#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2015-03-11)
Meeting started by thozza at 18:01:28 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (thozza, 18:01:28)
- #1412 anaconda password change is causing consternation among the user community please review this policy decision (thozza, 18:03:37)
- http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/anaconda.git/log/?h=f22
has last commit 7 days ago (mitr,
- ACTION: thozza to
file a beta blocker bug for anaconda to get back to double-click for
weak passwords (thozza,
- the proposal in the ticket is outdated since
the alpha is already out. The change should go into beta.
- ACTION: nirik to
start a wiki page for discussion around the overall password
policy (thozza,
- #1420 policy change: admins (non-POC) should be able to retire packages (thozza, 18:16:07)
- AGREED: Allow also
package admins to retire the package (+7, 0, -1) (thozza,
- #1421 FESCO Decision on COPR/Playground in GNOME Software (thozza, 18:18:07)
- AGREED: FESCo agrees
with changes proposed in
https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1421#comment:0 (+7, 0,
-1) (thozza,
- Next week's chair (thozza, 18:44:50)
- ACTION: sgallagh to
update the Third_Party_Repos wiki page (sgallagh,
- nirik to chair next week's meeting (thozza,
- Open Floor (thozza, 18:47:52)
- Password policy wiki page started at
Meeting ended at 18:58:43 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- thozza to file a beta blocker bug for anaconda to get back to double-click for weak passwords
- nirik to start a wiki page for discussion around the overall password policy
- sgallagh to update the Third_Party_Repos wiki page
Action items, by person
- nirik
- nirik to start a wiki page for discussion around the overall password policy
- sgallagh
- sgallagh to update the Third_Party_Repos wiki page
- thozza
- thozza to file a beta blocker bug for anaconda to get back to double-click for weak passwords
People present (lines said)
- thozza (66)
- nirik (53)
- sgallagh (45)
- jwb (33)
- mitr (21)
- dgilmore (11)
- ajax (8)
- zodbot (7)
- t8m (5)
- Cydrobolt (3)
- paragan (2)
- rishi (0)
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