#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2016-03-11)
Meeting started by maxamillion at 17:00:19 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (maxamillion, 17:00:38)
- Follow Up Items (maxamillion, 17:03:51)
- #1552 Review of delayed Changes for F24 (maxamillion, 17:03:59)
- #1555 Please clarify updates policy for security issues (maxamillion, 17:07:57)
- AGREED: Defer #1555
to next week's meeting (2016-03-18) to allow jsmith time to update
(+1: 9, 0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion,
- New Business (maxamillion, 17:11:00)
- #1559 jvanek would like to become provenpacakger (maxamillion, 17:11:08)
- AGREED: Remove
ProvenPackager tickets from the meeting agenda since there are no
-1's in the tickets (maxamillion,
- (maxamillion, 17:15:14)
- #1560 provenpackager request: yselkowitz (maxamillion, 17:15:32)
- AGREED: Remove
ProvenPackager tickets from the meeting agenda since there are no
-1's in the tickets (maxamillion,
- #1518 Software packaged in Fedora should not be allowed to implement DRM schemes that cannot be disabled (maxamillion, 17:16:43)
- Next week's chair (maxamillion, 17:20:01)
- nirik to chair next week's meeting
(2016-03-18) (maxamillion,
- paragan will not be available next week,
attending fossasia conference. (paragan,
- AGREED: Cancel
meeting the week of 2016-03-25 (+1:8, 0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion,
- Open Floor (maxamillion, 17:27:11)
- https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/24/alpha/buglist
Meeting ended at 17:42:11 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- maxamillion (89)
- sgallagh (27)
- nirik (25)
- zodbot (17)
- dgilmore (15)
- jsmith (13)
- jwb (11)
- number80 (8)
- paragan (5)
- kalev (3)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.