#fedora-meeting: Security Team Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_meetings

Meeting started by Sparks at 14:00:57 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (Sparks, 14:01:02)
    1. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/security-team/2015-September/000368.html (mhayden, 14:06:07)
    2. Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" (Sparks, 14:09:53)

  2. Follow up on last week's tasks (Sparks, 14:09:59)
  3. Outstanding BZ Tickets (Sparks, 14:12:01)
    1. Thursday's numbers: Critical 0 (0), Important 42 (-2), Moderate 409 (+7), Low 152 (-4), Total 603 (Sparks, 14:12:10)
    2. The recent BZ upgrade has broken my script so I'll need to get that worked out OR I can just start using/relying on mhayden's script. (Sparks, 14:12:42)
    3. IDEA: Use mhayden's script to create a dashboard and host it somewhere (fedorapeople?) (Sparks, 14:16:54)
    4. IDEA: Somehow push information to fedmsg (Sparks, 14:17:18)
    5. https://github.com/major/fedora-meeting-report (mhayden, 14:17:57)
    6. https://github.com/major/fedora-meeting-report (Sparks, 14:18:06)
    7. ACTION: Sparks to add "issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github (Sparks, 14:19:25)

  4. Handling embargoed issues (Sparks, 14:23:25)
    1. We now have security@fp.o going to security-private@l.fp.o and we have a few people subscribed to security-private@l.fp.o. (Sparks, 14:24:19)
    2. FabioOlive Started a discussion on security-team@l.fp.o regarding moving the FST into a more proactive role of handling security bugs. (Sparks, 14:25:33)
    3. 1,639 views on the fedoramag blog post about the security team (mhayden, 14:26:54)
    4. It appears we *could* create a GPG key and put it on several Yubikeys and hand those out. (Sparks, 14:27:17)
    5. ACTION: Sparks to talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ. (Sparks, 14:38:19)

  5. Open floor discussion/questions/comments (Sparks, 14:51:06)
    1. https://sparkslinux.wordpress.com/?s=keysigning (Sparks, 14:57:00)
    2. ACTION: Sparks to start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key signing event. (Sparks, 14:57:51)

Meeting ended at 15:00:08 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Sparks to add "issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github
  2. Sparks to talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ.
  3. Sparks to start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key signing event.

Action items, by person

  1. Sparks
    1. Sparks to add "issues" to fedora-meeting-report on github
    2. Sparks to talk with mattdm regarding private security tickets in BZ.
    3. Sparks to start a discussion on the FST list regarding an online video GPG key signing event.

People present (lines said)

  1. Sparks (97)
  2. FabioOlive (24)
  3. mhayden (22)
  4. Astradeus (20)
  5. zodbot (5)
  6. threebean (3)
  7. d-caf (2)
  8. Southern_Gentlem (2)
  9. CRob (1)

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