01:15:55 <lorip> #startmeeting 01:15:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 5 01:15:55 2013 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:15:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:16:08 <lorip> #topic updates 01:16:17 <lorip> anyone willing to start with the updates? 01:16:36 <joanne_t> I'll go 01:17:09 <joanne_t> #info My students in the independent study are progressing with working on OpenMRS tickets. 01:17:56 <joanne_t> #info They are communicating with the community on getting answers to their questions. The community is very responsive and patient with us newbies. :) 01:18:13 <becka> Who have you been dealing with 01:18:17 <lorip> that's great to hear! 01:18:33 <joanne_t> Daniel something… I'll find it. 01:19:01 <joanne_t> Daniel Kayiwa 01:19:22 <becka> is he acting as a mentor? 01:19:27 <darci> I'm not familiar with that name. How did you find him? 01:19:49 <lorip> do you feel that students with a CS 2 background know enough to contribute to the project and learn from it? 01:19:53 <becka> I emailed the community guides list and heard back from Chris Power 01:20:15 <joanne_t> He often posts comments under just about every ticket. He seems to know the system well. Also, I think he is responsible for reviewing the code after we commit it. 01:20:48 <becka> do you know anything about testing? 01:21:04 <joanne_t> Yes, a student with a CS2 background could do well and learn a lot. 01:21:35 <bcoleman> I have to run to pick up my son from youth group. I'll stay logged in and hopefully be back before we finish. 01:21:35 <joanne_t> beck, one of the students is working on a ticket involving jUnit testing. We are learning. 01:21:40 <joanne_t> becka 01:21:56 <becka> :-) 01:22:35 <becka> joanne_t have your students written a module? 01:23:02 <joanne_t> I think that's about it for me. The students are working on an end of semester project. Both have chosen to make videos about the installation process on their individual systems (linux and mac) 01:23:11 <lorip> joanne_t: do you have any suggestions for people who plan to use OpenMRS next semester? 01:23:46 <joanne_t> I thought that maybe we would get to looking at module creation, but the students at this level (second year) are not ready for it. 01:24:29 <joanne_t> I would suggest working from the list of introductory tickets first. I thought we'd graduate from that list, but it's still keeping us busy. 01:24:42 <becka> joanne_t did you get to use the new guide that came out of the manual sprint? 01:24:55 <lorip> what is the students reaction to working in OpenMRS? 01:24:58 <joanne_t> No, I'm not sure what the new guid is. 01:25:37 <joanne_t> David intends to continue with it, and lamar has told me he likes the real world experience. So, good. 01:25:49 <becka> http://www.flossmanuals.net/openmrs-developers-guide/ 01:25:58 <becka> link to the guide 01:26:19 <lorip> #link http://www.flossmanuals.net/openmrs-developers-guide/ 01:26:40 <joanne_t> Thanks for the guide. I see that Daniel is one of the authors. I'll pass it on to the students. 01:26:50 <becka> sorry lorip I forget the bot 01:27:05 <lorip> no problem! 01:28:26 <joanne_t> I'm done :D 01:28:34 <becka> I can go 01:29:01 <becka> I have almost finished the curriculum for the HFOSS class I am teaching winter term 01:29:28 <becka> I am posting a file with the assisgnments and the outline for the course 01:29:46 <becka> I would love feedback if anyone has time 01:30:09 <becka> could be a fun activity while students take their finals ;-) 01:30:21 <kwurst> I would love to look at/steal from your materials... 01:30:27 <darci> :-) where will it be posted? 01:30:41 <becka> Their is no stealing :-D 01:30:59 <becka> I will post it to the wiki as soon as I get it in a file 01:31:15 <becka> anyone know off the top of their head how to post a file? 01:32:51 <kwurst> Nope. 01:32:59 <lorip> sorry, no... heidi can help if, she has done it.. 01:33:27 <becka> found a file link. figuring it out now 01:33:47 <becka> by end of meeting should have file uploaded 01:34:02 <becka> That is the biggy in my world. 01:34:15 <becka> I have spent a ton of time with OpenMRS 01:34:56 <darci> There's an upload file link in the Toolbox (left pane) 01:35:48 <becka> I am trying to figure out how it works... 01:36:28 <becka> oh dude, different link 01:36:29 <darci> and I think the following shows the link to it [[filename|label to display]] 01:41:04 <lorip> does anyone else have an update? 01:42:47 <darci> becka: did you have anything else? 01:42:49 <becka> File is uploaded. It is still rough, but it is most of what I need. 01:43:25 <becka> I am still working on a couple of assignments and power points which I may or may not use 01:43:34 <becka> done :-) 01:44:42 <darci> becka: Is there a page with the link? 01:45:16 <becka> It is at the bottom of the OpenMRS wiki for foss2serve, but I think the link is not working 01:47:12 <lorip> I'm going to have to sign off in a minute - any other updates? 01:47:55 <kwurst> Not really. I'm starting to seriously work on my course now that classes are ending, but nothing really ready to talk about yet. 01:48:24 <becka> I will have the file posted soon or send it out via email 01:48:40 <bcoleman> I made it back 01:48:40 <darci> sounds good becka ;-) 01:49:08 <lorip> great! any updates? 01:49:25 <bcoleman> #info I've been working with my contact at Merck 01:50:02 <bcoleman> I'll be teaching both our software engineering courses in the spring, and we're going to work on projects that help OpenMRS and Merck. 01:50:08 <bcoleman> still working out details. 01:50:32 <bcoleman> that's really it for me… :( 01:51:20 <lorip> sounds interesting - will be interested in hearing more bcoleman 01:51:53 <lorip> when might be a good time for our next meeting? 01:52:58 <becka> I just ask that it not be early morning ET 01:53:45 <darci> I'm assuming we would meet again on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening? Do you mean which week? 01:54:34 <lorip> yes, I'm assuming we want to wait 'til Jan? 01:54:43 <bcoleman> Life is so much easier now that classes are almost over. December and January promise to be productive months! :) 01:54:59 <darci> How about Jan. 8? 01:55:10 <becka> Works for me 01:55:47 <joanne_t> I'm not sure about my availability in January 01:56:01 <bcoleman> I can do that 01:56:03 <lorip> works for me 01:56:13 <becka> I assume same time as today 01:56:25 <darci> yes...that is fine with me. 01:56:47 <lorip> yes, let's pencil in 8pm (east coast time) on jan 8th 01:57:02 <lorip> I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and break! 01:57:20 <becka> Happy Holidays 01:57:26 <darci> Best to all...enjoy the holidays! 01:58:20 <lorip> #endmeeting