23:01:02 <mayorga> #startmeeting Fedora LATAM Ambassadors meeting 23:01:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Feb 13 23:01:02 2016 UTC. The chair is mayorga. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:01:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:01:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting' 23:01:26 <mayorga> #topic Roll Call 23:02:05 <potty> .fas potty 23:02:06 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> 23:02:43 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 23:02:45 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:02:50 <wolnei> Brazil 23:02:58 <mayorga> .hellomynameis mayorga 23:03:00 <zodbot> mayorga: mayorga 'Eduardo Mayorga Téllez' <e@mayorgalinux.com> 23:03:04 * mayorga Nicaragua 23:03:14 * potty saluda a todos desde Panamá 23:04:11 <athos> .fas ribeiro 23:04:12 <zodbot> athos: slowhusky 'Victor Ribeiro Pires' <slowhusky@gmail.com> - edurfelix 'José Eduardo Ribeiro de Felix' <edurfelix@gmail.com> - softwarepublico 'Portal do Software Publico' <ribeiro@openmailbox.org> - sdmauro 'Mauro Rodrigues Ribeiro' <maurorr@gmail.com> - tcasalribeiro 'Tiago Casal RIbeiro' <tiago.casal@gmail.com> - ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> - anilton 'Anilton Ribeiro' (5 more messages) 23:04:49 <mayorga> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 23:05:36 <mayorga> potty: Hi! :-) 23:06:19 <mayorga> We are only four... Let's wait a bit for someone else to show up, so that we have quorum. 23:07:23 <potty> Ok 23:07:26 <potty> Tell me more about the ticket 23:08:11 <potty> Oh! It is a report... 23:08:15 <potty> My bad, sorry 23:10:00 <mayorga> #topic Foro de software libre en Puntarenas 23:10:21 <mayorga> This item was discussed last meeting. 23:11:09 <potty> Yes. I owe a wiki. 23:11:13 <mayorga> There was no wiki page nor ticket in trac at the moment. 23:11:56 <potty> The trac depends on the wiki 23:12:19 <mayorga> So let's move this to next meeting. 23:12:34 <potty> Ok 23:13:17 <mayorga> #topic Ticket #317 - Send reports of latam events to the community blog 23:13:30 <mayorga> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/317 23:13:37 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 23:13:38 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 23:13:44 * yn1v Nicaragua 23:14:26 <mayorga> Well, we are missing William for details. 23:15:38 <yn1v> I think the general idea is to make a better report for the funds used by the region 23:16:03 <mayorga> Just from the top of my mind: as we organize big events like FLISoL, we could write a single summary report for all the Fedora participation in all FlISoLs across LATAM. 23:16:18 <yn1v> somedody got sponsored to do something, so instead of a tiny mention in googleplus, it has to be a post 23:17:29 <yn1v> good point, so we keep up the information but reduce the redundancy 23:17:30 <mayorga> yn1v: I think that's already documented in our wikis, so this serves as a kind reminder. 23:18:04 <yn1v> well, I think this is for the public. The wiki is kind of a draft for internal use 23:19:24 <potty> Question 23:19:36 <potty> Should we make a template for this? 23:20:18 <potty> Like fill the form and then the storyteller can publish the final report gathering the filled forms 23:20:58 <yn1v> yes 23:21:35 <mayorga> yn1v: I mean, the procedure to ask for reimbursement already mandates to write a blog post about the events that get funding, even though it is not explicit about a post in the planet. 23:21:44 <mayorga> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Reimbursement#Events 23:21:45 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:21:46 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:22:11 * alexove = Peru 23:22:49 <mayorga> potty: Is the storyteller role already taken? 23:23:28 <potty> mayorga: but the planet is no longer the unique channel to publish 23:23:29 <potty> mayorga: the three roles were elected several meetings ago 23:23:37 <potty> mayorga: you can use the wiki, blog posts and commops posts 23:24:26 <potty> mayorga: so the best path could be create the wiki with links to the blog posts and make a unique commops post including info from all blog posts 23:25:43 <potty> storyteller is Sylvia 23:25:44 <yn1v> I think we should now set that the post should go to the commops blog 23:25:58 * potty doesn't remember her fas account 23:26:10 <yn1v> that can be a translation of a personal blog post if the blog is good 23:26:19 <mayorga> #idea To write a single summary report for all Fedora participation in big events like FLISoL to recude redundancy. This would be done by the storyteller. 23:26:54 <yn1v> .fas lailah 23:26:55 <zodbot> yn1v: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <LailahFSF@gmail.com> 23:27:07 <potty> yn1v++ 23:27:07 <zodbot> potty: Karma for yn1v changed to 4 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:27:16 <mayorga> #info Storyteller is Sylvia Sánches (lailah) 23:27:17 <potty> You deserve that and more 23:28:23 <mayorga> #info Such single posts will be published in CommOps blog. 23:28:32 <mayorga> Shall we move to next topic? 23:28:39 <potty> Yes 23:28:54 <mayorga> #topic Cardholder 23:29:15 <yn1v> I have two information on the matter 23:29:21 <mayorga> Also discussed last meeting... 23:29:26 <potty> Aja 23:29:39 <yn1v> first my credit card is still valid, which is good 23:30:05 <potty> yes, that means we are not discussing a dead topic 23:30:31 <yn1v> second, Ruth is in a conference and she is not available to confirm about picking up things where I left 23:31:18 <yn1v> so, we should wait until 16th that she come back to her office 23:31:50 <potty> Ok 23:31:55 <yn1v> nothing more for the moment 23:32:07 <mayorga> yn1v: Thanks. 23:32:46 <mayorga> #topic Open floor 23:33:08 <potty> Nothing from me 23:33:19 <alexove> ! 23:33:25 <mayorga> alexove: Go ahead. 23:33:30 <alexove> Yulitas wrote a ticket for an event 23:33:34 <alexove> a gnome event 23:33:57 <mayorga> Link? 23:35:21 * alexove is finding the ticket 23:35:27 <mayorga> It looks like the meeting keyword was not set on the ticket and that's why it does not appear in the agenda. 23:36:04 <alexove> I not add the "meeting" keyword beacuse not enought information was provided 23:37:10 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACK_GNOME_2016#Event_Owners 23:37:26 <mayorga> #chair alexove 23:37:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove mayorga 23:37:39 <mayorga> Now you can add the link. 23:37:46 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/316 23:38:01 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACK_GNOME_2016#Event_Owners 23:38:58 <mayorga> #topic Ticket #316 - Sponsoring the HACK GNOME camp 2016 23:39:21 <mayorga> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/316 23:39:31 <mayorga> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HACK_GNOME_2016#Event_Owners 23:39:58 <yn1v> Do we have outcomes from last event? There is a blog post about it? 23:40:29 <mayorga> The wiki page needs some love... 23:40:40 <alexove> I think a lot of love 23:40:42 <alexove> :-) 23:41:37 <yn1v> sure, that why I think that publishing on coomops blogs it is better, that leaving things hanging in the air 23:41:56 <yn1v> Does Julita have a blog? 23:42:01 <alexove> So, I will to talk with Yulitas about her ticket and complete the information in the wiki pages 23:42:18 <alexove> Yes she has 23:42:21 <mayorga> alexove: OK. Let's vote on this next meeting. 23:42:31 <alexove> But I can't remember what is ther 23:42:38 <alexove> mayorga: +1 23:42:55 <alexove> I agree 23:43:08 <mayorga> #agreed We'll vote on the ticket next meeting. 23:43:09 <yn1v> potty, would you look at the previous year ticket to get a sense of the use of funds for this event last year? 23:43:20 <alexove> The request is about budget and the event is the first week of march 23:44:05 <yn1v> things went bad last year, and it was stated explicitly that there will be no advancements 23:44:12 <yn1v> only refunds 23:45:48 <yn1v> there used to be some slack to provide advancement, procedures on redhat were changed ... an advancement was not reported on time ... and thing were really bad 23:45:59 <potty> Yes 23:47:25 <mayorga> Anything else? 23:48:17 <TonetJallo> hi guys 23:48:23 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p 23:48:24 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:48:29 * TonetJallo from Peru 23:49:17 <mayorga> Do you guys want to add something? Shall I end the meeting? 23:52:23 <mayorga> Thanks for attending!!! 23:52:28 <mayorga> #endmeeting