23:10:48 <alexove> #startmeeting Fedora Latam meeting 23:10:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Jun 18 23:10:48 2016 UTC. The chair is alexove. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 23:10:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:10:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_meeting' 23:10:59 <alexove> #topic Rollcall 23:11:07 <alexove> .fas alexove 23:11:07 <zodbot> alexove: alexove 'Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis' <alleinerwolf@gmail.com> 23:11:08 <athos> .fas athoscribeiro 23:11:09 <zodbot> athos: ribeiro 'Athos Ribeiro' <athoscribeiro@gmail.com> 23:11:16 * athos Brazil 23:11:37 * alexove = Peru 23:11:48 <em3rson__> Brazil 23:12:13 <xmrbrz> .fas xmrbrz 23:12:15 <zodbot> xmrbrz: xmrbrz 'Bruno Roberto Zanuzzo' <brunorobertozanuzzo@gmail.com> 23:12:19 * xmrbrz Brazil 23:12:43 <fredlima> .fas fredlima 23:12:44 <zodbot> fredlima: fredlima 'Frederico Henrique Gonçalves Lima' <fred@fredericolima.com.br> 23:12:46 <rmartinelli> .fas rimolive 23:12:47 <zodbot> rmartinelli: rimolive '' <ricardo.martinelli.oliveira@gmail.com> 23:13:10 <em3rson__> fas em3rson 23:13:23 <em3rson__> .fas em3rson 23:13:23 <zodbot> em3rson__: em3rson '' <em3rson@linuxmail.org> 23:13:28 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 23:13:29 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 23:13:42 <linuxmodder> (from FamNA) 23:13:55 <alexove> This today's agenda 23:14:04 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 23:16:00 <alexove> #topic Ticket 351 23:16:08 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/ticket/351 23:16:20 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:16:21 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:16:31 * alyaj2a from Peru 23:18:21 <alexove> in our last meeting we decided to postpone this ticket because the treasurer was not present 23:18:48 <athos> is he here today? 23:19:12 <alexove> But now, the scene is the same, he is not here 23:19:19 <alexove> :-( 23:19:49 <alexove> I think this ticket will be postponed again 23:20:09 <itamarjp_> alexove, then we need a new treasurer, or a second one treasurer 23:20:23 <athos> itamarjp_: +1 23:20:40 <alexove> +1 23:20:44 <itamarjp_> also applies to cardholder, 23:20:48 <anamativi> +1 23:20:53 <bernardoha> .fas bernardoha 23:20:53 <zodbot> bernardoha: bernardoha 'Bernardo C. Hermitaño Atencio' <bernardoha@gmail.com> 23:20:59 <athos> We have been discussing this same ticket for 3 or 4 meetings now 23:21:31 <alexove> Yes, I know 23:21:51 <itamarjp_> take a look, 23:21:57 <itamarjp_> if you agree, +1 23:21:58 <itamarjp_> https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/385 23:25:18 <athos> +1 :) 23:25:20 <alexove> In this case we discuss about it in the next meeting because this topic is delicate and many people can feel excluded 23:26:01 <itamarjp_> ok 23:26:35 <alexove> I think, we might write a message to email about this topic 23:27:24 <alexove> who can write this message to the mail list? 23:27:43 <fredlima> +1 23:27:55 <itamarjp_> We have only Brazil and Peru here today am I right ? 23:28:37 <alexove> yes, you right 23:28:48 <itamarjp_> with exception of echevemaster that messaged us telling that He can't attend today. 23:28:56 <athos> I may write it if no one will :) 23:29:27 <alexove> thanks athos 23:30:10 <alexove> #action Athos will write a message to mail list about the treasurer topic 23:31:12 <alexove> someone has some ticket to discuss? 23:31:29 <itamarjp_> 1 minute, 23:31:34 <alexove> Ok 23:33:02 <potty> Hola 23:33:44 <potty> Hi 23:34:21 <potty> .hello potty 23:34:22 <zodbot> potty: potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 23:34:57 <alexove> #chair potty 23:34:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove potty 23:35:06 <alexove> #chair itamarjp_ 23:35:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexove itamarjp_ potty 23:35:12 <potty> Thanks 23:35:32 <alexove> the meeting is yours :-) 23:36:49 <potty> What is the current topic? 23:36:49 <potty> Give a 23:36:49 <potty> Give me a brief of it, please 23:37:12 <athos> ticket #351 23:37:32 <athos> we decided to postpone it once again since we do not have a tresurer attending the meeting 23:37:49 <alexove> my ticket 23:38:02 <alexove> change the topic please 23:38:15 <athos> we also decided that someone will send an email to the mailing list to discuss the topic and maybe we can have a different tresurer who will attend to the meetings 23:39:05 <itamarjp_> :-) 23:39:17 <athos> s/to the/the/ 23:39:36 <alexove> or vice-treasurer 23:39:37 <alexove> :-) 23:39:38 <potty> Ok. Claryfing: are you changing me from bein treasurer? 23:40:02 <itamarjp_> potty, not yet, 23:40:14 <potty> I understand the pressure you got but sorry my friend I do not see it as a reason to look for someone as a replacement 23:40:17 <potty> First of all 23:40:18 <itamarjp_> but the ticket of alexove is being on meeting for long time, 23:40:31 <potty> This is the second meeting it is mentioned 23:40:50 <potty> As I explained on the unofficial channel 23:40:57 <potty> We have to cut out some events 23:41:19 <potty> In fact yourself metion that CONEISEC will not be executed 23:41:45 <potty> As I mention too, let's reduce budget for Release Parties to 50$ in every country 23:41:54 <potty> All of this, to approve your ticket 23:41:58 <alexove> ! 23:42:11 <potty> But if you still think is needed a second opinion, I respect that 23:42:13 <potty> eof 23:42:16 <potty> alexove: go ahead 23:42:36 * potty is still driving. Trying to get the numbers calculated and share them here 23:42:46 <alexove> para aclarar las cosas, ya que mi ticket esta pendiente por segunda vez 23:43:09 <alexove> primero porque no se decidian a que presupuesto se iba a afectar 23:43:30 <alexove> y luego porque habia dudas respecto del presupuesto 23:43:57 <alexove> se nota que hace falta la presencia del tesorero para absolver estas dudas 23:44:07 <potty> Nunca hubo dudas. La situación es clara. No tenemos ni la mitad de lo que se pidió. Es un deber, medir los gastos. 23:44:16 <potty> Lo he estado diciendo. 23:44:21 * alexove aun no ha terminado 23:45:11 <alexove> por eso, los aca presentes sugieren que haya una persona extra, una especie de vice-tesorero que pueda suplir al tesorero titular en los casos que éste no llegue a la reunion 23:45:25 <potty> Se solicitó el llenado de una hoja de calculo. No todos lo han hecho. A pesar que se explicó como pedir las cosas, hubo gente que todavía compra cosas de eventos que no estan en el Budget y esperan reembolso. Si la actitud, como tal, no cambia, lo siento mucho no va a funcionar. 23:45:31 <alexove> EOF 23:46:01 <potty> Un subtesorero no es necesario. De hecho el rol de tesorero se auxilia del trabajo de cardholder, el cual realmente es el que tiene la vista clara de los gastos. 23:46:27 <potty> Una persona que representa a otra en caso que no vaya no sirve, porque si ninguna de las dos va, creamos la recursion de tener otro sub sub tesorero. 23:46:39 <potty> Mi error y fui claro en eso tambien fue no enviarlo a la lista. 23:47:02 <potty> As I said before, give me 5 minutes to share with you the numbers. 23:47:13 <potty> Alguien mas quiere decir algo? 23:47:46 <itamarjp_> meeting pausado por 5 minutos ( meeting in pause for 5 minutes) 23:48:16 <lvaz> o/ 23:49:06 <potty> hi lvaz 23:49:06 <anamativi> \o 23:49:42 <lvaz> potty: hola o/ 23:50:34 <tonet666p> hi guys 23:50:45 <tonet666p> .fas tonet666p 23:50:45 <zodbot> tonet666p: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 23:50:55 * tonet666p from Perú 23:50:59 <lvaz> .fas lvaz 23:50:59 <zodbot> lvaz: lvaz 'Leonardo Menezes Vaz' <leonardo.vaz@gmail.com> 23:51:34 * lvaz from Former Bolivarian Republic of Brazil 23:55:41 <potty> ok 23:55:42 <potty> done 23:55:49 <potty> let's speak about numbers 23:55:50 <potty> sorry for the delay 23:55:56 <alyaj2a> .fas alyaj2a 23:55:58 <zodbot> alyaj2a: alyaj2a 'Aly Yuliza Machaca Mamani' <alyaj2a@gmail.com> 23:56:11 * alyaj2a from Peru 23:56:36 <potty> #topic LATAM Budget 23:56:57 <potty> This topic will be discussed before any budget-related ticket. 23:57:45 <potty> Facts: 23:58:00 <potty> 1. We have an approved FY17 budget of USD 11950 23:58:26 <potty> 2. Right now our cardholder, Neville, have reimbursed (paid) USD 1117.02 23:58:41 <potty> 3. For the rest of the FY17 we got USD 10832.98 23:59:26 <potty> Giving a linear proportion for the remaining quarters we should spend no more than USD 3610.99 00:00:15 <potty> Right now we are 12 active countries in LATAM: Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay 00:00:50 <potty> Each country should spend no more than USD 300.91 per quarter. 00:01:28 <potty> This is just being fair with each and every country on LATAM. Although this is not the current situation. Some countries have more activities than others, and some of these activities are more expensive. 00:03:37 <potty> Taking in consideration from the Q2, the most expensive events are: 1. CONEISC, 2. ECSL, 3. FISL, 4. Campus Party Guadalajara, 5. Fedora Meeting Sucre, 6. FTSL, 7. Latinoware, 8. Hackmiting Mexico, 9. Conasol, 10. Hackmeeting Bolivia, 11. FGSL, 12. IFBA 00:05:15 <itamarjp_> if we need tu cut expenses, no more travelling to attend events, 00:05:52 <itamarjp_> or using economic methods, like bus, 00:06:03 <potty> As an action to reduce costs on the budget is to have Release Parties with a limit of USD 50 per activity. In the wiki we got 13 release parties events so it will be $650 in total for release parties. 00:06:17 <potty> This will help out the event alexove needs for FUDCon. 00:06:50 <potty> Some events that we will make on Panama will use less than the value on the wiki, so it will help save some money too for other events. 00:07:14 <potty> I need event owners to make realistic numbers on their events. Specially the big events. 00:07:31 <potty> Do anyone got a question? 00:07:51 <athos> ! 00:07:59 <potty> athos: go ahead 00:08:39 <athos> Is a linear proportion per quarter realistic based on previous years and knowing expensive events happen on specific quarters? 00:09:16 <athos> eof 00:09:21 <potty> if we follow a basis on the experience we have previous years most of the events neither happened or the ambassador reported the expense 00:09:35 <potty> So it is a tough one to calculate following that hint 00:10:20 <potty> The only like constant events are FISL, Latinoware, CONEISC and Release Parties. 00:12:41 <potty> If I calculate considering the events on the wiki from the Q2 and on, we will need USD 13400 00:13:34 <alexove> ! 00:13:41 <potty> The difference from what we have is 2567.02 00:13:50 <potty> alexove: go ahead bro 00:14:00 <alexove> Puedes quitar CONEISC este año, los organizadores de ese evento no contestan las llamadas asi no se logro asegurar nada 00:14:10 <alexove> EOF 00:14:13 <potty> OK 00:14:27 <potty> Updating: we will need USD 12500 00:14:54 <potty> The difference from what we have is USD 1667.02 00:14:56 <potty> Any questions? 00:15:23 <alexove> ! 00:16:47 <alexove> Recuerdo que el año pasado, de los muchos eventos que se planificaron no se llevaron a cabo 00:16:57 <alexove> ¿Consideraste esa variable tambien? 00:17:15 <alexove> hubo release parties que no se llevaron a cabo y no se termino de gastar todo el prespuesto 00:17:17 <alexove> EOF 00:21:44 <potty> Por eso lo digo 00:22:15 <potty> I mean 00:22:44 <potty> If we want to get serious on budgeting we need to spend on what we planned 00:22:59 <potty> That is actually the main reason we get lower and lower budget every year 00:23:09 <potty> We overestimate and subspend 00:23:32 <potty> My idea is to spend the necessary on all possible events 00:23:41 <potty> To justify our original budget request 00:23:42 <potty> EOF 00:31:21 * alexove siente el canto de los grillos 00:31:48 <alexove> ping potty itamarjp_ 00:32:27 <potty> I got to go 00:32:32 <potty> Family issue... Sorry 00:32:45 <potty> Baby issue... 00:33:04 <itamarjp_> do we need to vote ticket # 00:33:15 <itamarjp_> 351 ? 00:33:24 * alexove desea a feliz dia del padre fedoriano a todos los que tienes hijos ;-) 00:35:54 <alexove> itamarjp_ no problem for me, I can wait a week more 00:36:27 <itamarjp_> next topic, 00:39:28 <athos> ? 00:39:32 <athos> ping alexove 00:39:43 <alexove> I'm here 00:39:47 <athos> I believe you are back leading the meeting 00:40:02 <alexove> Ok 00:40:14 <athos> am I wrong, potty itamarjp_ ? 00:40:15 <potty> alexove: we can vote on your ticket 00:40:30 <potty> You are leading the meeting alexove 00:40:34 <alexove> we are only people from 3 countries 00:40:38 <potty> You got treasuring bless 00:40:46 <athos> :) 00:40:47 <alexove> Peru, Brazil and Panama 00:41:27 * itamarjp_ itamarjp are going to recruit new ambassadors from 2 more countries and take the skynet. 00:41:59 <alexove> XD 00:42:38 <alexove> so, we can vote the 351 ticket? 00:44:13 <itamarjp_> I don't have ambassadors for at least 5 countries to vote. 00:44:34 <itamarjp_> we can change that in the future if other countries keep not attending the meeting. 00:45:09 <potty> itamarjp_: +1 00:45:18 <alexove> Ok, let's vote this ticket in the next week 00:45:33 <alexove> #topic openfloor 00:46:15 <athos> ! 00:47:08 <itamarjp_> athos, go ahead. 00:47:56 <athos> I should insist on pointing out we do have a problem with trac: We have 22 tickets marked as meeting tickets there, and whenever someone points to the agenda link, we actually see 21 tickets that are not in the agenda at all and 1 ticket (#351) that is 00:48:11 <alexove> athos: +1 00:48:48 <athos> as a solution, we could either: send the agenda to the mailing list OR set trac tags properly OR do as the infrastructure team, which uses gobby to control the agenda 00:49:09 <linuxmodder> trac cleanup weekly with the minutes maybe? 00:49:10 <potty> I suggest start with sending the agenda previous thenmeeting 00:49:20 <itamarjp_> athos +1 for next meeting 00:49:22 <athos> I would also like to point out that in the telegram Fedora Brasil group people were complaining about not understanding what was going on here 00:49:34 <athos> what would be better if we had a proper agenda 00:49:36 <athos> eof 00:49:41 <linuxmodder> potty, infra sends link to ML and uses gobby 00:49:52 <potty> linuxmodder: oh 00:49:59 <potty> Ok 00:50:10 <linuxmodder> athos, not understanding what part ? 00:50:26 <linuxmodder> not a telegram user but know the admin for the telegram bit 00:50:36 <athos> well, new contributors... they just didn't know how to follow the meeting 00:51:10 <athos> I mean, here in IRC. They couldn't understand what we were talking about (nor why) 00:51:26 <athos> of course they need to keep attending to the meetings, but a proper agenda would definitely help 00:52:13 <athos> I mean, check what we have as an "agenda" now: https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 00:52:16 <potty> athos: are they able to join Fedora Latam Telegram group? 00:52:24 <athos> only the last ticket was in the agenda 00:52:39 <athos> sure :) They are probably reading you right now :) 00:52:41 <potty> And I fully agree with the agenda 00:52:56 <potty> Lets mention that to the logistician 00:53:00 <potty> Echevemaster 00:53:10 <potty> He should take care of that 00:53:35 <alexove> there are a video for new users 00:53:47 <alexove> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKUwv4Y1Khw 00:53:47 <potty> If he cant attend or send the agenda, some other can help 00:53:48 <potty> alexove: +1 00:54:08 <athos> ok :) 00:54:09 <potty> To help out not knowing things. We produced the video. 00:54:15 <potty> :) 00:54:45 <potty> As a region we are open to suggestions 00:54:56 <potty> Lets close this meeting in 2 minutes 00:55:06 <xmrbrz> I think the video was a great idea for new users. Also, to understand better about the budget. 00:55:15 <xmrbrz> in this case. 00:56:45 <potty> Thank you all for coming. 00:56:54 <potty> #endmeeting