16:00:15 <tibbs|w> #startmeeting 16:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 2 16:00:15 2015 UTC. The chair is tibbs|w. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:22 <tibbs|w> #meetingname FPC 16:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:24 <tibbs|w> #meetingtopic Packaging Committee meeting 16:00:31 <tibbs|w> Anyone around? 16:00:38 <mbooth> I am here 16:01:52 <tibbs|w> SmootherFrOgZ and spot are at least in the channel. 16:02:12 <tibbs|w> I'll wait a few. 16:03:00 <tibbs|w> Not particularly optimistic about making quorum, but at least I have an agenda ready. 16:03:27 * racor is here, too 16:03:47 * SmootherFrOgZ here 16:03:52 <tibbs|w> That's four. 16:05:16 <tibbs|w> Why did I ping spot? geppetto pinged him last week but he's not actually on the committee. 16:05:36 <racor> ... but it's quite likely I have to leave early. 16:05:36 <tibbs|w> Should check before cut-n-paste, I guess. 16:06:12 <tibbs|w> Assuming we don't hit quorum, anyone want to at least look at the one piece of new business this week? 16:06:18 <tibbs|w> #topic #520 [Guidelines Draft] Per-Product Configuration Defaults v2 16:06:20 <tibbs|w> .fpc 520 16:06:21 <tibbs|w> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/520 16:07:10 <tibbs|w> Argh, someone at the door. 16:07:22 <tibbs|w> Anyway, this was a mess before and it's less of a mess now. 16:07:44 <sgallagh> /me is around if there are questions 16:08:20 <tibbs|w> Diff is https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User%3ASgallagh%2FPer-Product_Configuration_Packaging_Draft&diff=408394&oldid=408358 16:08:54 <tibbs|w> With mbooth we have 5. 16:09:13 <tibbs|w> mbooth: looking over https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/520 16:09:22 <tibbs|w> The diff is https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User%3ASgallagh%2FPer-Product_Configuration_Packaging_Draft&diff=408394&oldid=408358 16:10:06 <tibbs|w> Personally I'm fine with this but I haven't linted it. 16:10:13 * mbooth looks 16:13:40 <tibbs|w> sgallagh: Do we expect the list of product deliverables to change often enough? 16:13:52 <tibbs|w> Well, often enough that it would be annoying to update the list in the guidelines? 16:14:07 <tibbs|w> We could just refer to an external list somewhere if one exists and it changes often. 16:14:30 <sgallagh> Adding new Products requires an Act of Council, so should be extremely rare 16:14:37 <tibbs|w> Cool. 16:14:52 <mbooth> Hmm, I have no real complaints about this 16:15:21 <tibbs|w> So basically the big change is getting rid of all of the conflicts stuff and instead just moving the right thing into place in %posttrans. 16:15:31 <sgallagh> yes 16:15:34 <tibbs|w> Which I heartily support as conflict are really annoying. 16:15:40 <sgallagh> Agreed 16:15:49 <tibbs|w> However, can that be scripted? 16:15:51 <sgallagh> And changed in subtle ways with DNF 16:16:05 <sgallagh> Not realistically no 16:16:07 <tibbs|w> As in, call out to something in %posttrans that does this, because that's a lot of code. 16:16:24 <tibbs|w> And, really, way too much code. 16:16:43 <sgallagh> Since you may be working with a subset of the Products or have multiple files that need to be munged (like Firewalld does) 16:17:13 <sgallagh> So I can't think of a way to script this that wouldn't take just about the same amount of code in arguments 16:17:56 <mbooth> I'm surprised there's no rpm macro to get the product variant 16:17:58 <sgallagh> I guess I could write a script for the trivial case... 16:18:07 <tibbs|w> I guess there aren't too many packages that would need this. Is there a list? 16:18:16 <sgallagh> mbooth: I could write one of those, I suppose. 16:18:28 <sgallagh> It would just be doing exactly what that sed command does 16:18:29 <tibbs|w> And, yes, at least getting the variant should really be a macro. 16:18:43 <tibbs|w> You mean awk command, I guess. 16:18:51 <sgallagh> tibbs|w: As of today: firewalld 16:18:58 <tibbs|w> Heh, so just the one. 16:19:07 <sgallagh> yes 16:19:08 <tibbs|w> Basically, anything we can make simpler, we should make simpler. 16:19:24 <sgallagh> openssh-server may do this in the future as well, but that's ambiguous right now 16:19:36 <tibbs|w> I know /etc/os-release isn't going to change format, but even hardcoding that in the spec is something we should avoid. 16:19:49 <sgallagh> /me nods 16:20:27 <tibbs|w> So, I'm generally +1 but anything that can make this any cleaner would be nice. 16:20:36 <mbooth> me too 16:20:53 <tibbs|w> Also trying to remember why you need to backwhack the ! in the first line of posttrans. 16:21:12 <sgallagh> I copy-pasted that from elsewhere and just trusted it 16:21:26 <sgallagh> I forget exactly where 16:21:26 <racor> how about %ghost'ing the symlinks? 16:21:38 <tibbs|w> I don't think bash does history expansion in shell scripts. 16:21:49 <sgallagh> racor: Did I forget to write that? 16:21:55 <sgallagh> Yeah, that's necessary. Oops 16:22:00 <tibbs|w> There's no %files section at least. 16:22:15 <racor> systemd and alternative apply similar approach, and ... the result is havoc 16:22:20 <tibbs|w> I did make a couple of minor formatting tweaks. 16:22:33 <sgallagh> racor: Sorry, similar to what? 16:22:35 <racor> s/alternative/alternative/ 16:23:01 <racor> They apply symlinks as configuration items and do not %ghost them 16:23:15 <tibbs|w> Ugh. 16:23:44 <tibbs|w> I didn't realize that systemd did that. With alternatives I'm not sure there's a better way, but that's off-topic. 16:23:50 <sgallagh> racor: Yeah, that was an oversight in the proposal. The %ghost is there in the real firewalld package 16:24:25 <racor> In cases of mistakes/bugs/breakdowns you typically end up with dangling/unowned symlinks, not knowing if something is still in use or what else. 16:24:43 <tibbs|w> So, add %files section, perhaps macroize the variant bit, and revisit next week? 16:25:20 <mbooth> With a macro, being able to write "case %{product_variant} in" would eliminate 33% of your steps in "Applying Configuration" ;-) 16:25:20 <tibbs|w> With that done I'm happy to vote +1 in the ticket. Not sure if this needs to get in urgently since it's just one package currently. Which I'm sure has already been updated. 16:25:26 <racor> cf /etc/systemd/system/* and /etc/alternatives/* 16:25:52 <tibbs|w> And I guess maybe check whether the ! really needs the backwhack. 16:26:40 <sgallagh> Right, firewalld has already made these changes and it's working nicely. 16:28:10 <tibbs|w> So, anyone have any other comments? sgallagh: are those things OK? 16:28:27 <tibbs|w> (I really don't want to use the phrase "action items". Except I just did. I feel dirty.) 16:28:27 <sgallagh> tibbs|w: Sounds reasonable to me. 16:28:47 <sgallagh> #action sgallagh to add %files section and create a macro for product variant 16:28:59 <tibbs|w> Ninja'd. 16:29:01 <sgallagh> Hmm, I'm probably not chaired 16:29:15 <tibbs|w> Oh, hell, I don't even know how to do that. 16:29:17 <tibbs|w> #action sgallagh to add %files section and create a macro for product variant 16:29:39 <sgallagh> tibbs|w: "#chair <nick>" 16:29:56 <tibbs|w> #chair mbooth 16:29:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: mbooth tibbs|w 16:29:59 <tibbs|w> #chair racor 16:29:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: mbooth racor tibbs|w 16:29:59 <Corey84> .fas corey84 16:30:00 <zodbot> Corey84: corey84 'Corey84' <sheldon.corey@gmail.com> 16:30:18 <tibbs|w> #chair SmootherFrOgZ 16:30:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: SmootherFrOgZ mbooth racor tibbs|w 16:30:19 <sgallagh> tibbs|w: "#chair <nick> [<nick>*]" actually 16:30:37 <tibbs|w> Hopefully geppetto will come back soon. 16:30:45 <sgallagh> Basically sets the people who are allowed to issue commands during the meeting 16:31:02 <tibbs|w> It doesn't acknowledge on action items anyway, I don't think. 16:31:39 <tibbs|w> So, we have a few tickets from past meetings we could look at. 16:31:52 <sgallagh> tibbs|w: No, but it also wouldn't have put it in the minutes. 16:31:58 <sgallagh> /me shuts up 16:32:23 <tibbs|w> Yeah, but I actioned it so it should be there. 16:32:47 <tibbs|w> Anyway, anyone want to look at any of the old ones? 16:32:56 <tibbs|w> mbooth, you did something with 513, I think. 16:33:03 <tibbs|w> #topic #513 Use python -Es in shbang meeting defect 16:33:04 <tibbs|w> .fpc 513 16:33:06 <tibbs|w> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/513 16:33:25 <mbooth> Hmm, did I? 16:33:33 <tibbs|w> Man, I thought so. 16:33:54 <mbooth> It says "ACTION: tibbs Will work on macros to vote on next week." :-) 16:34:13 <orionp> sorry, I spaced 16:34:20 <tibbs|w> #chair orionp 16:34:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: SmootherFrOgZ mbooth orionp racor tibbs|w 16:34:31 <tibbs|w> mbooth: Sorry, I'm dumb. It was 281. 16:34:40 <tibbs|w> #topic #281 New Python Macros for Easier Packaging 16:34:41 <tibbs|w> .fpc 281 16:34:43 <tibbs|w> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/281 16:34:59 <tibbs|w> And it was orion. I know someone did something. 16:36:18 * orionp the macro conditionals make my eyes bleed... 16:36:24 <tibbs|w> orionp: Your macros look reasonable to me, but I haven't tested. 16:36:33 <orionp> me neither :) 16:36:44 <tibbs|w> I guess that would be the next step. 16:37:27 <tibbs|w> And yeah, the conditionals are unpleasant, but doing it once saves a load of cruft in a big load of packages. 16:37:54 <tibbs|w> And lets us mess with the default options without having to change every package. 16:38:20 <tibbs|w> Though I suspect the first three macros should just be two macros. 16:39:14 <tibbs|w> Because I don't suspect both pythons will have the same macros for long, so I wouldn't want people getting used to setting just one of them. 16:40:30 <tibbs|w> Not really sure about the naming, but I don't really care. And I guess I'd use %optflags instead of the yelling equivalent, but that's just me. 16:41:12 <tibbs|w> Anyway, I guess a couple of us test this and make sure we're good? 16:41:34 <mbooth> Sounds like a plan to me 16:41:38 <tibbs|w> I have a couple of my python packages I can run this through. 16:41:42 <orionp> sounds like a plan. 16:41:54 <tibbs|w> #action Test this a bit and revisit next week. 16:42:17 <tibbs|w> Anyone want to look at the other tickets? 16:42:37 <tibbs|w> I don't know what to do about scintilla; I guess someone needs to contact all of the involved maintainers and try to sort something out. 16:43:11 <tibbs|w> I don't understand bcond and the like well enough to deal with 509. 16:43:46 <tibbs|w> scintilla is https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/126, https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/509 is the bootstrapping thing. 16:44:15 <mbooth> I don't think any other tickets need immediate attention -- just all waiting on someone to do something 16:44:38 <tibbs|w> Yeah, but some of those might be waiting on us to do something. I'm not really sure. 16:44:58 <mbooth> I may look into the bcond/bootstrapping one since I have some packages that have bootstrapping 16:45:12 <tibbs|w> Anyway, if nobody has any further input on any of the followups, I guess we're done. 16:45:21 <tibbs|w> #topic Open Floor 16:45:38 <tibbs|w> Anyone have anything else they'd like to discuss? Anything I missed? 16:46:19 <tibbs|w> Sorry if I'm railroading, but I like short meetings. 16:46:56 <orionp> Me too :) 16:46:57 <tibbs|w> And I have a pile of work to get through today. 16:47:17 <mbooth> Me too, feel free to end and enjoy the long easter weekend 16:47:52 <tibbs|w> Yeah, if you celebrate that or just enjoy a national holiday, enjoy it. 16:48:03 <tibbs|w> I'll close in a couple of nobody has anything. 16:48:13 <tibbs|w> We're all good with the time now that the world is back in sync, right? 16:48:30 <mbooth> Should be 16:49:31 <tibbs|w> OK, folks, thanks for coming. See everyone next week. 16:49:37 <tibbs|w> #endmeeting