18:00:18 <randomuser> #startmeeting 18:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 14 18:00:18 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:20 <pbokoc> well played 18:00:27 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs Office Hours 18:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs_office_hours' 18:00:51 <randomuser> seriously, I pulled some boxes out of storage that are apparently packed full of stank 18:02:47 <pbokoc> in a few years you'll love it. You'll be driving home after a day of hard work and you'll smell it from half a mile away - and you'll be all "Mmm. Smells like home." 18:04:21 <randomuser> oh, nice, we have new badges 18:04:44 <randomuser> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/commis-cookbook-i 18:06:07 <randomuser> there is a series - docs-writers can manually assign these after helping someone with a recipe 18:06:42 <randomuser> we should probably keep track of how many badges have been assigned to a person, somehow 18:07:32 <pbokoc> doesn't that appear in the person's profile? 18:07:47 <randomuser> pbokoc, no, it doesn't 18:08:25 <randomuser> like, if someone has contributed four articles, we'd have to know that so the next one would get the 5 article badge 18:08:33 <pbokoc> right 18:08:49 <randomuser> but there *is* a pseudo-metadata block at the top of the template 18:09:22 <randomuser> so in theory we could `grep -R fas_id en-US/|uniq -c` 18:09:38 <randomuser> as seen in https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/fedora-cookbook.git/tree/en-US/Creating_GPG_Keys.xml 18:10:15 * jsmith is back :-) 18:10:42 <jsmith> randomuser: Mind making me a chair? 18:10:49 <randomuser> certainly 18:10:53 <randomuser> #chair jsmith 18:10:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith randomuser 18:10:58 <randomuser> #chair pbokoc 18:10:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith pbokoc randomuser 18:12:34 <randomuser> hmm.. make that `git grep` 18:14:19 <pbokoc> well, as long as we make sure to maintain the comment on each recipe 18:14:40 <randomuser> yes, i think it's important that we do that 18:14:55 <randomuser> we can also use that to generate a contributors list later on 18:15:28 <pbokoc> well, are we expecting people not familiar with Git to contribute to the Cookbook? 18:16:14 <randomuser> pbokoc, yes, that's why the badge is set up to be manually awarded 18:16:51 <randomuser> we want people to submit articles in various formats and stages of completion and get help with the rest of the process 18:16:58 <pbokoc> yeah, I know, but it's not just that. If we required everyone to just send patches, that would take care of the contributor list, but it still wouldn't work with the badges 18:17:23 <pbokoc> because git shortlog -sn tells you someone has x commits, but it doesn't distinguish if it's 5 commits to a single recipe, or 5 separate recipes 18:17:34 <randomuser> right 18:17:46 <randomuser> we have a different badge for commits, anyway :) 18:17:58 <pbokoc> yeah, I'm just nitpicking 18:18:41 <randomuser> I did ask about author vs committer in the git log, for patches, but fedmsg doesn't do that right now 18:18:55 <randomuser> and it sounded non-trivial to implement 18:19:11 <pbokoc> also on an unrelated note, in which beat would you put RPM update? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RPM-4.12 18:19:26 <randomuser> uhmm 18:20:15 <pbokoc> yeah, my words exactly 18:20:22 <randomuser> that's fairly low level, maybe wedge it in with the systemd stuff? 18:20:39 <pbokoc> I think I'll just lump it in the "Development" pile 18:20:44 <randomuser> or the kernel stuff, or something similarly distant from the user? 18:21:17 <randomuser> pbokoc, iirc it has soft requires or suggests or similar - if you mention that make sure you also mention our packages don't do that 18:21:49 <pbokoc> systemd... there's the Boot beat, that doesn't really fit, and then there's the System Daemons beat, and that's not much better 18:21:53 <pbokoc> roger 18:23:48 <pbokoc> in earlier RNs there was some content related to RPM in Server Configuration Tools... 18:24:05 * randomuser notes that Croberts has a fresh badge coming if he ever finishes his cookbook submission 18:24:22 <pbokoc> like "dnf greets Fedora" or "yum-presto merged into yum" 18:24:32 <randomuser> pbokoc, i think we went through the same 'meh, i'll just throw it in $here' process in the past 18:24:37 <randomuser> do as thou wilt 18:24:47 <pbokoc> ok then 19:31:08 <jhradilek> Uff. Finally home. 19:37:26 <jsmith> jhradilek: It's about time... 19:37:30 * jsmith ducks and hides 19:38:30 <jhradilek> :)) 19:39:17 <jhradilek> randomuser: Is now a good time to talk about crazy ideas on how to make it easier for new contributors to access our documentation? 19:49:24 <randomuser> jhradilek, absolutely 19:50:03 * randomuser grabs jsmith' sandwich while he is 'missing' 19:50:30 <jsmith> randomuser: That's fine... I didn't know you like peanut butter and cucumber sandwiches :-p 19:51:24 <randomuser> jsmith, i haven't tried that, actually - but peanut butter and pickle, peanut butter and banana, peanut butter and bacon, or any combination of those - yes 19:51:28 <jhradilek> randomuser: I already mentioned it to jsmith in Prague and yesterday, I had a chance to talk about it with Matthew Miller. I mentioned that one of the problems we have with our cookbook and other documentation is that in order for it to be available, we need to publish it, which is... slow and very difficult at the moment. 19:51:58 <jsmith> Yup... 19:51:59 <randomuser> yeah - when the new system gets off the ground that part should be faster 19:52:15 <randomuser> ...not wiki fast, but better for *us* doing it now 19:52:26 <randomuser> anyway, go on 19:52:43 * jsmith has to run pick up his son 19:53:00 <jhradilek> randomuser: I am not sure if you are familiar with Jenkins, but basically, it could be an answer to this. We do have it configured in our office and we even have a pretty front end that shows you a list of books along with a link to their repos, links to HTML and PDF builds, a build log, and a button to rebuild the book immediately. 19:53:10 <pbokoc> peanut butter cucumber sandwich... http://i.imgur.com/1SxptUZ.gif 19:54:17 <randomuser> jhradilek, interesting... and that triggers builds on commit? 19:54:17 <jhradilek> randomuser: This would give us two things: access to the latest development version of our documentation automatically built from the source code whenever somebody pushes a commit, and a nice little overview of our currently developed books with links to their repos. 19:54:51 <jhradilek> randomuser: Yeah, Jenkins watches repositories and whenever it detects new changes, it creates a new build. 19:55:12 <randomuser> i *think* other fedora things are using it 19:55:27 <jhradilek> randomuser: I have an engineer on my team who could help set it up for documentation and fine tune the user interface for our needs. 19:55:42 <jhradilek> randomuser: Yeah, Matthew mentioned that Fedora does have a Jenkins instance and that we should use it. 19:55:51 <pbokoc> yeah, it either builds automatically, or you can schedule a build manually at any time if you don't want to wait for the autodetection to kick in 19:55:59 <jhradilek> randomuser: My question is if this is something you would like as our leader. :)) 19:56:05 <randomuser> ha! 19:56:10 <randomuser> hell yeah, how can I help 19:56:15 <pbokoc> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Jenkins@infra 19:57:26 <jhradilek> randomuser: We need to compose a list of books we want to have there. I will ask Pavel, the engineer I mentioned, to provide instructions on how to set up Jenkins for them. 19:57:44 <jhradilek> randomuser: And then we need a server where we could run the front end. 19:57:56 * randomuser nods 19:58:15 <randomuser> the build part seems like it would be very straightforward, the output side less so 19:58:19 <jhradilek> It's not resource hungry and have minimal dependencies. 19:59:04 <randomuser> getting a vm instance shouldn't be a problem 19:59:18 <randomuser> we might even have one for docs we aren't using 19:59:51 <jhradilek> randomuser: If you find one, would it be possible to give me a temporary access to it, so that I could start setting things up? 20:02:13 <randomuser> jhradilek, I don't want to commit to more than I can take on right now, and I'm kinda already there - maybe we should take this to #fedora-infra and point the you at someone else? 20:02:25 <randomuser> or if we can catch nb, he can help 20:02:43 <randomuser> err.. #fedora-admin is what I meant 20:02:47 <jhradilek> randomuser: I understand! I'll talk to nb. :) 20:03:24 <randomuser> in a week or two, I'll be completely moved and have a lot more time. from 1+hr commute to 5min commute 20:04:07 <randomuser> jhradilek, so what happens if the build fails? 20:04:30 <randomuser> should we start doing silly things like a pre-push xmllint hook, too? 20:05:17 <jhradilek> It turns red, provides a link to the build log, and offers you the last successful build. 20:05:29 <randomuser> cool 20:06:20 <jhradilek> Well, once we have our books in Jenkins, we could start using test automation. I am working on an open-source project for that. :) 20:06:26 <randomuser> i regret it every time, but sometimes I break master :P 20:07:04 <jhradilek> Heh. You know what helps? :) 20:07:21 <jhradilek> Whenever somebody breaks my book, they owe me a beer. :) 20:07:36 <randomuser> nice 20:10:24 <randomuser> jhradilek, I'll go with that. Whenever I break the build on my own book, I'll treat myself to a beer before continuing 20:10:34 <randomuser> this is sure to improve the quality of my work 20:10:48 <pbokoc> that's what I do 20:11:06 <jhradilek> pbokoc: You know I shouldn't know that, right? :) 20:11:07 <pbokoc> I can't say it makes me break things less though 20:11:10 <pbokoc> but it's delicious 20:11:19 <pbokoc> jhradilek, you always knew :-D 22:08:09 <randomuser> well, this has been fun 22:08:13 <randomuser> #endmeeting