18:00:09 <phsmoura> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
18:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 30 18:00:09 2022 UTC.
18:00:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:00:09 <zodbot> The chair is phsmoura. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
18:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:09 <phsmoura> #chair nirik mobrien aheath1992 smooge
18:00:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: aheath1992 mobrien nirik phsmoura smooge
18:00:15 <phsmoura> #meetingname fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting
18:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
18:00:17 <smooge> hello
18:00:20 <phsmoura> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
18:00:22 <aheath1992> hello
18:00:25 <phsmoura> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
18:00:31 <phsmoura> #info reminder: speak up if you want to work on a ticket!
18:00:35 <phsmoura> #topic Tickets needing review
18:00:41 <phsmoura> hi everyone
18:00:55 <nirik> morning
18:01:15 <phsmoura> starting with infra tickets
18:01:17 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1
18:01:37 <phsmoura> there arent any new tickets today :)
18:01:44 <aheath1992> woot
18:02:00 <phsmoura> we have one in releng
18:02:00 <nirik> hurray
18:02:03 <phsmoura> #info https://pagure.io/releng/issues?status=Open
18:02:14 <phsmoura> .releng 10867
18:02:15 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10867: Unorphan libesmtp in EPEL - releng - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/releng/issue/10867
18:02:31 <phsmoura> low,low,ops
18:02:44 <phsmoura> but theres is a comment there
18:02:49 * phsmoura reading
18:03:18 <nirik> so...
18:03:43 <nirik> there's a process for this.
18:03:46 <nirik> they should follow
18:04:05 <nirik> https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/epel/epel-package-request/
18:04:33 <nirik> so, IMHO, add that link and close it insufficent info or whatever.
18:05:13 <phsmoura> I didnt know that
18:05:16 <phsmoura> cool
18:05:26 <phsmoura> I can post post the comment and close
18:06:09 <phsmoura> lets move to next topic
18:06:15 <phsmoura> #topic Planning / Upcoming work / Discussion
18:06:33 <phsmoura> any future work? anything to share?
18:07:00 <nirik> #info monday is a holiday in the us.
18:07:15 <nirik> #info lots of folks on vacations so be extra patient
18:07:57 <nirik> I'm planning on moving forward on builder reinstalls... but I have a a number of day to day things to finish, so might not start until next week.
18:08:18 <aheath1992> Not much from me, arms deep in infosec paperwork and writing some custom ansible modules
18:11:15 <nirik> I don't have much else.
18:11:30 <phsmoura> Have some questions. Finally focusing in the pluto issue in neurofedora planet they did a docker file already, so Im trying to figure it out how to put that in other planets. So should a container be created for that because we will have that in openshift right? Can I add more tasks in planet role to add ssl to fedora planet?
18:12:16 <nirik> we deploy containers in openshift via ansible. Look in roles/openshift-apps/ and playbooks/openshift-apps/
18:12:38 <nirik> adding ssl is easy, but many/most of our maintainers blogs are not ssl so it wouldn't matter any
18:13:25 <phsmoura> so I dont change anything that affects people02?
18:14:13 <phsmoura> should focus on roles/openshift-apps/ ?
18:14:14 <nirik> no, we want to move it off there... ;)
18:14:41 <nirik> yeah... let me see if I can think of a more simple one
18:15:38 <nirik> asknot is pretty simple. It's the website for https://whatcanidoforfedora.org
18:17:57 <nirik> hopefully soon we will have a openshift setup where you can play around with it... thats likely much easier than dealing with all our ansible scripts to deploy to it.
18:20:19 <phsmoura> sorry nirik, I didnt understand
18:20:40 <nirik> which part? or all of it?
18:21:04 <phsmoura> the asknot part
18:21:04 <nirik> basically we want to move planet off fedorapeople to a openshift container (I guess with pluto in it).
18:21:24 <phsmoura> yeah
18:21:38 <nirik> ah, ok. asknot is an openshift application thats pretty simple. It just builds a container and runs a web server with some content.
18:21:52 <nirik> it's https://whatcanidoforfedora.org site.
18:22:19 <nirik> so, if you look at roles/asknot and playbooks/openshift-apps/asknot.yml you can see how it's setup in openshift.
18:22:56 <nirik> Basically there's a few files and templates... and then the playbook copies those to a control host and creates them in openshift and openshift builds the image and all that.
18:23:01 <phsmoura> cool, then aply to fedora planet with pluto
18:23:17 <phsmoura> is that it? I think I got it
18:23:30 <nirik> yeah... of course it's gonna be different, but similar...
18:23:40 <phsmoura> ok, thanks
18:23:55 <nirik> I'd say the first step might be to make sure you can run pluto locally...
18:23:59 <nirik> before containering.
18:24:46 <phsmoura> yep
18:24:54 <nirik> anyhow, happy to talk more on it sometime.
18:25:24 <phsmoura> nirik: and can we talk today about 10789?
18:25:30 <phsmoura> .ticket 10789
18:25:32 <zodbot> phsmoura: Issue #10789: monitor-gating app fails kinit - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/10789
18:26:04 <nirik> yep. You wanted to meet up in about 30?
18:26:12 <phsmoura> yep
18:26:19 <phsmoura> cool, thanks
18:26:49 <nirik> ping me in noc... I'm gonna go find some lunch.
18:27:07 <phsmoura> ok
18:28:09 <phsmoura> does anyone want to share anything very quickly?
18:29:49 <phsmoura> Ok, if anything posps up just ping on fedora-noc or fedora-infra
18:30:01 <phsmoura> thank you all for your time :)
18:30:12 <phsmoura> #endmeeting