23:00:57 <echevemaster> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors meeting 23:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Mar 18 23:00:57 2017 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_meeting' 23:01:05 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 23:01:06 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:01:06 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 23:01:09 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:01:16 * linuxmodder from the FamNA side 23:01:16 * fredlima from Brazil 23:01:17 <echevemaster> .#meetingname Roll Call 23:01:22 <yn1v> .fas yn1v 23:01:22 <athos> .fas athoscr 23:01:23 <zodbot> yn1v: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 23:01:24 <echevemaster> #chair athos fredlima 23:01:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos echevemaster fredlima 23:01:26 <zodbot> athos: athoscr 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 23:01:33 * yn1v Nicaragua 23:01:41 <porfiriopaiz> .fas porfiriopaiz 23:01:42 * linuxmodder has few items for announcements or open floor whichever works best 23:01:42 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:01:45 * porfiriopaiz Nicaragua 23:01:46 <echevemaster> #chair yn1v 23:01:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos echevemaster fredlima yn1v 23:01:49 * mayorga reads. 23:02:29 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 23:02:29 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 23:02:39 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia 23:03:04 * echevemaster checking pagure 23:03:05 <yulytas> hola ynlv and everyone¡ 23:04:07 <wolnei> .fas Wolnei 23:04:07 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 23:04:15 <echevemaster> #topic Install Fest 2017 23:04:32 <echevemaster> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/385 23:04:58 <echevemaster> I'm connected? 23:05:11 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:05:11 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:05:17 * alexove Peru 23:05:18 <potty> .fas potty 23:05:18 <yn1v> echevemaster, I read you 23:05:18 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> - apkpotty 'Anantha Padmanaban K Potty' <apkpotty@gmail.com> - gdgd34434 'potty gurg' <dfgdfg@TempEMail.net> - radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> 23:05:22 <echevemaster> ok, yes seems it's working 23:05:32 <potty> echevemaster: please a seat for this old guy 23:05:35 <athos> ! 23:05:37 <potty> ! 23:05:40 <echevemaster> #chair potty 23:05:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: athos echevemaster fredlima potty yn1v 23:05:48 <echevemaster> athos: go ahead 23:06:00 <echevemaster> after athos, potty 23:06:29 <athos> about yulytas ticket: I am not sure where latam stands on t-shirts for ambassadors. 23:06:49 <echevemaster> it's something tricky 23:06:51 <athos> That should be discussed, maybe today is a good time for that. We should be clear on that matter 23:07:05 <athos> either we can request t-shirts or we cannot 23:07:09 <athos> eof 23:07:22 <yulytas> ok 23:07:22 <echevemaster> in theory we can't not 23:07:40 <echevemaster> why, because these clothes are personal 23:07:52 <echevemaster> and Fedora does not pay for personal matters 23:07:57 <echevemaster> but... 23:08:00 <athos> By the way, we cannot approve your ticket if you do not post a budget for your event, yuli 23:08:06 <athos> yulytas* 23:08:27 <echevemaster> Europa has done it 23:08:33 <yulytas> ok athos, I do not want to recieve money anymore 23:08:37 <echevemaster> so.... 23:08:44 <yulytas> just need merchandise that Peru has ( I think) 23:09:08 <echevemaster> yulytas: anybody receive money from Fedora, only reimbursements 23:09:13 <echevemaster> potty: go ahead 23:09:24 <yulytas> The Director has reached me to do a big event in the university for new freshman at the end of the month to install to 200 people FEDORA 23:09:36 <potty> i will share fy17 numbers 23:09:43 <potty> and fy18 status 23:09:45 <athos> echevemaster: Should we go to FAmSCo for directions on the matter then? 23:09:53 <potty> may it be the first topic 23:09:54 <athos> sorry potty :) 23:09:57 <potty> eof 23:10:24 <echevemaster> potty: already started the meeting 23:10:42 <echevemaster> ok, will change the topic 23:11:05 <echevemaster> #topic F17 numbers and F18 status 23:11:20 <yulytas> I added the numbers as athos asked anyway https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InstallFest_UNI#Asking_for_materials 23:11:24 <potty> ok 23:11:29 <echevemaster> potty: I recommend you set a ticket first to know how start the meeting 23:11:39 <potty> FY17 budget was $11950 23:12:14 <potty> We spent $798.67 on Q1 23:12:46 <alexove> yulytas: hay gente hablando que ya esta con turno, espera a openfloor al menos, gracias 23:13:04 <potty> We spent $2238.72 on Q2 23:13:35 <potty> We spent $1623.41 on Q3 23:13:52 <potty> We spent $1578.95 on Q4 23:14:20 <potty> That totalize $6230.75 23:14:47 <potty> That represents 52.14% of the budget. 23:14:51 <echevemaster> in theory we had to spent $2987 per Q 23:15:24 <potty> In average, we spent $1557.68 per Q 23:15:41 <potty> So much below what was expected 23:15:46 <potty> A few things here: 23:15:59 <potty> 1. We do not spend money on release-parties. 23:16:20 <potty> 2. Most of the money goes to the biggest Brazilian events: FISL and Latinoware 23:16:42 <potty> 3. Peru is doing a good work generating events (I think we may applaude yulytas here) 23:16:53 <yulytas> ++potty 23:16:55 <linuxmodder> regarding the Fy18 dvds anyone in the region have stable decent speed connect 23:16:57 <potty> 4. We do not spend money on SWAG 23:17:04 <yn1v> yulytas ++ 23:17:17 <potty> That's all on FY17 stuff 23:17:21 <yulytas> hehem thanks ynlv 23:17:27 <potty> I will now share some info about FY18 23:17:54 <linuxmodder> potty, why no swag? 23:18:16 <athos> linuxmodder, I have a 50Mb connection, that's considered a good connection here :( at least it is stable enough 23:18:19 <sr_kraken> .fas srkraken 23:18:22 <athos> yulytas++ 23:18:22 <zodbot> sr_kraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:18:22 <potty> Actually, the only countries that produced swag for the region was Nicaragua and Brasil. 23:18:24 <yn1v> s/do/did ... we did not made enough swag 23:18:25 <zodbot> athos: Karma for yulytas changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:18:33 * sr_kraken from México 23:18:41 <yn1v> yulytas++ 23:18:41 <zodbot> yn1v: Karma for yulytas changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:18:52 <fredlima> yulytas++ 23:18:52 <zodbot> fredlima: Karma for yulytas changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:18:54 <potty> linuxmodder: The main issue here is that we as region have not found the proper formula to make the swag centrally 23:19:05 <potty> linuxmodder: or having proposals per country 23:19:12 <potty> Mostly our fault 23:19:20 <athos> I started something but never got the time to go on :( 23:19:31 <echevemaster> swag should be made from the country that wants produce it. 23:19:38 <athos> I will catch up with that soon and produce some swag :) 23:19:42 <yulytas> thanks guys! <3 23:19:47 <alexove> ! 23:19:54 <potty> alexove: go ahead 23:19:58 <linuxmodder> athos, would you be able and willing to act as a regional web presence for the respins ? 23:20:02 <alexove> Disculpen, voy a escribir en español 23:20:07 <linuxmodder> for installfests and event media? 23:20:31 <alexove> Si se desea producir los swags de forma centralizada debiarmos averigurar en cada pais sobre los costos de importacion 23:20:32 <athos> linuxmodder: yes :) 23:20:48 <linuxmodder> athos, pm me post mtg then for info on doing so 23:20:55 <potty> alexove: centralizing swag is not the topic here 23:20:56 <athos> ack :) 23:21:05 <potty> alexove: i'm just sharing info, and my thoughts on the info 23:21:05 <echevemaster> alexove: I already said that the last meeting athos have the task 23:21:06 <alexove> es solo un comentario 23:21:15 <potty> let's focus on numbers 23:21:24 <potty> do anyone else got questions about FY17? 23:21:24 <echevemaster> potty: continue 23:21:33 <alexove> hablar de los swags es parte del problema de gasto de presupuesto 23:21:35 <alexove> o me equivoco? 23:21:37 <echevemaster> I potty after your numbers 23:21:56 <echevemaster> alexove: after potty presentation, will share our thoughts 23:22:04 <potty> alexove: me refiero a que no vamos a discutir específicamente de los problemas en torno al presupuesto, porque se desvía el foco de lo que quiero presentar... 23:22:06 <alexove> entendido :-) 23:22:07 <alexove> EOF 23:22:17 <potty> thanks echevemaster 23:22:19 <potty> FY18 23:22:53 <yn1v> alexove wrote: if we want to produce swag centrally, we should find out about import taxes. it is just a comment: Talking about swag is talking about budget problems. or i am wrong? 23:23:18 <potty> As you may noticed, 1) LATAM as not allocated and proposed a budget. 2) RH has not approved FY18 budget yet. 23:23:23 <alexove> thanks yn1v 23:23:26 <athos> ! 23:23:29 <alexove> yn1v++ 23:23:29 <zodbot> alexove: Karma for yn1v changed to 6 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 23:23:41 <potty> According to this email: 23:23:45 <potty> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/GICU6DIS4KK5GK3KXRPXIZU6KKODY5FG/ 23:23:47 <athos> potty: I know this is irrelevant, but you were $9 short, maybe a typo 23:24:01 <athos> but if you have that on your sheet, you might want to fix b4 reporting 23:24:04 <yn1v> potty wrote: I am refering that we are not discusing problem directy about budget, because we loose the focus on what I want to share 23:24:08 <linuxmodder> FamNa has not gotten an appraval for fy18 either so that is valid potty 23:24:10 <potty> athos: thank you 23:24:21 <sr_kraken> yn1v++ 23:24:25 <potty> quote: "Regions are authorized to allocate/spend up to 10% of their prior year budget. This should carry us through to the final budget allocation which is coming. This IS NOT A BUDGET CUT. This is just a way to allow regions to keep doing their work while also protecting us from the unknown." 23:24:47 <potty> Doing an easy math here, this means we temporary got $1195 23:25:40 <linuxmodder> that's hardly anything 23:25:43 <athos> well 23:25:45 <potty> So far we got a few reimbursements to do 23:25:57 <potty> That would limit us more 23:25:58 <echevemaster> ok potty what do you recommend to spend that 10% 23:26:00 <echevemaster> ? 23:26:01 <linuxmodder> we have about $2800 in famna iirc usign that logic 23:26:09 <potty> linuxmodder: yes 23:26:11 <athos> considering we spent 6k last FY.... I don't think ppl should stop their normal activities :) 23:26:20 <potty> echevemaster: we should not stop 23:26:28 <potty> athos: correct 23:26:33 <potty> that is my point 23:26:42 <echevemaster> potty: I'm not saying that. :( 23:26:50 <echevemaster> what do you recommend to spend that? 23:26:53 <potty> let's do things normally 23:26:56 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:26:56 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Jallo' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:27:01 * tonet666p from Perú 23:27:03 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:27:14 <athos> echevemaster: I think we can just keep doing whatever we do 23:27:31 <potty> echevemaster: on normal activities (events, swags, etc) 23:27:32 <athos> it MAY be a problem when Flisol comes next month 23:27:35 <echevemaster> ok, FLISOL is coming 23:27:41 <athos> but I believe we can deal with it there 23:27:46 <potty> no prob actuall 23:27:52 <potty> numbers can tell 23:27:58 <athos> usually, only wolnei, yulitas and chnino ask money for that one 23:27:58 <potty> give me a minute 23:28:07 * alexove : winter is coming... 23:28:18 <yulytas> I have been also invited to do a talk in Flisol and I will need merchandisings too 23:28:19 <echevemaster> athos: stop a minute,let's potty finish 23:28:33 <echevemaster> yulytas: let's potty finish 23:28:40 <yulytas> ok 23:28:51 <potty> On FY17, we spent on FLISOL $273.55 23:28:59 <potty> The countries involved were Panama, Venezuela, Mexico 23:29:19 <potty> So I would like to assume that we could roundly spend $300.00 here 23:29:21 <potty> BTW 23:29:29 <potty> There is another important, maybe conflictive, topic 23:30:02 <potty> Mexico is actually in both NA (regionally) and LATAM ('cultural') 23:30:18 <potty> Where should this country really be? 23:30:26 <yn1v> ! (about Mexico) 23:30:30 <potty> EOF 23:30:34 <potty> yn1v: go ahead 23:30:34 <echevemaster> yn1v: go ahead 23:31:26 <yn1v> Mexico was always has been in LATAM. There was the idea because it was on free trade agreement that swag can be provided. 23:31:47 <yn1v> the true is that under that time nobody asked swag so, it never happened 23:32:24 <yn1v> so, it may be possible to ask swag from NA for mexico. But if mexico produce swag it will come from our budget 23:32:28 <yn1v> eof 23:32:41 <echevemaster> I agree with that. 23:32:53 <potty> Thank you for the explanation yn1v. 23:32:56 <echevemaster> if Mexico grows so, that is different 23:33:14 <yn1v> what old people is good for, tell old wars histories 23:33:20 <echevemaster> I mean, grows in ambassadors 23:33:47 <chinosoliard> hi 23:33:52 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:33:53 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <a.soliard@gmail.com> 23:33:55 * chinosoliard from Argentina 23:33:55 <yulytas> o/ 23:34:02 <echevemaster> yulytas go ahead 23:34:15 <yulytas> hehe I just wave chino 23:34:51 <yulytas> but I agree in produce in general for a country, I mean a millar per year instead of asking every months or so 23:35:18 <yulytas> sorry potty If I am not following the Mexico issue 23:35:32 <echevemaster> yulytas: that should be the way 23:35:38 <yulytas> but I will read more about it in order to say sth 23:35:43 <echevemaster> but we have a year not doing it 23:35:57 <echevemaster> that's is the problem 23:36:00 <yulytas> :O 23:36:27 <yulytas> I offered myself to pay for Peru a millar of merchandisings but all must agree in that 23:36:37 <potty> Do anyone got questions about my topic? 23:36:49 <echevemaster> potty: 23:36:49 <potty> I got to go (attend my babies). 23:36:54 <echevemaster> first one. 23:37:05 <echevemaster> when the next budget will be approved 23:37:06 <echevemaster> ? 23:37:10 <echevemaster> and second 23:37:15 <echevemaster> according to the explained, when we could retake Fudcon matter? 23:37:23 <potty> echevemaster: no idea yet, i will ask brian 23:37:32 <potty> echevemaster: no idea neither, i will ask council this 23:37:33 <echevemaster> third and last 23:37:51 <echevemaster> you will be the tesorero again? 23:37:56 <echevemaster> treasurer 23:38:05 <echevemaster> hehehe, I didnt remember the word 23:38:18 <echevemaster> I'd like btw 23:38:23 <potty> echevemaster: if you like so, I will. I got the availability and motivation. Only need the approval of you people. 23:38:41 <yn1v> potty++ 23:38:41 <athos> I am a +1 on that :) 23:38:49 <potty> echevemaster: the safer move here is to have voting again the choose our regional delegates 23:38:50 <chinosoliard> potty++ 23:38:57 <echevemaster> ok, plese people thinks on that, potty has made a great work on tha tmatter 23:38:58 <potty> so we could make this, you know, formal 23:39:05 * sr_kraken Mexico necesita encontrar la forma de colaborar mas activamente con fedora 23:39:06 <potty> well 23:39:06 <yulytas> +1 23:39:09 <potty> ciao pescao 23:39:13 <alexove> ! 23:39:14 <potty> :) 23:39:14 <athos> o/ 23:39:21 <echevemaster> potty: bye 23:39:24 * potty is going to be online but afk 23:39:34 <tonet666p> sr_kraken, +1 23:39:35 <echevemaster> ok people--- 23:39:47 <echevemaster> please try to spend money on your events 23:39:52 <echevemaster> yulytas: for example 23:39:59 <yulytas> yes 23:40:10 <yulytas> I added inthe wiki as athos suggested 23:40:12 <echevemaster> itś not matter to spend money from your pocket 23:40:27 <yulytas> could you please see it https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InstallFest_UNI#Asking_for_materials 23:40:28 <echevemaster> it's try to be enough clear. 23:40:42 <yn1v> ! (reimbursement) 23:40:43 <linuxmodder> ! 23:40:45 <echevemaster> you are doing a great job with your event. 23:40:49 <echevemaster> yn1v: go ahead 23:41:26 <echevemaster> yulytas: 120 soles 36.5854USD????? 23:41:30 <yn1v> Brian called to stop paying with latam card, he would take care of the transition between fiscal years. 23:41:48 <echevemaster> yn1v:??????? 23:42:08 <yn1v> that already happened, when Potty confirmed with him, we are back on business as we are now officially in FY18 23:42:20 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, sounds like its on a fiscal boundariy 23:42:46 <yulytas> echevemaster this is the web I am using http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=120&From=PEN&To=USD 23:42:48 <yn1v> so, i will reiburse all that is pending on monday at the latest 23:43:05 <yulytas> ynlv++ 23:43:06 <yn1v> I sorry for the dealy in communicating this. 23:43:11 <echevemaster> and what will happen if brian changes it's hat or job? normally Redhat does it. 23:43:18 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: sadly... 23:43:23 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: go ahead. 23:43:54 <yn1v> if I had paid something form FY17 during transition will come from our FY18 budget 23:44:38 <linuxmodder> I asked athos earlier if he would be wiling to be a regional web presence for the respins, I was curious hwo many in the region would be down to pull form his OR my web presence for that to make dvd media and media in genereal easier for events 23:44:50 <yn1v> I think that we should be really happy with Brian, as he has been very forthcoming to be there for us, instead of us chasing him. 23:44:54 <echevemaster> yn1v: ask money from NA, always has been hard. You or potty will be a proxy? 23:45:03 <linuxmodder> the logic being you grab a local copy and dd it at the event 23:45:22 <yn1v> Potty, I will be olny paying 23:46:17 <echevemaster> athos++ 23:46:55 <echevemaster> I'm connected? 23:46:59 <athos> yes :) 23:46:59 <porfiriopaiz> echevemaster: yes. 23:47:01 <chinosoliard> yes 23:47:04 <yn1v> echevemaster, I read you 23:47:15 <echevemaster> thanks linuxmodder for the information 23:47:25 <echevemaster> ok, we can vote for Yulita's ticket? 23:47:38 <alexove> ! 23:47:38 <athos> Sure 23:47:43 <echevemaster> we can approve its ticket based on that 10% 23:47:43 * linuxmodder is out of region so will abstain 23:47:44 <echevemaster> alexove: 23:47:54 <alexove> Le falta colocar los fees de paypal y la transaccion bancaria 23:48:02 <alexove> EOF 23:48:19 <athos> +1 here: As mentioned before, she is the only one spending LATAM budget for events. 23:48:19 <echevemaster> yulytas: please what are the fees of paypal? 23:48:23 <yn1v> it is alredy added 23:48:23 <echevemaster> in Peru 23:48:32 <mayorga> +1 23:48:35 <echevemaster> ok, please vote 23:48:41 <porfiriopaiz> +1 23:48:42 <echevemaster> +1 from me 23:48:48 <yn1v> +1 23:49:07 <sr_kraken> +1 23:49:21 <yulytas> yes it is added $17 plus $5 for local bank 23:49:22 <wolnei> +1 23:49:25 <yulytas> I put $22 23:49:42 <echevemaster> #agreed ticket 385 Install Fest 2017 23:49:54 <echevemaster> #topic OpenFloor 23:50:06 <echevemaster> anyone wants add something in OpenFloor 23:50:07 <echevemaster> ? 23:50:24 <yulytas> thanks it is going a big one, you will seeee :D 23:50:40 <echevemaster> yulytas: without tshirst 23:50:55 <athos> ! 23:51:00 <echevemaster> athos: go ahead 23:51:02 <tonet666p> ! 23:51:14 <yulytas> ok 23:51:27 <athos> I believe we should bring back the discussion of handling our decisions in pagure 23:51:52 <echevemaster> ok, first at all athos 23:51:58 <athos> Like other groups do, I believe we should vote our tickets there, in a 1 week time frame 23:52:07 <echevemaster> for doing it, we have to write in a document 23:52:13 <alexove> ! 23:52:24 <echevemaster> and that document should be law for us 23:52:33 <echevemaster> alexove: go ahead 23:52:44 <alexove> Quisiera recomendar un par de cosas, primero no hagamos los tickets a ultima hora y segundo marcarlos con el para evitar problemas 23:52:49 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, where is that install fest again ? 23:52:52 <alexove> solo eso EOF 23:53:00 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: Peru 23:53:03 <linuxmodder> ! 23:53:09 <echevemaster> linuxmodder go ahead 23:53:09 <mayorga> ! 23:53:13 <linuxmodder> 2 things her: 23:53:15 <yulytas> at UNI (200 students) 23:53:22 <tonet666p> ! 23:53:30 * sr_kraken alexove +1 23:53:50 <yn1v> alexove, wrote: I wish to remind to not make last minute tickets and to remember to tag them for meeting 23:54:19 <alexove> yn1v++ 23:54:19 <linuxmodder> 1) Updated Spins are available EVERY even kernel release i.e. .10 .12 14 is in the workls at http://tinyurl.com/live-respins https://dl.fedoreaproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins 23:54:44 <echevemaster> yulytas: try please, please please to use respins 23:54:48 <echevemaster> pleaseeeee. 23:54:50 <linuxmodder> 2) GSoC Student Applications Open THIS Monday 20 march at 1200Noon UTC 23:54:53 <echevemaster> in that installfest 23:54:54 <yulytas> respins, ok 23:55:16 <athos> https://dl.fedoreaproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins Server not found? 23:55:17 <echevemaster> yulytas: your students.... 23:55:21 <yulytas> could you please check the link, it is said Server not Found 23:55:23 <athos> linuxmodder: ^ 23:55:27 <linuxmodder> yulytas, you have decent conenct at that uni? adn accesss BEFORE the event? 23:55:41 <athos> oh 23:55:43 <athos> a typo 23:55:45 <athos> sry 23:55:53 <echevemaster> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins/ 23:55:53 <yulytas> I have 60 students and there are two other professors, in total they are 120 newbies, we called "cachimbos" 23:55:57 <linuxmodder> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins typo'd it sorry 23:56:28 <linuxmodder> the tintyurl.com one goes to same if you can't be bothered with long url Or like me are prone to typos 23:56:37 <yulytas> the Director had reached me to do a big event for this new students since all of them take the C programming course in CC101 23:56:44 <echevemaster> yulytas: read the question 23:56:51 <echevemaster> you have decent connection? 23:56:51 <yulytas> they are going to be there (mandatory) xd 23:57:14 <yulytas> yes, we have 23:57:16 <linuxmodder> on or off campus BEFORE the event AND 10gb of free space 23:57:28 <yulytas> is going to be in the Computer Science auditoirum 23:57:41 <echevemaster> yulytas: read and answer the question!!! 23:57:50 <echevemaster> you have a decent connection??? 23:57:56 <yulytas> you mean decent connection? 23:58:01 <linuxmodder> yulytas, tehn BEFORE the event please run on your system: rsync -av rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-live-respins $some_local_directory 23:58:01 <echevemaster> ohhhhh 23:58:01 <yulytas> I understand internet connection 23:58:03 <echevemaster> yes. 23:58:19 <yulytas> but now I tried, I can not enter dear 23:58:27 <yulytas> SErver Not Found is the message I got 23:58:29 <linuxmodder> athos, ^^ you as weel for the regional web presence 23:58:37 <linuxmodder> to which ? 23:58:57 <yulytas> got it now https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins 23:59:08 <echevemaster> I do not have patience to explain :( 23:59:12 <echevemaster> yulytas: 23:59:14 <linuxmodder> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/live-respins or the rsync -av rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-live-respins one? 23:59:20 <echevemaster> 1. - go to that url 23:59:20 <alexove> meeting? 23:59:21 <athos> okie ;) 23:59:24 <yulytas> I understand older people echevemaster xd 23:59:31 <echevemaster> rsync -av to that URL 23:59:36 <echevemaster> that is it 00:00:02 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, NOT rsync to the /pub/alt/live-respins 00:00:11 <yulytas> can I ask wht to do with this link, I was considering the getfedora.org page 00:00:21 <linuxmodder> wget or curl to that rsync is only to the ../fedora-live-respins one 00:00:21 <yulytas> ok ok 00:00:28 <yulytas> I will do rsync -av 00:00:40 <yulytas> thanks linuxmodder 00:00:42 <echevemaster> wrsync -av rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-live-respins 00:00:52 <linuxmodder> yulytas, the one I gave IS 800mb of updates that you and your attendees will NOT have to do after install 00:00:53 <echevemaster> rsync -av rsync://dl.fedoraproject.org/fedora-live-respins 00:01:16 <echevemaster> yes linuxmodder got it, 00:01:36 <echevemaster> ok finishing with this support session 00:01:40 <linuxmodder> also to all I am one of the 4 main Respin sig members and am available via email ( my fas one is best) or irc telegram or ring 00:01:41 <mayorga> !!! 00:01:43 <yulytas> by guys and thanks! 00:01:47 <echevemaster> we can finish the meeting? 00:01:48 <chinosoliard> linuxmodder++ 00:01:48 <zodbot> chinosoliard: Karma for linuxmodder changed to 17 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 00:01:56 <tonet666p> ! 00:02:00 <echevemaster> tonet666p: go ahead 00:02:03 <tonet666p> Y_Y 00:02:12 <tonet666p> i am visible now 00:02:21 <athos> mayorga: ant tonnet have sth 00:02:21 <tonet666p> what about fudcon ? 00:02:35 <athos> no new yet, tonet666p 00:02:39 <echevemaster> tonet666p: brian have to say us 00:02:42 <athos> we are waiting for the budget 00:02:48 <linuxmodder> If anyone is looking for a summer internship with Fedora ( via Google) check out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2017 student apps are open 1200 Noon UTC Monday 00:02:51 <athos> it's not out yet 00:02:54 <tonet666p> oh, i understand 00:03:05 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: mentors deadline is closed? 00:03:13 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, yes and no 00:03:23 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: explain 00:03:47 <linuxmodder> mentors with an OA approval can be adding up til the close of student apps on May 3 00:04:01 <linuxmodder> but the formal add process is indeed closed 00:04:19 <linuxmodder> I am one of the mentors again this year ( 2nd with Feora) 00:04:24 <linuxmodder> Fedora* 00:04:33 <echevemaster> ok. thanks linuxmodder, I forgot to add myself in the list [8busy work) 00:04:35 <tonet666p> second thing, yulytas do you have in mind to do a customized fedora installer?, i think you can save downloadings doing one 00:04:41 <mayorga> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 00:04:49 <linuxmodder> echevemaster, summer-coding@lists. 00:04:51 <echevemaster> I was mentor two years ago, and I'd like ot be.. 00:04:57 <echevemaster> linuxmodder: thx 00:05:07 <linuxmodder> tonet666p, use a kickstart 00:05:08 <echevemaster> mayorga: go aead 00:05:09 <mayorga> I think t-shirts can be considered as swag: they are not as expensive as polo shirts, and if they are given to event attendees, it does not make sense to consider them as personal items. 00:05:11 <mayorga> EOF 00:05:35 <tonet666p> linuxmodder, i did a kickstart for a install fest here, i can provide that file 00:05:38 <echevemaster> mayorga: we have to discuss with council. 00:05:47 <echevemaster> tonet666p: share it 00:05:48 <athos> agreed, mayorga 00:06:00 <echevemaster> athos: I don't have any problem on that 00:06:09 <linuxmodder> sudo dnf install fedora-kickstarts -y ; ls /usr/share/spin-kickstarts/ edit the one you wish and then use lmc or the buildmedia.sh we have at https://github.com/Fedora-Respins-SIG/Respins 00:06:11 <echevemaster> but, historycally has been so 00:06:13 <tonet666p> echevemaster, i will search the file 00:06:22 <yn1v> linuxmodder, I just added all re-spins to my torrent to seed them 00:06:46 <linuxmodder> yn1v, likely by monday new ones WITH 4.9.14-200 will be up 00:06:48 <echevemaster> ok, guys I'll close the meeting 00:07:11 <echevemaster> 5 00:07:12 <echevemaster> 4 00:07:13 <echevemaster> 3 00:07:13 <echevemaster> 2 00:07:14 <echevemaster> 1 00:07:19 <echevemaster> thanks for attend 00:07:19 <linuxmodder> we announce tehm in #fedora, #fedora-{ambassadors,commops,join,summer-coding,soical} 00:07:25 <tonet666p> #endmeeting 00:07:25 <echevemaster> #endmeeting