#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2013-10-23)

Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:04 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (nirik, 18:00:04)
  2. ticket #1164 F20 Changes - Process on Changes Freeze (nirik, 18:02:46)
    1. AGREED: moving ryu to f21, wait on vagrant and lvm thin provisioning. (+8,0,0) (nirik, 18:05:32)

  3. ticket #1181 Fedora still vulnerable to BEAST (nirik, 18:05:42)
    1. AGREED: close ticket now that nss is rebuilt. Follow up with other related items on list. (nirik, 18:10:17)

  4. ticket #1182 F21/F22 System Wide Change: Python 3 as the Default Implementation - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Python_3_as_Default (nirik, 18:10:29)
    1. AGREED: Feature is approved, provided that the contingency plan is updated with permitting a mixed environment of py2/py3 (+6,-1,0) (nirik, 18:30:22)
    2. FESCo strongly advises prioritizing this work on those packages that appear in the minimal and cloud images first (sgallagh, 18:30:33)

  5. ticket #1183 Don't enable prelink by default in Fedora (nirik, 18:31:40)
    1. AGREED: remove prelink from core and standard groups (+8,0,0) (nirik, 18:34:20)

  6. ticket #1170 Working Group call for Volunteers (nirik, 18:34:39)
    1. AGREED: pknirsch will coordinate base design working group for fesco. (+7,0,0) (nirik, 18:47:16)
    2. AGREED: working groups can decide if they want new lists when they meet (+7,0,0) (nirik, 19:15:35)
    3. AGREED: working groups should have a governance document/charter by nov 15th approved by fesco (+7,0,0) (nirik, 19:22:49)

  7. Next week's chair (nirik, 19:27:01)
    1. notting to chair next week (nirik, 19:28:40)

  8. Open Floor (nirik, 19:28:44)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections (nirik, 19:33:19)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FESCo_election_policy (nirik, 19:34:30)
    3. https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/360 (nirik, 19:35:34)

Meeting ended at 19:40:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. nirik (139)
  2. sgallagh (97)
  3. mattdm (59)
  4. jwb (35)
  5. mitr (34)
  6. notting (28)
  7. pjones (24)
  8. pknirsch (21)
  9. adamw (17)
  10. mmaslano (17)
  11. jreznik (16)
  12. t8m (11)
  13. Viking-Ice (9)
  14. zodbot (9)
  15. drago01_ (8)
  16. samkottler (2)
  17. kalev (1)
  18. abadger1999 (0)

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