01:05:11 <lorip> #startmeeting 01:05:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 22 01:05:11 2014 UTC. The chair is lorip. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:05:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:05:20 <lorip> #topic updates 01:05:36 <lorip> I hope everyone had a nice break. What have you been up to? 01:05:57 <becka> I started my HFOSS course 2 weeks ago 01:06:59 <becka> lorip were you the one who was getting help from Darius? 01:07:22 <lorip> nope, he was a contact of Greg's and he or Heidi had worked with Darius in the past 01:07:53 <becka> heidie are you here? 01:08:06 <heidie> Hi folks! 01:08:19 <heidie> becka: Yup, I'm here. 01:08:33 <becka> Can you tell me what the best way to contact Darius is 01:08:43 * heidie looks 01:09:02 <becka> I want to forwarn him we are coming soon and get some advice on who to tap for mentor ish stuff 01:09:31 <heidie> Assuming that he is still with OpenMRS, his email should be: djazayeri@pih.org 01:09:50 <becka> perfect. may I use your name? 01:09:54 <heidie> Isn't RIC fun?? 01:09:57 <heidie> Yes, please do. 01:10:01 <heidie> "IRC" 01:10:05 <becka> Thank you 01:10:08 <lorip> my recollection is that Darius put Greg in touch with Michael Downey as another reference person 01:10:20 <lorip> joanne_t: who did you work with? 01:10:23 <becka> yes, my students are getting a kick out of it 01:10:33 <heidie> Yes, Michael Downey is the name that we have recently been given. 01:10:55 <joanne_t> Daniel something… I'll look it up. 01:10:57 <becka> Ah, then perhaps I should contact him first for ideas 01:11:34 <joanne_t> Daniel Kayiwa 01:12:02 <becka> Thank you joanne_t 01:12:20 <heidie> Also note that OpenMRS has at least one and likely several roadmaps that may contain easily bounded things to do. 01:12:41 <joanne_t> you're welcome :) Daniel is helpful when you ask a question regarding a ticket. 01:13:07 <becka> Good to know 01:13:24 <howardf> should some of this be #info-ed into the minutes? 01:13:38 <darci> joanne_t: does Daniel use this email account? kayiwadaniel@gmail.com 01:13:41 <becka> We are still a bit out, but I have developers, translators and document 01:14:03 <lorip> howardf: I'm not familiar with #info-ed what is that command? 01:14:13 <joanne_t> I don't know. We've corresponded with Daniel through the ticket Q&A system. 01:14:25 <howardf> it's #info... i was just making it a verb 01:14:46 <joanne_t> JIRA - that's the name of the ticketing tool 01:15:02 <lorip> then, yes using #info would be helpful! 01:15:35 <becka> #info possible contacts for OpenMRS Michael Downey Daniel Kayiwa 01:15:38 <joanne_t> #info Daniel Kayiwa is helpful when you ask a question regarding a ticket. 01:15:47 <joanne_t> #info JIRA - that's the name of the ticketing tool 01:17:00 <darci> becka: how is your class going? 01:17:12 <becka> It is going really well 01:17:26 <becka> I am loving my assignments and gathering data 01:17:35 <becka> students are engaged 01:17:51 <becka> so hopefully this will last 01:18:03 <becka> *crosses fingers 01:18:11 <darci> :) 01:18:35 <lorip> becka: are you doing pre- and post- surveys? 01:18:45 <becka> joanne_t are you finished with your independent study 01:18:59 <becka> lorip 01:19:03 <becka> yes I am 01:19:16 <lorip> great! 01:19:16 <joanne_t> Yes, the independent study was a success. 01:19:29 <joanne_t> It ended last December. 01:19:45 <becka> Can you share any info on contribution that may help get us started? 01:20:54 <joanne_t> I think that students underestimate the time it takes for installation. I would suggest having students take notes when installing, and then attempting to re-install, until the process works smoothly. 01:21:20 <becka> That may work really well for the document team 01:21:25 <becka> great idea 01:21:59 <joanne_t> Also, if students are going to be working on fixing tickets in the JIRA ticketing system, have the students attempt to re-create the problem before diving into the fix. 01:22:21 <becka> Thank you, this is all good stuff 01:22:36 <joanne_t> I took this for granted, but my students needed a little hand holding on demonstrating why the bug was a bug. 01:22:52 <joanne_t> That alone could be an assignment. 01:23:19 <becka> I like that idea, I will work on adding that to the assignments 01:24:59 <lorip> anything else becka? 01:26:02 <becka> No, I am done. Thank you all 01:26:24 <lorip> kwurst of howardf? 01:26:38 <kwurst> My class starts on Monday. 01:26:52 <kwurst> I am currently working with our IRB to get the surveys approved. 01:27:17 <kwurst> Heidie has been sending me her IRB materials to help me make my application. 01:27:36 <heidie> :-) Happy to do so for anyone who would like them. 01:28:10 <heidie> becka: Yes, having students reproduce a bug and report back is a really good exercise. 01:28:16 <kwurst> I have not yet contacted anyone within OpenMRS to "warn" them that my class will be invading. 01:28:52 <kwurst> From the previous conversation, it seems that you have not done that yet either beck? 01:28:55 <becka> heidie: I am going to add it so it will be part of the final product :-) 01:29:29 <kwurst> (I typed becka and it "autocorrected" to beck...) 01:29:48 <becka> kwurst: I talked to someone earlier that will help us set up the dev environment, by I am thinking it is time to do the others also 01:29:50 <heidie> becka: Good! You've set yourself up for success between your materials and using this group to bounce ideas off. 01:30:32 <becka> heidie: I could not be happier. This is WAY easier than going it alone 01:30:48 <heidie> Yes! That is exactly what I feel like! 01:30:56 <kwurst> Should I just announce us to the developers list? 01:30:56 <darci> becka: What do you mean by "talked to someone earlier that will help us set up the dev environment"? 01:31:06 <heidie> I'd so much rather teach with the support of a bunch of people who are trying to do similar things. 01:31:22 <becka> I agree hiedie 01:31:39 <becka> darci: I email a man named chris who works with the guides 01:31:44 <becka> emailed 01:33:17 <kwurst> I'm still working on my syllabus for Monday - so I'm a bit behind. But I plan to do some housekeeping stuff first with the class. Things like pre-survey, setting up blogs, GitHub accounts, TOS accounts, OpenMRS accounts, etc. 01:33:52 <kwurst> Then we can move on to installing, setting up the dev environment, looking at tickets and code... 01:34:49 <becka> kwurst: I did send you my assignments, yes? 01:35:13 <kwurst> becka: Yes, you did. I took a quick look, but have not looked at them in any detail yet. 01:35:58 <becka> If you need any help I am barely ahead of you, but just give me a shout if you do 01:36:09 <kwurst> Ok, thanks. 01:36:30 <kwurst> I think you are well ahead of me if you've already got a dev environment installed... 01:36:56 <becka> I have the dev environment installed, my kids don't 01:37:25 <kwurst> Although, I (not the students) do have a working installation of OpenMRS up on a server for our Health Informatics class for nursing students running... 01:38:45 <kwurst> For my other class - Intro Programming (in Java) - I've been spending quite a bit of time developing an intro to Git and GitLab lab assignment. 01:39:31 <kwurst> It seems to be working well, and I've tested it twice now - once with two seniors, and once with the other instructor and the student mentor (both never used Git before.) 01:40:06 <kwurst> It will be tested on a full class tomorrow evening (if we're not snowed out) or next week at the latest. 01:40:12 <lorip> kwurst: are you using git within eclipse by any chance? 01:41:07 <kwurst> lorip: No, for this class we're using it from the terminal/command line. We don't introduce Eclipse until the second programming course. I use BlueJ for the first course. 01:41:46 <lorip> was hoping you had good instructions for eclipse as darci & i are trying to incorporate that into our mobile app class :) 01:42:40 <kwurst> Not yet. I'm sure we'll get to it in the course that is using OpenMRS, so I'll see if I can write some instructions when I get there... 01:43:01 <kwurst> Of course, you might get there before I do... 01:44:19 <kwurst> And last bit of news... 01:44:47 <kwurst> We have had CCSCNE accept our proposal to hold a MouseTrap Hackfest in April. 01:45:21 <becka> kwurst: congratulations!!!! 01:45:33 <darci> Cool! 01:45:35 <lorip> that's awesome! 01:46:00 <howardf> sweet 01:46:13 <kwurst> becka: Thanks, but I'm mostly the instigator. Heidi, Stoney, and their students will have to do the real heavy lifting to run it... 01:46:25 <becka> LOL 01:46:42 <lorip> quick question - will people be able to attend our pre-conference workshop at SIGCSE on Wed Mar 5th? 01:46:59 <kwurst> lorip and darci: Any of your MouseTrap students want to help run this? 01:47:05 <howardf> i won't be arriving until late that evening 01:47:21 <kwurst> lorip: I'll be there for the workshop. 01:47:33 <becka> We are doing a pre conference workshop? I thought it was that friday night 01:47:47 <darci> I don't know about John. I would have to check with him. He has graduated. 01:48:09 <lorip> sorry, workshop is probably not the right word - pre-conference working meeting? 01:50:10 <lorip> I think it officially called a pre-symposia event - heidi sent out an email a while back - heidie? 01:51:34 <becka> I am not planning on being there until thursday 01:52:08 <lorip> ok 01:52:19 <lorip> howardf: any updates? 01:52:35 <becka> lorip, I can change if need be 01:52:45 <howardf> personally... i've got a dev environment working and did a successful build, so i felt good about that 01:53:01 <lorip> I'm trying to dig up the email - if I can find it I will forward to you now. 01:53:23 <lorip> howardf: that is a great start - I had a brutal time getting the dev environment set up 01:53:30 <howardf> my class started last week... so we're just looking at all the HFOSS projects (I haven't decided if i'm going to let them pick or pick OpenMRS for them) 01:53:53 <howardf> we have our first IRC meeting on monday... i'm coming up with a short list of questions for each project for them to look up and have ready to answer at it 01:54:01 <becka> Thank you lorip. I need to leave for another meeting 01:54:06 <becka> good night all 01:54:19 <heidie> lorip: Yes,it is a pre-conference event. But isn't on the web site. 01:54:45 <heidie> Apparently the room person at SIGCSE didn't reserve the room, but is fairly confident that we'll have them. 01:55:04 <heidie> lorip: Greg was hoping to get an answer on this tomorrow, or at least before our meeting on Thursday. 01:55:37 <lorip> I'm going to forward the email to becka, ok? 01:55:50 <heidie> howardf I might suggest you picking a project that you're familiar with at first. Not sure how much experience you've had. 01:55:55 <heidie> lorip: Sure, that's fine. 01:56:08 <heidie> We sent an email to all POSSE alums so feel free to forward to all. 01:56:32 <howardf> if there's any amount of indecisiveness in what they want to do... i think i can easily pull them in this direction 01:56:45 <heidie> howardf Ah, good. :-) 01:57:13 <heidie> howardf I'm sorry, I can't remember. Have you taught using HFOSS or FOSS before? 01:57:23 <howardf> no.. this will be my first time 01:57:25 <lorip> howardf: would you be willing/able to give pre- and post-surveys to collect data? 01:57:37 <howardf> i can try 01:57:46 <heidie> Ah, that would be wonderful. 01:58:17 <heidie> howardf The evaluation instruments and instructions on how to use them are: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Evaluation_Instruments 01:58:39 <heidie> And I can get you the Western New England University IRB application and/or approval if you need it. 01:59:26 <heidie> howardf Please do keep us aprised of your progress on this channel and ask as many questions as you would like. 01:59:51 <howardf> we actually haven't had an IRB on campus until very recently (within the last year... if you can believe it!) so i'm not sure how much help i'll need with that just yet or not 01:59:54 <kwurst> For anyone else looking to give the pre- and post-surveys, let me mention my IRB experience with this from this morning. 01:59:56 <heidie> The first time through it felt rocky to me, very different from my other courses, but the students were very positive about it which made up for my feeling that I wasn't quite in control. 02:00:08 <heidie> Sure, let us know what you nee.d 02:00:15 <lorip> with that in mind - how often should we have meetings? 02:00:25 <kwurst> My IRB will not accept approval from an another institution's IRB. 02:01:01 <kwurst> But, for me to get approval to give the pre-survey for next week, they are considering it to be exempt for me to collect the data. 02:01:28 <kwurst> For me to send it to Heidi for the grant, I will have to file a larger, expedited application. 02:01:49 <kwurst> But that isn't needed until the end of the semester, so I have time to work on that. 02:02:14 <kwurst> The important thing was getting to the point where I can give the pre-survey next week... 02:02:42 <kwurst> That's a tactic others might try if caught in a time crunch. 02:02:50 <kwurst> Done. 02:03:07 <howardf> thanks 02:04:26 <heidie> And as a bit of a carrot, we're hoping to get some publications from the data and anyone who contributes data is welcome to be an author. 02:05:11 <lorip> before signing off - was this helpful? should we try to meet again in two week? 02:05:32 <howardf> yes, and sure 02:06:20 <kwurst> Yes to both, but (as before) I would prefer some night other than Tuesday if that works for others. 02:07:14 <lorip> darci is teaching Wed nights so that is out - would Mon or Thurs work for anyone? 02:07:36 <howardf> mondays yes... thursdays are hit or miss 02:07:43 <kwurst> I'm OK with any night other than Tuesday. 02:08:18 <darci> Mondays are ok with me 02:08:43 <lorip> let's try for Mon Feb 3 for our next meeting - I'll check with becka and ben and see if that works for them 02:08:49 <lorip> anything else? 02:08:51 <darci> If we're going to change nights, maybe another Doodle poll is in order...thoughts? 02:09:20 <darci> That is fine too... 02:09:21 <lorip> yes, a doodle poll is probably the best approach - let's set one up and send it out... 02:10:22 <kwurst> And, if you have to stay with Tuesdays, I'll come up with a way to make at least some of them. 02:10:39 <darci> Sounds good! 02:10:44 <lorip> great 02:10:49 <darci> I have to run...bye all! 02:10:52 <lorip> shall we call it a night? 02:11:05 <joanne_t> bye! 02:11:08 <kwurst> Bye. 02:11:20 <lorip> bye - thanks for your time! 02:11:24 <howardf> thanks all... bye 02:11:30 <lorip> #endmeeting