41:10 <randomuser> i see 14:41:11 <bexelbie> right now, no real source lives there 14:41:13 <bexelbie> soon it will 14:41:35 <randomuser> like, in an output branch? 14:41:36 <bexelbie> basically it will clean the build up and get us more functionality at the expense of a bit of disk 14:41:41 <bexelbie> input branch 14:41:45 <bexelbie> branches 14:41:48 * randomuser nods - disk is cheap 14:41:54 <bexelbie> output will still live in the output repo 14:41:58 <bexelbie> fedora-docs-web, iirc 14:42:01 <randomuser> ah 14:42:22 <randomuser> and intermediary builds would go in docs-fp-o 14:42:53 <bexelbie> not really 14:43:04 <bexelbie> stage builds would be hosted on the artifacts server in the CI 14:43:13 <bexelbie> at least that is my understanding 14:43:19 <bexelbie> there is no need to commit those anywhere, imho 14:43:25 <bexelbie> barring objections 14:43:56 <randomuser> ok, rereading, I think I follow you 14:44:18 <bexelbie> I'll try to write something sane to the ML 14:44:25 <bexelbie> however, I am traveling most of this week and next week 14:44:29 <randomuser> do the rest of us have any direct visibility on the CI jobs? 14:44:34 <bexelbie> so I may write an "I did this, and now we can debatee it and I will fix it" 14:44:47 <bexelbie> I haven't been told how to get the jobs to feedback to PRs - but that should happen 14:44:58 <randomuser> ok, cool 14:45:00 <bexelbie> as for rebuilds - I am wondering about that too - I think we may have to do status messages or fedmsg watches 14:45:21 <bexelbie> I don't think you can see the build details on the CI without a login ... I'll need to find out 14:45:43 <randomuser> listening on fedmsg would be the most efficient, if the system has a queueing concept of some sort 14:45:51 <bexelbie> exactly 14:46:10 <bexelbie> I was thinking we might want something (email? irc pings?) when a new site is staged so humans know aobu it 14:46:12 <bexelbie> about it 14:46:40 <bexelbie> but in an idea world, a valid publication branch commit leads to an updated site with no human intervention (5 min stage refresh, 60 min prod refresh - by cron - not demand :( ) 14:46:42 <randomuser> if CI can build PRs, i'd like to get signal about that from a comment on the PR 14:46:48 <bexelbie> def 14:47:05 * bexelbie would also like to eventually hook in rebuild of the release-notes rpm .. but that is def version 3.0 stuff 14:47:18 <randomuser> cron seems fine IMO for the time being 14:47:35 <bexelbie> that is an infra decisoin 14:47:41 <bexelbie> they are considering other optoins but aren't there yet 14:48:02 <randomuser> infra decides what triggers our builds? 14:48:14 <bexelbie> no 14:48:28 <bexelbie> they do the publishing to stage and prod for docs.fp.o 14:48:28 <randomuser> i know infra's cron job to pull build output.. 14:48:34 <bexelbie> build triggers will be by fedmsg based on the repos 14:48:39 <randomuser> ah, i see 14:48:43 <bexelbie> and staging of prs is not an infra related issue if we use the artifacts server 14:49:52 <randomuser> very encouraged by your efforts, bexelbie, thanks for making time to keep us updated 14:49:54 <bexelbie> that is the end result of my brain dump so far 14:50:03 * bexelbie can also update on the RPM if we add that topic 14:50:11 <bexelbie> thank you all for your support :) 14:50:20 <randomuser> sure, but let's move through quickly so porfiriopaiz has time 14:50:26 <randomuser> #topic release notes RPM update 14:50:37 <randomuser> i have a feeling I should spend time on this one 14:51:14 <bexelbie> short version is this 14:51:20 <bexelbie> I worked with ignatenkobrain and we have an rpm 14:51:24 <bexelbie> it published from the release-notes repo 14:51:26 <bexelbie> it works 14:51:28 <bexelbie> we can remake 14:51:30 <bexelbie> it 14:51:38 <bexelbie> it has one bug and needs to be rebuilt with new content 14:51:55 <bexelbie> the bug: it needs to include bootstrap locally so a truly offline machine can see hte docs in a way that looks nice 14:52:05 <bexelbie> the rebuild: I will work on it this week - and document :) 14:52:23 <randomuser> I'll make an effort to be around on IRC more to help 14:52:24 <bexelbie> we have a package in the build, so I am not worried at this point 14:52:26 <bexelbie> eom 14:52:31 <bexelbie> +1 to help 14:52:33 <randomuser> ty, bexelbie 14:52:36 <randomuser> ignatenkobrain++ 14:52:37 <zodbot> randomuser: Karma for ignatenkobrain changed to 21 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:52:46 <randomuser> #topic open floor 14:52:53 <porfiriopaiz> ! 14:52:56 <randomuser> porfiriopaiz, still around? 14:53:00 <porfiriopaiz> yeap! 14:53:04 <randomuser> welcome@ 14:53:17 <porfiriopaiz> Hi everyone! 14:53:24 <bexelbie> Hi porfiriopaiz 14:53:33 <porfiriopaiz> Well I just wanted to introduce myself to the team. 14:53:59 <porfiriopaiz> Here is the mail I sent to the mailing list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/docs@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5EU3JHFRN7UAG5SHL273PONUDXTAHK6C/ 14:54:24 <porfiriopaiz> I have some doubts about the workflow, what are you all working on and how I can help. 14:54:46 <randomuser> constructive feedback is always welcome :) 14:55:16 <porfiriopaiz> I already forked a project under pagure and tried to make some edits. 14:55:25 <bexelbie> which project porfiriopaiz ? 14:55:26 <randomuser> porfiriopaiz, I agree with you about Atomic, I've been spending a bunch of my lab time lately trying to learn how to best use it 14:55:34 <porfiriopaiz> bexelbie: give me a sec... 14:55:53 <porfiriopaiz> bexelbie: this one: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/asciidocs-sysadmin 14:56:04 <bexelbie> that is actually not active 14:56:14 <bexelbie> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/ 14:56:17 <bexelbie> has the active ones 14:56:25 <bexelbie> we need to update those repos as inactive :( 14:56:45 <bexelbie> you want this one, I think: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide 14:56:47 <randomuser> there's been lots of repo creation, I've honestly lost track 14:56:53 <porfiriopaiz> hahah, also I wanted to know what are the actives ones because I got a litle confused with this two https://pagure.io/projects/fedora-docs/* and https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/ 14:57:10 <bexelbie> the one with the * lists all repos we have 14:57:16 <bexelbie> the other is a curated list of what we actually have active 14:57:33 <porfiriopaiz> The thing is that I found some formatting errors, tried to fix them but did not work, the errors are still. 14:57:53 <porfiriopaiz> This is the page from the docs I found the errors: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/f26/system-administrators-guide/basic-system-configuration/System_Locale_and_Keyboard_Configuration.html 14:58:37 <porfiriopaiz> bexelbie: for clarification, what is the repo active, I got lose, my bad. 14:58:42 <bexelbie> that would be on the f26 branch of the repo I mentioned 14:58:44 <randomuser> bexelbie, I can see how the two URLs con be confusing; https://pagure.io/projects/fedora-docs/* is the target when clicking "Fedora Docs" in context 14:58:46 * bexelbie gets url again 14:59:00 <randomuser> ...i think we broke pagure 14:59:03 * bexelbie is not getting responses from pagure 14:59:06 <bexelbie> ok, not just me :) 14:59:23 <bexelbie> there is a stagnated proposal to move all of the non-active repos into a new name space 14:59:33 <porfiriopaiz> phew, It is back :) 14:59:48 <bexelbie> it is blocked by three things, afaik: 1) agreement from all of us :) ; 2) a script to do the renames - pending but known tech ; 3) a name space decision 15:00:07 <randomuser> let's take that to the list, please 15:00:25 <randomuser> or revive it there, more likely 15:00:33 <bexelbie> porfiriopaiz, this is hte url for hte page you want to fix: https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/system-administrators-guide/blob/f26/f/en-US/basic-system-configuration/System_Locale_and_Keyboard_Configuration.adoc 15:00:39 <randomuser> gotta get moving before adamw beats me up 15:00:43 <bexelbie> it probably also needs to be done for f27 branch and master branch 15:00:57 * bexelbie will be in #docs during my next call 15:01:04 <randomuser> let's hop over to #fedora-docs to continue the conversation 15:01:13 <randomuser> thanks for coming, everyone 15:01:16 <randomuser> #endmeeting