23:05:15 <wolnei> #startmeeting Fedora Latam 23:05:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 18 23:05:15 2015 UTC. The chair is wolnei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:05:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:05:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam' 23:05:50 <wolnei> #topic rollcal 23:06:00 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:06:01 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:06:04 <wolnei> Brazil 23:06:18 <lilixx> .fas lilixx 23:06:19 <zodbot> lilixx: lilixx 'Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada' <lila2390@gmail.com> 23:07:33 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:07:34 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:07:35 * alexove Peru 23:07:56 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:07:57 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:07:58 <chinosoliard> .fas asoliard 23:08:00 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:08:07 * alyaj2a fro Perú 23:08:08 <chinosoliard> Argentina 23:08:18 <adrian> Argentina 23:08:39 <dsouza> davi: kasudev 'Davi tenorio de Souza ' .<kausdev.77@gmail.com> 23:08:42 <dsouza> brasil 23:10:22 <_barto_> hi 23:10:24 <wolnei> ping potty lorddemon 23:11:04 <chinosoliard> ping ezq 23:11:10 <chinosoliard> ping villadalmine 23:11:54 <Richzendy> .fas Richzendy 23:11:54 <zodbot> Richzendy: richzendy 'Edwind Richzendy Contreras Soto' <richzendy@gmail.com> 23:12:02 <Richzendy> Venezueka 23:12:06 <Richzendy> Venezuela 23:12:29 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon 23:12:29 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com> 23:12:38 * lorddemon Bolivia 23:13:18 <wolnei> #info Meeting agenda https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 23:15:15 <wolnei> #topic fedora latam tiquet 311 23:15:30 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/311 23:15:35 <wolnei> Please read 23:16:04 <wolnei> dsouza is online to solve questions 23:17:12 <wolnei> Any questions? 23:17:44 <chinosoliard> wait, I'm logging 23:17:52 <wolnei> Ok 23:18:12 <anamativi> hello 23:18:18 <anamativi> .fas mativi 23:18:18 <zodbot> anamativi: mativi 'Ana Clara Mativi de Souza' <acmativi@hotmail.com> 23:18:57 <alexove> I haven't questions 23:19:21 <chinosoliard> wolnei (or someone), do you have an idea about the budget situation? 23:19:40 <wolnei> This event has reserved 23:19:53 <chinosoliard> ticket 311 for me is ok, we're finishing the year, that's my question about 23:19:57 <wolnei> Was on budget planned 2015 23:20:46 <wolnei> anamativi please read ticket Fedora latam 311 23:21:15 <JuanCarlosLin> .hellomynameis lin 23:21:16 <zodbot> JuanCarlosLin: lin 'Juan Carlos YJ Lin' <lin@unisoft.com.py> 23:21:31 <wolnei> Can we start vote? 23:21:37 <alexove> dsouza el reembolso puede demorar mucho tiempo porque no hya card holder 23:21:47 <alexove> Wait wolnei 23:21:54 <alexove> ! 23:22:16 <wolnei> alexove has the word 23:22:28 <alexove> chinosoliard hizo muy buena pregunta 23:22:46 <chinosoliard> alexove, <3 <3 23:22:56 <alexove> No sabemos como esta el presupuesto porque no hay cardholder 23:23:18 <wolnei> Hasta 500 USD fasco member can aprove 23:23:25 <chinosoliard> maybe decause can help us 23:23:40 <alexove> Si dsouza puede espersr un largo tiempo para el reembolso esta bien pero si no puede es un problema 23:23:40 <anamativi> done wolnei, I read this one before too, in the mail list I guess 23:23:40 <alexove> Eof 23:24:10 <lorddemon> I think is necesary a wiki page for the event 23:24:13 <lorddemon> in the ticket 23:24:29 <alexove> Wolnei me preocupa quien va ha reembolsar y en cuanto tiempo 23:24:42 <lorddemon> alexove, +1 23:24:46 <alexove> El ticket esta bien para mi 23:25:09 <wolnei> Someone is go need to buy directly, Davi has no credit card 23:25:11 <Richzendy> ! 23:25:27 <tonet666p> hi huys 23:25:30 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:25:30 <wolnei> Go ahead 23:25:41 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:25:41 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:25:42 <chinosoliard> so, the word is not from alexove, dsouza have to say if he can wait the necesary time to get reimbushed 23:26:00 <dsouza> ihave no credit card 23:26:26 <wolnei> Guys, please ! To speak 23:26:26 <chinosoliard> oohhh, I love my english XD 23:26:52 <Richzendy> The ticket looks good i think, if dsouza don't have a problem waiting the refund, it's ok to me 23:27:12 <lorddemon> i don't understand you chinosoliard ;) 23:27:29 <Richzendy> dsouza, the refund can be trought paypal or bank acount 23:27:39 <alexove> Richzendy +1 23:27:48 <dsouza> yes paypal 23:28:11 <Richzendy> dsouza, but, if you have a friend with paypal account, you can use your friend how bypass 23:28:43 <wolnei> Let's vote, please say +1 or -1 23:28:54 <chinosoliard> +1 23:29:10 <tonet666p> +1 23:29:11 <Richzendy> +1 23:29:23 <wolnei> +1 23:29:28 <tonet666p> who is the new ccard holder? 23:29:43 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:29:54 <alexove> +1 23:30:25 <wolnei> tonet on open floor 23:30:32 <wolnei> Vote please 23:30:43 <tonet666p> ok, sorry 23:30:44 <chinosoliard> lilixx, ?? 23:30:51 <lilixx> +1 23:31:14 <anamativi> +1 23:31:19 <wolnei> ping lorddemon 23:33:08 <alyaj2a> +1 23:34:08 <wolnei> #info ticket 311 aproveed with 9 votes 23:34:59 <wolnei> #topic Fedora latam ticket 312 23:35:07 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/312 23:35:28 <lorddemon> excuse me wolnei, my conection 23:35:28 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 23:35:29 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:35:35 * srkraken Mexico 23:36:14 <wolnei> no problem, read the next ticket 23:37:16 <wolnei> Any questions? 23:37:21 <chinosoliard> reading 23:37:29 <wolnei> Ok 23:37:35 <srkraken> hola buenas tarde latam 23:38:42 <wolnei> buenas noches srkaken 23:38:55 <dsouza> hola!! 23:39:25 <tonet666p> how many people will asist to this event? 23:39:54 <wolnei> dsouza a question to you 23:40:16 <dsouza> ok 23:40:57 <chinosoliard> villadalmine is going to that event? 23:41:02 <dsouza> +300 23:41:09 <chinosoliard> and daniel bruno 23:41:31 <tonet666p> 300 sounds well, i think it worth 23:41:40 <lorddemon> good 23:41:47 <tonet666p> +1 from me 23:41:53 <dsouza> event has on average 300 students 23:42:13 <chinosoliard> sounds good 23:42:22 <dsouza> the city became a center teconologico 23:42:34 <chinosoliard> +1, but please, make reports about the two events (ticket 311 and 312) 23:42:44 <lorddemon> ok +1 for me 23:42:51 <wolnei> Please vote 23:43:00 <srkraken> +1 23:43:05 <wolnei> +1 23:43:18 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 23:44:45 <Richzendy> +1 23:44:53 <wolnei> ping lilixx anamativi alexove 23:46:07 <wolnei> ping alyaj2a 23:46:16 <williamjmorenor> .fas williamjmorenor 23:46:16 <lorddemon> ping barto 23:46:16 <zodbot> williamjmorenor: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 23:46:23 <anamativi> sec 23:46:32 <wolnei> Ok 23:47:35 <anamativi> +1 for me 23:47:48 <chinosoliard> the ticket have votes from 4 differents country 23:48:13 <wolnei> We need one more country 23:48:27 <wolnei> ping lorddemon 23:48:53 <wolnei> ping srkraken 23:49:22 <srkraken> wolnei +1 for me 23:49:51 * srkraken Mexico 23:50:01 <alexove> +1 23:50:26 <wolnei> #info ticket 312 aproveed with 10 votes 23:50:53 <wolnei> #topic Open Floor 23:51:20 <wolnei> Anyone has a announcement? 23:51:21 <srkraken> yo tengo un ticket 23:51:39 <srkraken> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/313 23:51:54 <dsouza> i read! moment 23:52:02 <srkraken> ok 23:52:15 <wolnei> #undo #topic Open Floor 23:52:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f08be1c6e10> 23:52:33 <wolnei> #topic Fedora latam ticket 313 23:53:00 <lorddemon> oscar creatura is here? 23:53:08 <srkraken> no 23:53:10 <wolnei> srkraken don't forget add tag meeting next time 23:54:03 <srkraken> ok wolnei 23:54:06 <wolnei> Please read the ticket 23:54:33 <dsouza> my ticket sticker 23:54:38 <dsouza> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/310 23:55:15 <wolnei> Dsouza wait 23:55:19 <dsouza> ok 23:55:21 <wolnei> First ticket 313 23:55:55 <wolnei> Any questions to srkraken? 23:57:21 <wolnei> Why so high the price of food and beverages? 23:57:39 <wolnei> 280 USD for how many? 23:58:55 <srkraken> Puedo explicarlo en español 23:59:04 <wolnei> Yes 23:59:08 <dsouza> yes 23:59:29 <srkraken> Miren es un estimado de lo que nos cuesta conseguir los alimentos en la sona 23:59:37 <chinosoliard> ticket 310 is not on the meeting agenda 00:00:01 <srkraken> Dado que es una zona turistica los costos tienden a ser mas altos 00:02:04 <lorddemon> 280$ is for food for 2 persons or more? 00:02:34 <dsouza> i believe that is to high 00:02:56 <srkraken> NO es comida para los asistentes al relase party + la nuestra comida 00:03:28 <srkraken> Es sl mismo presupuesto 00:03:49 <tonet666p> sigue siendo un monto elevado 00:04:02 <chinosoliard> si, parece muy alto 00:04:27 <lorddemon> es necesario realizar el evento en esa zona? 00:04:39 <chinosoliard> 420 U$S for a release party is a little expensive 00:04:46 <wmoreno> en NIC con U$ compramos pizza para ~10 00:04:49 <srkraken> si es muy dificil en Mexico encontrar sedes 00:05:01 <wmoreno> la verdad creo que podrias buscar una opcion de comida rapida 00:05:11 <wmoreno> no tiene que ser de restaurante 00:05:13 <dsouza> mas barata 00:05:21 <srkraken> si podemos 00:05:26 <wmoreno> ademas las personas tienen que llegar por Fedora no por un almuerzo gratis 00:05:57 <srkraken> si aunque siempre se comparte mas durante el mismo 00:06:31 <srkraken> segundo 00:06:46 <srkraken> redacto mal el ticket creaturahpc 00:06:54 <srkraken> en si el precio es 140 dls 00:07:11 <wmoreno> ok 00:07:16 <wmoreno> para cuantas personas? 00:07:24 <srkraken> para 30 personas 00:07:48 <srkraken> todos los alimentos por 140 dls 00:07:59 <wolnei> Cambie el precio en ticket 00:08:05 <wmoreno> son ~4 por persona, ahora si es razonable 00:08:45 <srkraken> el presio es el que aprece en el ticket 00:08:59 <wolnei> Any more questions or can se vote for 140 USD? 00:09:02 <srkraken> mi compañero embajador creaturahpc 00:09:06 <dsouza> +1 00:09:09 <wolnei> En ticket esta 420 usd 00:09:16 <tonet666p> srkraken, first, update the ticket 00:09:20 <srkraken> cometi un error y repitio el costo d elos alimentos 00:09:27 <srkraken> ok yo lo actualizo 00:09:38 <tonet666p> but right now 00:09:42 <srkraken> si wolnei 00:09:53 <lorddemon> wmoreno, es 140$ Comida + 250$ Viaje + 30$ paypal = 420 00:10:28 <srkraken> si Lorddemon 00:10:35 <lorddemon> yo pienso si se puede realizar en una zona mas cercana, talvez no se gaste mucho en pasajes ni en comida 00:11:01 <tonet666p> i think the same 00:11:21 <chinosoliard> it's the same, yes 00:11:39 <chinosoliard> 420U$s is very expensive for a release party, I think 00:11:57 <wolnei> srkraken its better you revise tour numbers first 00:12:02 <wolnei> For next meeting 00:12:17 <chinosoliard> we just approved 2 tickets, U$S200 each one, and these are for bigger events 00:13:01 <anamativi> I agree with lorddemon and chinosoliard 00:13:16 <srkraken> ok 00:13:36 <chinosoliard> sorry, srkraken :-( 00:14:02 <srkraken> no problem 00:14:17 <srkraken> espero el siguiente meeting 00:14:33 <wolnei> #action srkraken will revise the food and beverages for next meeting 00:15:04 <wolnei> #info ticket 313 will be discussed on next meeting 00:15:27 <wmoreno> wolnei I am late in the meeting 00:15:32 <wmoreno> there is any info 00:15:48 <wmoreno> about the next year budget 00:15:51 <wmoreno> ?? 00:16:03 <wolnei> Not yet 00:16:03 <lorddemon> not yet 00:16:09 <srkraken> ok wolnei wmoreno 00:16:22 <wolnei> #topic Fedora latam ticket 310 00:16:24 <srkraken> yo si tengo uno 00:16:29 <wolnei> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/310 00:17:29 <wolnei> Please read 00:19:54 <chinosoliard> I think it's ok 00:20:03 <JuanCarlosLin> I think is good pricing for stickers 00:20:21 <lorddemon> this ticket is for 16,97$ ? 00:20:32 <wolnei> dsouza 00:20:34 <chinosoliard> dsouza, this stickers will be ready for the events we approve? 00:20:35 <dsouza> yes 00:20:40 <anamativi> Only one option for budget? Maybe could get a better price (?) We always need to get 3 options for anything we intend to get money for, in my university 00:21:13 <anamativi> I'm not sure if it's only 1, I'm asking 00:21:41 <chinosoliard> anamativi, I don't think that more than one be necessary... 00:21:58 <tonet666p> that price is cheap 00:22:02 <JuanCarlosLin> also, very small amount of stickers 00:22:38 <dsouza> only place that makes good sticker 00:22:38 <tonet666p> dsouza, can you buy more stickers? for the year 00:22:47 <chinosoliard> I mean, sometimes I don't have time to find more prices, and sometimes I know how the shop where I will buy works 00:23:03 <dsouza> see picture sticker 00:23:55 <chinosoliard> I'm agree with JuanCarlosLin, maybe dsouza can ask for 200 stickers :-) 00:24:04 <dsouza> yes can buy 00:24:34 <tonet666p> i think is better more stickers 00:24:38 <wolnei> More questions? 00:24:49 <chinosoliard> wolnei, wait 00:25:05 <wolnei> Ok 00:25:18 <chinosoliard> what do you think about ask for 200 stickers? 00:25:30 <tonet666p> 100 is only for a event, but for that price i will say "shut up and make me 1000 stickers" 00:25:34 <chinosoliard> this is aprox U$S30 00:26:14 <dsouza> Can I place a new order . and asked for discount 00:26:24 <wolnei> Guys we don't know about budget 00:26:32 <wolnei> Please focus 00:26:32 <chinosoliard> dsouza, yeeeeessss \m/ 00:26:59 <wolnei> Dsouza your choice vote or do you want revise? 00:27:36 <dsouza> people only want sticker . but only who wins in this lecture. 00:27:38 <JuanCarlosLin> I think should approve and next ticket for sticker, make more 00:27:51 <wolnei> Agreed 00:27:57 <chinosoliard> "Obs. Lembramos que quanto maior a quantidade menor será o preço unitário" 00:28:17 <dsouza> sim 00:28:21 <dsouza> yes 00:28:25 <wolnei> But only much more to real discount 00:28:28 <dsouza> good price 00:28:44 <chinosoliard> yes, make that 100, and then ask for more, and keep for other events, or for give to another people in brazil 00:28:57 <wolnei> OK let's vote 00:29:04 <dsouza> but I do not have anything to hand out at events 00:29:12 <chinosoliard> +1 00:29:41 <JuanCarlosLin> +1 00:30:00 <chinosoliard> tonet666p, anamativi, lorddemon, srkraken, wmoreno... 00:30:35 <wolnei> ping alexove lilixx 00:30:37 <srkraken> +1 00:30:43 <tonet666p> +1 from me 00:30:49 <wolnei> +1 00:31:03 <alexove> +1 00:32:33 <chinosoliard> anyone more? 00:32:54 <chinosoliard> Richzendy, ??? 00:33:39 <wolnei> Ping Richzendy 00:34:51 <chinosoliard> wolnei, tickets are approved with 4 votes of different country? 00:34:58 <lorddemon> +1 00:34:59 <wolnei> We have 5 00:35:21 <chinosoliard> so? it's approved? 00:35:52 <wolnei> #info ticket 310 aproveed with 7 votes 00:36:11 <wolnei> #topic Open floor 00:36:30 <Richzendy> sorry for delay 00:36:40 <wolnei> Anyone want to talk? 00:37:08 <chinosoliard> what about card holder and latam budget? 00:37:29 <chinosoliard> FUDCon bids? 00:37:40 <chinosoliard> meeting day/time? 00:38:15 <JuanCarlosLin> We talked about FUDCON in PAraguay in Latinoware for next year 00:38:16 <JuanCarlosLin> Is still possible to that? 00:38:41 <JuanCarlosLin> near to next year Latinoware 00:39:01 <wolnei> First not new, Second not bids yet, Third was in suggestions on the list 00:39:03 <JuanCarlosLin> in october 2016 00:40:37 <wolnei> Juan open a bid with the idea 00:40:44 <JuanCarlosLin> So is still possible? 00:41:03 <JuanCarlosLin> Ok, will do that 00:41:20 <wolnei> It's, but will be voting later 00:41:27 <wolnei> After more bids 00:42:15 <wolnei> More questions? 00:42:38 <dsouza> no questions 00:42:59 <alexove> In Peru TonetJallo666p 00:43:14 <alexove> Is working in their bid 00:43:25 <wolnei> Great :) 00:43:58 <alexove> What about the new rolls for the budget 00:44:35 <alexove> I mean about the Remy's post 00:44:59 <wolnei> I don't remember if was indication or vote 00:45:09 <wolnei> To choose 00:46:08 <tonet666p> hi again guys 00:46:21 <dsouza> hi tonet 00:46:26 <chinosoliard> Sincerely, I've almost 100 emails without read... I see that decause send an email, but I didn't have time to read 00:46:29 <tonet666p> i'm × 00:46:46 <tonet666p> i'm working in a fudcon bid 00:47:10 <tonet666p> with the local community and alexlove 00:47:15 <wolnei> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Budget.next 00:49:02 <wolnei> Can we close the meeting? 00:49:24 <wolnei> The budget had a list email 00:49:29 <chinosoliard> yes, wolnei. I will read it 00:49:47 <tonet666p> when is the fudcon proposals pressentation? 00:49:52 <chinosoliard> for me, you can close the meeting 00:51:07 <wolnei> I believe has no date yet 00:51:26 <wolnei> But send a email to list, to wake up that 00:51:44 <tonet666p> ok, then i will send that mail 00:51:58 <tonet666p> embajadores-latam right? 00:52:07 <chinosoliard> people, I go... see you in #f*-latam 00:53:08 <wolnei> Yes 00:53:25 <tonet666p> ok, ty 00:53:25 <wolnei> end meeting in ... 00:53:31 <wolnei> 5 00:53:34 <tonet666p> end 00:53:41 <wolnei> 4 00:53:46 <wolnei> 3 00:53:51 <wolnei> 2 00:53:58 <wolnei> 1 00:54:05 <wolnei> #endmeeting