#fedora-meeting-2: Fedora Infrastructure Sustaining Standup Meeting

Meeting started by mkonecny at 14:00:33 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops (mkonecny, 14:00:33)
    2. agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily (mkonecny, 14:00:33)

  1. Members reports (mkonecny, 14:03:31)
    1. we will go one by one saying our full report (mkonecny, 14:03:32)
    2. Done - What you did from last standup? (mkonecny, 14:03:32)
    3. In progress - What you are working on? (mkonecny, 14:03:32)
    4. Need review - Do you have anything that needs to be reviewed? (mkonecny, 14:03:32)
    5. Blockers - Are you blocked by anything? (mkonecny, 14:03:33)
    6. Next - Nominate next one who will report - look at the Current chairs printed by zodbot (mkonecny, 14:03:34)

  2. Open floor (mkonecny, 14:12:04)
    1. You can ask anything you want, or bring a topic to discuss (mkonecny, 14:12:04)

  3. Ending meeting (mkonecny, 14:25:20)
    1. Thank you all for coming. See you next on next meeting. (mkonecny, 14:25:20)

Meeting ended at 14:25:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. mkonecny (41)
  2. zodbot (11)
  3. lrossett (8)
  4. siddharthvipul (8)
  5. jrichardson (4)
  6. mboddu (3)
  7. nils (3)
  8. asaleh (0)
  9. cverna (0)
  10. jednorozec (0)
  11. pingou (0)
  12. mobrien (0)

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