13:38:52 <nb> #startmeeting Fedora Docs FAD Day 3 13:38:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Sun Mar 23 13:38:52 2014 UTC. The chair is nb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:38:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:38:54 <nb> #meetingname Fedora Docs FAD Day 3 13:38:54 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs_fad_day_3' 13:39:12 <nb> #chair lnovich jsmith jjmcd Sparks randomuser jhradilek jreznik_ 13:39:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks jhradilek jjmcd jreznik_ jsmith lnovich nb randomuser 13:55:16 <randomuser> jhradilek, just ran :BundleUpdate and saw you have new docbook snippets - anything cool? 13:58:58 <jhradilek> randomuser: Try this one: sect 13:59:45 <jhradilek> randomuser: These are new: https://github.com/jhradilek/vim-snippets/blob/master/UltiSnips/docbk.markdown#supplemental-snippets-for-docbook-xml-elements 14:00:27 <randomuser> nice 14:00:59 <jhradilek> randomuser: It took me a riddiculous amount of time to figure out the regular expressions for that. 14:05:09 <nb> #link http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/transifex-client/0.9/7.fc20/noarch/transifex-client-0.9-7.fc20.noarch.rpm 14:18:58 <jsmith> nb: Patch for transifex-client: https://github.com/transifex/transifex-client/commit/f7ca520733cf761a8acb83dc7f1b195c94bcdf21.diff 14:19:14 <jsmith> nb: That patch worked for me, and allowed us to create the resources for the fedora-cookbook 14:29:39 <nb> randomuser, yours will be 14:29:44 <nb> your key should be put in root by nova 14:31:35 <jsmith> Sparks: PO file 'fr-FR/Appendix.po' not found! Using base XML! 14:31:48 <jsmith> Sparks: Looks like fr-FR is missing several .po files 14:34:23 <jjmcd> gitk 14:34:40 <nb> #link http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/scratch/nb/task_6665016/transifex-client-0.10-2.fc20.noarch.rpm 14:34:53 <nb> should be including the patch to fix resource creation 14:35:13 <nb> can people test it? 14:48:12 <nb> #info jsmith is moving to the Fedora conference room to have less distractions 14:48:22 <nb> #info he will be calling in to the bluejeans conference from there 14:48:53 <randomuser> #info randomuser assumed that was a joke until he actually left! 14:49:09 <nb> lol 14:52:13 <Sparks> jsmith: Hmmm 14:53:33 <nb> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/transifex-client-0.10-2.fc20 14:53:39 <nb> that fixes resource creation 14:54:05 * Sparks tests 14:54:25 <nb> http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/transifex-client/0.10/2.fc20/noarch/transifex-client-0.10-2.fc20.noarch.rpm is a link to the actual rpm 14:55:28 * jsmith gave the package karma 14:57:59 <zoglesby> you ran jsmith off? 14:58:14 <jsmith> zoglesby: I'm in the room next door, trying to work on the Publican server 14:58:26 <jsmith> zoglesby: If I stay in the room with Sparks, I'll end up doing all his work and none of mine 14:58:44 <zoglesby> jsmith: I understand 15:08:52 <Sparks> jsmith: Wow, all of *my* work? 15:12:20 <randomuser> zoglesby, are you subscribed to server@ ? 15:12:40 <randomuser> there's a thread about "what should we discuss during the Wed 1500UTC meeting" 15:17:39 <zoglesby> randomuser: yes i am 15:17:50 <jhradilek> randomuser, nb, Sparks: This is infuriating... 15:18:04 <nb> the publican web? 15:18:05 <nb> yes it is 15:18:21 <jhradilek> randomuser, nb, Sparks: Here's an idea, can anybody with right permissions look into Jeff's home directory and see how he did it? 15:18:24 <jhradilek> http://jfearn.fedorapeople.org/en-US/index.html#Publican 15:19:36 <nb> what are we wanting to look for? 15:19:49 <nb> i don't think he could have done it on there, since fedorapeople doesn't have publican on it 15:19:50 <randomuser> nb, tree | fpaste 15:19:50 <Sparks> Anyone know an admin for the Engineering Docs site (engineering.redhat.com)? 15:20:02 <nb> he would have had to rsync or scp the content there 15:20:17 <Sparks> jhradilek: ^^^ I know that's running the SRPM Publican 4 stuff. 15:20:42 <Sparks> jhradilek: https://engineering.redhat.com/docs/en-US/index.html#Application_Guide-80-Developer 15:22:34 <nb> jhradilek, but anyone can ssh fedorapeople.org 15:22:40 <nb> cd ~jfearn/public_html 15:22:46 <nb> and poke around if you want to see the structure 15:25:04 <randomuser> jhradilek, his js is very different 15:25:31 <jhradilek> Too much JavaScript for my taste. 15:25:36 <randomuser> ie in ?*/index.html 15:25:48 <randomuser> it just does lang redirect afaik 15:41:03 <lnovich> sgordon are you around? 15:41:34 <lnovich> sgordon_ are you here? 15:52:36 <jhradilek> So, according to the source code and random discussions on the mailing list, publican update_site doesn't seem to be doing its job very well. 15:53:04 <jhradilek> When it finds at least one installed book, it is supposed to compose a file named products_menu.html in the main directory of the website. 15:53:27 <jhradilek> It doesn't, and as a consequence, the page looks completely broken, because it cannot load this file. 15:53:31 <Sparks> jsmith: http://sparks.fedorapeople.org/Publican_and_DocBookXML-6.ogv 15:59:11 <jjmcd> Sparks do you have ax25-apps installed? 15:59:24 <Sparks> jjmcd: I'm sure I do somewhere. 15:59:38 <Sparks> jjmcd: Oh, I added the CQRLOG section to the ARG last night. 15:59:50 <jjmcd> how are you with ax25ipd? 16:00:07 <jjmcd> I just did ax25-tools, looking at ax25-apps 16:00:27 <jjmcd> but I was wondering whether ipd would allow you to essentially use my radio 16:00:58 <jjmcd> I appreciate your IRC note on that, I did do a pull before I went to work on ax25 16:02:16 <Sparks> IDK 16:02:30 <jsmith> jjmcd: Mind taking the ham conversation offline, as we're in the middle of the docs meeting? Wouldn't want to confuse people trying to follow the logs... 16:05:13 <jjmcd> jsmith, referring to ARG 16:05:13 <jsmith> Sparks, nb: I just heard back from diegobz -- they'll have the patch in the next release of the transifex client, which should be coming shortly 16:05:13 <jsmith> jjmcd: Ah, gotcha :-) 16:10:25 * jjmcd is heading upstairs for lunch, BBIAB 16:30:58 <nb> jsmith, oh ok great 16:43:14 <Sparks> jsmith: A patch for... ? What we just patched? 16:43:19 <Sparks> we == nb 16:43:21 <Sparks> ? 16:43:55 <jsmith> Sparks: That fix is already in their "master" branch -- they're just waiting for a couple of other things before they make a new release of the transifex client 16:44:06 <jsmith> Sparks: Is that more clear? 16:44:22 <Sparks> jsmith: Yes, thanks 16:51:40 <randomuser> jhradilek, ssh fedorapeople.org; cd /srv/groups/docs/hooks/ 16:52:43 <randomuser> i'm sure theres a git repo somewhere too 16:53:21 <randomuser> https://github.com/fedora-infra or something 16:53:27 <jjmcd> back 16:58:18 <sgordon_> lnovich, sorry yeah 16:59:22 <jhradilek> sgordon_: Good day. Do you happen to know how to set up a publican-managed website using the RPM method? 16:59:50 <sgordon_> umm sort of 16:59:54 <sgordon_> it's been a while 16:59:57 <jhradilek> sgordon_: It worked for me with Publican 3, but for some reason, we cannot get it working with Publican 4 and the documentation is not up-to-date. 17:00:08 <sgordon_> ok i cant really help then 17:00:17 <sgordon_> i moved teams not long after p4 came out 17:00:24 <sgordon_> so i havent had as much fun experimenting with it :) 17:00:43 <lnovich> ok who on your side of the pond can help 17:00:54 <lnovich> we need someone immediately 17:01:03 <lnovich> as in now 17:02:46 <sgordon_> mmm 17:02:53 <sgordon_> Sparks is already here :p 17:03:00 <jhradilek> :D 17:03:10 <lnovich> if you want to see him - we're on blue jeans at the FAD 17:03:33 <jhradilek> ...trying to figure this out and failing miserably. 17:03:35 <lnovich> you can join the party - more like a pitty party - but a party none the less 17:04:08 <sgordon_> ah the FAD 17:04:21 <sgordon_> or "what the FAD!?" 17:04:22 <sgordon_> ;) 17:08:56 <jsmith> nb: I'll take an 8" J.J.B.L.T., with pickles and mustard, please :-) 17:09:25 <randomuser> jsmith, TWSS 17:21:36 * Sparks waves as sgordon_ 17:22:08 <Sparks> sgordon_: Would you like to join us on BJ? 17:33:25 <nb> #info Jimmy John's website is very slow 17:33:41 <sgordon_> lol 17:39:11 <randomuser> lnovich, apps.fedoraproject.org/packages 17:50:59 <jhradilek> Capesteve: Good day, sir. 17:51:24 <randomuser> GDTY Capesteve ! 18:05:21 <jhradilek> Did we scare him? :) 18:06:24 <jsmith> jhradilek: Scare who? Me? 18:06:57 <jsmith> jhradilek: I'm giving up on getting Publican working for web publishing -- it's a giant steaming pile of rotten bits 18:07:57 <jhradilek> jsmith: I gave up too, so I am now woking on the System Administrator's Guide for Fedora 20. 18:12:28 <lnovich> This is the mail system at host bastion01.phx2.fedoraproject.org. 18:12:28 <lnovich> I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not 18:12:28 <lnovich> be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. 18:12:28 <lnovich> For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster. 18:12:28 <lnovich> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can 18:12:29 <lnovich> delete your own text from the attached returned message. 18:12:29 <lnovich> The mail system 18:12:30 <lnovich> <docs-commits@lists.fedorahosted.org>: host 18:12:30 <lnovich> hosted-lists01.fedoraproject.org[] said: 550 5.1.1 18:12:31 <lnovich> <docs-commits@lists.fedorahosted.org>: Recipient address rejected: User 18:12:31 <lnovich> unknown in local recipient table (in reply to RCPT TO command) 18:15:13 <randomuser> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ 18:15:28 <jsmith> randomuser: You've got a couple of mismatched tags in community.xml -- I'll fix those up quickly and commit 18:15:37 <randomuser> thanks jsmith 18:15:43 <randomuser> also, facepallm 18:16:22 <pkovar> will open the ticket 18:17:16 <randomuser> thanks 18:17:26 <randomuser> the git config part looks the same as the others 18:18:44 <jsmith> randomuser: And done :-) 18:30:35 <pkovar> randomuser: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/4270 18:31:34 <pkovar> wasn't sure about the component, set it to Mailing Lists 18:31:47 <pkovar> feel free to adjust :-) 18:32:22 <nb_> jjmcd: zoglesby do either of you want us to send you a pizza? Assuming some company delivers where you are located 18:32:39 <nb_> You've been participating a lot but haven't been able to partake of our meals 18:35:21 <jjmcd> Thanks for the thought, Nick. I just had a hot corned beef sandwich with hot German mustard, so I'm good! 18:36:03 <jjmcd> nb, ask Eric if he remembers how to start ax25 on a soundmodem. I've done it but I forgot 18:42:56 <nb_> jjmcd: He is talking to a friend 18:43:14 <nb_> I will ask him when he returns to the room 18:48:21 <jjmcd> nb, looks like I see the problem -- rpm provides a soundmodem.service that doesn't work 18:59:19 <randomuser> jsmith is writing a hands on tutorial for the documentation guie 18:59:36 <randomuser> we have created docs-beginners.git for them to follow along iwith 19:08:53 <zoglesby> randomuser: You are going to create a list of action items to send to the list? 19:09:22 <zoglesby> randomuser: I know they are in meetingbot, but it would be helpful to have all 3 days together 19:09:41 <randomuser> zoglesby, yeah, good idea. I will do that. 19:13:01 <lnovich> #start meeting 19:13:12 <pbokoc> join #fedora-classroom 19:13:16 <jsmith> In #fedora-classroom, please :-) 19:13:17 <pbokoc> blargh 19:15:23 <pbokoc> /join #fedora-classroom 19:15:25 <jsmith> Just type "/join #fedora-password" 19:15:33 <jsmith> s/password/classroom/ 19:15:40 * jsmith fires his typist (again) 19:18:37 <pbokoc> it's the aliens again 19:33:29 <randomuser> #action lnovich to research SEO further 19:33:57 <randomuser> #info all guides should have their book_info.xml updated with metadata 19:34:09 <randomuser> #info abstract, keyword tags 19:34:45 <randomuser> #action lnovich to write up something with SEO guidelines for everyone 19:35:19 <lnovich> #action randomuser to add SEO to the next fedora-docs meeting agenda 19:37:43 <randomuser> #ACK 19:49:02 <jsmith> #info Notes from our SEO classroom session are at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-classroom/2014-03-23/fedora-classroom.2014-03-23-19.12.html 19:55:28 <Sparks> #info Sparks and jsmith are packing up and heading home 20:02:18 * jjmcd has to bail in about a half-hour as well 20:07:48 <zoglesby> I am going to run to the store. I will be back in a bit. 20:17:55 <randomuser> zoglesby, jjmcd - can we order you pizza? 20:18:01 <randomuser> or whatever, y'know 20:25:33 <jjmcd> randomuser, thanks but ma has a roasted beast in the oven 20:26:03 <randomuser> jjmcd, mmm... beast is my favorite! what time should we come over? 20:30:24 <jjmcd> There's always plenty. We eat at 6. Might have to speed a bit to get here 20:30:34 <randomuser> :) 20:33:27 <randomuser> I suppose I could endmeeting 20:33:46 <nb> yeah 20:33:56 <randomuser> nb are the only ones left here, nothing of importance going on 20:34:02 <randomuser> #endmeeting