16:00:20 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 16:00:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 16 16:00:20 2014 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:21 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 16:00:21 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:46 <geppetto> abadger1999 tibbs|w limburgher Rathann SmootherFr0gZ racor spot: FPC ping 16:00:54 * racor is here 16:01:01 <geppetto> orionp: FPC ping 16:01:07 <geppetto> #char racor 16:01:11 <geppetto> #chair racor 16:01:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto racor 16:01:22 <geppetto> guess who's been doing C code again recently ;) 16:01:28 <orionp> sorry, awfk for a bit - here 16:01:39 <geppetto> #chair orionp 16:01:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto orionp racor 16:06:39 <geppetto> abadger1999 limburgher Rathann SmootherFr0gZ spot tibbs|w: FPC ping 16:06:51 <geppetto> limburgher: hey 16:06:56 <geppetto> #chair limburgher 16:06:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher orionp racor 16:07:10 <limburgher> yo. sorry I'm late. 16:07:23 <geppetto> no problem 16:07:36 <limburgher> Looks like we're not quorified yet. 16:07:43 <geppetto> yeh, not yet 16:07:52 <geppetto> this week isn't so bad as there are no new tickets anyway 16:07:57 <limburgher> k, I'll nuke my lunch. . . 16:10:45 * Rathann here 16:10:48 <geppetto> cool 16:10:51 <geppetto> #chair Rathann 16:10:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto limburgher orionp racor 16:10:51 <Rathann> sorry for being late 16:10:55 <geppetto> no problem 16:10:58 <Rathann> was making coffee 16:11:02 <geppetto> Not much to discuss this week anyway 16:11:30 * Rathann sends out new the announcement about the new members, finally 16:11:34 <geppetto> cool 16:11:50 <geppetto> #topic Wiki editting backlog 16:12:02 <geppetto> Anyone manage to do any edits in the last week? 16:12:14 <limburgher> Not a one. 16:12:45 <Rathann> terribly sorry, but none, either 16:13:26 <geppetto> yeh, I might have time to do one this week. 16:15:05 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 16:15:26 <Rathann> I've just created a report in our trac showing tickets awaiting writeup 16:15:28 <geppetto> Actually … 16:15:31 <Rathann> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/report/14 16:15:36 <geppetto> #topic #452 Crypto policies packaging guideline 16:15:41 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/452 16:15:45 <geppetto> Rathann: coool, thanks 16:16:09 <geppetto> Can you put that on the wiki page, maybe https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging_Committee_Meeting_Process#On_the_day_of_the_meeting ? 16:16:17 <geppetto> or https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FPC_meeting_process 16:16:35 <geppetto> #chair tibbs|w 16:16:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto limburgher orionp racor tibbs|w 16:16:44 <tibbs|w> Sorry, folks; I got pulled away before I even made it to the office. 16:17:19 <geppetto> that's cool 16:17:30 <geppetto> prob. short/simple meeting anyway 16:17:48 <geppetto> tibbs|w: You do any wiki editing? 16:18:19 <tibbs|w> I did not. I fixed something previous to the last meeting, but nothing in the previous week. 16:18:24 * geppetto nods 16:19:09 <geppetto> Ok … so crypto policy … anyway want to talk about it more? Give more feedback, Remi replied on the mailing list saying that PHP now complies with the proposed policy 16:19:40 <geppetto> so does that make anyone feel like approving it? 16:19:58 <geppetto> tibbs|w: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/452 16:21:06 <tibbs|w> Your last comment there needs a response, I think. 16:21:23 <limburgher> <nods> 16:21:58 <Rathann> I'm basically in favour with current version of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Nmav/CryptoPolicies 16:22:09 <Rathann> *in favour of 16:22:28 <limburgher> Rathann: I'm sure the policies like you. :) 16:22:32 <racor> well, I still can't "grasp" this proposal, i.e. I still do not understand what maintainers/packagers are supposed to do with it. 16:22:48 <geppetto> tibbs|w: yeh, wrote it all out 2 weeks ago but forgot to hit publish, so he's only had it a day or so 16:23:00 <tibbs|w> I do that all the time. 16:23:30 <limburgher> Story of my life. 16:23:33 <geppetto> racor: yeh, that's kind of what the update is for … but AIUI just make sure the given APIs in the proposal are called the way they are specified in the proposal (so use system config. for algo. selection) 16:24:00 <Rathann> racor: if $yourpackage uses openssl or gnutls, you must make sure it uses the system-specified ciphers 16:24:46 <Rathann> that's only possible using those three function calls, so it should be easy to grep for and check in the source 16:25:07 <Rathann> hm now I've noticed that the proposed policy says nothing about non-C code 16:25:35 * Rathann wonders if there are official bindings to other languages for openssl or gnutls 16:25:42 <geppetto> You think they should give examples for python/ruby too? 16:25:44 <limburgher> Doubtless. 16:26:13 <limburgher> I would think the language would handle the calls for the most part unless there's a passthrough for a function in a given language. 16:28:05 <geppetto> eh, I wouldn't assume that … I always think ssl code should be a lot simpler than it is … in any language 16:28:26 <Rathann> gnutls website mentions C++, python, php 16:28:30 <racor> I must be missing something. Which 3 functions and which "updated proposal" are you referring to ? 16:28:34 <geppetto> I know we had piles of mcrypt stuff in el5 yum, when using openssl, just to get cert checking 16:28:50 <geppetto> racor: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Nmav/CryptoPolicies 16:29:22 <Rathann> racor: SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list for openssl and gnutls_priority_set_direct/gnutls_set_default_priority for gnutls 16:30:34 <geppetto> #info Would be helpful for policy to at least mention other languages, Eg. python/ruby, and what any calls there should look like. 16:30:36 <Rathann> ah, there's one more gnutls_priority_init mentioned 16:31:01 <Rathann> it'd be also good to highlight the function names 16:32:07 <geppetto> #action Highlight all function names in a single part of the policy 16:33:25 <geppetto> #action Current policy just says "other crypto. libs. do not adhere." Give some more info. for at least NSS, are changes coming, are packages advise to move away from NSS, something else? 16:33:46 <geppetto> Ok, hopefully that'll help nmav out. 16:34:30 <tibbs|w> I thought there was this effort to move everything _to_ NSS. 16:34:37 <Rathann> me too 16:34:42 <tibbs|w> At least a few years ago that was the case. 16:34:42 <geppetto> yeh 16:35:13 <geppetto> yeh, AIUI they gave up and after everyone declared too much love for openssl 16:35:28 <geppetto> but, I'm also surprised … hence the question :) 16:35:54 <tibbs|w> So, as a package reviewer that doesn't know crap about this, how do I know if an application "provides a configuration file that allows to modify the cipher list string"? 16:36:06 <tibbs|w> (Needs grammar fix there, too.) 16:36:44 <geppetto> not sure 16:36:49 <Rathann> tibbs|w: you need to grep the sources as well 16:36:50 <tibbs|w> I guess you'd have to know the application; there's no standard openssl or gnutls configuration file, is there? 16:37:02 <Rathann> no, there isn't 16:37:23 <tibbs|w> I mean, I don't know if the libraries have some call to load some specific type of file. 16:37:45 <Rathann> the part mentioning configuration files is about application-specific configuration files 16:38:09 <Rathann> like httpd.conf for httpd (or actually /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf in our case) 16:38:11 <tibbs|w> This is the kind of thing that's going to come up in package reviews. If the guideline doesn't answer the most obvious questions, then it's not really going to be helpful. 16:38:41 <Rathann> postfix has a configuration file option to specify ciphers as well 16:38:50 <Rathann> these could be given as examples 16:39:17 <Rathann> to clarify what "configuration file" the policy talks about 16:40:00 <geppetto> ok, that needs to be cleaered up then … as I didn't assume that meaning 16:40:07 <geppetto> but it explains the confusion 16:41:08 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 16:41:20 <geppetto> Ok, is there anything else anyone wants to bring up? 16:42:07 <Rathann> I think we should go through the old tickets 16:42:14 <Rathann> not necessarily today 16:42:40 <tibbs|w> Yeah, I think most of it is abandoned stuff but there may be a few things we've neglected to act on. 16:42:47 <tibbs|w> Speaking of poor grammar.... 16:46:29 <tibbs|w> I might be able to scrape together some time later today. I'm getting close to finishing up a couple of projects here at the office. 16:47:22 <geppetto> cool 16:47:36 <geppetto> I know I have a bit more free time this week than last 16:47:51 <geppetto> so if we could all agree to do one backlog ticket, that'd be awesome 16:49:36 <geppetto> the backup plan could be to assign them all to orionp as the newbie ;) 16:49:49 <orionp> gah, I'm awake 16:49:54 <Rathann> speaking of assigning 16:50:06 <Rathann> we need to get the new members permission to edit the packaging wiki 16:50:17 <geppetto> Do you know how we do that? 16:50:51 * nirik can do that. Just tell me who. ;) 16:51:34 <Rathann> nirik: who's your backup, just in case? 16:52:09 <nirik> Rathann: file an infrastructure ticket and someone else could figure it out. ;) several sysadmin main folks should be able to do it. 16:52:15 <Rathann> ok 16:52:28 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&group=Packaging is the current list of people in packaging 16:53:22 <Rathann> we need to add orionp, tomspur and mbooth, but I don't know their wiki names 16:53:25 <Rathann> yet 16:53:35 <nirik> should be == to their fas named. 16:53:37 <nirik> names 16:53:48 <orionp> my fas name is "orion" 16:54:23 * tomspur_ has the same name in the wiki 16:54:41 <Rathann> so does mbooth, apparently 16:54:43 <nirik> yep. 16:55:17 <nirik> done 16:56:39 <geppetto> cool 16:56:54 <geppetto> tomspur_: Welcome, btw :) 16:57:01 <geppetto> mbooth: Welcome 16:57:15 <tomspur_> geppetto, thanks for the election :) 16:57:32 <tomspur_> And all others of course :) 16:57:49 <geppetto> tomspur_: You always have the _ suffix? 16:57:58 <Rathann> coincidentally, we're approaching the seasonal DST change, so there will probably be another vote for best meeting time soon 16:58:37 <geppetto> Last few times I've just waited until after Europe changed and change the meeting time by 1 hour 16:58:57 <tomspur_> geppetto, no, the other one without is in use at my work desk 16:59:18 <geppetto> tomspur_: Ok, I'll put you in the wiki page without it then 16:59:32 <tomspur_> geppetto, yes, thanks 17:02:18 <geppetto> Ok, I'm going to close now … everyone have a good week, and try to do a wiki update :) 17:02:33 <limburgher> You too! 17:02:40 <tibbs|w> Until next week. 17:02:43 <geppetto> #endmeeting