22:53:35 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora latam ambassadors meeting 22:53:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb 6 22:53:35 2016 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:53:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:53:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting' 22:53:43 <echevemaster> #topic Roll call 22:54:02 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 22:54:06 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:54:06 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 22:54:08 <itamarjp> echevemaster, el meeting esta programado para empezar daqui a 6 minutos. 22:54:09 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:54:20 <itamarjp> podemos esperar un pouco mas ? 22:54:21 * yn1v Nicaragua 22:54:33 <echevemaster> Itamar I know, I don't see any difference, just doing roll call 22:54:35 <alexove> .fas alexove 22:54:36 <echevemaster> No worries 22:54:36 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 22:54:56 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia 22:55:13 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 22:55:14 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 22:55:18 * alexove = Peru 22:55:31 * itamarjp PeruGuay 22:55:52 <echevemaster> I'll wait for the people for five minutes to start the topic 22:56:06 <lilix> .fas lilixx 22:56:06 <zodbot> lilix: lilixx 'Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada' <lila2390@gmail.com> 22:56:20 <alexove> lilix: o/ 22:57:27 <echevemaster> Meanwhile thanks all for attend to our meeting, has arrived the day to choose the venue of the Fudcon of this year 22:57:46 <Kohane> .hi lailah 22:57:51 <echevemaster> May the force be with you, Fedorians 22:57:57 <mayorga> .hellomynameis mayorga 22:57:58 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Mayorga Téllez' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 22:57:58 <Kohane> Thanks 22:58:00 * mayorga Nicaragua 22:58:19 <Kohane> .hello lailah 22:58:20 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <LailahFSF@gmail.com> 22:58:28 <Kohane> Ah, finallu 22:58:32 <echevemaster> #chair y1nv 22:58:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: echevemaster y1nv 22:58:56 <tonet666p> hi guys 22:59:00 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 22:59:01 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 22:59:07 * tonet666p from Perú 22:59:11 <echevemaster> Ok, then, we will start the topic 22:59:21 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 22:59:21 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 22:59:24 <wolnei> Brazil 22:59:28 <alexove> wolnei: o/ 22:59:31 <echevemaster> #topic Fudcon Venue Election 22:59:50 <echevemaster> Anybody can paste the links here 22:59:57 <echevemaster> I'm on the cellphone 23:00:03 <echevemaster> ? 23:00:14 <itamarjp> links of fudcon bids ? 23:00:23 <echevemaster> Yes 23:00:30 <Kohane> Wait, I have them 23:00:40 <echevemaster> Please, Puno and Uruguay 23:00:48 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Puno_2016_bid 23:01:13 <echevemaster> We will start with Puno 23:01:13 <Kohane> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Montevideo_2016_bid 23:01:23 <Kohane> Sent Montevideo 23:01:25 <Kohane> Okay 23:01:27 <echevemaster> Wranglers, ready? 23:01:35 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Montevideo_2016_bid 23:01:40 <echevemaster> First question 23:02:17 <echevemaster> Why we should elect your country as venue of this Fudcon? 23:02:31 <echevemaster> Wranglers, please ask the question 23:02:39 <echevemaster> Explain us 23:02:43 <Kohane> Who are the wranglers? 23:03:04 <echevemaster> The owners of the event 23:03:13 <Kohane> Then is answer and not ask 23:03:28 <Kohane> Answer the question you should say 23:03:37 <echevemaster> Yes, sorry 23:03:44 <echevemaster> Answer the question 23:03:55 <echevemaster> Thanks Kohane 23:04:36 <tonet666p> ! 23:04:47 <Kohane> You're welcome 23:04:56 <echevemaster> Go ahead 23:05:20 <tonet666p> hi every one 23:05:27 <echevemaster> If you want in Spanish 23:05:37 <Kohane> Hi tonet666 23:05:43 <tonet666p> i'm one of the event owners for Puno bid 23:05:45 <echevemaster> tonet666p 23:06:19 <aeperezt> .fas aeperezt 23:06:19 <zodbot> aeperezt: aeperezt 'Alejandro Perez' <alejandro.perez.torres@gmail.com> 23:06:35 * aeperezt Panama 23:06:44 <tonet666p> i think you should vote for Puno because here we have an active foss community interested on Fedora 23:06:46 <echevemaster> #chair aeperezt 23:06:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: aeperezt echevemaster y1nv 23:07:18 <tonet666p> ok, en español 23:07:54 <tonet666p> muchas de esas personas se introdujeron como usuarios y creo que es momento de que conozcan la comunidad de mas cerca 23:08:06 * alexove todos hablamos spanglish ;-) 23:08:34 <tonet666p> de esa manera poder sentirse mas atraidos y lograr conseguir sus contribuciones voluntarias 23:08:39 <Kohane> Right. 23:09:14 <tonet666p> esa es la principal meta que tenemos en caso de que se elija a Puno como sede 23:09:43 <tonet666p> ahora, respecto a nuestros aliados 23:09:54 <Kohane> Yes? 23:10:11 <tonet666p> tenemos de nuestro lado a la Universidad Nacional del Altiplano 23:10:46 <tonet666p> mi persona ha hablado personalmente con el decano de mi facultad y el director de estudios, los cuales ofrecieron su apoyo en caso de que se acepte la sede 23:11:40 <tonet666p> esto involucra tener el centro de convenciones a nuestra disposicion, movilidad y muy probablemente tambien presupuesto como auspicio 23:12:08 <Kohane> Right. 23:12:54 <echevemaster> How many attendees are you thinking bring to the event? The expenses are normal ? , the flights are cheap or expensive, Do you think is easy bring to Puno contributors of nearest countries? 23:13:05 <tonet666p> por otro lado, el costo de vida en Puno es muy bajo, los hospedajes tambien, y estamos cerca a Bolivia, asi que el evento tambien podria ser accesible para los fedorianos de ese pais 23:13:30 <Abhadd> Hola buenas tardes aqui en Cusco Peru, estamos amciosos de recibir a la comunidad de latinos fedorianos 23:13:47 <Kohane> ansiosos, with s 23:13:53 <Kohane> Sorry, I can't help it 23:14:01 <tonet666p> respondiendo 23:14:51 <tonet666p> sobre los asistentes, creo que se puede llegar a unas 200 personas como minimo, creo que lo principal es el interes de las mismas antes que la cantidad 23:15:03 <echevemaster> Finally, what are your cons? 23:15:04 <Abhadd> Ademas la comunidad de Fedora Peru estamos trabajando y haciendo eventos constemente 23:15:22 <Kohane> I agree on that. Interest over number 23:15:29 <tonet666p> sobre los gastos y los vuelos, ahi si se tiene un poco de exceso, ya que los vuelos primero llegan a Lima y recien vana Juliaca 23:15:48 <tonet666p> ademas de que luego de juliaca se tiene que tomar transporte terrestre hasta Puno 23:16:27 <Abhadd> Respecto a la gestion y parte logistica personalmente estare apoyando en la organizacion de FudCon 23:16:38 <tonet666p> Creo que si sera facil atraer contribuidores de otros paises, ya que estamos en frontera con Bolivia 23:16:43 <itamarjp> tonet666p, alex dice que este transporte es muy acerca Juliaca X puno 45 minutes by car 23:16:46 <tonet666p> y muy cerca a Chile 23:16:46 <tonet666p> eof 23:16:50 <echevemaster> Ok please answer the last question, what are your cons? 23:17:10 <alexove> ! 23:17:17 <tonet666p> creo que una de las principales contras es la de los vuelos 23:17:21 <echevemaster> Go ahead alexove 23:17:38 <tonet666p> y luego la altura, ya que muchos pueden sufir de soroche 23:17:39 <tonet666p> eof 23:17:47 <echevemaster> Ok, guys meanwhile see the link of the bid while Uruguay answer the question too 23:17:56 <alexove> Creo que con lo que se ahorre con lo del local y facilidades que de la universidad se puede destinar más dinero a los pasajes 23:18:00 <alexove> eof 23:18:26 <echevemaster> Why we should elect your country as venue of this Fudcon? 23:18:30 <echevemaster> Uruguay 23:18:33 <Kohane> Yea 23:19:12 <echevemaster> After Uruguay answer the question, people here will do their own questions 23:19:18 <echevemaster> Kohane go ahead 23:19:22 <Kohane> I think is Uruguay is a great place because is nearer to many contributors countries like Argentina and Brazil 23:19:28 <Kohane> Yes, I'm writing 23:20:09 <Kohane> And it has a small community but many users due the Plan Ceibal (OLPC and later similar projects) 23:20:23 <Kohane> Many Fedora users I mean 23:21:15 <Kohane> Also, it flights go directly to Montevideo, 23:22:28 <Kohane> And there's a lot of interest from different areas, specially developers and education related people, in this event. In making happen here. 23:22:56 <Kohane> Also, flights go directly to Montevideo. Sorry, my mistake. 23:23:47 <echevemaster> What are your cons? 23:24:01 <Kohane> It would be awesome if the event can be done here, give the local community a push, atracting the spare users to the community, makiing them see they aren-t alone. 23:24:05 <Kohane> EOF 23:24:24 <Kohane> Cons.. 23:24:59 <Kohane> Hotels are maybe a little bit more expensive than in Puno. 23:25:36 <itamarjp> Kohane, do you have idea about the price range ? 23:26:09 <itamarjp> $25 / $50 / $100 usd per person ? 23:26:16 <echevemaster> And If there are cheaper hostals 23:26:37 <Kohane> 60 or 80 for room between one and three persons each 23:26:47 <Kohane> Yeah, hostals are way cheaper 23:27:07 <Kohane> And there's a lot 23:27:20 <echevemaster> Remember, Fedora guys can be hosted in cheap hostals if they are good 23:27:50 <Kohane> Well, here there's a lot of good hostals and they have low costs 23:27:59 <aeperezt> How many local people do you think will go to the event? are any local college or universites interested on it? 23:28:05 <Kohane> Many of them include a breakfast 23:28:05 <echevemaster> Always has been of that way 23:28:16 <Kohane> Oh! Perfect 23:28:43 <Kohane> How many attending? No less of 50 or 60 23:29:09 <Kohane> From near countries 23:29:19 <Kohane> 100 or more from other places 23:29:39 <echevemaster> Do you have a university or place interested to host the event 23:29:52 <echevemaster> Or you should pay for that? 23:30:08 <Kohane> Yes, isn't a University because educative institutions were closed during january 23:30:39 <Kohane> It's a coworking place that they very interested in hosting the event 23:31:11 <Kohane> They already work a lot with Linux users and developers, host Linux based companies, and different events 23:31:12 <echevemaster> Ok, team please do your own questions to the wrangler, and then we will vote 23:31:27 <echevemaster> Wranglers * 23:32:40 <echevemaster> There are questions? 23:33:01 <itamarjp> what are the dates planned for fudcon ? 23:33:12 <wolnei> The coworking is interested in sponsorship? 23:33:32 <echevemaster> tonet, Kohane? 23:33:34 <Kohane> Yes, they're interested 23:34:21 <Kohane> Uruguay: dates are from 8 to 12th September 23:34:45 <alexove> The proposed dates are in the Puno bid wiki page 23:34:47 <alexove> From: 06/10/2016 To: 09/10/2016 23:35:52 <itamarjp> Did you get mad with me if I vote for other bid for fudcon ? will you try again next year bidding again in case your bid was not choosen ? 23:36:26 <Kohane> Who are you talking to, itamarjp? 23:36:43 <echevemaster> Kohane, usually the countries try the next year 23:36:50 <itamarjp> I am asking for both bids 23:37:10 <echevemaster> That means, they are interested to improve their bids 23:37:25 <Kohane> I know. I wanted to know who itamar was asking to. 23:37:49 <tonet666p> echevemaster, we have Escuelab and Codigo Linux community but they dont have money 23:38:05 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:38:05 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:38:13 * alyaj2a fron Peru 23:38:25 <echevemaster> tonet666p I'm not asking for sponsoring 23:38:55 <Kohane> I'm getting lost 23:39:07 <Kohane> echevemaster: Did you asked something? 23:39:12 <tonet666p> ahhh, sorry 23:39:14 <Kohane> When and what 23:39:45 <tonet666p> i think we still can if montevideo wins this year 23:40:00 <tonet666p> podemos intentar el siguiente año 23:40:05 <echevemaster> Ok if the countries don't want answer the question is fine. For me is a valid question 23:40:05 <echevemaster> Thanks Itamarjp 23:40:26 <Kohane> Oh! Yes, sure. Why should I get mad? 23:40:29 <echevemaster> Thanks for that tonet666p 23:40:33 <Kohane> I mean... is your decision 23:40:46 <kovalevsky> .fas sophiekovalevsky 23:40:48 <zodbot> kovalevsky: sophiekovalevsky 'Kiara Navarro' <kiarakovalevsky@gmail.com> 23:40:49 <kovalevsky> Panamá 23:40:56 <echevemaster> Ok go ahead, we will vote 23:41:12 <Kohane> ok 23:41:51 <echevemaster> Please vote for you desire 23:41:53 * tonet666p Puno 0 - Montevideo 0 23:41:58 <echevemaster> Country 23:42:11 <echevemaster> Sorry for the typo 23:42:17 <tonet666p> that is my vote 23:42:28 <Kohane> Wranglers vote? 23:42:38 <echevemaster> Yes, they do 23:42:39 <mayorga> My vote is for Puno. Their team has already some experience and free venue is also a plus. 23:42:56 <kovalevsky> +1 for Puno. 23:42:59 <echevemaster> Thanks mayorga 23:43:07 <echevemaster> Thanks Kovalevsky 23:43:28 <Kohane> +1 Montevideo 23:43:30 <lilix> +1 Puno 23:43:33 <alexove> +1 for Puno 23:43:34 <alexove> :-) 23:43:37 <echevemaster> Thanks Kohane 23:43:44 <echevemaster> Thanks lilix 23:43:49 <wolnei> +1 Puno 23:44:00 <echevemaster> Thanks alexove, wolnei 23:44:04 <Abhadd> Gracias mayorga es verdad tenemos experiencia y en el fudcon 2013 fue todo un exito 23:44:07 <yn1v> puno 23:44:08 <alyaj2a> +1 Puno 23:44:27 <itamarjp> +1 Puno (hope to see uruguay for next year) 23:44:49 <Kohane> No, it won't be possible I won't be in Uruguay next year 23:44:56 <echevemaster> Anyone else? 23:45:17 <echevemaster> My vote is for Puno 23:45:59 * alexove potty voted for Puno too 23:46:04 <aeperezt> +1 Puno 23:46:08 <itamarjp> Kohane, where you moving ? 23:46:12 <echevemaster> #info Fudcon 2016 will be held at Puno Peru 23:46:29 <echevemaster> #agreed Fudcon 2016 is in Puno 23:46:31 <mayorga> tonet666p: Congrats!!! 23:46:38 <alyaj2a> Oww yeahh 23:46:50 <echevemaster> 10 - 1 23:46:55 <Abhadd> This was the last event we did in Cusco Peru https://www.facebook.com/FedoraCusco/ 23:47:03 <itamarjp> congrats Peru for having fudcon again. 23:47:08 <alexove> congrats Tonet666p Alyaj2a Renne 23:47:08 <echevemaster> May the force be with you Puno!!! 23:47:31 * alexove will save money for the pachamanca :-D 23:47:33 <echevemaster> We have time to discuss about the cardholder? 23:47:57 <Abhadd> Mas bien guarden dinero para el cacacho 23:47:58 <tonet666p> ohhhh 23:48:07 <echevemaster> Or we can discuss about that the next week? 23:48:17 <Abhadd> digo kankacho 23:48:18 <yn1v> a como es de costumbre en la comunidad de software libre, si haces algo bien te premian dandote mas trabajo de gratis. Felicidades Puno 23:48:28 <alexove> Itamarjp about the ticket? 23:48:35 <tonet666p> thanks guys 23:48:36 <alexove> the cardholder ticket? 23:48:37 * tonet666p se ha desmayado 23:48:38 <itamarjp> echevemaster, do we have more people interested in becoming the cardholder ? 23:48:45 <echevemaster> Yes 23:48:52 <echevemaster> Neville 23:49:36 * mayorga would like to thank both teams for their bidding work! 23:50:02 <Abhadd> Thanks know it will be another event of great importance 23:50:57 <yn1v> I will check with red hat accounting to see if my credit card is valid. If it is still valid i will continue to be the card holder, if not I will step aside 23:50:58 <echevemaster> #topic Cardholder discussion 23:51:55 <yn1v> unless somebody think I should step aside for any reason 23:51:57 <Abhadd> I'm crying with joy . Today will not go to the meeting want to celebrate 23:52:01 <echevemaster> Guys, itamarjp did a ticket for ask to be the next cardholder of latam, Neville also is willing to take the ownership of the task 23:52:23 <echevemaster> Please share your thoughts 23:52:36 <echevemaster> Is a open discussion and is not official 23:52:44 <wolnei> The card holder elected is not Abdel? 23:52:46 <echevemaster> Redhat have to take the decision 23:52:50 <itamarjp> I filled the ticket because Neville was not sure about continuing doing the task 23:53:01 <echevemaster> No wolnei he is the treasurer 23:53:10 <wolnei> Ok 23:53:26 <echevemaster> Itamarjp, then there are nothing to discuss here 23:53:37 <echevemaster> Neville is willing to take the task 23:53:39 <danielbruno> Hi guys5, I'm sorry I'm late 23:53:49 <yn1v> it will make sense that the treasurer will be the card holder, but it is not required 23:54:00 <echevemaster> So, go ahead Neville and bring the discussion to the Council 23:54:09 <Kohane> He seemed to be hesitating, mostly willing to give up 23:54:18 <Kohane> But I don't know now 23:54:39 <yn1v> the thing for me is that there has been some months and red hat has not commented on replacing the card holder 23:55:21 <echevemaster> yn1v, for me is better that you take again the task, you have the experience 23:55:42 <itamarjp> yn1v, for me too 23:55:43 <yn1v> they asked privately for my recommendations on replacement, but nothing has happened 23:56:16 <echevemaster> Ok guys I will close the meeting if there are not topics to discuss rodsy 23:56:37 <echevemaster> Thanks y1nv and please keep us posted about this 23:56:37 <itamarjp> lets finish the topic about cardholder 23:56:49 <echevemaster> There are any topics to discuss today 23:56:50 <echevemaster> ? 23:56:58 <itamarjp> yn1v, will you continue ? 23:57:08 <itamarjp> yn1v, are you confident ? 23:57:18 <yn1v> yes, I am okey 23:57:30 <itamarjp> then I will close the ticket, 23:57:38 <yn1v> there is one other item abdel asked to take into the meeting 23:57:52 <echevemaster> Please bring the topic 23:57:58 <echevemaster> You are chair 23:58:28 <yn1v> #topic puntarenas forum 23:59:07 <yn1v> Fernando espinoza y abdel tienen en el presupuesto una entrada para el foro tecnologico en puntarenas costa rica 23:59:33 <yn1v> envie un mail a la lista sobre esto. 23:59:37 <Abhadd> Thank you all permission to another meeting byeee 23:59:48 <yn1v> no se si los event owners ya abrieron la wiki del evento 00:00:15 <echevemaster> Ok what is the cost of this travel? There are filled tickets? 00:00:30 <yn1v> pero la idea es mover algunos colaboradores cerca de costa rica a este evento 00:00:46 <yn1v> no hay ticket, esperaba ver la wiki para abrir el ticket 00:01:09 <yn1v> la UCR va aponer alohamiento y comida 00:01:22 <yn1v> lo que debemos poner nosotros es tiempo y transsporte 00:01:43 <yn1v> puede ser via bus para la gente en Nicaragua. 00:01:55 <yn1v> posiblemente de panama tambien pueda ser en bus 00:02:13 <echevemaster> Ok more or less, what are the costs? 00:02:19 <yn1v> asi que es mas informativo que otra cosa 00:02:49 <echevemaster> In order to vote for the sponsorship 00:02:52 <yn1v> I think is about $85 round trip by bus from managua 00:03:09 <itamarjp> yn1v, I paid more last time. 00:03:14 <yn1v> but there is no list of people traveling to have the complete budged 00:03:26 <echevemaster> For each attendee? 00:03:32 <yn1v> yes 00:03:47 <itamarjp> yn1v, creo algo en torno de $150 / person 00:04:00 <echevemaster> So, we can vote for the list of people the next week? Or we can vote for you, Abdel just now 00:04:33 <echevemaster> yn1v 00:04:35 <echevemaster> ? 00:05:00 <yn1v> website said is $92 00:05:13 <mayorga> yn1v: Link? 00:05:39 <yn1v> I thinking in going by car so we can carpool 5 people from managua 00:06:03 <echevemaster> And Panama? 00:06:36 <echevemaster> When is the event yn1v? 00:06:50 <yn1v> #link http://www.ticabus.com 00:07:01 <yn1v> panama is $110 00:07:26 <yn1v> 21 al 25 de marzo 00:08:14 <echevemaster> Ok please take the lead on this case and fill the wiki, in order to vote for attendees the next week 00:08:31 <yn1v> so, sorry there is nothing to vote yet, there is time. but know you have some info on the topic 00:08:59 <echevemaster> Ok thanks Neville :) 00:09:00 <itamarjp> probably the people from panamá can share a car too 00:09:12 <yn1v> I will ping on mailing list to see if people want to attend 00:10:06 <echevemaster> Guys, I'm not sure to chair the next meeting, because I'll be traveling to USA on Saturday 00:10:33 <yn1v> I think I can chair next meeting 00:10:35 <echevemaster> So, if there are somebody willing to take the chair, go ahead 00:10:41 <echevemaster> Thanks Neville 00:11:01 <echevemaster> So, I will close the meeting 00:11:09 <echevemaster> Thanks to all 00:11:12 <mayorga> echevemaster: I'd like to chair next week. :-) 00:11:25 <echevemaster> Thanks mayorga! 00:11:29 <echevemaster> 5 00:11:31 <echevemaster> 4 00:11:33 <echevemaster> 3 00:11:35 <echevemaster> 2 00:11:37 <echevemaster> 1 00:11:47 <echevemaster> May the force be with you Fedorians 00:11:49 <itamarjp> thank you folks 00:11:55 <echevemaster> #endmeeting