14:01:29 <darci> #startmeeting 14:01:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 27 14:01:29 2015 UTC. The chair is darci. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:45 <darci> Hi all! 14:01:53 <howardf> hi 14:01:58 <clif> hello 14:01:59 <ChuckD_> Hello 14:02:03 <JimH> hey there 14:02:06 <jdehlinger> hi 14:02:11 <nanette> hello 14:02:15 <darci> I've starting a meeting bot that will record our meeting. 14:02:26 <lorip> hi 14:02:28 <darci> There is an agenda at: http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 14:02:58 <ChuckD_> Gog it 14:03:10 <ChuckD_> That is ... got it 14:03:49 <darci> Since the first item is designated as an opportunity for everyone to meet each other, why don't we start from the top (ChuckD_) and each of us can introduce ourselves. 14:04:01 <ChuckD_> OK 14:04:25 <ChuckD_> I am an associate prof at Towson University, just outside Baltimore 14:04:55 <rsjodin> I’m an associate prof at Regis University, in Denver Colorado. 14:05:03 <ChuckD_> I am teaching an object-oriented design upper-level course that I hope to incorporate FOSS in to 14:05:37 <lorip> would people be willing to put their full name in the intro? 14:05:54 <ChuckD_> Chuck Dierbach 14:05:58 <rsjodin> I teach courses in Java, Android and iOS. 14:06:07 <rsjodin> Full name: Robert Sjodin 14:06:13 <lorip> thanks! :) 14:07:07 <darci> clif? 14:07:11 <clif> I'm Clif Kussmaul, Associate Prof of CS at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA. I teach a bit of everything, including a project-based software engineering course. 14:07:54 <clif> I've contributed to several FOSS projects (e.g. wikis, Drupal) and have had students contribute to projects too,though we don't have a FOSS course. 14:08:24 <clif> Currently I'm in Hyderabad, India to give prof dev workshops for college teachers, and I apologize in advance if my connection is flakey. 14:08:27 <clif> next? 14:08:44 <rsjodin> This is my first interaction with FOSS. 14:09:08 <ChuckD_> Same here 14:09:24 <nanette> Are we still going in order? 14:09:30 <rsjodin> I’m hoping to introduce FOSS in our graduate practicums. 14:09:30 <darci> I'm Darci Burdge and am at Nassau Community College. I am part of the foss2serve team and have worked to introduce HFOSS in my CS2 course. 14:09:47 <darci> next? 14:10:18 <rsjodin> Sorry, I guess I went out of order. 14:10:39 <darci> nanette: yes, but on IRC there is often multiple conversations going on and that is perfectly fine! :) 14:10:53 <lorip> dweikle? 14:12:47 <lorip> should we skip to howardf? 14:13:07 <JimH> is there an IRC command to check on someone's status? 14:13:15 <howardf> Hi. I'm Howard Francis at the Univ of Pikeville (near the eastern-most tip of Kentucky). I'm looking to make FOSS the focal point of our Senior Project class. 14:13:32 <lorip> typically if someone is gone, they use the away tag 14:13:50 <nanette> If they just lose connectivity? 14:14:07 <lorip> hey darci - speaking of tags, should we be using the info tag? 14:14:20 <darci> yes! 14:14:21 <lorip> nanette: if they lose connectivity, they will leave the chat 14:14:32 <lorip> hi heidie! 14:14:43 <lorip> hi ghislop 14:14:58 <heidie> Hi Folks! 14:15:04 <ghislop> hi Lori 14:15:10 <lorip> we are in the process of doing introductions - we are up to howardf 14:15:16 <darci> We are doing introductions, why don't you go ahead and then we will continue 14:15:23 <heidie> We're at Red Hat meeting with some of the folks that are going to be at the meeting in Sept. 14:15:34 <ghislop> We're in a meeting at Red Hat, so we'll just be silent for this IM... 14:16:02 <howardf> I did mine 14:16:08 <jdehlinger> my turn? 14:16:08 <darci> Okay...then yes, we are up to jdehlinger 14:16:13 <darci> yep! 14:16:24 <jdehlinger> ok, I'm Josh Dehlinger, Associate Professor also at Towson University. I teach courses in software engineering, software testing and programming languages. I have used smaller open source projects for a few years in the testing classes to varying degrees of success. 14:17:38 <darci> JimH? 14:18:06 <JimH> Hi. I'm Jim Huggins, Associate Professor of CS at Kettering University (Flint, MI). 14:18:27 <JimH> I have little prior background with FOSS, though my students are introducing it to me in accidental ways :) 14:18:45 <JimH> My main interest is in using (H)FOSS for our "culminating experience" requirement ... 14:19:05 <JimH> ... which is a hybrid between a capstone course and an undergraduate thesis. 14:19:23 <JimH> I'll explain more as we go ... but this is supposed to be brief :) 14:19:38 <lorip> I'm Lori Postner, Associate Professor at Nassau Community College in NY. I work with Darci and am also a member of the foss2serve team. 14:20:26 <nanette> #info Nanette Veilleux, Professor at Simmons College, teaching the entire programming sequence. Simmons is a small women's college and we are increasingly teaching more with projects. 14:20:46 <nanette> I used the info tag, possibly incorrectly. 14:20:54 <darci> Not at all! 14:21:02 <darci> That is perfect! 14:21:25 <nanette> I also skipped ahead of Lynn -- hi Lynn! 14:22:23 <lorip> nanette - where is Simmons? 14:22:32 <nanette> \ping clif 14:22:41 <lynnlambert> Hi everybody, especially Nanette! It's like a reunion. I am Lynn Lambert and teach at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. I did POSSE last year, but still feel like a bit of a newbie 14:23:59 <clif> (here) 14:24:26 <darci> rsjodin? 14:25:27 <lorip> rsjodin went earlier 14:25:38 <rsjodin> #info Rob Sjodin; Assistant Professor at Regis University; teach both undergraduate and graduate software engineering / computer science courses. I’m new to FOSS/POSSE 14:25:50 <darci> DJBouvier: why don't you go next and welcome! 14:25:59 <DJBouvier> #info I’m Dennis Bouvier, Associate Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). 14:26:15 <DJBouvier> SIUE is just across the Mississippi from St. Louis. I’ve taught Software Engineering for years and have alway felt a little like a “poser” in the software engineering classroom since I didn’t have any real experience in the open source world. 14:26:31 <DJBouvier> I’ve been interested in HFOSS since I heard about it and didn’t find the time to learn more on my own 14:27:09 <DJBouvier> is there something more I should say 14:27:17 <darci> No, that is good. 14:27:24 <darci> dweikle: ? 14:28:00 <darci> Othewise, I think that is everyone. Am I right? 14:28:19 <lorip> I think so 14:28:51 <darci> #topic Activity Update 14:29:20 <darci> I've changed the topic...are there any questions about the activities that you have done to date? 14:30:19 <JimH> I tried hanging out in one of the IRC channels for a project ... of course, I managed to pick the time that nobody was chatting :) 14:30:35 <jdehlinger> JimH: same here 14:30:41 <JimH> are there cultural norms in figuring out when people usually chat about stuff? 14:30:48 * darci smiling 14:31:03 <nanette> Working through the activites and trying to keep track of the different things that need different usernames and psswds. 14:31:12 <darci> This certainly happens, but logs are usually posted, so you can review them. 14:31:14 <nanette> I'm taking it that there are no norms? 14:31:24 <ChuckD_> Same 14:31:35 <lorip> I think it depends upon the project 14:31:58 <nanette> got it 14:32:04 <lorip> for example, I think OpenMRS has specific meeting times so that might be when most traffic occurs 14:32:07 <darci> I was just going to say that and add that some projects post meeting times. 14:33:00 <lorip> but I believe for other projects (like gnome accessiblity) that people are available to ping as they hang out on the channel but may not be chatting 14:33:52 <nanette> do people just hang out whenever they have to be online (which is pretty much always?) 14:34:08 <nanette> *happen to be 14:34:40 <lynnlambert> Mikos uses gitter mostly (like IRC), I know, so some H-FOSS projects may do much of their communication over other channels. You can ask on a mailing list, too. 14:34:47 <darci> Yes, when their name is mentioned, most IRC clients notify you 14:34:55 <darci> *your name 14:34:57 <lorip> that is the idea - some people are very good at doing that 14:35:18 <lorip> and as darci said you can then ping that person by using their nick 14:36:29 <darci> In general, are people finding the time estimates accurate for the activities? 14:37:01 <nanette> yes. 14:37:12 <DJBouvier> close enough 14:38:04 <howardf> i think so 14:38:13 <ChuckD_> I spent more time on some of the reading, but that is because I am new to this (and learned a lot). Plus, I found myself exploring more info. 14:39:15 <darci> :) yes, easy to lose track of time! 14:39:22 <nanette> I went down some rabbit holes too 14:39:54 <darci> Can you elaborate? 14:41:37 <nanette> me? Oh, just following wiki links, not all relevant, like just capta topics 14:41:46 <ChuckD_> Not so much the technical info. Mostly trying to get a feel for the FOSS community (and sorting out acronyms, etc,) 14:41:52 <rsjodin> Yes, I think the time estimates are close, but visiting various links add to it. 14:41:54 <darci> We're always looking to improve the pre-POSSSE materials, so suggestions are always welcome! 14:42:51 <nanette> I did spend extra time on figuring out what new accounts I was making -- e.g. for the wiki and for the foss server 14:43:20 <ChuckD_> Me too! 14:43:28 <DJBouvier> I think it would be difficult to specify in more detail than you have. Everyone has a different background and (I think) each of us is tempted to follow different links to new info. 14:43:57 <lorip> if you have suggestions as you work on the activities, please let us know 14:44:22 <DJBouvier> Since there are no fences in the virtual space it takes self-regulation and awareness to realize you have wandered beyond the project specific information 14:45:06 <darci> Yes! Okay, should we move on to HFOSS projects? 14:45:35 <JimH> sure ... 14:46:41 <darci> In the coming weeks, you'll be looking more closely at some HFOSS projects. 14:46:50 <darci> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/HFOSS_Communities 14:47:12 <darci> #info This link points to projects that we have worked more closely with. 14:48:19 <JimH> one thought ... I noted that some of the descriptions list the technologies/languages being used. Might be nice if all of them did that. 14:49:13 <nanette> and I'm not sure, once I've signed up, how to be more involved at this point. 14:49:37 <DJBouvier> I was wondering if there was something missing under the heading "sign up" for the projects. 14:50:03 <nanette> and what the difference is between "sign up" and "faculty working on project" 14:50:05 <darci> JimH: good suggestion! 14:50:27 <darci> During one of the activities you will be asked to "sign up". 14:51:01 <darci> This means that this is the project in which you are interested in fostering student involvement. 14:51:15 <DJBouvier> So, the heading "sign up" is a place to add your name if you are interested? 14:51:41 <lorip> exactly 14:52:09 <darci> "faculty working on project" is a list of former POSSE attendees (or foss2serve team members) who have or continue to involve students in the project 14:52:25 <DJBouvier> I thought there was some missing text to explain how to sign up for the project. IMHO, that's how an outsider would see it. 14:53:18 <darci> We can certainly make that more clear! 14:53:23 <lorip> that is helpful for us to know 14:54:48 <darci> Okay, we are coming up on 11:00am. 14:55:06 <darci> Does anyone have any travel related questions? 14:55:16 <darci> *anyone 14:55:29 <darci> oops sorry! :) 14:55:36 <JimH> I have plane tickets booked ... nothing else needs to be done yet, right? 14:56:07 <darci> That is good for now. Hotel information is coming soon! 14:56:31 <rsjodin> I’ll make flight reservations this week. 14:56:55 <nanette> When is our 2nd IRC meeting? 14:57:00 <lorip> any questions about arrival or departure times? 14:57:06 <jdehlinger> None from me 14:57:18 <DJBouvier> will you (project people) want flight itineraries? 14:57:33 <darci> nanette: we are scheduled to have our second IRC meeting the week of August 17. 14:58:09 <nanette> might be nice for all to have itineraries if we want to coordinate RDU to hotel transp 14:58:12 <darci> We'll have you fill out another Doodle poll before determine the exact days/times. 14:58:18 <lorip> we probably will want arrival and departure info so we can coordinate transportation 14:58:27 <rsjodin> Yes, can you provide suggested arrival / departure times? (sorry if you’ve already done that. 14:58:34 <lorip> oops, nanette beat me to that! 14:58:56 <lorip> we plan to meet at the hotel at 1:30 on Thursday and start at Red Hat at 2pm 14:59:35 <JimH> the hotel will handle early check-in, I'm assuming :) 14:59:44 <lorip> we plan to wrap up around 3:30pm on Saturday 14:59:57 <darci> JimH: we are trying to determine that 15:00:21 <lorip> JimH: at the very least they will be able to store luggage for us, right darci? 15:00:39 <howardf> It looks like a 6hr drive for me... i'll probably come in that way 15:01:20 <JimH> okay, probably works for me ... my Sat flight leaves 5:20pm from RDU. 15:01:27 <darci> Yes, I dont think that will be a problem. 15:01:28 <lorip> darci: we should find out about parking for howardf 15:01:37 <clif> (bye) 15:01:41 <darci> yes 15:01:43 <darci> bye clif 15:02:12 <lynnlambert> If it's the same hotel, it will be across the street. I will drive also. I think I had a voucher for that ...? 15:02:21 <darci> I'll add parking to our list of things to check out. 15:02:39 <lorip> lynnlambert: I believe is it a different hotel from last time 15:02:57 <lynnlambert> I think you decided that you wanted to change. 15:03:46 <darci> There's also another event going on and that has made available hotel rooms a bit harder to come by. 15:04:14 <lynnlambert> But, if it's closeby, it may still be the same parking garage. If it matters, I drove, parked the car, then did not leave until the conference was over, so I don't think we need to have in and out privileges. 15:04:23 <nanette> got to go! I'm looking forward to this all! 15:04:31 <darci> If there are other questions, please let us know. 15:04:31 <lorip> bye nanette 15:04:36 <darci> bye! 15:04:39 <nanette> \quit 15:04:48 <nanette> ha! wrong slash again! 15:04:50 <lynnlambert> Bye, Nannette. 15:05:05 <darci> Okay, it looks like we've passed the one hour mark. 15:05:12 <darci> It was great to meet everyone! 15:05:17 <rsjodin> Same here. 15:05:22 <lorip> yes, nice to meet everyone! 15:05:24 <JimH> indeed 15:05:25 <lynnlambert> Thank you all for organizing this. Bye. 15:05:25 <jdehlinger> take care all 15:05:28 <rsjodin> bye 15:05:35 <DJBouvier> bye 15:05:35 <ChuckD_> so long 15:05:37 <lorip> bye 15:05:40 <darci> I'm going to end the meeting. If anyone has other questions, I can stick around for a bit. 15:05:50 <darci> bye! 15:05:56 <darci> #endmeeting