16:04:53 <stoney> #startmeeting 16:04:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 31 16:04:53 2013 UTC. The chair is stoney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:04:56 <stoney> she is 16:04:58 <heidie> But yes, we can let Stoney go. 16:05:00 <heidie> :-) 16:05:03 <heidie> #link foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 16:05:12 <stoney> irc://card.freenode.net/#link http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 16:05:13 <heidie> I've just provided the agenda for the meeting. 16:05:14 <stoney> :) 16:05:17 <stoney> sorry 16:05:21 <heidie> :-) 16:05:27 <stoney> #topic updates 16:05:37 <heidie> The first item on the agenda is updates. 16:05:56 <heidie> So would everyone like to provide a one-sentence update on how they are coming on the Stage 1 activities? 16:06:04 <stoney> please prefix with #info 16:06:05 <heidie> Please use the #info before your statement. 16:06:23 <EllenZ> A bit frustrated 16:06:34 <heidie> EllenZ: because? 16:06:36 <EllenZ> oops 16:06:47 <EllenZ> #info:a bit frustrated 16:07:00 <heidie> because? 16:07:06 <EllenZ> Spending WAY more time that was indicated... 16:07:16 <EllenZ> oops than 16:07:29 <heidie> Ah, that is good feedback. 16:07:31 <EllenZ> I spent 7 hours just working through what might be some projects 16:07:35 <darci> On a particular activity? Or in general? 16:07:40 <EllenZ> GNOME 16:07:48 <EllenZ> too much to wade through 16:07:49 <heidie> Ah, is this for the project evaluation activity? 16:07:55 <EllenZ> stage 2 16:08:02 <EllenZ> oops I meean part B 16:08:05 <EllenZ> of stage 1 16:08:35 <sonal> #info I had trouble with the evaluation activity 16:08:35 <stoney> Maybe we should get an update from everyone first and then hold this discussion for the next topic? 16:08:46 <kwurst> #info kwurst has completed about 1/2 of the assignments. Unfortunately, mostly the ones without deliverables, so I've got writing to do today and tomorrow. 16:09:00 <heidie> So you mean the project evaluation activity? 16:09:08 <heidie> If so, you only needed to evaluate a single project. 16:09:11 <sonal> #info yes. I picked Sahana 16:09:35 <sonal> #info But the project info on sourceforge and ohloh seemed outdated 16:09:36 <EllenZ> #info project evaluation I spent the most time on 16:09:55 <sbenthall> #info I haven't been able to log in to the foss2serve wiki (though I have logged into the teachingopensource wiki; I can't tell if credentials are linked). so i blogged instead 16:10:07 <heidie> sbenthall: That's good! 16:10:22 <heidie> And sorry about the wiki. We need to fix the password thing. 16:10:28 <sbenthall> no biggie 16:10:42 <sbenthall> #info currently trying to understand the evaluation process, it does look pretty daunting 16:10:56 <heidie> sonal, ellenz, Was the problem because you couldn't figure out where the information was to evaluate the projects? 16:11:08 <heidie> Or can you more clearly articulate the problem? 16:11:13 <EllenZ> #info actually my time sinc was even more so in the FOSS in course part 1 16:11:44 <EllenZ> #info the GNOME accessibility roadmap was over a year old 16:12:02 <sonal> #info I found some information about the project on its website, but couldn't find some of the information that I was expecting to find on ohloh 16:12:12 <heidie> ah, OK. 16:12:13 <EllenZ> #info I traversed and traversed and read and read and read and then landed some place that looked interesting 16:12:21 <heidie> WHere did you land? 16:12:24 <EllenZ> #info only to find out it was a different site? 16:13:10 <camm> what was that site? 16:13:31 <EllenZ> #info Project possibility *had to look at my wiki 16:13:42 <heidie> EllenZ, No need to #info everything 16:13:52 <EllenZ> #info GCompris 16:13:54 <heidie> \We just wanted the #info for the one sentence summary of your status. 16:14:00 <EllenZ> oh, sorry 16:14:06 <heidie> :-) Not a problem. 16:14:32 <EllenZ> They were not actually under GNOME assessibility 16:14:34 <heidie> Sounds like we need to provide a better starting point for that activity. 16:14:36 <Patti> sorry to join late 16:14:39 <heidie> Ah, got it. 16:14:42 <heidie> Welcome Patti! 16:14:47 <EllenZ> I posted all my topics, didnt come out very well on my wiki... 16:15:03 <heidie> OK, no fuss. 16:15:21 <heidie> Let's continue with the summary of progress. 16:15:32 <esmail> #info I just returned from an unscheduled trip to Germany which threw my schedule off. I've been working on Parts B and C concurrently, in the process of finishing them. I agree with EllenZ though, it's taken much more time than I had anticipated too :) 16:15:39 <EllenZ> just fixed it though, now it is readable 16:15:49 <stoney> Hi Patti, agenda here: http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_2 16:15:56 <camm> EllenZ: can you provide a link to your wiki 16:16:15 <heidie> Ah, thank you esmail. 16:16:35 <EllenZ> http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/User:Ezimmer 16:16:46 <heidie> We'll be asking for more detailed feedback at Stage 2. 16:16:56 <Patti> I have just completed Part A... 16:16:57 <EllenZ> If you scroll down you should see the "topics" for projects 16:17:03 <heidie> It would be most helpful if you could identify exactly which activities took more time than expected. 16:17:20 <EllenZ> Finding those "topics" took a long time! 16:17:28 <lorip> and also if the time spent was productive or not... 16:17:32 * heidie looks 16:18:34 <esmail> for me, since I wasn't too familiar with the sites or tools (though I knew about them) there was just a learning curve ... not quite sure how to structure this differently though - perhaps there will be a chance to brainstorm about this. 16:18:53 <heidie> Ah, this was also a scoping issue with the activity. 16:19:09 <heidie> Yes! There will definitely be time to brainstorm about the project and finding one. 16:19:21 <EllenZ> yes, not familiar with GNOME site and it is SO complex... library, live, love, ORCA, Carabou... and on and on 16:19:29 <heidie> Yes, that is true. 16:19:50 <sbenthall> it seems like Ohloh has changed its user interface since the course materials were made 16:19:51 <EllenZ> Did not know if we needed to stay in only GNOME Accessibility.. which seemed done other than bug stuff 16:20:00 <camm> EllenZ: what do you mean "Couldn't find anything that worked"? As in you couldn't find a project under GNOME that was a language you knew, humanitarian and reasonable scope? 16:20:02 <heidie> I might also suggest that when you find that you're spending a lot more time than expected, this is a good time to turn to the community for direction. 16:20:05 <sbenthall> sometimes there were references to parts of the site that didn't exist 16:20:14 <heidie> Either via email or by chiming in on this IRC channel. 16:20:31 <sbenthall> ooh good call 16:20:48 <EllenZ> I didnt even know what question to ask and to what group since there are so many 16:21:07 <heidie> Ask here first! 16:21:25 <heidie> You've just highlighted one of the main reasons why POSSE exists. 16:21:26 <EllenZ> I started drawing a map so I could notice where I had been before... lots of looping around 16:21:40 <EllenZ> I thought I was the only one still in part B 16:21:42 <heidie> Because it can be difficult to traverse HFOSS communities. 16:21:45 <heidie> Nope, :-) 16:21:47 <esmail> irc seems quiet .. I've been lurking on the sahana group too .. not much happening there ... 16:21:57 <heidie> And yes, definitely reach out and ask questions! 16:22:06 <EllenZ> I actually starte to jump to one of the other projects 16:22:11 <esmail> EllenZ: Nope .. me too 16:22:17 <EllenZ> I felt very overwhelmed with GNOME 16:22:26 <heidie> Right, it can be so. 16:22:30 <EllenZ> Heidi - 16:22:32 <heidie> This is part of being producitvely lost. 16:22:35 <heidie> :-) 16:22:42 <EllenZ> per your question... yes, looking for a language 16:22:46 <EllenZ> or something familiar 16:22:46 <heidie> Ah, OK. 16:22:50 <heidie> RIght. 16:23:03 <EllenZ> I guess 16:23:09 <EllenZ> productively lost... 16:23:24 <Patti> I guess I will be there soon... 16:23:25 <heidie> #info If you've spent a lot of time investigating things, go to the community. 16:23:25 <EllenZ> But I have to get on the road tomorrow so I need to be productively found! 16:23:43 <heidie> I have made this mistake over and over. I'm looking for information and cant' find it and I keep pushing. 16:23:49 <heidie> Rather than asking the community for help. 16:24:00 <EllenZ> help 16:24:08 <heidie> I think it is an academic trait :-) 16:24:22 <heidie> We're supposed to be able to find things out ourselves. 16:24:28 <kwurst> I find asking for help from the community to be something the students have a really hard time doing as well. 16:24:40 <heidie> Ellenz, are you around after the meeting? We could chat then. 16:24:41 <esmail> kwurst: true 16:24:41 <EllenZ> I decided to move forward into part C 16:24:48 <heidie> Yes, good decision. 16:24:48 <EllenZ> yes... I can remain 16:24:53 <stoney> did everyone have a chance to #info and update? 16:25:08 <heidie> I dont' think so 16:25:12 <kwurst> I had to keep reminding them "If you can't find it, someone in the community must know, but just hasn't documented it." 16:25:15 <heidie> Sonal? 16:25:29 <kwurst> "And then you can document it for the community..." 16:25:32 <heidie> And Patti I think hasn't given us an update. 16:25:49 <sonal> #info I gave up on evaluation and moved on to the bug tracker. I am now on source control 16:25:57 <Patti> #info I have only gotten through Part A... 16:25:59 <heidie> Good! 16:26:03 <heidie> OK 16:26:15 <heidie> (Anyone who wants can stay after and I'll answer questions) 16:26:56 <stoney> ok... next topic? 16:27:04 <heidie> Wait, Esmail? 16:27:10 <heidie> Did I miss your post? 16:27:24 <esmail> heidie: Yes, upstream :) 16:27:27 <stoney> yes esmail ent 16:27:29 <stoney> went 16:27:39 <heidie> Ah, OK, I'll scroll back 16:27:59 <esmail> currently working on parts B and C ... 16:28:16 <stoney> #topic questions about POSSE stage 1 16:28:19 <heidie> Got it. 16:28:31 <heidie> So we started this, but are there other questions about Stage 1? 16:28:48 <stoney> (I think we've been doing this... so if we are done... we can move on to stage 2) 16:28:51 <EllenZ> Do we have to stay with the project we signed up for? 16:28:52 <Patti> Yes, I am struggling to catch up.... 16:29:04 <camm> EllenZ: no 16:29:14 <EllenZ> I will be the only one working on GNOME at the workshop anyway 16:29:16 <Patti> What must I absolutely do before Monday? 16:29:29 <esmail> patti: good question 16:29:51 * heidie looks at stage 1 activities 16:30:33 <heidie> Skip the blogging. 16:31:03 <heidie> Not sure how far everyone has gotten, so difficult to identify. 16:31:23 <darci> It may be helpful to have 'looked at' all of them. 16:31:31 <Patti> OK... 16:31:32 <heidie> Yes, good answer darci 16:31:35 <darci> Just limit the amount of time you spend on each. 16:31:44 <stoney> exactly 16:31:49 <stoney> timebox 16:32:04 <lorip> My gut reaction (and heidie, stoney, darci please chime in) is that the course planning ones will be very important for stage 2 16:32:21 <kwurst> I've 'looked at' all of them. I plan to at least try to write the Course Planning 1 & 2. Or at least outline them... 16:32:24 <heidie> Yes. But timeboxing is best. 16:32:37 <stoney> lorip: yes... but it can be a bottomless pit 16:32:38 <EllenZ> timeboxing? 16:32:50 <stoney> set yourself a time (30min) and stick to it 16:32:54 <EllenZ> hahaha 16:32:57 <Patti> I have to say I think you guys have done a fabulous job putting this together and I apologize for not making the most of all your hard work 16:32:58 <stoney> then reasses 16:33:01 <darci> :-) 16:33:03 <esmail> 30 minutes seems rather optimistic :) 16:33:09 <EllenZ> right... well then I am done since I have put in 30 hours? 16:33:09 <heidie> #link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeboxing 16:33:24 <Patti> I was about to ask what is timeboxing 16:33:32 <Patti> thanks, Heidi 16:33:36 <stoney> that doesn't mean stop at 30 minutes... just come back up for air 16:33:45 <lorip> agreed stoney - but without some sense of what you want to do and what project might work in your environment it will be difficult to participate in some of the activities 16:33:52 <heidie> The idea is to familiarize yourself with all of the activities before arriving in Phila. 16:33:54 <EllenZ> yeah I need to stay on the surface for a while... my family misses me 16:34:03 <esmail> stoney: similar to the pomodoro method I use then, good 16:34:14 <heidie> If you've only got 2 hours, allocate that time across the remaining activities that you haven't yet looked at. 16:34:29 <sbenthall> esmail: oh interesting, you find pomodoro works for you? 16:34:35 <heidie> And do ask questions if you get stuck. 16:34:47 <darci> pomodoro? 16:34:50 <esmail> sbenthall: for me it's one of the best ways to get work done 16:35:02 <heidie> Specifically, ask questions of foss2serve 16:35:03 <stoney> esmail: sounds about right 16:35:07 <esmail> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique 16:35:13 <esmail> http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/ 16:35:34 <stoney> #link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique 16:35:42 * darci looking 16:35:43 <stoney> #link http://www.pomodorotechnique.com/ 16:36:15 <lorip> very interesting links! 16:36:23 <esmail> darci: you basicially work in 25 minute chunks, take a 5 minute break, and get back to work. Various free timing tools are available to help. (and you can adjust the work/break times) 16:37:05 <camm> EllenZ: is Trish from Edinboro not attending? 16:37:11 <EllenZ> unfortunately I just work until done... 16:37:16 <EllenZ> not attending 16:37:19 <Patti> I have to say as a new AP... I can't believe how much of being a prof is time management... 16:37:23 <darci> Cool! I often work this way naturally. 16:37:28 <stoney> heidie: reading for next topic? 16:37:41 <stoney> heidie: "ready" i mean 16:37:52 <heidie> camm, trish isn't coming to stage 2 16:38:03 <heidie> :-) Yes, ready 16:38:14 <stoney> #topic questions about POSSE stage 2 16:39:01 <darci> Does anyone have any questions about our upcoming face to face workshop? 16:39:05 <Patti> any cheap parking in the area? 16:39:05 <heidie> Are there questions about what we'll be doing in stage 2? 16:39:33 <heidie> I think that ghislop is creating an updated handout for us. 16:39:35 <EllenZ> Patti: Greg was working on parking at Drexel... 16:39:38 <heidie> Patti, are you driving? 16:39:41 <EllenZ> I will need to do that... 16:39:43 <darci> I think that Greg suggested you contact him. 16:39:44 <stoney> Patti: good question... where is greg when you need him :) 16:39:52 <esmail> not now :) .. I'll have some questions about logistics/timing if there's a chance to ask 16:39:57 <EllenZ> yes, he was getting back to me today 16:39:57 <Patti> Yes from Baltimore... 16:40:11 <stoney> esmail: this is the time 16:40:34 <heidie> Ah, so not flying in from San Juan :-) 16:40:49 <EllenZ> I have two questions: attire? computer vs ipad on Sunday? on Monday? on Tuesday? 16:40:51 <esmail> My flight gets in just before 5pm, will I have time to get to the hotel and then meet up with everyone at 6 on campus? 16:41:08 <heidie> Provided that your flight is on time, most likely. 16:41:20 <heidie> Hmmm, or not? 16:41:30 <stoney> EllenZ: attire... casual? 16:41:30 <heidie> Takes 15-30 minutes to get from airport to hotel. 16:41:44 <heidie> Then register and then get to Drexel. This doesn't include picking up your luggage. 16:41:46 <EllenZ> I just realized I do not know the hotel either? The agenda just indicates we get shuttled 16:41:49 <esmail> the original instructions said to get in during the afternoon ... wish I had known about the times 16:41:50 <Patti> Long story... needed to find cheapest way to get there because apparently I didn't buy the ticket when I thought I did... 16:42:01 <esmail> heidie: carry on 16:42:01 <heidie> EllenZ: Yes, casual 16:42:06 <stoney> EllenZ: i would recommend something you can type on if need by (my inclination would be a laptop over an ipad) 16:42:07 <heidie> Patti: Oh, that is frustrating! 16:42:09 <esmail> heidie: luggage 16:42:36 <heidie> So if you leave the airport at 5:00, you should be able to get to the hotel, register, then take a taxi or walk to Drexel. But it will be tight. 16:42:53 <esmail> heidie: thanks .. I'll do my best. 16:42:56 <heidie> Let's see if ghislop_afk is really afk 16:43:20 <lorip> greg sent an email on 5/22 with local information - it has the hotel address at the top 16:43:26 <esmail> EllenZ: It's Hotel Sonesta .. there was an e-mail with local info 16:43:38 <EllenZ> I will check my email... osrry 16:43:38 * stoney reading to catch up 16:43:54 <lorip> no problem - do you want me to forward it to you? 16:44:24 * stoney has caught up 16:44:35 * ghislop also reading... 16:44:38 <Patti> * heidie It's been a rough ending to first year... 16:45:02 <ghislop> I'm working on an update of the local information... should email that to everyone within the hour... 16:45:03 <darci> EllenZ: definitely a laptop over an iPad -- there may be an opportunity to download/install development environments 16:45:08 <EllenZ> I didn't even see that attachment to the email... well that helps now that I know I have the hotel and riections! 16:45:11 <heidie> Ah, yes. Patti, it does get better :-) 16:45:16 <ghislop> it has more info on the airport shuttle and on parking 16:45:19 <heidie> The first year of teaching is mostly learning :-) And there is so much learning you won't have to repeat the second year. 16:45:51 <heidie> ghislop, esmail is arriving just before 5:00 on Sunday. Should he go to the hotel or directly to Drexel. 16:45:57 <stoney> Patti: first year is the toughest... then you just get used to it :) 16:46:00 <sonal> I am really looking forward to some hands on activities next week 16:46:04 <stoney> lol 16:46:11 <sonal> It will be nice to not feel so lost 16:46:12 <ghislop> We're starting at 6... so going to the hotel would be tight 16:46:35 <ghislop> I'd suggest going directly to drexel 16:46:37 <esmail> patti: it *does* get better .. I just finished my first year at a new institution too .. 5 new preps .. ugh. Next year, only one :) 16:46:52 <stoney> esmail: ooooo nice! 16:47:01 <esmail> ghislop: I'll see what the timing will be when I get there ... 16:47:12 <esmail> stoney: :) 16:47:28 <EllenZ> ghislop: would it be better for me just to go to Drexel and check into hotel after Sunday agenda? 16:47:42 <ghislop> esmail: yes, that's good. was just thinking.. if you're early, probably time to go to the hotel... also perhaps if you only have carry-on bags... PHL can be very slow in baggage claim 16:47:43 <EllenZ> Then I could leave my car at Drexel overnight for $12? 16:48:21 <esmail> ghislop: Yes, I will only have carry on .. so if possible I'll head to the hotel first, then to campus. 16:48:52 <ghislop> EllenZ: the garage at drexel isn't open for visitors on Sunday... I'm looking for alternatives, but so far no good ones.. I'll address this in the email today. 16:49:10 <ghislop> esmail: that sounds good 16:49:55 <Patti> Parking at hotel is expensive... will also look at train 16:49:56 <EllenZ> Ghislop: ok. I am just noticing that a walk between hotel and campus works too... 16:50:20 <ghislop> yes. it's a mile walk. straight up Market St. 16:50:39 <sonal> ghislop: Is there a phone number we can call (maybe yours?) in case of unforeseen emergencies? 16:50:40 <esmail> a mile shouldn't take very long .. I'll probably walk ... 16:50:41 <EllenZ> maybe there is another parking venue unrelated to hotel or campus? 16:51:10 <ghislop> sonal: I'll include some cell numbers in the email 16:51:18 <sonal> thank you 16:51:58 <stoney> I love it... we are knocking down issues!!! 16:52:15 <ghislop> EllenZ: not great choice for other parking options... I've been looking at that. 16:52:29 <kwurst> stoney: Are you putting them in the tracker? 16:52:34 <EllenZ> maybe just have to do the hotel for Sunday but could move it MOnday? 16:52:44 <stoney> kwurst: lol... no! 16:53:07 <ghislop> EllenZ: yes, that's the best option I've worked out so far. 16:53:12 <stoney> kwurst: I was referring to all of the stuff being asked here :) 16:53:29 <EllenZ> Would Drexel be available if we drive there at 7:45am on Monday? 16:53:37 <ghislop> ell: 16:53:40 <ghislop> EllenZ: 16:53:40 <EllenZ> Just to move the car? 16:53:41 <ghislop> yes 16:53:49 <ghislop> can't type :-) 16:54:10 <kwurst> stoney: But don't they need to be documented, so they aren't issues in a future iteration of POSSE? 16:54:27 <stoney> kwurst: that's a good point 16:54:42 <esmail> It would be helpful to know the time of the first meeting on Sunday before making flight reservations - that would be my suggestion :) 16:54:59 <kwurst> stoney: You can just go back through the IRC transcript and capture them all... 16:55:08 <esmail> Will we need our laptop Sunday night, or can I get away withouth schlepping it with me that first evening? 16:55:16 <stoney> kwurst: I think I would have to sift through this and pick out those that are more general 16:55:24 <ghislop> esmail: There was a time posted in the original announcement. I guess we need to make that more prominent. 16:55:30 <darci> There is a schedule here. 16:55:31 <stoney> esmail: yes, need laptop 16:55:33 <darci> #link http://www.foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities 16:56:02 <stoney> esmail: we'll be doing an activity right out of the gate 16:56:25 <esmail> stoney: sounds good, thanks. 16:56:30 <camm> I also added a link for the different project to the POSSE_2013-06 16:56:37 <stoney> darci: thanks... see that's why you are the Queen of Meetings 16:56:38 <camm> under "tools" 16:56:53 <camm> I couldn't find a link to it anywhere 16:57:23 <esmail> ghislop: I only found "expect to arrive Sunday afternoon .. workshop will begin with dinner .." but there wasn't a time (as there was for the other two days). If it was somewhere else, I missed it, so yes, making it more prominent would help :) 16:57:55 <darci> camm: "different project"? I'm not sure what you mean? 16:58:04 <stoney> camm: ? were is the link you added? 16:58:08 <camm> "different projects" 16:58:23 <camm> http://foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_2013-06 16:58:27 <kwurst> darci: It's the "HFOSS Communities" link 16:58:34 <camm> pt.3 under tools 16:58:48 <darci> OH -- got it! 16:58:54 <stoney> ok, got it 16:59:03 <kwurst> camm: That was really needed. I could never find a link to that list either. Other than through the list of all pages... 16:59:19 <camm> I changed the name to "POSSE HFOSS projects" 16:59:28 <camm> since "HFOSS Communities" is a little unclear 16:59:29 <ghislop> esmail: the page I meant is: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/POSSE_Announcement I remembered that it had the time because I've been wishing it was a bit earlier, but felt bound to stick with what we said! :-) 16:59:31 <heidie> Right, we've all been navigating the wiki by using the All Pages link from the main page :-) 16:59:49 <camm> kwurst: I usually had to look in the IRC logs or in the modification history to find it :) 16:59:51 <EllenZ> Camm: you didn't actually add projects... just the link to the page of projects - right? 17:00:19 <camm> EllenZ: yes, the 5 projects are set at this point 17:00:46 <esmail> ghislop: ah, got it, thanks .. clearly slipped my attention otherwise I'd have tried an earlier flight. No biggie, I'll hustle and make it :) 17:00:48 <camm> I think there are some people who haven't decided yet, so you may not be only person on GNOME accessibility once people decide 17:01:02 <ghislop> the wiki is organized by category... the category assignment is not perfect, but the link from the front page to "by category" is helpful 17:01:29 <EllenZ> Anyone here done research on the Ushahidi project? 17:01:50 <EllenZ> According the the forges it seems dead... but the website has 2013 info and seems active 17:01:52 <camm> EllenZ: I have used it in two courses 17:01:52 <ghislop> EllenZ: Cam is our Ushahidi person... 17:01:56 <EllenZ> I liked that one... 17:01:59 <camm> It is not dead 17:02:18 <camm> <insert monty python joke> 17:02:20 <lorip> it looks like 12 people have tentatively chosen projects 17:02:20 <EllenZ> The forges have "no activity" I think... or it is missing... 17:02:23 <heidie> And Joanie Diggs who is co-lead on GNOME Accessibility will be at Stage 2 17:02:29 <camm> EllenZ: what "forges"? 17:02:33 <heidie> So we'll have an expert to ask questions. 17:02:46 <lorip> how many people are attending POSSE? 20 or so? 17:02:48 <EllenZ> SourceForge and ohohl (or whatever it is :) 17:03:06 <camm> EllenZ: it is maintained on github https://github.com/Ushahidi 17:03:13 <lorip> so yes, there are people who have not chosen a project and others may switch 17:03:20 <EllenZ> Yes, the other links seemed very alive 17:03:26 <ghislop> lorip: just over 20 participants.... a total of about 30 in the room counting team, etc... 17:03:32 <EllenZ> just the original search didn't turn up much 17:03:54 <camm> google searches you mean? 17:03:56 <EllenZ> I thought if I was the only GNOME'er then I would be lonely at the f2f 17:04:29 <EllenZ> no, on the sourceforge and on Ohloh.. 17:05:26 <camm> EllenZ: that may be a different project with the same name 17:05:33 <camm> on sourceforge at least 17:05:49 <EllenZ> If you go to source forge and type in "Ushahidi" nothing comes up... looking deeper... you can get the Ushahidi Disaster recovery... but no activity 17:06:14 <stoney> heidie: adjourn? but let people continue working 17:06:19 <EllenZ> oh sorry... Disaster management... 17:06:28 <heidie> Sure, that sounds fine. 17:06:34 <stoney> #endmeeting