#fedora-mktg: Fedora Insight

Meeting started by stickster at 18:00:44 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll call! (stickster, 18:01:04)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda <-- Agenda (stickster, 18:02:15)

  2. Action items from last meeting (2010-05-27) (stickster, 18:02:27)
    1. http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-mktg/2010-05-27/fedora_insight.2010-05-27-18.00.html <-- Last meeting minutes (stickster, 18:03:14)
    2. stickster made patch as needed (stickster, 18:09:32)
    3. smooge advises postgresql has been updated on stg.fp.o, now we are OK to copy DBs, once we figure out diffs in the Zikula code that's deployed on stg.fp.o. (stickster, 18:10:08)
    4. stickster thinks that pt6.fp.o is the more reliable, up to date source for our code (stickster, 18:11:23)

  3. Testing and progress (stickster, 18:15:51)
    1. ACTION: smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]] (stickster, 18:15:56)
    2. ACTION: smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready (stickster, 18:23:31)
    3. ACTION: rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready (stickster, 18:23:39)
    4. rbergeron is now a sponsor on the 'cmsadmin' group (stickster, 18:26:43)

  4. Theming for Insight (stickster, 18:29:48)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=569833 (ke4qqq, 18:37:31)

  5. Documentation (stickster, 18:42:00)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight_Workflow <-- main workflow page (stickster, 18:42:16)
    2. ACTION: rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help (stickster, 18:45:35)
    3. Sunday afternoon is available for an Insight work session (stickster, 18:48:32)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Insight#Goals <-- just fyi (stickster, 18:49:36)

  6. AOB -- All Other Business (stickster, 18:51:26)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/docs/2010-June/012351.html (rbergeron, 18:51:55)

Meeting ended at 19:06:58 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]]
  2. smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready
  3. rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready
  4. rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help

Action items, by person

  1. ke4qqq
    1. smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]]
  2. rbergeron
    1. smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready
    2. rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready
    3. rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help
  3. smooge
    1. smooge and ke4qqq to document how work methods for code changes, testing, deployment should work for the foreseeable future on [[Insight]]
    2. smooge will tell rbergeron when stg.fp.o is ready
    3. rbergeron will start testing on pt6 now, will continue on stg.fp.o once smooge tells her it's ready
  4. stickster
    1. rbergeron to take lead on general news workflow docs once testing is working OK, stickster will ride shotgun and help

People present (lines said)

  1. stickster (149)
  2. rbergeron (62)
  3. smooge (29)
  4. ke4qqq (12)
  5. gwerra (9)
  6. zodbot (8)
  7. mateo (6)
  8. wonderer (3)
  9. Southern_Gentlem (3)
  10. rislam (1)
  11. drak (1)

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