18:00:54 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Insight (Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda) 18:00:54 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 12 18:00:54 2010 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:54 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:26 <stickster> #meetingname Fedora Insight 18:01:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_insight' 18:01:29 <stickster> #topic Roll Call 18:01:31 * stickster 18:01:58 * poelcat here for the release readiness meeting I scheduled without looking at the schedule :-/ 18:02:17 * jjmcd was wondering about that 18:02:26 * jsmith lurks 18:02:31 <stickster> Oops 18:02:39 * rbergeron is here for both meetings, so.... :) 18:02:48 <jsmith> It's a "Two for One" special! 18:02:52 <stickster> poelcat: We'll yield our time and retreat to #fedora-marketing 18:03:07 <smooge> here 18:03:09 <poelcat> stickster: you sure about that? 18:03:17 <stickster> I thought it was at 3pm, obviously I wrote it incorrectly 18:03:31 <stickster> poelcat: Unless you've postponed based on the schedule slip 18:03:36 <jjmcd> we appreciate the gentleman from Virginia's generosity 18:04:54 <poelcat> how about if we hold the release readiness meeting and we'll go quick 18:05:01 <poelcat> i think we can be done in 30 min or less 18:05:02 <stickster> poelcat: Makes sense. We can use #fedora-mktg for our meeting. 18:05:12 <stickster> #info Meeting moves to #fedora-mktg 18:05:13 <poelcat> stickster: thanks, sorry for the mixup 18:05:15 <stickster> Not at all. 18:05:18 <stickster> #endmeeting