15:31:52 <nirik> #startmeeting Fedora Mobility SIG
15:31:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug  8 15:31:52 2022 UTC.
15:31:52 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:31:52 <zodbot> The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zodbot#Meeting_Functions.
15:31:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:31:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mobility_sig'
15:31:53 <nirik> #meeting_name fedora_mobility_sig
15:31:53 <nirik> #chair torbuntu pbrobinson _Yoda_
15:31:53 <nirik> #topic init process
15:31:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: _Yoda_ nirik pbrobinson torbuntu
15:32:09 * pbrobinson o/
15:33:00 <nirik> hey pbrobinson
15:33:02 <Yoda[m]> yo
15:33:06 <nirik> hey Yoda[m]
15:35:05 <torsh[m]> Hey
15:35:23 <nirik> hey torsh[m]
15:35:34 <nirik> #topic remix status / issues / plans
15:35:44 <nirik> anything to note/discuss on the remixes?
15:36:25 <nirik> I know there's been a lot of churn in rawhide...
15:36:30 <Yoda[m]> Pretty close to make a common kernel for both phones
15:36:55 <Yoda[m]> just got set back 3 days, as desktop PC got unbootable :-/
15:37:29 <nirik> oh nice. I thought the 'cross-distro-kernel' seemed stalled out?
15:37:53 <Yoda[m]> yeah, not much going on there
15:38:10 <pbrobinson> I need to revisit the U-Boot patch set for the PPP
15:38:13 <Yoda[m]> but they are finally trying to upstream the DT now
15:38:18 <nirik> I've not had much time for... much. ;)
15:38:40 <pbrobinson> well there's a patch and disagreements on the patch if that's what you mean by upstreaming :-D
15:38:57 <nirik> so, normal open source. ;)
15:39:10 <Yoda[m]> the general recomandation for PPP is to put tow-boot on SPI
15:39:30 <Yoda[m]> That way we don’t need uboot from fedora
15:40:05 <Yoda[m]> Yes, as I said, they are “working” on it ;-)
15:41:44 <Yoda[m]> I can’t build phosh images atm, because of the Chatty issue
15:42:38 <pbrobinson> Yoda[m]: personally I don't actually like towboot
15:43:00 <pbrobinson> so I 1) won't be using it myself and 2) I've heard from many others that pepole want other options
15:43:20 <Yoda[m]> Well, afaik, it will be preinstalled by factory on next batches of PPP
15:43:24 <pbrobinson> what's the chatty issue? is there a bug?
15:44:00 <torsh[m]> There is a dependency requirement for libsoup 2 but gnome and friends are moving to libsoup 3. (evolution data server requires it)
15:45:45 <pbrobinson> they ship both don't they, or is it a issue due to evo linking against one and hence chatty ends up trying to link in both?
15:46:35 <torsh[m]> I think the latter
15:47:35 <pbrobinson> OK
15:48:13 <pbrobinson> is there an upstream migration bug to support both?
15:49:37 <torsh[m]> https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/chatty/-/issues/727
15:49:42 <torsh[m]> https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/libcmatrix/-/issues/4
15:49:46 <torsh[m]> these are the issues I'm aware of
15:50:29 <pbrobinson> torsh[m]: thx
15:51:05 <torsh[m]> Yup 👍️
15:51:11 <pbrobinson> for those that are playing with this stuff on the rpi4 the 5.19 kernel now has full graphics acceleration in place
15:51:32 <nirik> nice!
15:51:36 <pbrobinson> there's some issues around the rpi400 I need to look at
15:51:41 <nirik> #topic mainstream plans
15:51:56 <pbrobinson> torsh[m]: I think we got you one of those didn't we?
15:52:10 <torsh[m]> Yup! Haven't been able to get phosh running without HA though
15:52:14 <torsh[m]> Same for the pi 3
15:52:22 <pbrobinson> HA?
15:52:33 <torsh[m]> hardware acceleration
15:52:42 <torsh[m]> The graphics piece.
15:53:01 <pbrobinson> ah, yes, so if you use the 5.19 kernel that is all there now
15:53:12 <torsh[m]> Even for the 3?
15:53:24 <pbrobinson> the 3 has had it for years
15:53:32 <pbrobinson> it was the rpi4 that didn't
15:53:38 <pbrobinson> I was also playing with vulkan too on the rpi4
15:53:50 <torsh[m]> Ah right 🤦‍♂️
15:54:04 <torsh[m]> Awesome, that's exciting stuff!
15:54:51 <torsh[m]> The failure I'm having with the 3 was getting the 7inch pi display working 😅
15:56:39 <pbrobinson> I need to revisit that one, it's on the list
15:57:20 <torsh[m]> Awesome :) I've been really itching to try phosh on it but it keep eluding my efforts.
15:57:20 <LunaJernberg[m]> There was a new stable phosh today
15:57:25 <pbrobinson> there's been a lot of changed in the vc4 driver recently so maybe it's impproved or maybe got worse :-D
15:57:35 <LunaJernberg[m]> https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Phosh/phosh/-/releases/v0.20.0
15:57:58 <torsh[m]> I have the spec file updated and testing in my copr branch for that phosh release.
15:58:07 <LunaJernberg[m]> nice
15:58:09 <torsh[m]> (I think I shared a screenshot in mobility)
15:58:46 <LunaJernberg[m]> (ah sorry i have not checked tough i would mention in the QA meeting but saw that this meeting started on Matrix)
16:02:18 <nirik> #topic meeting time
16:02:34 <pbrobinson> I also started going through downstream patches for various pieces of the PPP the other day
16:02:39 <nirik> So, I'm often double booked at this time, does anyone mind if we move the meeting time a bit?
16:02:47 <nirik> pbrobinson: aweseome.
16:03:44 <pbrobinson> nirik: fine by me
16:03:51 <torsh[m]> Me too
16:04:01 <nirik> I'll send out a whenisgood or whatever and we can adjust next time.
16:04:05 <pbrobinson> I mean I'm probably double booked most of the time anyway
16:05:42 <nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:05:55 <nirik> anything more to discuss?
16:06:47 <torsh[m]> I was curious if anything more was needed for the phosh spin document?
16:07:02 <pbrobinson> which doc was that?
16:07:06 <nirik> I think it's basically ready... I suppose we could put it in for f38 ?
16:07:22 <pbrobinson> ah, the changes doc? I was going to review that at some point
16:07:30 <torsh[m]> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/MobilityPhoshImage
16:07:31 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/MobilityPhoshImage
16:07:46 <nirik> yeah, changes welcome as well as more change owners.
16:08:00 <torsh[m]> I tried to think of additions but drew a blank
16:08:52 <pbrobinson> I've got it open again and will review
16:09:01 <nirik> I need to run... shall we end here? or someone else chaired can end the meeting...
16:09:52 <pbrobinson> I suppose the question is what is required for either of the pinephone's to be useful targets in f38?
16:09:57 <pbrobinson> end now
16:10:03 <torsh[m]> now is good
16:10:41 <nirik> ok. ;) lets continue in #fedora-mobility....
16:10:45 <nirik> #endmeeting