#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2012-10-24)
Meeting started by limburgher at 17:00:24 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (limburgher, 17:00:25)
- #946 Fedora 18 Beta freeze readiness: is major functionality in place? (limburgher, 17:02:39)
- https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55669
- AGREED: Freeze now
for Beta, stick to current schedule. (+:5,-:1,0:0) (limburgher,
- #932 F18 Features - progress at Features 100% Complete deadline (limburgher, 18:10:48)
- AGREED: Give feature
owners time till next Tuesday to reduce scope of their features to
get at 100% feature-completeness (AND to update the wiki
accordingly, both in percentage status and textual description).
Drop anything that isn't updated. (+:6,-:0,0:0) (limburgher,
- #960 F18 schedule + the holidays (limburgher, 18:18:39)
- AGREED: Continue to
hope for no slips, if we do, then then reevaluate then. Keep ticket
open for ideas/etc. (+:5,-:0,0:0) (limburgher,
- Next week's chair (limburgher, 18:31:35)
- nirik will chair next week (limburgher,
- Open Floor (limburgher, 18:32:13)
Meeting ended at 18:34:01 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- nirik (99)
- limburgher (92)
- adamw (57)
- jwb (36)
- jreznik_ (33)
- wwoods (32)
- mitr (26)
- notting (24)
- pjones (20)
- drago01 (19)
- mjg59 (16)
- tflink (8)
- mmaslano (7)
- zodbot (7)
- t8m (4)
- ianweller (3)
- abadger1999 (1)
- smooge (1)
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