18:00:42 <stickster> #startmeeting Fedora Insight 18:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 7 18:00:42 2010 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:50 <stickster> #meetingname Fedora Insight 18:00:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_insight' 18:00:54 <stickster> #topic Roll call 18:01:09 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Meeting_agenda 18:01:30 <pcalarco> pcalarco is here 18:02:41 <stickster> #chair pcalarco 18:02:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: pcalarco stickster 18:03:03 <stickster> pcalarco: Not sure if smooge, rbergeron, or hiemanshu are joining, but pinging them just in case :-) 18:03:31 <pcalarco> stickster: yep 18:04:31 <stickster> pcalarco: Let's give them until :05 18:04:43 <pcalarco> sure, sounds good 18:05:36 <stickster> OK, moving to topic #1 then 18:05:41 <stickster> #topic Last week's action items 18:06:04 <stickster> pcalarco: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2010-09-30/fedora_insight.2010-09-30-18.00.html 18:06:05 <stickster> How'd you do? 18:06:29 * stickster realizes he didn't send cc to smooge, but otherwise did his (#7, #8) 18:06:32 <smooge> sort of here 18:06:48 <stickster> #info stickster completed #7 and #8 but hasn't heard update on drupal6 review progress 18:06:51 <pcalarco> stickster: not sure where to go with CCK view of FWN 18:07:00 <smooge> sorry got back from travel and getting caught up 18:07:23 <pcalarco> I actually ordered some Drupal books; 18:07:31 <stickster> pcalarco: OK, let's talk about that in detail in a few minutes, I know you and I worked on some CCK stuff last week 18:07:40 <pcalarco> stickster: yes 18:08:05 <stickster> #info hiemanshu has had internet problems and has some material ready to push into the theme repo 18:08:13 <stickster> #idea Good argument for "push early, push often" 18:08:42 <stickster> #info Sparks and pcalarco helpfully got a blog entry put together which yielded a guy who wants to help with packaging 18:09:38 <stickster> #info His name's Sven, and he contacted Sparks via email, who roped me in -- I asked Sven to join the logistics list. stickster pointed him to specific modules already, and updated wiki appropriately 18:10:12 * stickster mixed his persons there 18:10:15 <stickster> #undo 18:10:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x2b7d2ecf7650> 18:10:23 <stickster> #info His name's Sven, and he contacted Sparks via email, who roped stickster in -- stickster asked Sven to join the logistics list. stickster pointed him to specific modules already, and updated wiki appropriately 18:11:21 <smooge> cool 18:11:42 <stickster> I haven't seen him on the list yet, though 18:12:29 <stickster> #topic Drupal status -- theme 18:12:57 <stickster> #info hiemanshu has the latest work on his box but needs his intartubez back so he can push to the git repo 18:14:34 <Sparks> heh 18:15:37 * stickster sends a dent/tweet/status 18:16:00 <stickster> If we don't have a theme, we don't really have production-ready status. Again. 18:17:17 <stickster> *chirp chirp* 18:17:20 <stickster> OK, moving on then... ;-) 18:17:22 <Sparks> stickster: Is there any way to communicate with hiemanshu and get him to mail a CD or somethign? 18:17:51 <stickster> Sparks: I asked him whether he could tar up .git (which should not be large) and let someone else push it, but didn't get a response 18:18:04 <Sparks> :( 18:18:05 <stickster> #action stickster email hiemanshu again to suggest proxying the push so we can get moving 18:18:34 <stickster> Sparks: His only internet access was his iPhone, although he's apparently got an app that might let him scp the stuff to us somewhere 18:18:47 <Sparks> intersting 18:19:54 <stickster> *: Anything else on theme stuff? We have other things we can work on in the meantime, but it's starting to look tight for Oct. 18 at this point. 18:20:37 <stickster> If we miss the freeze again, we can work toward fielding this after GA, it's just disappointing is all. 18:21:32 <stickster> #topic Views 18:21:40 <stickster> OK pcalarco -- let's talk about Views and such 18:22:34 <pcalarco> stickster: great; so, to recap, a new content type for FWN was created, with two hidden fields for beat and issue 18:22:54 <stickster> #info We have a content type for "FWN beat" with new fields for beat and issue 18:23:07 <stickster> #chair smooge Sparks 18:23:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks pcalarco smooge stickster 18:23:21 <pcalarco> now where I don't know where to go next is whather the consolidated issue is going to be a new content type or if we use Views to manipulate the hidden fields 18:23:58 <stickster> pcalarco: I don't know a lot about Views, but here's one way we could do it -- 18:24:27 <stickster> Have a front page story that always points to the latest FWN, which is a view showing all the beats for the newest issue in one continuous page of content 18:24:28 <pcalarco> I've read the docs online and such; I've ordered the O'Reilly Drupal book which talks about Views in a practical way apparently 18:25:14 <pcalarco> stickster: yes, that sounds good 18:26:03 <pcalarco> also need to watch a CCK and Views video that's also available 18:26:15 <stickster> pcalarco: Got a link? 18:26:37 <stickster> Sparks: You had a good Drupal book from Apress, didn't you? 18:26:42 <pcalarco> #link http://learn.awakenedvoice.com/2007/07/30/drupal-cck-and-views-tutorial/ 18:26:47 <Sparks> I do 18:27:13 * Sparks doesn't have it with him, however. 18:28:21 <stickster> Sparks: That's the Pro Drupal Development book? 18:28:42 <Sparks> Yes 18:28:45 <stickster> #action stickster find the Apress book and order it 18:28:50 <pcalarco> #link http://apress.com/book/view/1430209895 18:28:57 <stickster> pcalarco: Fantabulous, thanks! 18:29:32 * stickster has been relying mainly on the drupal.org docs, which are quite good but not always as complete as might be found in a professionally edited volume 18:30:27 <stickster> pcalarco: There's still something missing in our fwnbeat content type though -- I'm trying to make the title of the node get filled in automatically, and I've had no luck yet. I'm sure it's just some simple coding problem but I'm strugglign. 18:30:33 <stickster> *struggling, even. With my typing too ;-) 18:31:22 * stickster was trying to do this with by using a hook for the form validation, taking the content of the issue and beat fields and turning that into a title, i.e. "FWN <issue> - <beatname>" 18:31:55 <stickster> A title is a required field and you can't just skip it AFAICT, although you can hide it from the entry form, which I've done ;-) 18:33:06 <pcalarco> some discussion around views bulk operations and taxonomy at 18:33:10 <pcalarco> #link http://learnbythedrop.com/drop/166 18:33:42 <stickster> Thanks pcalarco 18:33:53 * stickster will probably have some time to work on this tomorrow, no meetings then 18:34:18 <stickster> #action stickster Complete the function to autofill titles in fwnbeat content type 18:34:55 <stickster> pcalarco: Are you still OK with figuring out how to solve the problem of putting all the beats together on a page? 18:35:08 * stickster will of course be happy to help and learn too 18:35:14 <pcalarco> stickster: yes, I will still hack away at this 18:35:31 <stickster> #action pcalarco Figure out solution to putting all beats for a FWN issue together on a page 18:35:56 <stickster> OK, anything else we want to talk about wrt. Views or even more generally our content creation? 18:36:52 <stickster> #topic Packaging 18:37:01 <stickster> smooge: Were you able to get in touch with limb (Jon Ciesla)? 18:37:05 <pcalarco> nope, just need to figure how these components w0ork together 18:37:18 <stickster> pcalarco: you and me both, but we're making good headway here 18:37:39 <stickster> smooge: Last status was that you were going to see if Jon was able to get his package into the Package git 18:38:05 <smooge> stickster, one sec 18:38:25 <smooge> stickster, ok talked with Jon but then spent a week on travel 18:38:53 <smooge> will catch up with him over weekend and see were we go. Package git? 18:39:36 <stickster> smooge: I.e. getting it into what used to be Package CVS and is now fedpkg stuff (git) 18:40:08 <stickster> Not sure what we call it now. Package Repo? The Tree? Big Bertha? 18:40:32 <smooge> ok well there is the infrastructure package repo, the fedora one, the epel one, etc 18:40:54 <stickster> smooge: EPEL in this case, but I do think of Fedora+EPEL together seeing as how they're just branches off the same git repo 18:41:07 <stickster> EL-5 (and I suppose EL-6) are targets here 18:41:13 <smooge> wanted to know which one youy meant. The package seems stalled in review but I am going to take what he has and put it in the infrastructure one so we can get moving 18:41:50 <smooge> once the reviewer is happy we can get er done and updated from epel 18:41:50 <stickster> smooge: OK, module packaging is *dead simple* for Drupal to go along with it. We can use drupal6-<modulename> and follow the drupal-* modules as a template. 18:42:35 <smooge> yeah. could you send me an email with the modules you want done.. I can help on this part once I recover from trip cold 18:43:01 <stickster> #action stickster send smooge and new guy (Sven) an email to get them connected, and provide list of all modules to be packaged 18:43:28 <stickster> Packaging these modules takes very little time, the review will take way more time than the actual work 18:43:41 <stickster> We can probably help each other with reviews 18:43:50 <stickster> #idea Trade reviews to make the flow go a little faster 18:44:54 <stickster> Anything else on this? 18:45:43 <stickster> #topic AOB (All other business) 18:45:58 <stickster> #info This topic includes attracting other contributors 18:47:28 <stickster> #agreed Thanks to Sparks (and pcalarco as editor) for the blog post regarding things we need help with 18:47:40 <smooge> not from me at the moment. my head is burning up at the moment 18:49:04 <pcalarco> I wonder if there are Ambassadors who have PHP skills who would be interested in joining 18:51:41 <stickster> pcalarco: That's a good question 18:51:52 <stickster> (sorry for delay, mgr was PM'ing me elsewhere) 18:52:27 <stickster> pcalarco: Did you want to ask around on the Ambassadors list specifically? I imagine we must have *some* people around in Ambassadors who are (more) experienced at this stuff. 18:52:46 <stickster> I hoped our Planet post would catch some of them, but I also know people can't always read every Planet post every day. 18:53:11 <pcalarco> stickster: yes, happy to ask there; Fedora Insight hasn't had a lot of active exposure on the Ambassadors list 18:53:29 <Sparks> stickster: That post also went out to identi.ca and Twitter a few times... :) 18:53:41 <stickster> Sparks: that's fantastic -- just what we wanted to see 18:53:59 <pcalarco> #action pcalarco to reuse blog post text to recruit on Ambassadors list 18:54:04 <stickster> pcalarco: Sounds great, thank you 18:56:41 * stickster has nothing further 18:57:00 <stickster> I'll end in 60 sec unless there's something else to cover. 18:57:04 <pcalarco> nothing here 18:58:18 <stickster> #endmeeting