#fedora-meeting: Security Team Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_meetings
Meeting started by Sparks at 14:00:57 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (Sparks, 14:01:02)
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/security-team/2015-September/000368.html
- Participants are reminded to make liberal use
of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more
better" (Sparks,
- Follow up on last week's tasks (Sparks, 14:09:59)
- Outstanding BZ Tickets (Sparks, 14:12:01)
- Thursday's numbers: Critical 0 (0), Important
42 (-2), Moderate 409 (+7), Low 152 (-4), Total 603 (Sparks,
- The recent BZ upgrade has broken my script so
I'll need to get that worked out OR I can just start using/relying
on mhayden's script. (Sparks,
- IDEA: Use mhayden's
script to create a dashboard and host it somewhere
(fedorapeople?) (Sparks,
- IDEA: Somehow push
information to fedmsg (Sparks,
- https://github.com/major/fedora-meeting-report
- https://github.com/major/fedora-meeting-report
- ACTION: Sparks to add
"issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github (Sparks,
- Handling embargoed issues (Sparks, 14:23:25)
- We now have security@fp.o going to
security-private@l.fp.o and we have a few people subscribed to
security-private@l.fp.o. (Sparks,
- FabioOlive Started a discussion on
security-team@l.fp.o regarding moving the FST into a more proactive
role of handling security bugs. (Sparks,
- 1,639 views on the fedoramag blog post about
the security team (mhayden,
- It appears we *could* create a GPG key and put
it on several Yubikeys and hand those out. (Sparks,
- ACTION: Sparks to
talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ.
- Open floor discussion/questions/comments (Sparks, 14:51:06)
- https://sparkslinux.wordpress.com/?s=keysigning
- ACTION: Sparks to
start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key
signing event. (Sparks,
Meeting ended at 15:00:08 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- Sparks to add "issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github
- Sparks to talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ.
- Sparks to start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key signing event.
Action items, by person
- Sparks
- Sparks to add "issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github
- Sparks to talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ.
- Sparks to start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key signing event.
People present (lines said)
- Sparks (97)
- FabioOlive (24)
- mhayden (22)
- Astradeus (20)
- zodbot (5)
- threebean (3)
- d-caf (2)
- Southern_Gentlem (2)
- CRob (1)
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