15:02:31 <spot> #startmeeting Fedora Packaging Committee 15:02:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 10 15:02:31 2011 UTC. The chair is spot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:36 <spot> #meetingname fpc 15:02:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 15:02:42 <spot> #topic Roll Call 15:02:47 <spot> i see abadger1999 and tibbs|h 15:03:07 <Rathann> I'm here 15:03:41 <spot> limburgher, SmootherFrOgZ, rdieter: ping ? 15:03:49 <rdieter> hola 15:03:50 * limburgher here 15:04:21 * limburgher is working from home, so might be distracted by random child. Will try to minimize that. 15:05:15 <spot> okay, so that's 6 of us, lets hit the agenda 15:05:35 <spot> #topic Another MD5 - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/101 15:06:03 <spot> tibbs found another md5.c implementation 15:06:15 <tibbs|h> Oh, crap, I was supposed to just do that. 15:06:17 <geppetto> here 15:06:23 <spot> if he had a nickel for each one, well, he'd be up to 15 cents or so, i think. 15:06:29 <limburgher> Yeah. 15:06:33 <limburgher> I say go for it. 15:06:34 <tibbs|h> But then, it turns out that I won't be using it anyway, so there wasn't much point. 15:06:40 <spot> anyone opposed to just doing it? 15:06:53 <spot> tibbs|h: documenting it for the inevitable reappearance makes sense 15:07:04 <tibbs|h> Sure. 15:07:23 * SmootherFrOgZ is here 15:07:28 <spot> okay, i am not hearing the howls of disapproval, so just do it. 15:07:32 <tibbs|h> We still don't have any kind of md5 shared lib, besides what's in openssl or gcrypt as far as I can tell. 15:07:45 <limburgher> Could this be made into one? 15:07:55 <limburgher> Can't think it'd be that hard. 15:07:59 <geppetto> tibbs|h: We do have mhash 15:08:05 <spot> we should take all the known FOSS md5.c implementations and combine them into libvoltron 15:08:12 <limburgher> +! 15:08:15 <limburgher> 1 15:08:18 <limburgher> Factorial! 15:08:19 <tibbs|h> There's libmd, but it's not packaged. 15:08:29 <spot> tibbs|h: iirc, libmd is not foss 15:08:41 <spot> it seems like i audit it everytime this topic comes up 15:08:44 <spot> only to discover that 15:09:35 <spot> anyways, lets move on. 15:09:38 <tibbs|h> Well, crap. 15:10:04 <spot> #topic Bundling exception - Exception to package bundled library qcodeedit in the TexStudio package - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/100 15:10:15 <tibbs|h> I just remember that we talked about it as a possible solution; I don't recall that it wasn't free. 15:10:20 <spot> someone who actually answered the questions! 15:10:40 <tibbs|h> I did tell him that he wouldn't get much of anywhere unless he did so. 15:10:48 * limburgher grumbles. . . 15:11:48 <tibbs|h> The answers seem reasonable. 15:11:52 <spot> So, here, ladies and gentlemen, we have an active upstream bundling a forked version of a 2 year old dead codebase. 15:12:14 <tibbs|h> And there is no point in a separate library anyway, because this is the only thing that uses it. 15:12:20 * spot nods 15:12:22 <tibbs|h> Not that anything else could use it. 15:12:33 <limburgher> Sometimes, you just have to let people eat the corpses. 15:12:38 <rdieter> nom nom 15:12:54 <spot> i'm pretty sure that leads to -EZOMBIEAPOCALYPSE 15:13:00 <tibbs|h> Seems to me this is OK. 15:13:03 <spot> but hey, not my problem. 15:13:06 <spot> +1 on bundling 15:13:10 <geppetto> +1 15:13:10 <tibbs|h> +1 15:13:11 <rdieter> +1 15:13:14 <limburgher> +1 15:13:14 <Rathann> +1 from me as well 15:13:16 <SmootherFrOgZ> +1 15:13:28 <limburgher> Only if uncooked. 15:13:41 <spot> abadger1999: want to vote for the record? 15:13:59 * abadger1999 just taking a look for qcodeedit's web page 15:14:31 <tibbs|h> I guess I'm assuming that those answers were all factual. 15:14:49 <limburgher> Pfft. That. 15:15:12 <abadger1999> yeah, +1 I think. 15:15:29 <spot> #topic Bundling exception granted (+1:8, 0:0, -1:0) 15:16:06 <spot> #topic Open Floor 15:16:20 <tibbs|h> That was quick. 15:16:26 <spot> yeah, light agenda this week 15:17:09 <spot> nirik: any update on the missing bits of the PIE draft? 15:17:23 <nirik> spot: waiting for ajax to add the macros to it... 15:17:35 <nirik> once thats in I will ping you guys to look at it one last time. 15:17:39 <spot> nirik: thanks. 15:18:26 <spot> okay, since i'm not hearing anything else, i'll close this out at 1520. 15:20:17 <spot> thanks everyone 15:20:20 <spot> #endmeeting