14:09:43 <chinosoliard> #startmeeting Fedora LATAm 14:09:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Apr 6 14:09:43 2018 UTC. The chair is chinosoliard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:09:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:09:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam' 14:09:52 <chinosoliard> #chair bt0 14:09:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 chinosoliard 14:10:03 <chinosoliard> #chair x3mboy itamarjp 14:10:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: bt0 chinosoliard itamarjp x3mboy 14:10:19 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:10:20 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:10:40 <bt0> .hello bt0dotninja 14:10:41 <zodbot> bt0: bt0dotninja 'Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez' <hotgalan@gmail.com> 14:10:42 <chinosoliard> wait 4 minutes for me, please 14:10:48 <chinosoliard> #topic Roll Call 14:10:53 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 14:10:53 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <me@chinosoliard.com> 14:10:57 * chinosoliard from Argentina 14:10:58 * bt0 from Mexico 14:11:02 <bt0> ok 14:11:14 * chinosoliard is going to smoke a cigar. Waiting for a long meeting today :) 14:12:48 <alexove> .fas alexove 14:12:49 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 14:12:51 * alexove = Peru 14:13:01 * x3mboy from Chile 14:13:19 <itamarjp> .hello2 14:13:20 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 14:15:45 * chinosoliard is back 14:15:49 <chinosoliard> ok... 14:15:57 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, bt0, itamarjp, you're chairs 14:16:05 <chinosoliard> #chair alexove 14:16:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove bt0 chinosoliard itamarjp x3mboy 14:16:17 <x3mboy> Ok 14:16:18 <x3mboy> #topic Announcements 14:16:33 <x3mboy> === FLISoL is Coming! === 14:16:52 * chinosoliard still have to move FLISoL wiki tree to /events/latam 14:16:58 <x3mboy> #link https://flisol.info/ 14:17:05 <bt0> i do it 14:17:15 <bt0> i did it 14:17:32 <chinosoliard> seriously? 14:17:35 <bt0> :D 14:17:36 <bt0> yeah 14:17:53 <chinosoliard> I'm sorry, I've the compromise, but ParanaConf didn't let me time to do that :( 14:18:21 <bt0> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL 14:18:40 <x3mboy> Oh cool! 14:18:45 <x3mboy> I'm about to cry! 14:19:23 <chinosoliard> wait. bt0, you created a new or you move? 14:19:32 <bt0> move it 14:20:17 <chinosoliard> mmm, there's a lot of work to do there 14:20:21 <chinosoliard> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=flisol 14:20:37 <chinosoliard> a lot of "not indexed" FLISoL pages... 14:21:17 <chinosoliard> and, for example, FLISOL 2017 links to "https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/FLISOL/FLISOL2017" 14:21:43 <chinosoliard> I'll work on that. Now we need to explain people that they need to create events inside the new tree 14:21:50 <chinosoliard> ok? 14:22:01 <x3mboy> Ok 14:22:04 <bt0> ok 14:22:23 <x3mboy> Just an email, at this point we can just reject tickets if the wiki page is not in the right place 14:22:32 <chinosoliard> I'll work on that when finish updating paranaconf site 14:22:40 <chinosoliard> x3mboy++ 14:22:52 <chinosoliard> let's use the mail list! we don't use it 14:23:03 * x3mboy apologizes if he sounds hard, but we gives a lot of time for adjusting to the "new" tree (It's not new anymore) 14:23:27 <bt0> so rude 14:23:32 <chinosoliard> you're right, x3mboy 14:23:46 <bt0> it's fine for me too 14:24:49 <chinosoliard> so... another announcement? 14:24:50 <x3mboy> #agreed Tickets will be rejected if wiki page is not in the new tree https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL For Flisol https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/<country> for particular Events 14:25:13 <x3mboy> Not from me 14:25:35 <chinosoliard> example: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/2018/Argentina/{cityName} 14:25:42 <chinosoliard> did you like it? 14:25:49 <x3mboy> Better! 14:25:52 <x3mboy> chinosoliard++ 14:25:57 <chinosoliard> <3 14:25:58 <x3mboy> #undo 14:25:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by x3mboy at 14:24:50 : Tickets will be rejected if wiki page is not in the new tree https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL For Flisol https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/<country> for particular Events 14:26:48 <x3mboy> #agreed Tickets will be rejected if wiki page is not in the new tree https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/{Year}/{CountryName}/{CityName} For Flisol https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/{countryName} for particular Events 14:27:07 <x3mboy> Like this ^^? 14:27:37 <chinosoliard> mmmm... 14:28:09 <chinosoliard> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/{countryName}/{eventName}/{edition} for particular Events 14:28:25 <bt0> edition?? 14:28:55 <chinosoliard> bt0, let me explain 14:29:15 <x3mboy> #undo 14:29:15 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by x3mboy at 14:26:48 : Tickets will be rejected if wiki page is not in the new tree https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/{Year}/{CountryName}/{CityName} For Flisol https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/{countryName} for particular Events 14:29:22 <chinosoliard> for example, SASOConf, ANDSec, and maybe ParanaConf, will take place every year... 14:29:29 <chinosoliard> so... as example: 14:29:40 <x3mboy> #agreed Tickets will be rejected if wiki page is not in the new tree https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/FLISOL/{Year}/{CountryName}/{CityName} For Flisol and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/{countryName}/{eventName}/{edition} for particular Events 14:29:47 <chinosoliard> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/Argentina/ParanaConf/2018 14:29:54 <chinosoliard> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events/Latam/Argentina/SASOConf/2017 14:30:06 <chinosoliard> bt0, understand? 14:30:09 <bt0> yeah 14:30:28 <chinosoliard> that's because we need to make reports, and explanations... 14:30:57 * x3mboy recommends to read https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Latam/EventOrganizationGuideLine 14:31:00 <chinosoliard> bt0, do you think that we can attach reports to a single event page and make a year division? 14:31:09 <itamarjp> I think fedora should create an small events app 14:31:37 <chinosoliard> itamarjp++... that sound awesome... but, how much time it will take? 14:32:20 * chinosoliard forgot to tell you, guys, that he made a Fedora stand at ParanaConf, but he only put some stickers, and a flyer... 14:34:33 <chinosoliard> anything else here? 14:34:48 <bt0> not from me 14:34:49 <x3mboy> itamarjp, chinosoliard that's supose to be coming with hubs 14:34:52 <x3mboy> Buuuut... 14:35:00 <x3mboy> It's taking too much time to be done 14:35:02 <chinosoliard> it's a hard work, x3mboy 14:35:34 <x3mboy> Yeah, I know 14:36:00 <x3mboy> We should move to tickets, right? 14:36:23 <x3mboy> Can we start with #406? 14:38:12 <bt0> it's ok for me 14:39:15 <chinosoliard> ok 14:39:37 <x3mboy> #topic Tickets 14:40:01 <x3mboy> #info #406 Swag for Latam 14:40:17 <x3mboy> AFAIK this Swag is done, waiting for shipping 14:40:36 <x3mboy> But now, that we have the FLISoL around, I'm not sure how will proceed 14:40:56 <x3mboy> I remember I gave some guidance on how I think it should work, but I'm not sure 14:41:43 <chinosoliard> so... what's the actual status? 14:41:58 <chinosoliard> approved? can we... I don't know... close it? 14:42:32 <bt0> no 14:42:39 <chinosoliard> until...? 14:43:07 <chinosoliard> new tag: "waiting" (?) 14:43:15 <bt0> maybe 14:43:18 <chinosoliard> hahaha 14:43:31 <chinosoliard> welcome, freddy_ 14:45:06 * chinosoliard is with electricity problems 14:45:19 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, are you there? 14:45:31 <x3mboy> Yes 14:45:35 <chinosoliard> ok... 14:45:46 <chinosoliard> do you have something to add to that ticket? 14:45:53 <chinosoliard> or we can move on? 14:45:55 <x3mboy> The status is: Swag is done, we should start shipping 14:46:25 <x3mboy> But we supose to do a massive shipping to a "representative" in each country, and be delivered by country? 14:46:32 <x3mboy> Or just get shipped per event 14:46:35 <chinosoliard> #info Issue 406 - Swag for LATAm = Status: Swag is done, we should start shipping 14:46:40 <bexelbie> ship per event is fine :) 14:46:51 <bt0> awesome 14:46:53 <bexelbie> just give me notice and the informatoin for who it goes too 14:46:53 <chinosoliard> But we supose to do a massive shipping to a "representative" in each country, and be delivered by country? <- +1 for this 14:47:00 <bexelbie> then if we see problems we can do a big shipment if needed 14:47:40 <bexelbie> I feel like shipping to each country may just recreate the shipping problems of the past 14:47:44 <bexelbie> why warehouse things twice 14:47:50 <bexelbie> also that requires good guessing about needs 14:47:51 <chinosoliard> mmm, ok 14:48:01 <bexelbie> but I am open to what works best for you all 14:48:03 <bexelbie> not making a requirement 14:48:13 <x3mboy> I prefer that you ship directly per event 14:48:18 <x3mboy> If not too many work for you 14:48:30 <chinosoliard> I'm so sure that I (only representative in .ar) don't need SWAG yet... 14:48:31 <x3mboy> To don't have the warehouse problem 14:48:42 <x3mboy> I will need some for FLISoL 14:48:48 <x3mboy> But not too much 14:48:50 <bt0> me too 14:48:55 <itamarjp> shipping per event won't arrive on time, unless you ship with alot of time in advance. 14:48:56 <x3mboy> Probably villadalmine will need more 14:49:19 <chinosoliard> but my doubt is: how much time will take the shipment? because, If I get invited to an event, I don't know, next month, I'm totally sure that shipment is not going to arrive before 14:49:22 <bexelbie> itamarjp, then lets have good planning 14:49:45 <x3mboy> Also, there are special cases like Brazil, where shipping is so long and expensive that warehouse will be preferred 14:49:49 <bexelbie> let's figure out what shipping times are like before hand. I would expect not postal service (i.e. Fedex, etc.) to arrive in less than a month 14:49:54 <bexelbie> but sure 14:49:54 <itamarjp> I asked for Brazil and Paraguay together, if chinosoliard attends latinoware you can add argentina in same shippment. 14:50:19 <x3mboy> Because today is 6, FLISoL is on 28, will we have time to get shipped on time? 14:50:26 <chinosoliard> here in .ar, I've been waiting for a package from China for at least 3 month... And a friend of mine have waited more than 7 month (I've photos of that) 14:51:00 <bexelbie> x3mboy, I can ship as soon as I know how much and to where (name, full address, phone number) 14:51:14 <bexelbie> chinosoliard, by postal service or by courier service? 14:51:25 <bexelbie> mail service from China is slow everywhere 14:51:31 <x3mboy> I will create mine today 14:51:31 <bexelbie> DHL/Fedex/UPS not so much 14:51:42 <chinosoliard> ohh, I just don't know, it was my first time 14:52:15 <chinosoliard> bexelbie, the problem was in .ar, china package arrive on time, but import rules here sucks! 14:52:26 <bexelbie> this group needs to decide how swag shipping is approved. i.e. I am not going to decide if someone has a legitimate need for swag. So you all approve it (informally, beause of event ticket, whatever) and then assign to me with the information I need please 14:52:30 <bexelbie> chinosoliard, ahh 14:52:46 <bexelbie> As I said in the production ticket - we need to do the first shipments as soon as possible 14:52:56 * bexelbie is waiting on the pens to arrive, but everything else should be in 14:53:04 <bexelbie> and they should be here probably monday 14:53:17 <bexelbie> they went slow slow slow for reasons unrelated to anyone on this chat or RH 14:53:46 <chinosoliard> it's ok, bexelbie 14:53:47 <x3mboy> Ok, so action 14:54:07 <x3mboy> #action request FLISoL Swag ASAP to get it delivered 14:54:43 <x3mboy> #info needs for the shipping are: full name, full address, phone number, email 14:54:43 <chinosoliard> excelent 14:54:44 <bexelbie> let's be more specific pleaes 14:54:46 <bexelbie> yes 14:54:50 <bexelbie> and what they need 14:55:00 <x3mboy> #info needs for the shipping are: full name, full address, phone number, email, Swag requested 14:55:01 <bexelbie> #info and exactly what and how many items you need 14:55:05 <bexelbie> #undo 14:55:17 <bt0> #undo 14:55:17 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by bexelbie at 14:55:01 : and exactly what and how many items you need 14:55:27 <bexelbie> bt0, thank you 14:55:32 <bt0> ;) 14:55:47 <itamarjp> bexelbie, I already added these info on the google docs, about quantities it's up to you, 14:55:51 <x3mboy> Ok, that's all I have 14:55:54 <bexelbie> itamarjp, no it isn't 14:56:04 <bexelbie> I will not make a decision about quantity for this region 14:56:14 <bexelbie> you all need to know what you want where 14:56:22 <bexelbie> because once something ships it is probably "gone forever" 14:56:35 <bexelbie> so if you warehouse swag in Country X and it is later needed in Country Y - that may not be easy or possible 14:56:37 <x3mboy> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_latam 14:57:10 <x3mboy> That is a little old, but it's a good guidance 14:57:51 <x3mboy> Ok, so something else to discuss? 14:58:08 <chinosoliard> yes 14:58:11 <chinosoliard> your ticket 14:58:18 <chinosoliard> and a lot of other tickets 14:58:21 <chinosoliard> *issues 14:58:24 <x3mboy> Sorry? What? 14:58:34 <chinosoliard> and one ticket I've posted today earlier 14:58:40 <x3mboy> I have no ticket with meeting tag (I edit one just before starting) 14:58:41 <itamarjp> bexelbie, lets start with these quantities, https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/438 14:58:53 <chinosoliard> Sessions to improve ambassador skills 14:58:53 <chinosoliard> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/423 14:59:38 <chinosoliard> F27 schedule 27 ambassador team tasks : https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/428 <- That shouldn't be a pagure issue, I think 15:01:10 <chinosoliard> guys... noon is comming here... I don't have problem to stay online for more time, but... can we move on or something? 15:01:22 <bexelbie> itamarjp, can you update that with the other required shipping informatoin, and then if LATAM is good, I'll ship it 15:01:26 <x3mboy> Oh! it depends on too many things, and now I don't have the time to plan this anymore 15:01:31 <bexelbie> I am going to assume that assignment to me means ship it 15:02:58 <bt0> sounds easy, many thanks bex :) 15:03:25 <bexelbie> bt0, that is the goal :) 15:03:35 <chinosoliard> <bexelbie> I am going to assume that assignment to me means ship it <- Excelent 15:04:31 <x3mboy> Ok, let's just do a quick pass on voting tickets, and I will close the #423 (or keep it in pause) 15:04:49 <chinosoliard> ok 15:05:16 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=Meeting 15:05:21 <chinosoliard> keep it in pause, lets crean NOW because with flisol comming, issues will increase! 15:05:36 <x3mboy> +1 15:06:16 <chinosoliard> <chinosoliard> F27 schedule 27 ambassador team tasks : https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/428 <- That shouldn't be a pagure issue, I think 15:06:39 <x3mboy> Not for latam at least, that's a global schedule 15:07:05 <chinosoliard> (was) 15:07:28 <x3mboy> Also that, but we shouldn't have this ticket each release, IMHO 15:07:30 <chinosoliard> but, It should be posted in mail-list, not in pagure... 15:07:39 <x3mboy> +1 15:07:49 <chinosoliard> ok... I'll close it. Should I? 15:07:50 <bt0> +1 15:08:13 <chinosoliard> done! 15:08:35 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, 15:08:41 <chinosoliard> #431 usb stickers for IFTM SNCT ITUIUTABA 2017 15:08:45 <chinosoliard> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/431 15:08:48 <chinosoliard> what about it? 15:09:18 <itamarjp> I did it, I will close the ticket 15:09:26 <chinosoliard> I do it 15:09:37 <chinosoliard> but wait 15:09:44 <chinosoliard> did you get the reimbursement? 15:10:03 <itamarjp> at the end I don't used the usb 15:10:04 <chinosoliard> itamarjp? 15:10:12 <chinosoliard> ok 15:10:18 <chinosoliard> closed as closed 15:10:40 <chinosoliard> x3mboy, 15:10:44 <chinosoliard> Countries Landing Pages 15:10:47 <chinosoliard> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/437 15:11:04 <chinosoliard> x3mboy 15:11:05 <chinosoliard> 3 months ago 15:11:05 <chinosoliard> Please remember to create the pages from your countries. This ticket can be closed, but at the moment only 5 countries have created their pages. 15:11:10 <x3mboy> Well, people don't want to create their country page and I'm not going to do the work for everybody 15:11:16 <x3mboy> I just tell them last meeting 15:11:21 <chinosoliard> people are inactive... 15:11:34 <chinosoliard> I'll close that, but... 15:11:42 <x3mboy> So, my next move will be to sent an email, and then close the ticekt and erase countries without landing page 15:11:48 <chinosoliard> #action chinosoliard will send mail asking people to create country landing pages 15:12:25 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, 15:12:26 <chinosoliard> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/438 15:12:30 <chinosoliard> #438 Swag for Brazil / Paraguay. 15:12:39 <x3mboy> People will appear next week, now that FLISoL is coming 15:13:05 <chinosoliard> ¬¬ 15:13:09 <chinosoliard> nice people... nice 15:13:13 <x3mboy> You know how it is 15:13:27 <chinosoliard> let's remember how we are working since last July... 15:13:56 <chinosoliard> *let's remember they [...] 15:14:25 <chinosoliard> itamarjp, what about it: #438 Swag for Brazil / Paraguay. 15:14:32 <chinosoliard> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/438 15:16:04 <x3mboy> Sorry, I really, really need to run 15:16:22 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, waiting for shipment 15:16:28 <x3mboy> I will vote on current tickets (FLISoL tickets) on Pagure itself 15:16:41 <bt0> +1 for that 15:16:45 <x3mboy> And +1 to this Brazil Swag ticket 15:16:46 <x3mboy> :D 15:17:01 <chinosoliard> #info FLISoL Tickets MUST be voted and discussed on pagure (to move on quickly) 15:17:11 <x3mboy> chinosoliard, when you have some time, please ping me on telegram 15:17:35 <chinosoliard> ok. I'll do it tomorrow 15:17:41 <chinosoliard> I've to go too... 15:17:51 <bt0> ok 15:17:54 <chinosoliard> should I close the meeting? 15:17:59 <bt0> please 15:18:03 <bt0> +1 for close 15:18:04 <chinosoliard> (we don't have quorum) 15:18:08 <chinosoliard> ok 15:18:11 <chinosoliard> closing meeting 15:18:14 <chinosoliard> 5... 15:18:15 <chinosoliard> 4... 15:18:17 <chinosoliard> 3... 15:18:19 <chinosoliard> 2... 15:18:21 <chinosoliard> 1... 15:18:24 <chinosoliard> 1/2... 15:18:28 <chinosoliard> #endmeeting