#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-08-28)
Meeting started by mattdm at 18:00:30 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (mattdm, 18:00:43)
- #1115 guidance from FESCO on packagekit upstream policykit change (mattdm, 18:03:05)
- AGREED: Change
Privledge Escalation Policy doc to be in line with ticket 1115 and
current practice (+7,-1,0) (mattdm,
- AGREED: leave ticket
1117 (generalize priv esc policy) open for a week -- mattdm to ping
halfie on ticket to ask if he'd care to drive it forward
(+9,0,0) (mattdm,
- #1148 F20 System Wide Change: Application Installer - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/AppInstaller (mattdm, 18:26:30)
- AGREED: leave app
change installer change open to revisit after the alpha freeze has
happened, to follow the decision. Then decide. (+8,0,1) (mattdm,
- ACTION: jreznik to
ping feature owners (mattdm,
- #1158 post-Flock Fedora rings + target products draft proposal for Fedora board (mattdm, 18:36:11)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next/boardproposal#Product_Working_Groups
- ACTION: mattdm to
split merged proposal back into separate ones to make things more
clear (mattdm,
- moving on (mattdm,
- #1160 Change provenpackager policy (mattdm, 19:50:00)
- REJECTED: basically people think a week is okay or don't care
(+1,-3,3) (mattdm,
- F20 Changes - Progress on Changes Freeze (mattdm, 19:53:49)
- Next week's chair (mattdm, 19:58:46)
- ACTION: notting to
chair next week (mattdm,
- Open Floor (mattdm, 20:00:52)
Meeting ended at 20:04:38 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jreznik to ping feature owners
- mattdm to split merged proposal back into separate ones to make things more clear
- notting to chair next week
Action items, by person
- jreznik
- jreznik to ping feature owners
- mattdm
- mattdm to split merged proposal back into separate ones to make things more clear
- notting
- notting to chair next week
People present (lines said)
- mattdm (152)
- sgallagh (89)
- nirik (76)
- mitr (54)
- abadger1999 (53)
- pjones (39)
- notting (33)
- jwb (26)
- mjg59 (25)
- mmaslano (14)
- t8m (12)
- zodbot (10)
- inode0 (8)
- jreznik (8)
- kalev (5)
- drago01 (3)
- gholms (3)
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