17:04:23 <darci> #startmeeting 17:04:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Mar 13 17:04:23 2015 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:04:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:05:11 <darci> We have a wonderful mix of POSSE grads today...from different workshops...and Kiran from OpenMRS. 17:05:30 <darci> Maybe we should do introductions first! 17:06:26 <darci> bjcoleman do you want to go first? 17:06:31 <bjcoleman> Sure 17:06:46 <bjcoleman> I am Ben Coleman from Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA. 17:07:13 <bjcoleman> I attended a POSSE 2 years ago, and I used OpenMRS last year in my senior capstone course 17:07:20 <bjcoleman> then we continued work on it during the summer. 17:07:41 <bjcoleman> I’m not actually using it in my courses any more, but thought I would show up today to offer help where I can 17:08:01 <bjcoleman> *hands off token to Karl 17:08:20 * kwurst catches the rock… 17:08:31 <kwurst> I’m Karl Wurst from Worcester State University 17:08:41 <kwurst> I attended multiple POSSEs 17:08:59 <kwurst> My students are working in OpenMRS in a senior capstone. 17:09:25 <kwurst> This week we had a “visit” from Mark Seaton and Ellen Ball of Partners in Health. 17:10:04 <kwurst> We are starting to work with them on the Reporting Module in OpenMRS, of which Mark is the maintainer. 17:10:30 * kwurst hands token to rubyK 17:11:11 <rubyK> Ruby ElKharboutly from Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT , Software Engineering Dept. 17:11:22 <rubyK> I attended the last POSSE 17:11:40 <rubyK> I am intrested in OpenMRS specifically the Mobile App 17:12:23 <rubyK> I am planning to use it in My Software Architecture course for students to reverse engineer the design and architecture and possibly enhance the application 17:12:55 <StevenCrain> Is that in a class you are teaching now? 17:12:58 <rubyK> Not sure how to pass token :/ wanna go next lpostner ? 17:13:19 <rubyK> No .. I will be teaching it next Fall 17:13:23 <darci> lpostner: we are doing intros 17:13:25 <lpostner> sorry I just joined - I was having trouble with chatzilla on my new machine 17:13:52 <lpostner> I'm Lori Postner - I teach at Nassau Community College and am a member of the OpenFE team 17:14:09 <lpostner> what else should I be including? 17:15:03 <darci> I'll add...for those who were at the last POSSE. Lori was not able to attend, but has been at all the previous POSSEs. 17:15:45 <StevenCrain> Steven Crain from SUNY Plattsburgh in Plattsburgh, NY. 17:16:25 <StevenCrain> I am will be having my computer security class do a security audit of OpenMRS, focusing on HIPAA compliance, this semester. 17:16:36 <lpostner> cool! 17:16:43 <StevenCrain> I had better get the details going soon... Spring break is just starting. 17:17:13 <StevenCrain> I also hope to have my data mining class develop a module for interfacing with FDA adverse event data in the fall. 17:17:57 <darci> StevenCrain: Can you also talk a bit about your proposal for materials development? 17:18:31 <StevenCrain> Yes. I have a project funded to make a series of 5 assignments that build towards completing a security review. 17:19:16 <StevenCrain> I am still working out the details, but essentially I will divide the class into teams and have each team tackle a different aspect of the review. 17:19:33 <lpostner> What level are the students in your security class? 17:19:40 <StevenCrain> Juniors. 17:19:45 <StevenCrain> Some seniors. 17:20:46 <darci> Kiran? 17:20:48 <StevenCrain> A few have some experience, but mostly this is new to them, so there will also be a great deal of scaffolding, both in the assignments and in lecture notes. 17:20:56 <darci> oops...sorry! 17:21:07 <Kiran> sure 17:22:22 <Kiran> I am business analyst working @ Merck involved with OpenMRS for almost 3 years now. I am not that active with the project these days as I am tied up with Merck internal work 17:22:45 <Kiran> We did a project with Ben coleman last year 17:23:19 <Kiran> and it was a very good learning experience for everyone. I am hoping to get back to OpenMRS soon 17:23:51 <Kiran> Let me know if you need any assistance from me. 17:24:04 <StevenCrain> I am hoping to need assistance from you! 17:24:37 <Kiran> Great Steven. I am glad that you are making a great progress 17:25:43 <Kiran> Let me know when you need help 17:26:00 <darci> What kind of support would be helpful for people in general? 17:27:35 <StevenCrain> I know I am going to want more advice on how best to introduce myself into OpenMRS and make sure the project we do will be useful. 17:29:22 <darci> I'm thinking that bjcoleman and kwurst have the most insight here...thoughts? 17:29:43 <darci> At least from the faculty perspective. 17:30:16 <kwurst> StevenCrain: Do you mean introduce yourself to the code, or to the community? 17:30:24 <bjcoleman> For me, doing introductory tickets worked well to get me involved and understanding the system 17:30:27 <Kiran> My suggestion is to attend one of the developer call that happens every thursday from 10-11 AM ET 17:31:09 <kwurst> I second Kiran’s comment. I’ve made it a point to attend (almost) all of the developer calls. 17:31:22 <kwurst> They know who I am now because of that. 17:31:41 <kwurst> They will often ask names they don’t recognize to introduce themselves. 17:32:02 <kwurst> There is also an introductions thread on OpenMRS Talk 17:32:14 * kwurst searches for link... 17:32:24 <lpostner> kwurst: do you find the developers call helpful? I was on several and felt in over my head. 17:33:32 <darci> kwurst: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this was a fairly lengthy process. It took time for members of the community to get to know you. I say this for those who are planning something down the road. You might want to start now just sitting in on the calls. 17:33:42 <kwurst> #info Introduction thread on OpenMRS Talk: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/welcome-please-introduce-yourself/32 17:33:42 <Kiran> https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/Developers+Forum 17:34:09 <kwurst> lpostner: Sorry, back now. Typing answer... 17:34:48 <kwurst> Much of what goes on in the meeting is challenging, but persistence pays off... 17:35:11 <kwurst> Seeing how their process works is more important than technical details. 17:35:39 <kwurst> And, yes, introduce yourself *well* ahead of when you want to start your course. 17:35:44 <StevenCrain> Is the introduction link something done any time, or only during the meetings? 17:36:17 <kwurst> StevenCrain: The intro link on Talk is anytime - Talk is a discussion board. 17:36:39 <kwurst> I introduced myself back in the summer. 17:37:02 <kwurst> Then I posted to the developer list in November asking for suggestions for projects for January. 17:37:21 <kwurst> I heard nothing until I posted my question again in January. 17:37:54 <kwurst> But someone had read it in November, but had just not gotten around to answering until January. 17:38:01 <kwurst> So, post early and often. 17:38:56 * kwurst done for now… 17:39:37 <kwurst> StevenCrain: OpenMRS is particularly interested in security at the moment. 17:40:46 <kwurst> They’ve had some talks given by security people during developer meetings in the past months and are working on plans for improving their security 17:41:52 <kwurst> #info Developer Forum meeting about security: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/2014-12-04+Developers+Forum (there is a recording on that page) 17:42:44 <darci> Kiran: Any thoughts on a good place for rubyK to start as she begins development of her architecture course? 17:42:59 <kwurst> #info And another meeting about security that just took place, that I missed: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/2015-02-26+Developers+Forum 17:43:30 <Kiran> I would say University call is a good starting place 17:44:13 <rubyK> Univeristy ? whom to talk to ? 17:44:18 <kwurst> #info University call - Wednesdays 2:00pm UTC 17:44:26 <rubyK> Oh 17:44:31 <Kiran> it happens every Wednesday from 9-10 AM ET https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/OpenMRS+University 17:45:03 <rubyK> Ok I will see if I can make it 17:45:15 <kwurst> University call can be a mixed bag (as with all meetings). Sometimes there is a topic scheduled. See the page that Kirin posted. 17:45:41 <Kiran> it use to be hosted by one of the core developers until last year....but now it is assigned to a new person 17:45:50 <Kiran> I havent attended these for a while now 17:45:50 <kwurst> If there is no scheduled topic, it’s a Q&A session. But if there are no questions in the first 5 minutes or so, it will end. 17:45:54 <rubyK> Any mobile application specific meetings ? 17:46:36 <kwurst> There will be one on April 9th: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/2015-04-09+Developers+Forum 17:46:36 <Kiran> you can ask for that topic and they will schedule it for discussion on one of the calls 17:46:50 <Kiran> thanks Karl 17:48:04 <lpostner> will there be calls related to the google summer of code? I was hoping that might be a place to get up to speed and find out who might be student friendly 17:48:11 <rubyK> Ok sounds good 17:48:27 <rubyK> thanks Kiran and Karl 17:48:38 <kwurst> And there was one on Android on Feb 4th: 4th Feb 2015: OpenMRS Android Client - you’d need to find if there was a recording. 17:48:52 <darci> Are all the University calls recorded and made available after the fact...like Developer meetings? 17:49:29 <kwurst> lpostner: There was a GSOC meeting on Feb 12th: https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/2015-02-12+Developers+Forum (this one has a recording) 17:49:38 <lpostner> thanks 17:50:12 <kwurst> darci: I think that they usually do record the ones that are not just Q&A, but I don’t think they are very good about posting the link to the recordings. 17:50:46 <kwurst> darci: You might be able to figure out the link from the date and other links. You can also ask on the developer list, or in Talk. 17:52:15 <darci> I'm wondering if asking students to review a few of these would be a good homework assignment for lower level courses. Thoughts? 17:52:37 <kwurst> The topics for future Developer Forum meetings and University meetings are on those web pages Kiran posted the links to, and they are usually posted on the developer list the week before. 17:53:05 <kwurst> darci: Depends on what you want them to learn about. You may find a meeting on that topic. 17:54:10 <darci> I'll find a few to review and think about it some. 17:54:34 <darci> It is getting close to 2:00...any other thoughts/questions? 17:55:14 <kwurst> StevenCrain: University Meeting coming up: 1st April 2015: OpenMRS Security &Flexibility 17:55:15 <StevenCrain> darci: I think that carefully selected recordings could be very good for the students. I am hoping some of the security ones will prove interesting to my studetns. 17:57:29 <StevenCrain> Hmm. Too bad the university meeting is during my software engineering class instead of the computer security class. 17:57:54 <kwurst> Lots more recordings of older University meeting are available than recent ones. Lots on setting up environment, compiling, etc… 17:58:11 <StevenCrain> Maybe I will have the software engineering students listen in anyway. Security is still relevant there. 17:58:16 <darci> cool... 17:58:25 <kwurst> StevenCrain: You should ask on the developer list to have them record, and post the recording link... 17:58:58 <rubyK> Its during my classes as well ! 17:59:19 <rubyK> Not sure if i can make it relevent in my intro courses 17:59:40 <StevenCrain> I should have joined a University call before the time change, when it would have been between classes. 17:59:53 <darci> :) 17:59:58 <lpostner> bye all, I need to go... hope to chat with you again soon :) 18:00:09 <StevenCrain> Best 18:00:13 <darci> bye! 18:00:51 <darci> Since this time still works for everyone, I'm assuming we will continue with the Friday meetings as well. Sound okay? 18:01:01 <kwurst> OK with me. 18:01:04 <StevenCrain> Good for me. 18:01:11 <rubyK> Fine by me 18:01:18 <darci> Oh...actually I meant the second Friday of the month meetings. 18:01:20 <Kiran> good for me 18:01:30 <Kiran> yes 18:01:53 <darci> This has been a great meeting! 18:01:54 <StevenCrain> By the next meeting, I should have several of the assignments posted on foss2serve. 18:02:16 <darci> Can't wait! 18:02:32 <StevenCrain> Darci: still no contract, BTW. 18:02:54 <StevenCrain> Also haven't seen my travel reimbursement check from POSSE. 18:03:08 <darci> Hmmm.... 18:03:19 <darci> I will check on both 18:03:23 <StevenCrain> Thanks. 18:03:31 <darci> I haven't gotten by reimbursement from POSSE either. 18:03:48 <Kiran> I got mine :-) 18:04:01 <darci> I'm going over to our grants office after this call. I will check on the contract. 18:04:12 <darci> Kiran: When did you get yours? Recently? 18:04:33 <Kiran> I got it in Early January 18:04:33 <StevenCrain> I was asked for more paperwork in early Feb, then nothing. 18:04:42 <darci> Me too! 18:05:16 <darci> I need to go soon... 18:05:19 <StevenCrain> kiran probably submitted his paperwork right after the conference. I didn't get mine mailed until sometime in Dec. 18:05:37 <StevenCrain> OK, Enjoy your weekend! 18:05:40 <kwurst> darci: Don’t forget to #endmeeting 18:05:40 <darci> Great group -- thank you to everyone! 18:05:50 <darci> Will do! Thanks! 18:05:52 <Kiran> thanks all...have a good weekend 18:05:59 <darci> Bye all! 18:06:00 <kwurst> darci: and post the link… 18:06:01 <rubyK> I haven't gotten my reimbursement as well .. you too have a good weekend 18:06:01 <rubyK> bye 18:06:04 <bjcoleman> bye 18:06:12 <darci> #endmeeting