#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2011-08-15)
Meeting started by t8m at 17:00:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (t8m, 17:00:30)
- FESCo members in/not in provenpackager/sponsors (t8m, 17:05:25)
- ACTION: pjones will
file a ticket to create sponsor-feedback alias that will contain
packager-sponsor-members and fesco-list (t8m,
- https://fedorahosted.org/fas/ticket/142
- ACTION: notting will
fwd the feedback e-mails to the fesco list (t8m,
- Fedora Engineering Services tickets (t8m, 17:39:58)
- https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-engineering-services/report/6
- Next week's chair (t8m, 17:42:03)
- ACTION: sgallagh to
be chair on 2011-08-29 meeting (t8m,
- ACTION: nirik to be
chair next week - on 2011-08-22 meeting (t8m,
- Open Floor (t8m, 17:45:08)
- https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/660
Meeting ended at 18:03:26 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- pjones will file a ticket to create sponsor-feedback alias that will contain packager-sponsor-members and fesco-list
- notting will fwd the feedback e-mails to the fesco list
- sgallagh to be chair on 2011-08-29 meeting
- nirik to be chair next week - on 2011-08-22 meeting
Action items, by person
- nirik
- nirik to be chair next week - on 2011-08-22 meeting
- notting
- notting will fwd the feedback e-mails to the fesco list
- pjones
- pjones will file a ticket to create sponsor-feedback alias that will contain packager-sponsor-members and fesco-list
- sgallagh
- sgallagh to be chair on 2011-08-29 meeting
People present (lines said)
- nirik (60)
- sgallagh (56)
- t8m (48)
- pjones (27)
- notting (9)
- cwickert (8)
- ajax (5)
- zodbot (4)
- mmaslano (4)
- gholms (1)
- jsmith (1)
- mjg59 (0)
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