16:06:22 <sgallagh> #startmeeting FESCO (2016-05-13) 16:06:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 13 16:06:22 2016 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:06:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:06:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco_(2016-05-13)' 16:06:22 <sgallagh> #meetingname fesco 16:06:22 <sgallagh> #chair maxamillion dgilmore number80 jwb nirik paragan jsmith kalev sgallagh 16:06:22 <sgallagh> #topic init process 16:06:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 16:06:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore jsmith jwb kalev maxamillion nirik number80 paragan sgallagh 16:06:27 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 16:06:28 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 16:06:29 <dgilmore> hi 16:06:30 <sgallagh> Let's try this again. 16:06:33 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 16:06:34 <maxamillion> o/ 16:06:35 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 16:06:36 <paragan> .hello pnemade 16:06:37 <zodbot> paragan: pnemade 'Parag Nemade' <pnemade@redhat.com> 16:06:38 <number80> .hello hguemar 16:06:39 <nirik> morning everyone 16:06:41 <zodbot> number80: hguemar 'Haïkel Guémar' <karlthered@gmail.com> 16:07:04 <kalev> .hello kalev 16:07:05 <zodbot> kalev: kalev 'Kalev Lember' <klember@redhat.com> 16:07:44 <jwb> i'm here 16:08:26 <sgallagh> OK, let's get rolling 16:08:47 <sgallagh> #topic #1575 non-responsive packager: roma 16:08:47 <sgallagh> .fesco 1575 16:08:48 <zodbot> sgallagh: #1575 (non-responsive packager: roma) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1575 16:09:09 <sgallagh> Proposal: Transfer ownership of php-getid3 and to orphan the remaining packages owned by roma 16:09:18 <jwb> +1 16:09:19 <sgallagh> -to 16:09:19 <paragan> +1 16:09:22 <sgallagh> +1 16:09:26 <kalev> +1 16:09:28 <nirik> +1 16:09:35 <maxamillion> +1 16:09:54 <dgilmore> +1 16:10:18 <number80> +1 16:10:23 <sgallagh> #agreed Transfer ownership of php-getid3 and orphan the remaining packages owned by roma (+8, 0, -0) 16:10:40 <sgallagh> #topic #1444 updates deliverables 16:10:40 <sgallagh> .fesco 1444 16:10:42 <zodbot> sgallagh: #1444 (updates deliverables) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1444 16:10:58 <sgallagh> Oh, hang on 16:10:59 <sgallagh> #undo 16:10:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2b9d5fd0> 16:11:06 <sgallagh> nirik: Will you handle the orphaning process? 16:11:13 <nirik> sgallagh: sure, I can. 16:11:14 <sgallagh> Thanks 16:11:28 <sgallagh> #action nirik to orphan roma's packages and send email to devel@lists.fp.o 16:11:35 <sgallagh> #topic #1444 updates deliverables 16:11:44 <sgallagh> .fesco 1444 16:11:46 <zodbot> sgallagh: #1444 (updates deliverables) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1444 16:12:24 <sgallagh> maxamillion: I think this one was in your court? 16:13:00 <maxamillion> sgallagh: ah, yes it is .... I kind of dropped the ball on that one last week, we have everything but one deliverable decided upon 16:13:18 <maxamillion> sgallagh: I got lost in the weeds on more docker layered image stuff and that took a back burner 16:13:25 <sgallagh> /me nods 16:13:36 <sgallagh> So, nothing to do here, revisit next week? 16:13:51 <maxamillion> sgallagh: yes please 16:13:54 <maxamillion> sorry about that all 16:14:14 <sgallagh> #info Defer one more week while maxamillion handles the last piece 16:14:27 <sgallagh> On to new business: 16:14:31 <sgallagh> #topic #1577 F25 System Wide Change: Perl 5.24 16:14:31 <sgallagh> .fesco 1577 16:14:33 <zodbot> sgallagh: #1577 (F25 System Wide Change: Perl 5.24) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1577 16:14:54 <dgilmore> +1 16:14:56 <kalev> +1 16:15:00 <paragan> +1 16:15:09 <maxamillion> +1 16:15:11 <sgallagh> +1 16:15:12 <jwb> +1 16:15:13 <nirik> sure +1 16:15:47 <sgallagh> #agreed Perl 5.24 is accepted as a F24 System Wide Change (+8, 0, -0) 16:15:53 <sgallagh> (number80 voted in the ticket) 16:16:05 <number80> yes 16:16:44 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 16:16:52 <sgallagh> Whee! That's the whole agenda. 16:17:07 <nirik> nifty 16:17:30 <kalev> that was effective 16:17:35 <kalev> sgallagh++ 16:17:51 <jkurik> hi 16:18:04 <sgallagh> I won't be around for next week's meeting, FYI 16:18:07 <jkurik> may I ask FESCo to review https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1568#comment:9 16:18:14 <jkurik> ? 16:18:27 <kalev> I probably won't be around next week either, I'm on PTO and travelling then 16:18:43 <maxamillion> I will try to be here next week but will be traveling home from OSCON and might not make it 16:18:51 <sgallagh> Oh, hmm. I misread that when I was checking the tickets earlier. 16:19:11 * nirik should be around next week. I guess I can chair if no one else wants it. 16:19:14 <sgallagh> #topic #1568 Replace udisks2 with storaged 16:19:15 <sgallagh> .fesco 1568 16:19:16 <zodbot> sgallagh: #1568 (F25 Self Contained Changes) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1568 16:19:17 <jkurik> there was some rumours about the "Replace UDisks2 by Storaged ", so I would like to be sure it is approved 16:19:32 <kalev> why is it a system-wide change? it doesn't _replace_ udisks2, does it? just a parallel dbus service? 16:20:06 <kalev> as I understand it, the anaconda stack is switching to it, but that shouldn't affect other things, or have I misunderstood it? 16:20:26 <sgallagh> kalev: IIUC, it's a drop-in replacement: you can't use both at the same time. 16:20:32 <kalev> ahhh 16:20:51 <sgallagh> Because I *think* it provides the same D-BUS API (well, a superset thereof) 16:21:36 <kalev> yeah, that makes the scope much wider then 16:22:01 <sgallagh> Let me see if any of the storaged guys are around. 16:22:26 <number80> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Replace_UDisks2_by_Storaged 16:23:14 <number80> It does say that it replaces udisks2, and the tests matrix is supposed to test that it works well as udisks2 replacement 16:23:34 <number80> The test matrix is a bit lightweight though 16:24:08 <nirik> definitely needs adding cockpit and blivet to the test section if they are affected. (which it says they are below) 16:24:15 <sgallagh> I'm also concerned that it doesn't seem like the GNOME folks have been involved in the discussion 16:24:49 <number80> wasn't storaged developed for cockpit needs originally? 16:25:12 <sgallagh> number80: OpenLMI first, Cockpit second. But close enough. 16:25:50 <sgallagh> So I'm scanning the source and it doesn't look like it's *exactly* replacing udisks2's API right now. 16:25:58 <number80> ack, so I'm fine w/ considering that OpenLMI/cockpit were already tested and that upstream devs will fix any issue raised during F25 cycle 16:26:01 <sgallagh> It's offering the same API on a different interface 16:26:18 <sgallagh> But it's unclear if they intend to have it offer both interfaces, thus allowing us to drop udisks2 16:26:33 <sgallagh> But given that they use the term "replace" everywhere, I'd say that's probably the intent. 16:26:43 <sgallagh> I wish the Change proposers were around for this 16:27:12 <number80> maybe the Workstation WG could also visit that change and provide feedback if it hasn't already 16:27:15 <kalev> I think using a separate dbus API makes it easier, because then projects can switch one by one as they see fit 16:27:35 <kalev> err, I mean separate interface 16:28:29 <sgallagh> kalev: I suspect that's what's been going on thus far, but they're ready to flip the switch and stop shipping two daemons that do the same thing. 16:28:30 <kalev> in any case, I think it's very very positive that we have a storage daemon under active development; udisks2 was pretty much in deep maintainance mode 16:28:39 <kalev> sgallagh: ah, fair enough 16:29:51 <jkurik> so it looks like there are some doubts about the Change, so can anyone please put some questions what needs to be clarified into the ticket, so I can ask the Change owner to answer it ? 16:30:00 <sgallagh> kalev: Yeah, on my Workstation, both org.freedesktop.UDisks2 and org.storaged.Storaged exist and provide apparently the exact same content 16:31:34 <sgallagh> OK, so let me see if I have the list of questions right: 16:32:17 <sgallagh> 1) Have the GNOME, Anaconda/Blivet and Cockpit folks agreed to replacing Udisks2? 16:32:42 <sgallagh> 2) Is it expected to be a complete cutover (where we drop Udisks2 from the default install and/or from the distro entirely with Obsoletes)? 16:33:19 <sgallagh> Am I missing anything important? 16:33:53 <nirik> sounds good to me. 16:34:47 <paragan> yes questions looks right 16:34:54 <maxamillion> yeah, looks good 16:35:01 * kalev nods. 16:35:08 <sgallagh> jkurik: Want me to pose those to the devel list rather than the ticket? 16:36:22 <number80> *nods* 16:37:15 <sgallagh> Alright, I'm going to just go ahead and do that 16:37:31 <sgallagh> #action sgallagh to reply on the devel list with questions 16:37:32 <kalev> good plan 16:37:57 <sgallagh> #topic Next Week's Chair 16:38:02 <jkurik> sgallagh: does not matter, I can talk directly to the Change owner on Monday 16:38:36 * maxamillion would chair but will be traveling and might not actually make the meeting :/ 16:39:06 <paragan> I can chair next week 16:39:20 <sgallagh> #info paragan to chair the 2016-05-20 meeting 16:39:25 <maxamillion> paragan++ 16:39:25 <zodbot> maxamillion: Karma for pnemade changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:39:42 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor part 2 16:39:44 <sgallagh> Anything else? 16:40:51 <sgallagh> Happy Friday the 13th, eveyone. 16:40:56 <sgallagh> #endmeeting