#fedora-meeting-2: fedoraqa-devel

Meeting started by tflink at 16:01:21 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (tflink, 16:01:31)
  2. Current Project Status (tflink, 16:06:34)
    1. Not much is going on with blockerbugs for the short term - we're waiting to see how f21 and/or fedora.next shape out before working on any new features beyond the small changes ready for review (tflink, 16:08:54)
    2. https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/project/view/1/ (tflink, 16:11:22)

  3. Current Status and Plans - resultsdb and testdays (tflink, 16:19:33)
    1. the reduced re-implementation for resultsdb is up and running at http://resultsdb.qa.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb (tflink, 16:21:57)
    2. resultsdb browsing is available at: http://resultsdb.qa.fedoraproject.org/resultsdb_frontend/ (tflink, 16:22:22)
    3. resultsdb API docs are at: http://docs.resultsdb.apiary.io/ (tflink, 16:22:45)
    4. the new resultsdb is (comparing to the old concept) quite simplified on the data level - we stripped all the un-used tables from the old concept, and adapted the data to what we actually used with the autoqa reporting (tflink, 16:28:11)
    5. old and new resultsdb schema displayed at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/AutoQA_resultsdb_schema (tflink, 16:29:18)

  4. Current Status - Testday App (tflink, 16:38:15)
    1. the testdays app is IMHO quite self-confined, and I have no immediate goals for changing what it does (apart of bug-fixes). This is because it's using the 'old' resultsdb, and uses TurboGears2 (tflink, 16:40:28)
    2. The plans for the future are to re-write it with Flask & New Resultsdb but it is (at the moment) quite low-priority (tflink, 16:42:29)

  5. Current Status - Support Tools (tflink, 16:43:31)
    1. the main support tools that we have are phabricator (code review, issue tracking etc.) and buildbot (in progress)/ jenkins (existing, not quite working) for ci (tflink, 16:47:03)
    2. phabricator is deployed at https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/ (tflink, 16:47:22)
    3. http://phabricator.org/ (Viking-Ice, 16:47:46)
    4. ACTION: tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator (tflink, 16:49:01)
    5. buildbot for qa project CI is deployed to staging at https://qadevel-stg.cloud.fedoraproject.org/builds/ (tflink, 16:51:59)
    6. there is still work to do on buildbot so that we have CI and hopefully autogenerated and autodeployed docs for qa devel projects (tflink, 16:56:57)

  6. Priorities (tflink, 17:00:36)
    1. AGREED: As we have a longer break between releases for now, automation is a higher priority because it is more disruptive and needs to be done soon (tflink, 17:16:42)

  7. Fedoraproject Beaker Instance Status (tflink, 17:17:26)
    1. we have a dev instance of beaker deployed at https://beaker-dev.fedoraproject.org/bkr/ (tflink, 17:18:11)
    2. due to security concerns, it is currently locked down by IP (tflink, 17:18:29)
    3. ACTION: kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with some ideas on moving forward (tflink, 17:29:49)

  8. Taskotron status (tflink, 17:29:52)
    1. The hope was to have taskotron phase 0 (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tflink/taskotron_development_plan#Phase_0:_Investigation_and_Preparation) done by now (tflink, 17:30:47)
    2. task description format was proposed and sent out to qa-devel@. response has been mostly positive and it is ready to start moving forward (tflink, 17:31:36)
    3. initial fedmsg reliability investigation indicates that it will be reliable enough to use for automation scheduling but we should continue to keep an eye on it (tflink, 17:32:27)
    4. https://phab.qadevel.cloud.fedoraproject.org/T2 (tflink, 17:32:43)
    5. there was a proof-of-concept system running in the fedora cloud, but it seems to be having issues ATM (tflink, 17:37:54)
    6. The big remaining task for phase 0 is discussion/investigation into notifications (tflink, 17:39:25)
    7. the proof-of-concept runner does work locally and does produce output to the console, it can't report to resultsdb (yet) and needs some refactoring (tflink, 17:40:29)
    8. ACTION: tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to qa-devel@ (tflink, 17:42:28)
    9. depcheck scenarios have been drafted up and fake rpms have been coded up for testing (tflink, 17:45:34)
    10. https://bitbucket.org/fedoraqa/depcheck_scenarios (tflink, 17:47:26)

  9. Deadlines and Milestones (tflink, 17:49:04)
    1. Current deadline for taskotron phase 1 is 2013-03-01 (tflink, 17:49:25)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Tflink/taskotron_development_plan#Phase_1:_AutoQA_Replacement (tflink, 17:49:47)

  10. Meetings (tflink, 17:55:59)
    1. ACTION: tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa meeting (tflink, 17:58:37)

  11. Open Floor (tflink, 17:58:57)

Meeting ended at 18:06:44 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator
  2. kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with some ideas on moving forward
  3. tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to qa-devel@
  4. tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa meeting

Action items, by person

  1. kparal
    1. kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with some ideas on moving forward
  2. tflink
    1. tflink to write up docs on code review with phabricator
    2. kparal and tflink to sync up on beaker.fp.o status and come up with some ideas on moving forward
    3. tflink to finish notificaitons email and send it out to qa-devel@
    4. tflink to schedule followup meeting after monday's qa meeting

People present (lines said)

  1. tflink (231)
  2. Viking-Ice (64)
  3. handsome_pirate (34)
  4. kparal (30)
  5. jskladan (23)
  6. zodbot (7)
  7. mkrizek (6)
  8. croberts (5)
  9. roshi (2)
  10. pschindl (2)
  11. nirik (1)
  12. satellit (1)
  13. danofsatx (1)

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