22:59:55 <lpostner> #startmeeting 22:59:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 1 22:59:55 2015 UTC. The chair is lpostner. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:59:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 23:00:07 <lpostner> #topic roll call 23:00:34 <lpostner> I still haven't figured out people's nicks, let's do a quick roll call with name and institution 23:00:45 <cmacdonell> Cam Macdonell, MacEwan University 23:01:00 <CyclingFan> Linda Webster, Westminster College. 23:01:10 <darci> Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College 23:01:12 <docrea> Alan Rea, Western Michigan Univ. 23:01:17 <stefan_c> Stefan Christov, Quinnipiac University 23:01:35 <jfrench> Jeannie French - Coastal Carolina University 23:01:39 <lpostner> heidie: we are doing a quick roll call - you are up 23:01:47 <JimH> Jim Huggins, Kettering University, Flint MI 23:01:49 <heidie> Heidi Ellis, Western New England University. 23:02:03 <lpostner> Lori Postner, Nassau Community College 23:02:06 <rsjodin> Rob Sjodin, Regis University 23:02:08 <ChuckD_> Chuck Dierbach, Towson University 23:02:30 <lpostner> I think that is everyone... 23:02:40 <lpostner> #topic agenda 23:02:50 <lpostner> here's our agenda for this meeting 23:03:13 <lpostner> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_3 23:04:03 <lpostner> several items we want to discuss - first how things are doing, second project selection and installation, third questions about next week's face to face meeting 23:04:21 <lpostner> #topic progress on Stage 1 activities 23:04:47 <lpostner> if we can get a quick progress report from everyone, that would be great... 23:05:36 <CyclingFan> I have completed Parts A & B. Have looked over Part C, but need to complete the questions and activities. 23:05:52 <ChuckD_> Same here 23:05:54 <JimHuggins> I think I'm all done with Parts A/B ... was waiting for tonight to look at Part C, since the IRC chat was item #1 :) 23:05:54 <rsjodin> I’ve spent a couple of hours on it; I couldn’t find an answer on the “shading” and “color” questions. 23:06:12 <docrea> Part A&B done. Did my Git for PartC today. 23:06:12 <JeanFrench> Stage 1: Part A complete; Part B complete; Part C not started. 23:06:17 <stefan_c> I am done with parts A and B. I am almost done with the Bug-Tracker Activity from Part C and will be moving on to the Source Code Management/Control Activity. 23:06:31 <lpostner> rsjodin: where are questions? which activity? 23:07:01 <rsjodin> Here are the 2 quesitons: 23:07:13 <rsjodin> What is the meaning of the shading of some bug reports? 23:07:22 <rsjodin> What is the meaning of the colors used when describing a bug (red, gray, black)? 23:07:44 <lpostner> in the Bug Tracker activity 23:07:49 <rsjodin> Yes. 23:07:58 <lpostner> #link http://foss2serve.org/index.php/Bug_Tracker_Activity 23:08:08 <lpostner> has anyone else found answers to those? 23:08:45 <stefan_c> I think gray is enhancement, black: bug whose severity is less than critical; red: bug with severity at least critical 23:10:06 <rsjodin> Seems reasonable, but I couldn’t find an explanation; thanks. 23:10:24 <lpostner> rsjodin: I don't know as I haven't worked in a GNOME project - we can ask Heidi or Stoney next week 23:10:34 <rsjodin> ok 23:10:46 * darci just looking...seems right 23:10:51 <lpostner> glad to hear people are making progress... 23:10:52 <docrea> I believe he is correct on the colors. All the grays are enhancements. 23:10:59 <stefan_c> I don't recollect finding an explicit definition of the color scheme, either. I think I just made an educated guess :) 23:11:10 <stefan_c> so i might be wrong 23:11:26 <rsjodin> Ok 23:11:47 * docrea votes that stefan is correct. 23:11:47 <JeanFrench> It thought the shading was for even and odd rows. If you sort by number and view the source code, it shows a style for even rows and odd rows 23:12:13 <lpostner> if you click on the id of a gray one is says enhancement, that seems reasonable 23:12:21 <rsjodin> Very good. 23:12:37 <docrea> Shading is not every other. grays are enhancements indeed. Just saw that on the id. 23:12:55 <lpostner> but when I click on a red one the importance is Normal critical whereas the black ones are Normal normal 23:13:31 <rsjodin> That works for me. 23:13:36 <lpostner> other questions? 23:13:47 <docrea> FYI. For Git if you are Mac or Windows, you might want to use the GUI if it's your first time. There is software specifically that works with GitHub. 23:13:52 <darci> I think every other is selective - it isn't used when the text is gray. 23:14:05 <docrea> #link https://git-scm.com/downloads/guis 23:14:39 * lpostner thinking, is it OK to move on to project selection? 23:14:40 <JeanFrench> Oh, yes. You're right. I can barely see the background and see it's not grey on grey. 23:15:42 * darci thinking that these questions are not helpful for someone with vision impairments 23:16:03 <lpostner> #topic project selection 23:16:31 <rsjodin> I have a question, it’s long; I hope it all fits … 23:16:35 <lpostner> have people figured out which project they think they want to work with? 23:16:47 <rsjodin> I’m working with a non profit named Colorado Young Leaders, that helps middle and high school students find their passion by volunteering service for non profits; my Software Engineering class is developing a Learn Management System (LMS) this fall semester for CYL; my question … can I make this effort my POSSE project, or do I need to choose an existing project. BTW: CYL is very interested in becoming a POSSE project. 23:17:12 <ChuckD_> I am still looking 23:17:15 <stefan_c> I am leaning towards OpenMRS 23:17:17 <JeanFrench> I like the MouseTrap project 23:17:18 <lpostner> rsjodin: do you have a link to that project? 23:17:44 <rsjodin> It hasn’t been created yet; I would have to create it. 23:18:01 <JimHuggins> I keep picking one, but then I forget which one I picked ... 23:18:09 * docrea would like to work on Ushahidi 23:18:20 <cmacdonell> rsjodin: has code been written for CYL yet? 23:18:22 <darci> rsjodin: What does CYL stand for? 23:18:34 <cmacdonell> Colorado Young Leaders 23:18:48 <darci> lol...yes, makes sense 23:19:01 <lpostner> rsjodin: we can talk more about this next week - part of what we want is to allow student to learn from a community of developers - I'm not sure CYL fits that aspect 23:19:02 <rsjodin> That’s what were doing this semester; developing the LMS. 23:19:13 <rsjodin> yes, Colorado Young Leaders 23:19:36 <rsjodin> And they are VERY interested in becoming a POSSE project. 23:19:50 <JimHuggins> My Wiki says I picked Mifos, so I guess that's what I picked. (absent minded professor here ...) 23:19:58 <lpostner> is this the right organization? #link http://www.coloradoyoungleaders.org/ 23:20:07 <rsjodin> Yep. 23:20:29 <lpostner> has anyone tried installing the project of their choice yet? 23:20:55 <docrea> Not yet. Gotta save some fun for the weekend :} 23:20:59 <CyclingFan> I have not yet decided which project I'm going to choose. 23:21:24 <stefan_c> I haven't tried installing the project yet. 23:21:25 <cmacdonell> docrea: have decided which version of Ushahidi you will install? 23:22:22 * lpostner thinking, people may not realize that cmacdonell is our Ushahidi person 23:23:04 <JimHuggins> no, haven't tried a download yet ... I thought I was supposed to wait for this chat before trying the other activities in Part C. (The list of activities in Part C looked linear ...) 23:23:06 <docrea> I will most likely give V3 a go. Do you have a suggestion? 23:23:41 <docrea> Although I'm most interested in the Android install for my courses. 23:23:48 <JeanFrench> Not yet. The MouseTrap has a lot of outdated links. Then you have to see the README. 23:24:10 <cmacdonell> One suggestion I have for all is that using a virtual machine can be a very good idea 23:24:13 <cmacdonell> http://mirror.cs50.net/appliance50/2015/releases/0/ 23:24:30 <cmacdonell> We've used this Ubuntu one in the past that comes from Harvard's CS50 course 23:24:56 <cmacdonell> VirtualBox is free and runs on all OSes 23:25:27 <cmacdonell> If MouseTrap is your project, you'll likely want to install a Fedora Linux system in the VM 23:26:03 <cmacdonell> The good thing about a VM is it gives all students exactly the same platform, to help avoid cross platform installation issues 23:26:11 * heidie is annoyed at the intermittent internet service at her house! 23:26:30 <stefan_c> Does anyone know of a suggested/preferred OS for OpenMRS? 23:26:34 <heidie> Ah, the thing to be careful of with a VM and MouseTrap is that MT uses video drivers. 23:26:39 <lpostner> heidie: we are discussing projects 23:26:55 <heidie> And so far I haven't been successful using MouseTrap on a VM. However, I haven't tried in about a year. 23:27:02 <heidie> Sorry that I dropped off! 23:27:08 <lpostner> stefan_c: we've run OpenMRS on windows 23:27:23 <JeanFrench> Okay. Will do. On MouseTrap, there are lots of broken links and images. I get nervous that I picked a bad project. Or maybe that will be a good contribution that is non-coding related. Fix the mess. 23:27:28 <lpostner> darci: do know what Ben uses? did JoAnne use Mac? 23:27:42 <heidie> JeanFrench: Fixing the mess is most welcome! 23:27:48 <darci> stefan_c: There are instructions for all (linux, windows, OS X) on their website 23:28:29 <JeanFrench> When I looked at other ways to contribute, that one stood out: fixing documentation and website. Content. At least for those students who don't want to jump into coding. 23:28:29 <docrea> Looks like OpenMRS runs on Apache Tomcat so it should work on any VM. 23:28:48 <cmacdonell> docrea: you should confirm if the Android version works with version 3. I'm not sure if the release of ver 3 means that all products (Web, iOS, Android) work with the latest versions 23:29:03 <heidie> JeanFrench: Yes, and fixing documentation and website is very, very welcome! 23:30:06 <stefan_c> Thanks for the suggestions. I did try to install OpenMRS on a Mac earlier this year and I wasn't very successful. I will be giving it another shot :) 23:30:11 <docrea> cmacdonell: Will do. If V3 doesn't work well with Android...then it becomes a project for my senior Android development class ;} 23:30:32 <lpostner> if you haven't had a chance to think about projects yet, please try to do it before we meet next week 23:30:47 <lpostner> other questions about projects or installations? 23:31:25 * docrea is OK for now. 23:31:33 <cmacdonell> docrea: Yup, it certainly can be. You would also need a V3 web instances that the mobile version can interact with 23:31:35 <CyclingFan> If we have problems with installation, can we e-mail someone? 23:33:04 <lpostner> CyclingFan: yes, depending upon the project I would suggest different people 23:33:15 <lpostner> MouseTrap - heidi or stoney 23:33:24 <lpostner> Ushahidi - cam 23:33:28 * docrea thanks cmacdonell for the tips. 23:34:07 <CyclingFan> Thanks. 23:34:18 <JeanFrench> Should everything be fully installed before we arrive? 23:34:23 <stefan_c> Do we have resident experts in OpenMRS? :) 23:34:24 <lpostner> but we don't want you to spend a huge amount of time working through kinks - I believe we've suggested giving it about an hour and then bring your questions with you 23:34:38 <lpostner> darci: heidie: does that seem about right? 23:34:48 <heidie> Yes, that's right. 23:35:13 <heidie> We want folks to get a general understanding, but not to frustrate themselves trying to figure out all of the details. 23:35:29 <lpostner> #topic workshop in Raleigh 23:35:35 <cmacdonell> Can someone answer stefan_c> Do we have resident experts in OpenMRS? :) 23:35:44 <lpostner> sorry, I missed that question 23:35:50 <cmacdonell> it happens :) 23:35:57 <darci> stefan_c: you can throw OpenMRS questions at me or Lori...if we're uncertain, we can reach out to others 23:35:58 <stefan_c> I found a list of people on the OpenMRS page on the wiki. Maybe I can use that. 23:36:03 <lpostner> Darci & I have both installed on Windows 23:36:33 <lpostner> but we have a number of POSSE alum using OpenMRS and can put you in contact with them 23:36:56 <stefan_c> Great, thanks. 23:37:05 <lpostner> you should have received an email from Greg earlier today with information about arriving in Raleigh next Thurs - any questions? 23:38:38 * lpostner thinking, no questions? 23:38:58 <JimHuggins> well, I haven't reviewed the attachment yet, but it sounds like it will make sense ... 23:39:05 <docrea> None from me. Nice that there will be lunch waiting. 23:39:10 <JeanFrench> None here. I'm a driver... will wait for the additional email for details. 23:39:15 <stefan_c> I think I am all set. Need to get in touch with people to coordinate the ride from the airport. 23:39:35 <lpostner> please contact any of us if you questions - heidie, have we put cell # in the titan pad? 23:40:00 <heidie> We can do that if folks would like. 23:40:08 <JimHuggins> cell #s are always good 23:40:16 <lpostner> I meant our cell # in case people have questions when they arrive 23:40:26 <heidie> Ah, got it. 23:40:28 <heidie> Sure! 23:40:33 <docrea> JimHuggins: You are one of my arrival "buddies" ;} 23:40:57 <CyclingFan> Arrival buddies should probably exchange cells. 23:41:31 <lpostner> well, if there isn't anything else, we can wrap up - we started classes today and am trying to get back into the swing of things - guessing I'm not the only one :) 23:41:34 <heidie> Right, that makes sense. 23:41:47 <heidie> Yup, classes started yesterday for me and it is chaos! 23:42:04 <docrea> Don't start until next week. No classes before Labor Day in MI ;} 23:42:07 <JimHuggins> I'm two-thirds in ... got a huge pile of exams calling me name *sob* 23:42:43 <lpostner> ok, I'm going to stop the meet bot - looking forward to meeting all of you in NC next week - safe travels! 23:42:49 <JimHuggins> thanks! 23:42:52 <lpostner> #endmeeting