00:17:16 <lorip> #startmeeting 00:17:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 16 00:17:16 2013 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:17:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:18:14 <lorip> when I have that for MAVEN_OPTS it can't start the JVM and the MaxPermSize gives me trouble - perhaps because I downloaded the 32-bit Java, not 64? 00:18:49 <lorip> I changed it to the suggested 256/512 from the maven page and it works fine... 00:19:01 <Darci> Maybe...I also recall that the second video has you specify memory options in Eclipse. 00:19:26 <Darci> and yes they were lower --- 512 I think for both. 00:19:40 <lorip> I may run into problems in the next step - we'll see... 00:19:41 <fuzzybunny> yes, the guy had 1024, but said to change it to 512 00:20:01 <fuzzybunny> i did that and it worked 00:20:04 <becka> I will change 00:20:10 <lorip> but back to becka's problem... what do you have for MAVEN_HOME? 00:20:43 <becka> C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.0.5 00:21:13 <lorip> that's what I have and the PATH? 00:22:37 <becka> C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.1.0\bin 00:22:52 <becka> WAIT 00:22:59 <Darci> Why 3.1.0 00:23:11 <lorip> shouldn't it be apache-maven-3.0.5? 00:23:31 <becka> I have just downloaded 3.1.0 00:24:04 <Darci> Then MAVEN_HOME should be 3.1.0? 00:24:07 <lorip> does anyone know if that version works? 00:24:24 <becka> It is not stable 00:24:28 <Darci> It is in beta. I didn't want to go there. 00:24:33 <becka> I am downloading 3.0.5 00:24:42 <fuzzybunny> i have 3.0.5 but in my env. var. I don't have MAVEN_HOME, but M2_HOME instead 00:24:51 <becka> I just keep downloading the first one 00:25:15 <lorip> you are right fuzzybunny - I meant M2_HOME... 00:25:22 <fuzzybunny> just checking 00:25:53 <lorip> but it shouldn't matter as long at the variable is the same in the path, correct? 00:26:37 <fuzzybunny> well, it might if eclipse is looking for it as M2_HOME 00:26:56 <Darci> It doesn't look like she's using the variable in the PATH? 00:27:03 <fuzzybunny> oh yeah, right 00:27:06 <lorip> ahh - I haven't gotten that far yet... 00:27:45 <becka> should I be using the variable in path 00:27:54 <fuzzybunny> I don't think it matters 00:27:59 <Darci> you don't have to 00:28:23 <becka> ok 00:28:42 <becka> trying in command prompt 00:28:47 <becka> IT WORKS 00:28:52 <lorip> YEAH! 00:28:55 <becka> found maven!!!!!!!! 00:28:58 <Darci> Yahh!! 00:29:11 <fuzzybunny> Yay! 00:29:14 <becka> Love this stuff!!!! 00:29:30 <Darci> :-) 00:29:31 <becka> three cheers for group work :-) 00:29:56 <becka> what is everyone else up to? 00:30:07 <lorip> I just downloaded the plug-ins for Eclipse... 00:30:31 <lorip> I agree with Darci & Michelle (fuzzybunny) that the videos are a huge help! 00:30:43 <fuzzybunny> much better than the wiki 00:30:50 <Darci> agreed! 00:31:01 <becka> I got to the maven part, then failed 00:31:09 <becka> like them so far :-) 00:31:13 <lorip> agreed - I wonder why they don't have them as the primary instructions 00:31:17 <lorip> failed how? 00:31:28 <becka> didn't find maven 00:31:35 <becka> fixed that just now 00:31:42 <becka> I can move forward :-) 00:32:15 <Darci> becka: have you installed MySQL yet? 00:32:29 <becka> it is installed, yes 00:33:23 <Darci> lorip: which version of Eclipse did you install? 00:33:43 * lorip checking 00:35:21 <lorip> the most recent 64 bit for Java EE Developers 00:35:25 <becka> I have both juno and kepler installed 00:35:38 <Darci> kepler? 00:35:41 <lorip> yes 00:35:56 <Darci> have you already installed the plug-ins? 00:36:18 <lorip> that's my next step 00:36:31 <lorip> going to work on that tomorrow... 00:36:41 <Darci> I guess you should continue to follow the video, but 00:36:58 <Darci> I believe that Kepler comes with both plug-ins already installed? 00:37:16 <lorip> should I skip the plug ins to find out? 00:37:58 <Darci> Why not, I would like to know if everything still works. 00:38:18 <lorip> will do and I'll report back next week! 00:38:53 <Darci> I haven't done anything else with OpenMRS since last week. 00:39:25 <Darci> I have spent a little time looking at POSSE activities instead. 00:39:48 <lorip> does anyone else have an update? 00:40:17 <fuzzybunny> I looked at Ben's activities trying to learn more about OpenMRS. 00:40:53 <fuzzybunny> The OpenMRS.Ticket one is really good for learning the how to contribute a code change. 00:41:33 <becka> Once the dev environment is set up can I move for ward to this 00:42:00 <Darci> :-) yes! 00:42:18 <Darci> Hi joanne_t! 00:42:28 <joanne_t> hi all 00:42:29 <fuzzybunny> Also looked at his other activity to try and learn the architecture, but I still need to do more to understand. 00:42:32 <lorip> fuzzybunny - do you think it is a good next step? 00:42:32 <fuzzybunny> hi 00:43:01 <becka> Hey joanne_t 00:43:20 <joanne_t> hello becka, fuzzybunny 00:43:35 <joanne_t> just lurking, trying to do three things at once... 00:44:09 <fuzzybunny> I think they are both good activities, still fumbling to understand what is the next best step, thinking it might be time after doing those activities to maybe just pick an intro dev ticket 00:44:52 <fuzzybunny> It really depends on the objectives of the class and the where your students are, some people thrive jumping right in 00:45:08 <lorip> ok - thanks for the input! 00:46:07 <lorip> any other updates? 00:46:12 <fuzzybunny> nope 00:46:24 <Darci> me either 00:46:32 <joanne_t> I'd like to ask an opinion 00:46:37 <Darci> go! 00:47:45 <joanne_t> My IS student is enrolled in 20 credits. I think it's not a good idea. These 20 include C, Data Structures, Assembly, Physics II, and Discrete math. He says he is confident he can do it. I'll support him, but I am concerned. 00:48:13 <lorip> what is his reason for taking so many? 00:48:17 <becka> I agree that that is a bad idea 00:48:46 <becka> In my experience it is possible to pass a course load like that, but retention is not high 00:48:51 <Darci> I don't recall him having so many classes for the fall. Did he add something? 00:48:58 <joanne_t> wants to graduate in December. I've had had extensive emails back and forth with him about this. I told him he'll get more out of his CS education if he gives each class the time it deserves. 00:49:24 <becka> I agree joanne_t 00:49:27 <lorip> is this a financial aid issue - would he be part time in the spring and not be able to get financial aid? 00:50:00 <joanne_t> Maybe, he didn't say. I have strong reservations about this. 00:50:25 <Darci> Have you talked to him about backup plans? 00:50:36 <lorip> did you discuss how important it is to have a good GPA to transfer and this might cause a problem? 00:50:47 <Darci> What will happen if he finds that the load is too much? 00:51:38 <joanne_t> Backup plans, like what happens if he isn't successful on all 20 credits? No, I didn't. Darci, I have to re-read the rules on an IS and withdrawal. 00:52:25 <Darci> At what point will he bail? I know that he wants to get good grades and that he works very hard for them. 00:52:27 <joanne_t> lorip, I didn't directly remind him about the GPA thing. But he is a good student, I would think he'd know the importance of GPA. 00:53:01 <becka> I would also say that it is not just an issue of GPA. If he is transferring he will need these skills in upper division courses 00:53:05 <lorip> i agree with becka and Darci - I can't imagine taking that courseload and keeping up his GPA 00:53:09 <joanne_t> Darci, I know that too. Who knows, it may be another course he bails from. 00:53:37 <joanne_t> I told him that as an undergrad, I never attempted what he is trying to do. That didn't mean much to him, he still says he can do it. 00:53:49 <lorip> what is the grading policy on an independent study? 00:53:59 <Darci> I'm just saying that he should consider (ahead of time) what his plan might be if the load is too heavy. 00:54:27 <lorip> I'm concerned he may slack on the independent study and then how would you evaluate his efforts? 00:54:28 <joanne_t> lorip what do you mean grading policy? like can I give a W? 00:54:37 <becka> I did the same thing, combining junior and senior year. I got straight As, but do not feel that I learned what I should have 00:54:46 <Darci> Is he planning to go to Stony Brook? 00:54:50 <lorip> yes, and I'm assuming it is A, B+, etc. not pass/fail 00:54:53 <joanne_t> lorip, that's EXACTLY what I told him 00:55:29 <joanne_t> lorip, yes, it is regular grades, not pass/fail 00:56:14 <joanne_t> The person in charge of IS classes had major reservations too. 00:56:39 <lorip> so what are the options? 00:57:26 <joanne_t> I have to re read the conditions on withdrawing from an IS course. I want to make that clear to him. Next, I need to make sure he has a backup plan, as Darci suggests. 00:57:53 <joanne_t> 20 credits. It sounds so ridiculous. 00:58:13 <Darci> And, he needs to consider whether transferring WITHOUT the degree will hurt him. 00:58:24 <joanne_t> ok darci 00:58:47 <Darci> For example, for Stony Brook, I think it will. 00:59:00 <lorip> I would also let him know that he will not get a good grade in the IS if he slacks. which will also hurt him when he transfers 00:59:15 <joanne_t> I'll send him another email tomorrow. You know, he needed permission to go over 17, and the dean gave it to him. 00:59:18 <joanne_t> Ok lorip 01:00:27 <lorip> I don't know the student, but it seems a ridiculous load for a CS major. 01:01:25 <becka> I need to jump off and prep for tomorrow 01:01:33 <becka> Thank you everyone for all the help 01:01:42 <becka> ♥ 01:01:42 <Darci> bye becka! 01:01:44 <joanne_t> Well, ok, I know what to write to him now. He isn't believing me, though. If he still continues to go forward with it, the only thing I can do is support him. 01:01:46 <fuzzybunny> I am going to jump off, too. Have a good week, everyone. 01:01:47 <lorip> bye becka! 01:01:48 <joanne_t> by becka 01:01:52 <joanne_t> by fuzzybunny 01:01:55 <Darci> bye fuzzybunny 01:01:56 <joanne_t> bye 01:02:05 <becka> bye fuzzybunny 01:02:12 <lorip> good luck joanne_t! 01:02:16 <lorip> #stopmeeting 01:02:17 <joanne_t> thanks 01:02:31 <Darci> joanne_t: Do you think it would help if I tried to talk to him? 01:02:35 <lorip> #endmeeting