15:00:18 <zbyszek> #startmeeting FESCO (2020-03-23) 15:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 23 15:00:18 2020 UTC. 15:00:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:18 <zodbot> The chair is zbyszek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco_(2020-03-23)' 15:00:18 <zbyszek> #meetingname fesco 15:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 15:00:18 <zbyszek> #chair nirik, ignatenkobrain, decathorpe, zbyszek, bookwar, sgallagh, contyk, mhroncok, dcantrell 15:00:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: bookwar contyk dcantrell decathorpe ignatenkobrain mhroncok nirik sgallagh zbyszek 15:00:21 <zbyszek> #topic init process 15:00:26 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:00:27 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:00:27 <nirik> morning. 15:00:28 <bookwar> .hello2 15:00:30 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar 'Aleksandra Fedorova' <alpha@bookwar.info> 15:00:32 <zbyszek> .hello2 15:00:33 <zodbot> zbyszek: zbyszek 'Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek' <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> 15:00:45 <ignatenkobrain> .hello2 15:00:45 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Raits' <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com> 15:01:03 <decathorpe> .hello2 15:01:04 <dcantrell> .hello2 15:01:04 <zodbot> decathorpe: decathorpe 'Fabio Valentini' <decathorpe@gmail.com> 15:01:07 <zodbot> dcantrell: dcantrell 'David Cantrell' <dcantrell@redhat.com> 15:01:11 <zbyszek> ignatenkobrain: new name? 15:01:27 <ignatenkobrain> yeah, should have done this update long ago :) 15:02:02 <contyk> I'd even call it an old name by this point. 15:02:05 <contyk> You should change it again. 15:02:36 <zbyszek> The name changes, FAS nick never. Just ask churchyard. 15:03:24 <zbyszek> mhroncok coming? 15:04:08 <zbyszek> We have just one item, let's start. 15:04:11 <zbyszek> #topic #2353 Request to become a provenpackager (FAS: gerd) 15:04:11 <zbyszek> .fesco 2353 15:04:12 <zodbot> zbyszek: Issue #2353: Request to become a provenpackager (FAS: gerd) - fesco - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/2353 15:04:26 <mhroncok> hey. sorry for being late 15:04:30 <sgallagh> Sorry, I'm here. Forgot to chime in 15:04:59 <zbyszek> Hi mhroncok, sgallagh. 15:05:22 <zbyszek> So... it feels like the OP is not trying to make a big effort. 15:05:38 <mhroncok> indeed 15:05:47 * sgallagh nods 15:05:51 <dcantrell> I agree. followup comments sort of move in to "yeah, ok, but here's a thing I could update because it could be updated" 15:06:16 <ignatenkobrain> I'm -1 on this, sorry. 15:06:40 <nirik> well... does this mean we need a good list of reasons for provenpackagers? 15:06:44 <mhroncok> yes 15:06:46 <nirik> and what are they? 15:06:51 <mhroncok> that's the general idea IMHO 15:07:09 <mhroncok> to provide the list of reasons for evaliation 15:07:13 <dcantrell> at the very least I'd like provenpackagers to not self-nominate 15:07:22 <mhroncok> not for us to provide "good list", sorry for confusing the two 15:07:29 <nirik> long ago before we had them (everyone was one) we moved to the current model with the idea that "trusted" "experenced" people could be added into provenpackager 15:07:36 <mhroncok> dcantrell: self nominate is totally OK if there is a legitimate reason 15:07:55 <nirik> well, what are good reasons anymore? 15:08:28 <sgallagh> The good reasons are basically for mass rebuild updates 15:08:34 <dcantrell> ok, self-nominate is fine. I guess what I'd prefer more is to have some other package maintainers give references or something. at least to back up the why 15:08:38 <mhroncok> "I need to bump 200 packages becasue i maintain a library and cooridnating this is a pain every time I do it" 15:08:53 <mhroncok> reasons like this 15:08:54 <nirik> what about "I want to help out other packagers" ? 15:08:54 <sgallagh> Or for things like the ability to create bodhi updates for many pacakges (like FreeIPA's ecosystem) 15:09:06 <bookwar> to be honest, i think proven packages need to be replaced by pull-request workflow 15:09:17 * nirik is just worried we are setting the bar really high and will stop having new provenpackagers. 15:09:20 <mhroncok> bookwar: with hundreds of packages? 15:09:41 <mhroncok> nirik: the bar is quite low currently: you have a reason that makes sense, you ge it 15:09:50 <dcantrell> nirik: that's where I'd like to see some comments from the packagers they want to help out. not every package is created equal and some workflows may differ from other packages 15:10:04 <mhroncok> "I want to help" doesn't require being a provenpackager 15:10:17 <dcantrell> right, I want to help could very easily be a PR 15:10:18 <bookwar> mhroncok: in this case you are going to do hundred of patches anyway, and you need a review from package owner 15:10:34 <mhroncok> bookwar: in case of e.g. pytohn 3.9 rebase I don't 15:10:36 <nirik> how about "I want to help merge stale PR's and build those packages" ? 15:10:38 <bookwar> mhroncok: i shouldn't have said this as radically as i did, but on the concept level 15:10:53 <bookwar> mhroncok: if people want to generally help maintaining other packages 15:11:00 <zbyszek> bookwar: I very much disagree (having done this kind of action a few times). 15:11:01 <mhroncok> nirik: sure, show us the PRs you talk about 15:11:04 <bookwar> that's what pull requests are for 15:11:11 <decathorpe> nirik: I don't think that should happen without package admin's agreement 15:11:19 <mhroncok> exactly 15:11:24 <decathorpe> and if they need to agree, you could do PRs instead as well .... 15:11:37 <nirik> I fear this sort of specific requirement means we will have no new provenpackagers that help around the distro. Everyone will be in their little area and ignore the rest. 15:12:26 <dcantrell> I think it depends on the project. For a lot of things where we are the upstream, the dist-git repo is effectively meaningless since a new upstream release is made. so a provenpackager's contributions would be more useful upstream 15:12:37 <dcantrell> which would still be working with the same people, but a different workflow 15:13:18 <dcantrell> I dunno, provenpackager is special case enough to me and packages all vary wildly that I don't think we can just let anyone be one for just wanting to help. But I don't know how best to direct people to help on the projects they want to help on 15:13:33 <decathorpe> provenpackagers are also useful for the "this package needs help, is basically unmaintained, but not orphaned" case 15:13:59 <dcantrell> maybe we could come up with an never ending TODO list type thing with work like that 15:14:17 <dcantrell> the kernel either still has or had a kernel-janitors list for things that need doing and people looking to help 15:14:21 <nirik> I wonder if it would make sense to move to a 'trial period' type thing... give the permissions for 6 months or whatever and at the end have to show what you did to be made perm? 15:14:23 <decathorpe> dcantrell: you mean a ToQueue? ;) 15:14:23 <dcantrell> we certainly have plenty of that work 15:14:46 <mhroncok> nirik: the PRs tehy open are the trial period 15:14:48 <dcantrell> decathorpe: hehe 15:15:12 <mhroncok> nirik: if they don't show anything of that sort and just say "I want to help" -- that isn't much effort 15:15:15 <dcantrell> in addition to a trial period, I'd say new provenpackagers should be matched with an existing one for a mentor 15:15:17 <nirik> mhroncok: ok, but currently I don't think we have any PR requirement? 15:15:24 <decathorpe> mhroncok: yeah, that would make sense 15:15:31 <mhroncok> provenpackager isn't a reward, it's "I need it to do stuff, this kind of stuff" 15:16:11 <pingou> I would like to do stuff? 15:16:18 <mhroncok> what stuff? 15:16:20 <nirik> or perhaps it would make since to write up the things we do expect them to do... but then anyone applying will say those things. ;) 15:16:59 <zbyszek> > My general intention is to help out across the collection. 15:17:05 <nirik> anyhow, I didn't mean to drag this out... ;) 15:17:11 <cyberpear> (example of a "stale" PR: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/dnf/pull-request/18 ) 15:17:44 <decathorpe> still, the examples they gave for what they wanted to do were not good examples. 15:18:34 <dcantrell> given the access a provenpackager has, are we not also concerned about security implications? we should probably know who we're giving it to 15:18:39 <nirik> so, I guess close and say 'come back when you have specific things you need to do blocked by not being a provenpackager' ? 15:18:47 <bookwar> i think we don't have a common understanding what proven packager role is. If it is a "person can be trusted" thing - it is a reward. If it is a "person wants to do X" - it is an assignment 15:18:48 <zbyszek> We had +2, -8 in the ticket 15:19:10 <zbyszek> bookwar: both things you quoted apply 15:19:17 <dcantrell> bookwar: I think it ends up being both 15:19:21 <nirik> dcantrell: well, sure, but if you are a packager it's already assumed we trust you... also we have a trail of commits, etc... if someone misbehaves 15:19:34 <bookwar> then we need an assignment 15:19:56 <zbyszek> bookwar: no, people work on what they want, no assignment is done. 15:19:57 <nirik> it's not a reward... or shouldn't be IMHO. 15:21:12 <mhroncok> exactly 15:21:17 <zbyszek> +1 to nirik's "close and say" 15:21:27 <sgallagh> Proposal: provenpackager status requires the applicant to provide a justification for why those privileges are needed beyond sending pull-requests. FESCo decides at its sole discretion whether to approve based on this justification. 15:21:52 <zbyszek> sgallagh: re the second sentence: sponsors get to vote 15:22:15 <sgallagh> I thought that was only for new sponsors. Am I misremembering? 15:22:23 <nirik> we have a policy on it: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Provenpackager_policy/ 15:22:44 <sgallagh> OK, my mistake 15:22:48 <sgallagh> I'll amend: 15:23:05 <sgallagh> Proposal: provenpackager status requires the applicant to provide a justification for why those privileges are needed beyond sending pull-requests. FESCo decides at its sole discretion whether to send the request to the sponsors list based on this justification. 15:23:17 <sgallagh> So FESCo at least decides whether or not to waste the sponsors' tim e 15:23:26 <dcantrell> that reads well 15:23:43 <mhroncok> I'm -1 to change the policy 15:23:51 <mhroncok> I'm +1 to close this one for now 15:24:08 <mhroncok> we see that sponsor themselves were quite capable of deciding this 15:24:14 <mhroncok> it works quite fine 15:24:19 <zbyszek> I'd just remove the second sentence. It constrains us, and doesn't really change much, because anything we vote on we vote according to our discretion. 15:24:43 <zbyszek> But the first sentence reads OK. 15:24:51 <nirik> I'm not for changing the policy without more thought/discussion. ;) 15:25:04 <mhroncok> not on ameeting anyway 15:25:09 <sgallagh> Fair enough 15:25:24 <zbyszek> OK, so let's return to nirik's proposal 15:25:31 <dcantrell> I'm ok wither way 15:26:27 <dcantrell> *either 15:26:36 <dcantrell> w is next to e 15:26:43 <dcantrell> maybe I should go back to dvorak 15:27:05 <zbyszek> I understood "wither" to be short for "with either" 15:27:27 <bookwar> should we vote? 15:27:45 <dcantrell> I vote we vote 15:27:53 <contyk> Can we re-state the proposal? 15:28:04 <zbyszek> nirik, please restate. 15:28:05 <dcantrell> zbyszek: ahh, that works too 15:28:14 * nirik looks back up to see what he typed. 15:28:47 <nirik> close request and ask reporter to come back when they hit specific issues that they need provenpackager status to solve. 15:29:02 <contyk> +1 15:29:04 <decathorpe> nirik: +1 15:29:07 <dcantrell> +1 15:29:18 <zbyszek> +1 15:29:25 <bookwar> +1 15:29:28 <sgallagh> +1 15:29:39 <mhroncok> +1 15:30:30 <zbyszek> #agreed Close request and ask reporter to come back when they hit specific issues that they need provenpackager status to solve (+8, 0, 0) 15:30:35 <zbyszek> #topic Next week's chair 15:30:54 <zbyszek> volunteers? 15:31:26 <sgallagh> I haven't done it in a while. 15:31:36 <zbyszek> Thanks. 15:31:37 <zbyszek> #action sgallagh will chair next meeting 15:31:41 <zbyszek> #topic Open Floor 15:32:12 <bookwar> please review https://pagure.io/fesco/fesco-docs/pull-request/28 15:32:18 <bookwar> zbyszek already did 15:32:43 <bookwar> mhroncok: i wonder if it is the level of details you expect or more is needed 15:32:57 <mhroncok> bookwar: the details level si wuite fine 15:33:07 <mhroncok> q is next to w 15:33:12 <bookwar> :) 15:33:24 <nirik> +1 here. looks good. 15:33:55 <contyk> Ack. 15:34:16 <decathorpe> looks good 15:34:22 <dcantrell> +1 looks good 15:34:47 <bookwar> so, i am not sure how we merge these things, are votes here good enough? 15:35:08 <mhroncok> we have approved the policy change on princile already 15:35:27 <mhroncok> so this does not need a formal vote. enough people said it's OK -> ship it 15:35:28 <zbyszek> Yeah, we're just proofreading and sanity-checking here. 15:35:33 <zbyszek> It's shipped now. 15:35:37 <bookwar> ok, thanks 15:35:47 <bookwar> and then the other topic is the alternative buildroot change update, it is coming to Fedora devel mailing list hopefully today, if Ben has time for it https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ELN_Buildroot_and_Compose 15:35:50 <bookwar> so just that you know it is coming 15:36:05 <sgallagh> All aboard the SS ShipIt! 15:36:10 <decathorpe> I think most people will be confused by ELN :) 15:36:26 <bookwar> decathorpe: that's sort of expected, like RDO and stuff 15:37:02 <bookwar> the naming was hard, sgallagh has the explanation, several of them, but it is complicated ) 15:37:03 <dcantrell> sgallagh: no way am I getting on a cruise ship now 15:37:23 <nirik> hum... is this different/another instance, or the same as the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Additional_buildroot_to_test_x86-64_micro-architecture_update ? 15:37:37 <dcantrell> what does ELN stand for? 15:37:37 <zbyszek> nirik: it says "supersedes" in the page 15:37:41 <sgallagh> nirik: It's a proper superset 15:37:55 <nirik> ok, cool. 15:38:05 <mhroncok> enterprise linux nomads 15:38:11 <sgallagh> dcantrell: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ELN 15:38:28 <zbyszek> sgallagh, bookwar: "in the way which resembles the CentOS and RHEL build process" — this explains very little for people who are not familiar with RHEL/Centos 15:38:46 <sgallagh> But I lost the fight, so now it's ELN (like how KFC doesn't actually stand for Kentucky Fried Chicken anymore) 15:38:56 <mhroncok> bookwar: also, I'd really like to see the code snipped int eh FPC ticket 15:38:59 <mhroncok> *snippet 15:39:05 <mhroncok> *in the 15:39:09 * mhroncok is so sorry 15:39:12 <bookwar> mhroncok: sgallagh works on it 15:39:29 <sgallagh> mhroncok: It's on my TODO list for today. 15:39:35 <sgallagh> Once I get out of meetings :) 15:39:45 <mhroncok> bookwar: I am worried that it will be a mess when thins are importe with eln dist conditionals to another distro 15:39:49 <dcantrell> sgallagh: so wait, is this an entire other rawhide? 15:39:56 <zbyszek> Scope section: it's missing punctuation a lot. 15:40:06 <bookwar> dcantrell: except the srpms 15:40:12 <sgallagh> mhroncok: tl;dr version: `%{eln}` will exist but shouldn't be used in nearly all cases. 15:40:20 <dcantrell> bookwar: but you can't do that 15:40:29 <sgallagh> We're going to be defining the `%{rhel}` macro 15:40:45 <mhroncok> in that case, I don't really get the FPC ticket at all 15:41:03 <sgallagh> It was filed before we had the conversation about the best way to do things. 15:41:06 <mhroncok> .fpc 955 15:41:07 <zodbot> mhroncok: Issue #955: F33 Change: ELN compose and disttag - packaging-committee - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/955 15:41:08 <sgallagh> (That conversation happened this morning) 15:41:23 <mhroncok> sgallagh: oh. ok. 15:41:41 <sgallagh> The situation is evolving rapidly 15:41:47 <bookwar> dcantrell: what do you mean? 15:41:57 <dcantrell> bookwar: GPL violation to start with 15:42:21 <sgallagh> dcantrell: She means it's not a whole new branch. It's going to build from Rawhide 15:42:31 <sgallagh> So Rawhide's SRPMs are the same and we don't need to host them twice 15:42:56 <dcantrell> ok that makes more sense. so it's a conditional build from the master branch? 15:43:00 <sgallagh> Yes 15:43:14 <dcantrell> sorry if I'm late to the party on this one, but this is the first I've heard of ELN 15:43:19 <nirik> and composes I thought were not really distributed? just tested? 15:43:22 <sgallagh> It's the first anyone has :) 15:43:31 <sgallagh> nirik: That's the plan. 15:43:39 * nirik has, but then he watches the wiki RSS feed. ;) 15:44:37 * mhroncok would be much happier if those things emerge in public rather than behind a corporate wall 15:44:44 <bookwar> mhroncok, sgallagh i created a place to talk before thinking actually what we need to talk about there, sorry for that. But update is coming 15:44:49 <sgallagh> mhroncok: Which things? 15:45:03 <bookwar> mhroncok: they did, i posted the idea 2 months ago on a mailing list 15:45:06 <bookwar> it is the same idea 15:45:09 <mhroncok> bookwar: FPC tickets about thinks that nobody has ever heard of for exaple 15:45:14 <mhroncok> *things 15:45:42 <bookwar> mhroncok: i can not setup fpc ticket before the change is created, where i describe what is about 15:46:02 <dcantrell> I don't remember seeing anything about this on fedora-devel 15:46:04 <bookwar> i created change today, and created ticket today as well 15:46:17 <mhroncok> what dcantrell says 15:46:58 <bookwar> dcantrell: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/3Z5SMF6CPL3MK2CNYPUW4OZYMA6TZJBN/#MKXPMQOZNLECPPWRM6UBUMR2WHVG5DL6 15:47:11 <sgallagh> The FPC ticket should probably have waited until the Change discussion happened. We jumped the gun on that one 15:47:34 <mhroncok> sgallagh++ 15:47:41 <bookwar> sgallagh: i though it is _where_ discussion happens 15:47:44 <sgallagh> It's causing confusion, in part because we didn't have the right conversations before filing it. 15:47:59 <bookwar> but ok, let's rework it 15:48:00 <dcantrell> bookwar: I do remember that thread, but was not connecting it to this ELN stuff 15:48:04 <dcantrell> sorry 15:48:29 <sgallagh> bookwar: FPC tickets should probably be more for asking for specific changes. If we were requesting input, we probably needed to provide more information and guidance. 15:48:44 <bookwar> sgallagh: good point 15:48:51 <zbyszek> FWIW, I would like to see a lot more detail in the Change page. 15:49:10 <sgallagh> Anyway, I don't think continuing down this path is productive. I'll provide more info on that ticket after this meeting and lunch 15:49:33 <mhroncok> so for example, as a Python maintainer... (right, sorry but that's what I do), when i bootstrap new Python upgrade in a side tag, how is this ELN thing gonna take it? 15:49:56 * nirik guesses after it lands in rawhide. 15:49:59 <bookwar> mhroncok: it won't, it is only rebuilding fedora rawhide right now 15:50:18 <mhroncok> bookwar: but will it "see" rawhide content? 15:50:22 <bookwar> not even right now, it is _about_ rebuilding rawhide 15:50:42 <sgallagh> mhroncok: I don't understand the question 15:50:42 <mhroncok> aka if it builds from master, how do we bootstrap things in it? 15:51:08 <sgallagh> You bootstrap in Rawhide. 15:51:16 <bookwar> https://pagure.io/releng/issue/9154#comment-631088 15:51:21 <mhroncok> sgallagh: yes. and what happans in ELN? 15:51:22 <sgallagh> Think of this as us running mass-rebuilds using different flags 15:51:55 <mhroncok> sgallagh: is the rawhide content available in the eln buildroot? 15:52:08 <sgallagh> Ah, I see what you're asking now. Yes, it will be. 15:52:52 <sgallagh> We plan to have the buildroot inherit from current Rawhide 15:53:04 <sgallagh> So once things are rebuilt, they supersede, but until then stuff comes from Rawhide 15:53:25 <mhroncok> sgallagh: so the ELN rebuilds would onyl ahppen after we merge Python 3.9 side tag into rawhide? 15:53:30 <sgallagh> Right 15:53:47 <sgallagh> That's something we could look at improving on in a Phase 2, but it's out of scope for this effort 15:54:15 <mhroncok> sgallagh: this kind of things is explained in the proposal? (I've only skimmed trough it, as this is the frst time I read it) 15:54:36 <bookwar> we can consider adjusted inheritance paths later, but we'd like to start simple 15:54:54 <sgallagh> mhroncok: I think zbyszek is right that we may need to increase the level of detail in the Change Proposal 15:54:54 <zbyszek> sgallagh: "once things are rebuilt, they supersede, but until then stuff comes from Rawhide" — if the eln rebuild fails, do packages with higher EVRA from rawhide again supersede the ones from eln? 15:55:28 <sgallagh> zbyszek: I don't actually know the answer to that off the bat. I don't know how Koji does inheritance with that level of detail. 15:55:56 <contyk> I don't think they do. 15:56:05 <mhroncok> higher nevr always win 15:56:15 <contyk> That's not true. 15:56:18 * nirik isn't sure he's parsing the question right. 15:56:30 <sgallagh> I'll provide an example: 15:56:37 <bookwar> just to be clear: this change was proposed today, i literally created it several hours ago, so i am not asking you to provide right now the full feedback on it. I just wanted to mention it so you are not surprised that much to see it on a mailing list. So the fact you have not heard about it before is ok. It didn't exist before. 15:56:40 <nirik> if you try a build and it fails in eln... then the rawhide one would still be 'newest' because that eln build failed. 15:56:41 <sgallagh> libfoo-0.1.0 is built successfully in Rawhide and rebuilt in ELN 15:56:56 <mhroncok> contyk: IIRC both builds are available in the repo, so you get a higher nevr if both packages satisfy the deps 15:57:07 <dcantrell> bookwar: we're all very anxious for details :) 15:57:13 <sgallagh> libfoo-0.2.0 is released and builds successfully in Rawhide but fails in ELN. 15:57:21 <bookwar> dcantrell: that's a good thing 15:57:28 <sgallagh> Which libfoo package is in the Koji buildroot for ELN at this point? 15:57:34 <contyk> mhroncok: I'm not totally sure but I think only one package is available if you use inheritance this way (it's not using the external repo mechanism). 15:57:40 <nirik> it depends on how the koji inheritence is setup. ;) 15:57:48 <sgallagh> .fire nirik 15:57:48 <zodbot> adamw fires nirik 15:57:52 <contyk> mhroncok: And regarding NEVRA, whatever is tagged the last wins, regardless of it. 15:57:55 <mhroncok> contyk: to be clear, I'm mostly guessing from memory, so I'm not 100 % sure 15:58:02 <mhroncok> contyk: right 15:58:11 <sgallagh> nirik: In other words, we can decide which one we want and do that? 15:58:12 <contyk> And in the case of inheritance, I think only packages from the tag directly are considered if they exist. 15:58:25 <mhroncok> do we care that "eln" < "fc33"? 15:58:29 <contyk> So a Rawhide update wouldn't propagate if there's at least one build tagged in ELN. 15:58:35 <contyk> But neither I am 100% sure :) 15:58:37 <nirik> koji doesn't know anything about versions. 15:58:44 <nirik> it operates on src packages 15:58:51 <nirik> and whats tagged last 15:58:59 <contyk> Yes. 15:59:38 <zbyszek> Hmm, so that's going to be very painful, because every failed build can completely destroy the eln compose 16:00:25 <zbyszek> I mean: bump so and rebuild, rebuild dependent packages, one fails in eln — kaput, while rawhide is OK. 16:01:05 <zbyszek> A fire-fighting team will be required to keep this up, like with koji-shadow. 16:01:11 <contyk> If there are ELN rebuilds, they need to be rebuilt too in that case. 16:01:20 <contyk> But that should be automated by the ELN effort. 16:01:26 <sgallagh> OK, so this conversation is useful, but it would be better if we did this on devel list once the Change is announced. 16:01:48 <sgallagh> bookwar and I can try to add some more details to the Change page based on this discussion shortly. 16:02:02 <sgallagh> But I think this is getting rat-holed really fast. 16:02:21 <mhroncok> I agree 16:02:23 <mhroncok> this is not the place 16:02:25 <zbyszek> sgallagh and bookwar: yeah, this is potentially a very useful thing 16:03:30 <bookwar> zbyszek: we may change things as we go forward. If we can not get the stability we expect for example. but we'd like to try and measure how much fire-fighting it actually is going to be 16:03:49 <bookwar> so yes, let's continue on mailing list and me and sgallagh will update the pages and tickets as we go 16:03:58 <zbyszek> Let's move on. 16:04:04 <zbyszek> Anything else for open floor? 16:04:20 <zbyszek> If not, I'll close in a minute. 16:05:16 <zbyszek> Thanks for coming and the lively discussion ;) 16:05:17 <zbyszek> #endmeeting