00:01:25 <lorip> #startmeeting 00:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 23 00:01:25 2013 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:01:37 <lorip> #topic updates 00:01:52 <lorip> anyone willing to start with an update? 00:02:02 <bcoleman> sure 00:02:35 <bcoleman> I completed my ticket from a few weeks ago, and so I now have a commit in the main branch. 00:03:05 <lorip> that is awesome! congrats! 00:03:10 <bcoleman> Soon afterward I received a message from Michelle Purcell saying that she is now following me. 00:03:21 <bcoleman> I have no idea what that means yet, but I will contact her to get more info. 00:03:22 <darci> Cool!! So, what are your thoughts on the process? 00:03:34 <darci> I also got a message that she was following me. 00:03:35 <bcoleman> If it is some sort of mentoring program, this would be useful with our students. 00:03:43 <darci> I hadn't seen an option to do that? 00:04:14 <bcoleman> I wonder if they would be interested in something like that during the school year. 00:04:23 <bcoleman> Obviously they are doing some mentoring with GSoC. 00:04:37 <bcoleman> It would be great if the same people would take on students from our schools 00:04:44 <lorip> I'm confused, how did you get these messages? 00:04:55 <bcoleman> they would get mentoring from the OpenMRS group and "training" from us 00:05:53 <bcoleman> I assumed my message came in response to me having a pull request accepted. 00:06:09 <bcoleman> Darci, do you have any idea why you got yours? 00:06:23 <darci> lorip: 00:06:40 <darci> I just forwarded the message that I received to you. 00:06:46 <lorip> hmm, we should ask her about this... I know Michelle was working through your activities, I would have thought that was what she meant 00:07:17 <lorip> darci: interesting... I wonder where she found this 00:07:18 <darci> It is really a notification....it looks more like a twitter kind of thing. 00:07:41 <bcoleman> Could be because we attended those meetings 00:07:58 <darci> I haven't looked around yet, but I'm guessing it's an option somewhere. 00:08:16 <lorip> so what's your next step bcoleman? 00:08:21 <darci> I don't think it has anything to do with the meetings....you didn't get one? 00:08:37 <lorip> darci: nope, I didn't get one 00:08:58 <bcoleman> Well, I think I will reach out the the OpenMRS team to tell them what we're doing 00:09:11 <bcoleman> and I'll see if they are interested in a mentoring program like they do in the summer. 00:09:19 <lorip> bcoleman: that would be great 00:09:26 <bcoleman> I also have some unfinished work on the activities. 00:10:19 <bcoleman> Finally, I wrote to Greg today to continue a conversation we started about his worked on stacked courses. Matt and I plan to use this in our sophomore- and senior-level software engineering courses in the spring. 00:10:45 <bcoleman> That's it for me. 00:10:45 <lorip> cool - is that the proposal you are working on for the POSSE funding? 00:11:19 <bcoleman> Yes 00:11:29 <lorip> I'll go next... 00:12:07 <lorip> I am about half way through the installation process for the dev environment (which is where I was last week) 00:12:41 <lorip> I've been sidetracking with several other things (a squirrel trying to get into my attic for one) - so nothing new here 00:13:05 <darci> I though you liked having house guests? 00:13:27 <lorip> yes, and furry ones are cute, just not ones that try to eat my wood slats at 6am! 00:14:19 <darci> I don't have anything new on the OpenMRS front. I have kind of shifted gears and have been spending any time I have on a POSSE activity. 00:15:20 <lorip> bcoleman: just so you know, as of last week JoAnne, Michelle & Darci had the dev environment installed 00:15:25 <darci> I should be spending more time on it this week. Next week, I'll be busy getting reading for two 12 hour days of interviews. 00:15:49 <lorip> becka & I are in the process and about at the same place, maven installed 00:16:02 <lorip> hi fuzzybunny! 00:16:14 <fuzzybunny> hi, everyone! 00:16:14 <darci> hi fuzzybunny! 00:17:06 <lorip> we were going through updates fuzzybunny - anything to report? 00:17:29 <fuzzybunny> i am working on an issue 00:17:56 <fuzzybunny> just started today, have a question into the project owner about what is needed to fix the ticket 00:18:02 <fuzzybunny> that's it 00:18:39 <lorip> great 00:18:59 <darci> fuzzybunny: where did you find the option to 'follow' me? 00:19:20 <fuzzybunny> it was on my profile page over to the right 00:19:41 * darci looking 00:19:43 <fuzzybunny> something is weird today with their system, the profile page looks different than last week when I added you 00:20:27 <lorip> where is your profile page? 00:21:57 <fuzzybunny> trying to think how to get you there 00:22:01 <darci> When you log in, it is in the black, ribbon menu toward the top 00:22:31 <lorip> do I have to log in to see someone else's profile? 00:22:41 <fuzzybunny> you can search for me there 00:22:48 <fuzzybunny> i don't think so 00:23:36 <fuzzybunny> if you find me just mouse over the blue head to the right and below it will give you the option to follow 00:24:03 * lorip totally lost 00:24:07 <fuzzybunny> Ben's put some stuff out on his profile 00:24:30 <lorip> I'm logged in and I see my profile, where do I find yours 00:24:50 <fuzzybunny> search for me in the search confluence box, michelle purcell 00:25:02 <fuzzybunny> that's how i found you 00:25:40 * lorip looking 00:26:43 <lorip> still not finding it - I get crucible stuff, but not your profile 00:27:23 <darci> me either...:-( 00:27:35 <fuzzybunny> are you in confluence? 00:27:47 <lorip> what's confluence? 00:28:16 <fuzzybunny> it's a portal to all their tools 00:28:46 <lorip> so how do I get there? 00:28:46 <fuzzybunny> https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/~burdged 00:29:06 <fuzzybunny> https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/~lpostner 00:30:04 <lorip> ok, I have it now... 00:30:06 <darci> Ohhh....I saw this, but didn't realize that my name was a link! 00:30:25 <fuzzybunny> i am still trying to make sense of all this 00:31:23 <lorip> when you follow someone what does that mean? 00:33:15 <fuzzybunny> i think it is just people that you are interested in the work they are doing 00:33:38 <lorip> do you receive notifications about what they are doing? 00:33:58 <darci> I would assume, yes. 00:34:02 <fuzzybunny> probably 00:35:58 <lorip> anything else? 00:36:07 <darci> Not me... 00:36:16 <fuzzybunny> the whole thing is confusing, because i log into JIRA to view issues and have a page over there with my activity on it, i would have thought you'd have one page 00:38:07 <darci> bcoleman? 00:38:22 <bcoleman> sorry, was ask 00:38:23 <bcoleman> afk 00:38:35 <bcoleman> nothing else here 00:39:07 <lorip> ok, I'll end the meeting and we will meet again next week... 00:39:26 <lorip> #endmeeting