23:02:28 <alexove> #startmeeting Fedora Latam Ambassadors metting 23:02:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 3 23:02:28 2017 UTC. The chair is alexove. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:02:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:02:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_ambassadors_metting' 23:03:01 <alexove> #topic rollcall 23:03:06 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:03:08 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:03:16 * mayorga reads. 23:03:40 <itamarjp> .fas itamarjp 23:03:41 <zodbot> itamarjp: itamarjp 'Itamar Reis Peixoto' <itamar@ispbrasil.com.br> 23:03:46 <danniel> .fas danniel 23:03:48 <zodbot> danniel: kuroneko02 'Danniel Justavino' <justavinod@hotmail.com> - danniel 'Daniel Lara Souza' <daniellarasouza@yahoo.com.br> - danni 'danniele' <jordon@openmailbox.org> - hdanniel 'Hector Paz' <hdanniel@gmail.com> 23:05:47 <alexove> #chair itamarjp 23:05:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp 23:06:31 <alexove> let's wait a bit 23:08:01 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=Meeting 23:08:09 <alexove> This is our agenda 23:08:48 <yn1v[m]> .fas yn1v 23:08:50 <zodbot> yn1v[m]: yn1v 'Neville A. Cross' <yn1v@taygon.com> 23:09:13 * yn1v[m] = Nicaragua 23:09:17 <alexove> #chair yn1v 23:09:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp yn1v 23:09:59 <alexove> #chair echevemaster 23:09:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove echevemaster itamarjp yn1v 23:10:14 * echevemaster reads 23:10:56 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 23:10:56 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 23:11:03 * echevemaster Venezuela Colombia 23:12:01 * alexove = Peru 23:14:55 <porfiriopaiz> Hi everyone. 23:14:59 <alexove> Buenas noches a todos 23:15:10 <porfiriopaiz> .fas porfiriopaiz 23:15:10 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: porfiriopaiz 'Porfirio Andrés Páiz Carrasco' <porfiriopaiz@gmail.com> 23:15:12 <alexove> empezaremos con el ticket más antiguo abierto 23:15:14 <danniel> Buenas 23:15:18 * porfiriopaiz from Managua in Nicaragua. 23:15:26 <alexove> #topic Ticket 390 23:15:33 <chinosoliard> .fas chinosoliard 23:15:33 <zodbot> chinosoliard: asoliard 'Soliard, Adrian D.' <me@chinosoliard.com> 23:15:34 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/390 23:15:37 * chinosoliard from Arg 23:15:47 * chinosoliard is late. Sorry 23:17:19 <alexove> ping williamjmorenor 23:17:56 <alexove> Parece que no esta 23:18:03 <alexove> seguimos con el siguiente ticket 23:18:18 <alexove> #topic Ticket 402 23:18:29 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/402 23:18:38 <alexove> itamarjp please :-) 23:18:41 * porfiriopaiz was reading 390... 23:19:22 <itamarjp> any suggestion about ticket 402 ? 23:19:55 <echevemaster> That ticket is decided, they will be the mentors 23:20:07 <echevemaster> There are something to add there? 23:20:13 <echevemaster> itamarjp? 23:20:42 <itamarjp> any extra candidates ? 23:21:09 <echevemaster> Do you think we need more candidates? 23:21:30 <echevemaster> I think that yes 23:21:45 <echevemaster> It's someone wants add their name go ahead 23:22:04 <chinosoliard> that ticket was decided 2 weeks ago? 23:22:10 <chinosoliard> I'm a little confused 23:22:16 <echevemaster> For now, we will leave this for the next week.. 23:22:20 <itamarjp> someone from FAmSCo will run a script to verify if theres some ambassadors inactive 23:22:26 <itamarjp> and will contact current mentors, 23:22:31 <itamarjp> and ask if they are alive, 23:22:57 <echevemaster> Ok, all the mentors are inactive, itamarjp? 23:23:14 <echevemaster> If so I recommend you add another name from Brazil 23:23:20 <itamarjp> I am waiting for this, and them we are going to propose new names. 23:23:33 <itamarjp> echevemaster, only some of them . 23:23:54 <echevemaster> Ok so we wil 23:24:00 <echevemaster> Let's open this 23:24:09 <echevemaster> Waiting for that script 23:24:43 <echevemaster> alexove next ticket 23:25:08 <alexove> #topic Ticket 406 23:25:11 <porfiriopaiz> Congrats to the new Mentors :) 23:25:12 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/406 23:25:15 <chinosoliard> ! I'll propose x3mboy, I think he is an active ambassador 23:25:36 * porfiriopaiz nods. 23:25:45 <chinosoliard> itamarjp> someone from FAmSCo will run a script to verify if theres some ambassadors inactive <- If this happens 23:26:13 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, the guy will be removed from ambassador group, 23:26:14 <alexove> chinosoliard: por favor si quieres proponer a x3mboy ponte en contacto con Itamarjp despues del meeting :-) 23:26:48 <chinosoliard> alexove: I'll wait until the script run :-) 23:26:53 <chinosoliard> itamarjp: w? 23:27:41 <itamarjp> chinosoliard : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification 23:27:53 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Swag_latam 23:28:32 <chinosoliard> .chairs 23:28:36 <alexove> Amigos, solo dos paises pusieron sus requerimientos de swags 23:29:17 <alexove> por favor los que les falta poner sus requerimientos haganlo a la brevedad posible 23:29:24 <chinosoliard> alexove: I'm so sorry, I've been busy! I'm completely lost with mails, tickets, and everything 23:29:25 <alexove> alguna opinion respecto a esto? 23:31:05 <yn1v[m]> o? 23:31:08 <chinosoliard> itamarjp: I can't understand what you mean with "the guy will be removed" 23:31:19 <yn1v[m]> o/ 23:31:24 <itamarjp> chinosoliard, takeout from ambassador group, 23:31:48 <itamarjp> and not listed in ambassador verification page as ambassador. 23:32:09 <chinosoliard> he is in Chile, I can see 23:33:20 <chinosoliard> alexove: I'm in doubt with that swag. But is a personal perception. I need to think a little in that. Because here in .ar I've produced swag for FLISoL, and I already have some stickers. Here there aren't more active contributors 23:33:24 <sr_kraken_m> .fas sr_kraken 23:33:24 <zodbot> sr_kraken_m: 'sr_kraken' Not Found! 23:33:40 <sr_kraken_m> .fas srkraken 23:33:42 <zodbot> sr_kraken_m: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 23:34:19 <alexove> chinosoliar: en cualquier caso, evalua lo que necesites (si es que necesitas) y lo pones en la wiki, eso es todo :-) 23:34:40 <alexove> yn1v[m] adelante por favor 23:34:52 <yn1v[m]> Reagardin swag 23:35:20 <chinosoliard> alexove: I'll do, but sometimes I think that is more expensive sending than producing here... That's why I said that I need to rethink this 23:35:38 <yn1v[m]> I think that we should go with whaever swag is avalaible at the moment and take time to desing and request something custom made 23:36:27 <yn1v[m]> that's why I think to ask for whatever is already produced by redhat or comunity. 23:36:32 <alexove> chinosoliard: por favor, yn1c[m] esta con la palabra 23:36:41 <yn1v[m]> eof 23:36:56 <alexove> ahora si chinosoliard, deseas comentar algo? 23:38:11 <alexove> yn1v[m]++ 23:38:14 <chinosoliard> sorry, alexove, I only want to say that 23:38:31 <alexove> gracias yn1v[n] chinosoliard 23:38:33 <chinosoliard> alexove: delete [m] from yn1v[m] to give him a cookie 23:38:38 <alexove> algun comentario más? 23:38:44 <alexove> yn1v++ 23:39:21 <alexove> #topic Ticket 407 23:39:28 <alexove> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-latam/tasks/issue/407 23:40:16 <alexove> Hice modificaciones en la propuesta de FAD 23:42:04 <alexove> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:Latam_2017 23:42:13 <alexove> esta es la propuesta actualizada 23:42:38 <alexove> El costo para la propuesta de Cusco se redujo a $4 605.00 23:42:52 <alexove> La de Lima es de $4 734.00 23:43:27 <itamarjp> same costs if Julita attend the event in cusco. 23:44:06 <alexove> de la misma forma los objetivos fueron actualizados 23:44:12 <alexove> y tambien la agenda 23:44:34 <porfiriopaiz> ! 23:44:45 <alexove> porfiriopaiz adelante 23:45:38 <porfiriopaiz> Initially nobody else showed a real interest on organazing this aiming to provide a space to discuss and solve internal issues. 23:46:01 <porfiriopaiz> So from my humble point of view I will vote for Cusco. 23:46:28 <yn1v[m]> o/ 23:46:33 * alexove por favor terminar con EOF o EOM 23:46:33 <porfiriopaiz> eof 23:46:40 <porfiriopaiz> :^) 23:46:42 <alexove> yn1v adelante 23:47:05 <yn1v[m]> I think the same as porfiriopaiz 23:47:16 <yn1v[m]> but I want to add that we should leave room 23:47:31 <yn1v[m]> to each country to select their representative. 23:47:49 <yn1v[m]> I don't want to be imposed onto others 23:47:53 <itamarjp> yn1v[m]++ 23:48:09 <yn1v[m]> eof 23:48:24 <alexove> genial yn1v 23:48:27 <alexove> yn1v++ 23:48:48 <chinosoliard> yn1v++ :-) 23:48:59 <alexove> Bueno entonces dejamos a que cada pais elija a su representante 23:49:24 <chinosoliard> si, en .ar va a estar bueno que la gente que nunca aparece elija quien va a una reunión... 23:49:31 <chinosoliard> argentina es un caso atípico 23:49:31 <itamarjp> I am going to use that idea in case our FUDCon proposal approved. 23:49:48 <chinosoliard> <itamarjp> I am going to use that idea in case our FUDCon proposal approved <- itamarjp++ 23:50:07 <alexove> para cuando podriamos tener los nombres de los representantes elegidos? 23:50:09 <chinosoliard> but remember, itamarjp, that event organizers decide who 23:50:41 <alexove> muchachos, enfoquemonos en el FAD en este momento 23:51:13 <porfiriopaiz> ^ 23:51:55 * sr_kraken_m concuerdo con el comentario sobre la gente que asiste a las juntas enfocado a los embajadores de Mexico 23:52:06 <echevemaster> Remember choose an active ambassador for each country 23:52:10 <alexove> Para cuando podemos tener los nombres de estos representantes 23:52:35 <chinosoliard> sr_kraken_m: suggestion: stop using "/me" :-) 23:52:44 <alexove> si los embajadores elegidos viven en las capitales de sus paises los presupuestos no cambian 23:53:10 <yn1v[m]> i think that the objectives and goals are pretty good. I would throw somewhere that we need to find our target audiences to focus our efforts, but is just same thing writen in other form. that's why I am saying about representatives and not about the contend of the FAD 23:53:17 <porfiriopaiz> I am happy with our representative yn1v. 23:53:18 <sr_kraken_m> ok chinosoliard 23:54:44 <alexove> Les parece bien tener los nombres de los representantes para la siguiente reunion? 23:54:51 <chinosoliard> ! 23:55:00 <chinosoliard> What I've to do, for example? 23:55:05 <alexove> adelante chinosoliard 23:55:31 <chinosoliard> I've no problem on being Argentina representative, because I actually do 23:55:45 <alexove> Creo que si nadie le pone interes tu serias el candidato perfecto 23:55:51 <porfiriopaiz> ! 23:56:07 <yn1v[m]> chinosoliard: you are on you own, you don't have to consult other people that is not active colaborating on your country... most likely they will suport you anyway 23:56:17 <alexove> yn1v++ 23:56:18 <porfiriopaiz> yn1v++ 23:56:19 <chinosoliard> I'm not happy about this, because NOBODY is active in .ar, and, maybe if I send an email, anyone from the ambassador list in arg will be automatically acive 23:56:29 <chinosoliard> so... use common sense 23:56:34 <porfiriopaiz> chinosoliard you are the only one :^) 23:56:48 <yn1v[m]> if you wish write a personal email to your collegues in AR. 23:56:57 <chinosoliard> porfiriopaiz: people here is sleeping after FUDCon Cordoba 23:57:03 <chinosoliard> but I've to explain 23:57:09 <chinosoliard> some are away 23:57:13 <echevemaster> chinosoliard you are the last Jedi 23:57:20 <chinosoliard> some leave the country 23:57:28 <sr_kraken_m> echevemaster: lol 23:57:29 <porfiriopaiz> chinosoliard: You are the only one showing up to the regular meetings. 23:57:33 <chinosoliard> and some have problems 23:57:37 <yn1v[m]> shh ... don't wake them up ;-) 23:57:46 <chinosoliard> so, It's not the same situation for everyone 23:58:40 <alexove> Pregunto de nuevo, cuando tendremos los nombres de los representantes de cada pais? 23:59:02 <echevemaster> Alexove don't ask 23:59:05 <chinosoliard> +1 for next week 23:59:11 <echevemaster> Just put a deadlkmw 23:59:15 <echevemaster> Deadline 23:59:57 <alexove> echevemaster++ 00:00:33 <alexove> La fecha final sera el 10 de junio (2017-06-10) 00:00:34 <sr_kraken_m> +1 for next week 00:00:58 <alexove> #action Every country must choose their representative until 2017-06-10 00:01:21 <sr_kraken_m> deacuerdo Alexove "Sirve de que me entero mejor de que va esto" 00:02:59 <alexove> sr_kraken: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:Latam_2017 00:03:37 <sr_kraken_m> "Efectivamente estoy revisándolo" Gracias alexove 00:03:53 <alexove> Respecto a los objetivos y la agenda, ¿alguna sugerencia? 00:04:34 <chinosoliard> alexove: I read the agenda. I look awesome :-) 00:05:21 <yn1v[m]> I think it is very ambitious, we should prioritize topics, so we at least make sure we acomplish fully some of them. We will having plenty of discussion that my sidetrack. 00:05:41 <yn1v[m]> s/ my /may 00:05:55 <yn1v[m]> eof 00:07:38 <alexove> Creo que tienes razon, pero con que se cubran la mayoria de temas sera un buen resultado, además habra tiempo de planificar algunos asuntos preliminares 00:07:47 <alexove> porque tal como lo puse en muy general 00:08:06 <alexove> gracias yn1v por el alcance 00:08:14 <alexove> ¿alguien más desea aportar algo? 00:09:34 <sr_kraken_m> alexove: aun me puedo agregar como participante 00:10:25 <chinosoliard> alexove: What about the date? It's decided? 00:10:31 <sr_kraken_m> "no veo a nadie de México " 00:10:42 <chinosoliard> because It's very close 00:10:57 <alexove> sr_kraken, si eres el unico en tu pais y te comprometes a ser más activo y cumplir los objetivos que se plantearan no veo ningun inconveniente 00:11:13 <porfiriopaiz> ! 00:11:38 <alexove> chinosoliard, modifique las fechas por bex, porque el tiene solo esos dias libres y es importante que él este presente 00:11:43 <alexove> adelante porfiriopaiz 00:12:41 <porfiriopaiz> Sorry but I don't see this as a Reginal Meeting in which every contry must have a representative. 00:12:54 <porfiriopaiz> /Reginal/Regional/ 00:13:15 <porfiriopaiz> sr_kraken_m should start by organizing events or something else. 00:13:35 <mayorga> ! 00:13:36 <porfiriopaiz> I don't see the need or previews merits. 00:13:51 <porfiriopaiz> On the other hand. 00:14:30 <porfiriopaiz> If there is a real interest on learning more about the project and become an active contributor then I see no problem. 00:14:43 <porfiriopaiz> Let's try to make wise use of the funds. 00:14:45 <alexove> porfiriopaiz, es necesario tener un filtro, si una persona asiste y no cumple todo el esfuerzo que hacemos sera en vano 00:15:35 <porfiriopaiz> eof 00:15:36 * alexove por favor no olviden terminar con EOF o EOM 00:15:42 <alexove> gracias porfiriopaiz 00:15:47 <alexove> mayorga adelante 00:15:50 <mayorga> Brazil is huge, I think more than one representative would make sense for them. 00:15:56 <mayorga> EOF 00:16:08 <porfiriopaiz> mayorga++ 00:16:36 <yn1v[m]> i think that we should value expertise, people that know how to run this kind of meetings, people that know how to make strategic planning will contribute to have better results. 00:17:18 <alexove> El problema en ese caso es que se haran votaciones y el consejo de bex es que estemos en igualdad de condiciones (numero de representantes equitativos) 00:17:50 <alexove> yn1v: Por eso quiero que vengas a Cusco ;-) 00:18:49 <yn1v[m]> that can be sorted out during the meeting, splitting votes or assinging vote to only one person, but still have the input from another part of brazil ... which is very diverse as well 00:18:53 <alexove> pero si logramos hacerlo en el Cusco puedo conseguir apoyo de personas experimentadas en los aspectos que mencionas, es más, para elaboracion de la agenda fui asesorado por un amigo que conoce estas cosas 00:19:07 <mayorga> I do not see that as an unfair advantage, as you can still allocate one vote for .br. 00:20:16 <mayorga> I second yn1v's point. 00:20:31 <alexove> Además que los amigos de Brasil tienen la opcion de reunirse en FISL y Latinoware para compartir los acuerdos 00:21:13 <alexove> respecto a lo ultimo, como dije, si se realiza en Cusco puedo movilizar a gente experta en el tema de planes estrategicos y además que tengo algunas nociones de ello :-) 00:21:18 * alexove modestia aparte 00:21:25 <alexove> Alguna sugerencia más? 00:22:38 <yn1v[m]> we are over the time allocated for the meeting, we should close the meeting soon ... if there is nothing else 00:23:05 * mayorga has nothing to add. 00:23:10 <porfiriopaiz> .nextmeetings 00:23:10 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: One moment, please... Looking up the channel list. 00:23:13 <alexove> Muchachos, creo que ya que no hay más sugerencias respecto a los objetivos y la agenda, el resto de cosas podemos trasladarlo a la lista de correos 00:23:13 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: In #fedora-meeting-2 is Workstation WG (starting in 2 days) 00:23:16 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: In #fedora-meeting-1 is Fedora QA Devel Meeting (starting in 2 days) 00:23:19 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: In #fedora-meeting is Fedora Docs Weekly Meeting (starting in 2 days) 00:23:22 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: In #fedora-meeting-2 is Fedora Release Engineering (starting in 2 days) 00:23:25 <zodbot> porfiriopaiz: In #fedora-meeting-3 is Fedora Join (starting in 2 days) 00:24:08 <alexove> Con esto volvere a presentar la propuesta en FAMSco y al Council, si alguien desea apoyarme en estos tramites sean bienvenidos 00:24:15 <alexove> #topic openfloor 00:24:24 <alexove> Algun tema que alguien quiera tratar? 00:25:13 * porfiriopaiz has nothing to add. 00:25:29 <alexove> Cerrando el meeting en 00:25:31 <alexove> 5 00:25:32 <alexove> 4 00:25:33 <alexove> 3 00:25:34 <alexove> 2 00:25:35 <alexove> 1 00:25:39 <alexove> #endmeeting