19:04:49 <darci> #startmeeting 19:04:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 28 19:04:49 2014 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:05:29 <darci> #Overview 19:05:36 <darci> #topic Overview 19:05:42 <rebelsky> camm: The PDF is free. Just click "Download". (I hope NRC also allows free downloads for Canadians, but since you're in the US right now, they probably can't tell the difference anyway.) 19:05:54 <darci> rebelsky: good to 'see' you 19:06:20 <lorip> background on HFOSS and how various pieces fit together 19:06:38 <lorip> introduction of the OpenFE Team members 19:07:06 <darci> #info background on HFOSS and how various pieces fit together 19:07:16 <darci> #info introduction of the OpenFE Team members 19:07:36 <lorip> #info and introduction of associated colleagues - Karl, Joanie, Bryan and Cam 19:07:59 * lorip oops forgot the info tag 19:08:06 <darci> :-) 19:08:46 <lorip> #link http://opensource.com/ 19:09:33 <lorip> #link http://opensource.com/education/14/5/open-education-event-posse-2014 19:09:57 <lorip> article posted yesterday by Bryan 19:10:04 <semioticrobotic> lorip: thanks 19:10:07 * semioticrobotic blushes 19:11:26 <darci> #info Also a representative from Ushahidi - Sara-Jayne Farmer Terp 19:13:46 <lorip> Sara has a very cool background - she worked for the UN and also worked with the Haiti earthquake groups 19:15:22 <semioticrobotic> #link http://ushahidi.com/ 19:15:30 <lorip> #link http://producingoss.com/ 19:15:42 <bodacea> And pretty much every major disaster since then. 19:16:17 <lorip> #link http://www.theopensourceway.org/ 19:16:32 <bodacea> The art of communities is also good - Jono Bacon book, online... 19:16:44 <lorip> #link http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/homesteading/ 19:17:09 <bodacea> http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/ (Jono Bacon book - he also runs a free workshop before every OSCON conference) 19:17:35 <semioticrobotic> #link http://opensource.com/resources/ebooks 19:17:51 <lorip> #link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1rDkolRvwo 19:20:43 <lorip> watching ruth's you tube video on explaining open source through pop culture references 19:22:24 <bodacea> I like that "what did you do, how did you do it, what did you learn" 19:28:56 <ghislop> suehle: Hi Ruth!! 19:29:14 <ghislop> We just watched the video of you explaining open source... 19:31:26 <suehle> Hello! 19:31:35 <bodacea> Ruth? Great video! 19:33:59 <bodacea> Open data definition: http://opendefinition.org/od/ - v similar to FOSS 19:54:14 <lorip> #info moving on to Examples of HFOSS in Education 19:54:36 <semioticrobotic> darci: topci change in meeting? 19:54:45 <darci> #topic Examples of HFOSS in Education 19:56:17 <darci> #info Challenges in student participation 19:57:17 <darci> What do we do when students 'mess things up'? 19:57:56 <darci> Answer: version control 19:58:40 <rebelsky> Treat it as a learning experience? Hope that the problem is identified before the code gets submitted upstream. 19:59:19 <darci> Rely on the community. 20:00:34 <lorip> What about the students' work reflecting poorly on the institution? 20:01:19 <camm> you come up with the word and then make up the individual words to fit the acronym 20:01:29 <camm> oops, my mistake 20:06:01 <darci> Finding other ways for students to become involved - http://xcitegroup.org/softhum/doku.php?id=f:50ways 20:06:18 <bodacea> xcitegroup.org/softhum/doku.php?id=f:50ways 20:06:26 <bodacea> Snap! 20:10:11 <darci> #info Activity Structure 20:11:04 <darci> Students can work alone or with others. 20:11:40 <darci> Determine what the deliverables are and what results are expected. 20:13:23 <darci> Students will often have to learn about tools and technologies that they are unfamiliar with. 20:14:02 <darci> Activites also promote the building of soft skills. 20:50:48 <darci> When assigning activities it is important to be comfortable in a co-learner environment. You won't always have complete control. 20:51:10 <darci> You can and should determine what learning outcomes are desired. 20:52:08 <darci> Camm's story: One student's perspective on his class. 20:52:22 <darci> #link http://aciil-stuff.blogspot.ca/2014/02/normal-0-false-false-false-en-ca-x-none.html 22:25:27 <darci> #topic Project Introduction and Selection 22:26:29 <darci> How do you select an HFOSS project that will work in your environment? 22:29:01 <darci> #link 22:29:05 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Projects 22:29:29 <darci> #link http://ghmain.ischool.drexel.edu/temp/index.php/HFOSS_Projects 22:29:50 <darci> Please share links to others if you know of any. 22:31:12 <darci> We are especially interested in ecology projects. 22:33:03 <darci> #info Evaluation factors 22:34:00 <darci> Consider size, activity, scale, community, as well as maturity and domain. 22:34:40 * joanie points out https://people.gnome.org/~fpeters/health/ to ghislop for the foss2serve table-in-progress he mentions 22:40:06 <darci> Sara's list of projects... 22:40:39 <darci> #link http://opencrisis.org/organisations/crisis-tool-building-groups/ 23:08:43 <bodacea> Gnome is more of an ecosystem of communities... impressive. 23:10:15 <bodacea> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8qJNtN7r_s 23:17:27 <camm> ^ Dasher video 23:19:11 <heidie> Yes, one of the benefits of working in GNOME is that you can select from a variety applications to find a project that fits your needs. 23:35:25 <semioticrobotic> And students can minor in open source 23:35:28 <semioticrobotic> http://www.rit.edu/news/story.php?id=50590 23:35:51 <semioticrobotic> ...with RIT's new open source minor 01:49:52 <rebelsky> camm: Do you know why wiki.ushahidi.com is down? 01:50:18 <rebelsky> I'm doing a new installation from scratch, and wanted to look up some things. 09:54:35 <bodacea> Morning all 11:01:28 <semioticrobotic> Morning, friends! 12:54:20 <camm> hello semioticrobotic, sorry we weren't online at 5 :) 12:54:41 <camm> er, I guess that's more like 7 12:55:41 <semioticrobotic> camm: I'm a dedicated POSSE'er! 12:57:35 <darci> #topic HFOSS in the Curriculum 12:58:45 <semioticrobotic> Luis Ibanez: 12:58:47 <semioticrobotic> #link https://opensource.com/users/luis-ibanez 13:00:56 <lorip> #info - Karl taught a freshman seminar on openness 13:03:04 <lorip> #info also a non-majors course using Python as well as a capstone course 13:06:21 <darci> #info they found it helpful to push some of the tools, for example git, down into earlier courses in the curriculum. 13:08:45 <camm> #info be careful if allowing students to freely choose projects 13:10:25 <semioticrobotic> #info In mid-level project courses, HFOSS work is easier; tools and field trips are more feasible, but real participation still difficult 13:13:27 <lorip> discussion about code review - possibilities include bringing in guest lecturers, see what's been done in open source projects, have students review each other code 13:15:16 <semioticrobotic> Open source helps students learn how to learn, how to work through new problems and design new approaches 13:20:09 <semioticrobotic> "open source" is an ethic, an ethos, a set of values 13:20:12 <semioticrobotic> #link opensource.com 13:27:49 <darci> Motivation for HFOSS across the curriculum includes motivation, promoting knowlege of open source ideas in general, gaining a better understanding of why tools such as git are needed, and an application of software engineering principles 13:32:46 <lorip> #info need to raise students' awareness about open source in general 13:38:40 <lorip> #info HFOSS can also be used outside the traditional curriculum 13:39:30 <lorip> #link http://openhatch.org/ 13:44:25 <lorip> #link http://gwob.org/ 13:58:23 <darci> Paid vs. Volunteer Work in pen Source 13:58:33 <darci> #link http://dirkriehle.com/uploads/2013/08/paid-v8-final-web.pdf 14:01:23 <lorip> this looks like an interesting conference #link http://www.humanitariantechnology.org/ 14:02:37 <darci> #topic Understanding Open Source Communities 14:04:28 <lorip> Sara put a number of very interesting links on the titanpad - see #link https://titanpad.com/POSSE1405 and look for Sara's world 14:06:22 <semioticrobotic> Sara's World! Sara's World! Party Time! Excellent! 14:06:43 <lorip> semioticrobotic: :) 14:08:09 <James_M> party on semioticrobotic 14:08:25 <semioticrobotic> party on James_M 14:08:36 <James_M> we'rer not worthy 14:11:04 <darci> When trying to get involved with an open source community, look for a communit director. 14:11:21 <darci> #community 14:17:17 <lorip> #info students are not happy being productively lost (or being told that they are going to be productively lost) 14:18:41 <semioticrobotic> #info make sure students understand that their being "productively lost" won't negatively affect their respective grades 14:18:50 <stoney> #info get lost with students early to get familiar with the process 14:19:35 <semioticrobotic> #info let students see their instructor get productively lost 14:21:23 <lorip> #info make sure you give back - there are many ways you can do this - documentation, reviews, testing, answering questions 14:22:54 <darci> Regarding assessment: should the first submission be graded or should students be allowed to submit until the submission is 'perfect'? 14:23:37 <lorip> I really like the idea of letting students redo something until they have an A 14:23:59 <lorip> the question I have is how much time does it take a continually regrade something? 14:24:49 <stoney> @lorip add student review to the process... i.e., make them "regrade" using the same rubric 14:25:09 <James_M> what if you don't assign a grade until teh end , you have students redo until correct and make "redo" part of the grading rubric 14:25:10 <lorip> stoney - good idea! 14:25:12 <stoney> oh... and give them credit for that part too 14:25:20 <James_M> in intermmediate steps PEER STUDENT REVIEW 14:25:40 <James_M> students are more involved yet leaving it as review students aren't actually assigning grades 14:25:48 <stoney> @James_M exactly 14:26:40 <lorip> what if students aren't getting the best feedback? when does the faculty member intervene? 14:27:40 <stoney> review their reviews... 14:28:05 <stoney> ask for a short list of what came out of a review 14:28:23 <lorip> do you have any examples of this stoney? 14:28:35 <stoney> not really 14:28:39 <stoney> but if you have a rubric 14:28:45 <stoney> they should be marking up the rubric 14:28:53 <stoney> actually... i lied... 14:28:56 <stoney> I do have examples 14:29:26 <stoney> I have students do peer evaluation of teamwork after each major section/chapter 14:29:46 <stoney> it's not code they are reviewing... but team effort 14:29:57 <stoney> let me find my instrument 14:31:43 <stoney> hm... where do i put this? 14:32:02 <semioticrobotic> Check out this stylin' dude: https://www.facebook.com/opensourceway/photos/a.10150600174358057.405085.162962298056/10152434642868057/?type=1 14:32:04 <darci> on the titan pad? 14:32:13 <semioticrobotic> stoney knows what's what 14:32:26 <stoney> need to post a word doc 14:32:41 <darci> nice pic! 14:33:17 <stoney> wuhoo! :) 14:36:39 <stoney> here's the instrument http://stoney.zapto.org/~hjackson/teamworkAssessment.docx 14:36:50 <stoney> If you have teams of 3 14:36:56 <stoney> with 30 students (ick) 14:37:11 <stoney> that's only 10 things you have to look at to see if good reviews are occuring 14:37:40 <lorip> stoney: thank you! 14:37:42 <James_M> is that two (i.e. the num read as niary) 14:37:45 <James_M> #binary 14:40:09 * shadowhand waves at camm 14:45:32 <lorip> #info look for a community that has a code of conduct and a community director 14:46:26 <semioticrobotic> #info the work isn't finished until it's been properly (gracefully) handed off 14:47:22 <lorip> I haven't been able to find a code of conduct on the OpenMRS site - has anyone seen one elsewhere? 15:03:41 <kwurst> lorip: OpenMRS Code of Conduct: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Code+of+Conduct 15:40:45 <joanie> https://people.gnome.org/~fpeters/health/' 15:41:02 <joanie> https://people.gnome.org/~fpeters/health/ 15:41:40 <joanie> https://people.gnome.org/~fpeters/health/ 15:44:27 <semioticrobotic> joanie: What happens in POSSE stays in POSSE 15:44:48 <Alex_Rmezei> roger that :) 15:45:07 <stoneyj> https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeLove 15:51:23 <stoneyj> mentor's page https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeLove/Mentors 15:52:38 <joanie> and the getting started stuff: https://wiki.gnome.org/GnomeLove 16:03:34 <stoneyj> http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Stage_2_Activities/2.3_GNOME#Please_answer_each_of_the_following_questions_as_it_relates_to_your_activity. 16:04:53 <stoneyj> https://titanpad.com/wAD3OD6ysC 16:05:05 <stoneyj> use the last link for GNOME group activity 16:58:41 <darci> Open Source.com links 16:58:51 <darci> #link http://opesource.com/contact 16:59:04 <darci> #link http://opensource.com/participate 16:59:38 <darci> IRC: #opensource.com (freenode) 17:02:03 <darci> If you have any ideas about content for new content on a page that is not yet live, please let Bryan know. The link is... 17:02:24 <darci> #link http://opensource.com/resources/what-open-education 17:06:42 <James_M> Did I just hear Bryan correctly in that his University wants him to share his PHDness? (sounds funnier when spoken out loud) 17:47:59 <camm> cam's SE course resources on github https://github.com/cmacdonell/SoftwareEngineering 17:51:47 <darci> #topic Pedagogy and Course Materials 17:58:16 <darci> Be realistic about the different learning environment. 17:58:26 <darci> Students need to learn how to deal with 'being stuck'. 17:58:57 <darci> Show them 'how' to deal with this situation, 18:01:58 <James_M> Heidi fix bug [censored] 18:02:13 <camm> bugficks 18:02:23 <darci> :) 18:02:49 <James_M> I heard two 'u's in that word 18:02:57 <semioticrobotic> ...and an 'x' 18:04:24 <James_M> :) 18:08:59 <James_M> Bryan quoting Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson 18:11:23 <semioticrobotic> If ya smeeellll-lll-lll 18:11:36 <semioticrobotic> ...what Heidi Ellis is cookin' 18:12:00 <semioticrobotic> #info Use mid-semester evaluations to check student engagement and comfort with FOSS activities 18:33:45 <semioticrobotic> List of collective student personas: Jimmy McMetron, Jr. 18:35:51 <semioticrobotic> Sally de la Foip 18:36:17 <James_M> Hedi Bugfux 18:37:30 <darci> #topic Understanding POSSE Stage 3 18:45:22 <darci> How can faculty support one another after our face-2-face time? 18:50:28 * semioticrobotic wants stoneyj PHP students to resuscitate http://dropplets.com/ 18:50:59 <sean___> hfoss.instructure.com 18:54:44 <James_M> ??? - I go to that site and see a login screen - what is the page? 18:55:46 <James_M> oh, I see, it's a tool for content - canvas 19:11:45 <kwurst> sean___: Please create an account for me: Karl Wurst kwurst@worcester.edu 19:17:33 <mdoroodchi> please create one for me as well mdoroodchi@gmail.com 19:37:30 <James_M> there is a list on the titan pad 19:37:36 <James_M> I'll add your emails 20:18:15 <sean___> http://data.seangoggins.net/Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-20-1.iso 12:40:14 <joanie> https://titanpad.com/POSSE-GNOME 12:42:43 <joanie> suzanne: and Alex_Rmezei: https://titanpad.com/POSSE-GNOME 12:44:29 <darci> #endmeeting