#fedora-mktg: Fedora Insight

Meeting started by stickster at 18:00:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call (stickster, 18:01:13)
    1. present stickster ke4qqq GeroldKa pcalarco kushal rbergeron (stickster, 18:03:17)

  2. Intro (very short!) (stickster, 18:04:14)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda:_2010-04-01 (pcalarco, 18:05:18)

  3. Logistics (stickster, 18:05:54)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/109 -- need to test FASauth (stickster, 18:06:21)
    2. ACTION: stickster ke4qqq itbegins Locate all pieces of changeable configuration and back them up (stickster, 18:12:33)
    3. ACTION: itbegins Help us figure out if there is any configuration that is not yet upstream in fasauth module that needs to be (stickster, 18:15:17)
    4. itbegins will be around today ~2000 UTC at last report (stickster, 18:15:27)
    5. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2006 <-- Create forms in Zikula on staging for FI content workflow (stickster, 18:17:03)
    6. We can deal with this after FASauth and any other leftover bits are in place. Not a technical challenge. (stickster, 18:19:22)

  4. Meeting OVERTIME WARNING (stickster, 18:19:33)
    1. The F13 Beta readiness meeting is postponed until next week 2010-04-08 UTC 1900, so hopefully less conflict (stickster, 18:20:50)
    2. AGREED: meeting will run until 1930 UTC if needed. (stickster, 18:22:03)

  5. Theming and Design (stickster, 18:22:12)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/66 <-- FI Zikula skin (stickster, 18:22:26)
    2. hiemanshu thinks he has the answer, and can move forward with user profile links as needed (stickster, 18:27:11)
    3. ACTION: hiemanshu to push out a pagemaster package tonight after he gets home (stickster, 18:28:08)
    4. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2007 (stickster, 18:28:47)
    5. Theming for FI on staging server (stickster, 18:28:58)
    6. ACTION: hiemanshu will move DB to staging once the FASauth and theming on the pt6 server are done. That will duplicate everything needed. (stickster, 18:30:45)
    7. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2009 (stickster, 18:31:25)
    8. http://publictest6.fedoraproject.org/zikula/index.php?theme=RSS (pcalarco, 18:32:09)
    9. RSS template will be part of the Fedora theme package and will automatically come over to staging as well (stickster, 18:34:53)
    10. ACTION: stickster Get paperwork going for bigger boat for community people to join (stickster, 18:35:52)
    11. ACTION: stickster look for loose change in sofa cushions too (stickster, 18:36:04)
    12. hiemanshu to check stickster works properly (hiemanshu, 18:36:20)
    13. ACTION: pcalarco hiemanshu Check to see that RSS feeds are working for both (all) pubtypes properly (stickster, 18:37:08)
    14. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2057 (stickster, 18:37:56)
    15. ACTION: itbegins Debug article weighting with help from pcalarco (stickster, 18:39:39)
    16. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2010 (pcalarco, 18:40:08)
    17. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/2010 (pcalarco, 18:40:34)
    18. ACTION: itbegins Tell us whether we can swap fields as shown in ticket 2010, and if so, itbegins and pcalarco will set up appropriately (stickster, 18:42:09)

  6. Content workflow and testing (stickster, 18:44:04)
    1. Need to identify editors who have accepted and set up timeline for cross-training (stickster, 18:44:26)
    2. stickster can help with group membership shuffling as needed (stickster, 18:49:02)
    3. rbergeron and pcalarco have identified people for editing both content types at this point; group setup to follow as needed. (stickster, 18:49:23)

  7. Content workflow and testing - FWN progress (stickster, 18:49:40)
    1. AGREED: We'll talk about some group separation later (stickster, 18:51:17)
    2. pcalarco says FWN is good to go, previous tickets aside -- this item can be removed from future agenda. (stickster, 18:52:27)

  8. Content workflow and testing - Marketing content (stickster, 18:52:45)
    1. General news pubtype will work for marketing content now. We can add more later as we go to support specific presentation or content (stickster, 18:57:12)

  9. Documentation (stickster, 18:58:49)
    1. https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/108 (stickster, 18:58:58)
    2. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight_Workflow (stickster, 18:59:05)
    3. ACTION: pcalarco and stickster to finish [[Fedora Insight Workflow]] wiki page with full instructions (stickster, 19:02:25)
    4. ACTION: rbergeron Add marketing-team tickets for FI content to a "Content" topic for next meeting agenda. (stickster, 19:06:13)

  10. Wrap up (stickster, 19:07:52)
    1. AGREED: This meeting is very worthwhile and we will continue to hold it. (stickster, 19:14:31)
    2. ACTION: stickster Move design/theme in agenda to top of meeting for hiemanshu's sake (stickster, 19:16:17)
    3. AGREED: Meeting will stay at Thursdays 1800-1900 UTC (2-3pm US EDT) -- next meeting 2010-04-08 UTC 1800 (stickster, 19:17:58)
    4. Strict 60 minute time limit starting next week (stickster, 19:18:07)

Meeting ended at 19:19:11 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. stickster ke4qqq itbegins Locate all pieces of changeable configuration and back them up
  2. itbegins Help us figure out if there is any configuration that is not yet upstream in fasauth module that needs to be
  3. hiemanshu to push out a pagemaster package tonight after he gets home
  4. hiemanshu will move DB to staging once the FASauth and theming on the pt6 server are done. That will duplicate everything needed.
  5. stickster Get paperwork going for bigger boat for community people to join
  6. stickster look for loose change in sofa cushions too
  7. pcalarco hiemanshu Check to see that RSS feeds are working for both (all) pubtypes properly
  8. itbegins Debug article weighting with help from pcalarco
  9. itbegins Tell us whether we can swap fields as shown in ticket 2010, and if so, itbegins and pcalarco will set up appropriately
  10. pcalarco and stickster to finish [[Fedora Insight Workflow]] wiki page with full instructions
  11. rbergeron Add marketing-team tickets for FI content to a "Content" topic for next meeting agenda.
  12. stickster Move design/theme in agenda to top of meeting for hiemanshu's sake

Action items, by person

  1. hiemanshu
    1. hiemanshu to push out a pagemaster package tonight after he gets home
    2. hiemanshu will move DB to staging once the FASauth and theming on the pt6 server are done. That will duplicate everything needed.
    3. pcalarco hiemanshu Check to see that RSS feeds are working for both (all) pubtypes properly
    4. stickster Move design/theme in agenda to top of meeting for hiemanshu's sake
  2. ke4qqq
    1. stickster ke4qqq itbegins Locate all pieces of changeable configuration and back them up
  3. pcalarco
    1. pcalarco hiemanshu Check to see that RSS feeds are working for both (all) pubtypes properly
    2. itbegins Debug article weighting with help from pcalarco
    3. itbegins Tell us whether we can swap fields as shown in ticket 2010, and if so, itbegins and pcalarco will set up appropriately
    4. pcalarco and stickster to finish [[Fedora Insight Workflow]] wiki page with full instructions
  4. rbergeron
    1. rbergeron Add marketing-team tickets for FI content to a "Content" topic for next meeting agenda.
  5. stickster
    1. stickster ke4qqq itbegins Locate all pieces of changeable configuration and back them up
    2. stickster Get paperwork going for bigger boat for community people to join
    3. stickster look for loose change in sofa cushions too
    4. pcalarco and stickster to finish [[Fedora Insight Workflow]] wiki page with full instructions
    5. stickster Move design/theme in agenda to top of meeting for hiemanshu's sake

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (237)
  2. pcalarco (59)
  3. rbergeron (44)
  4. ke4qqq (36)
  5. hiemanshu (32)
  6. zodbot (10)
  7. kushal (1)
  8. nmarques (1)
  9. GeroldKa (1)
  10. mchua (0)

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