17:00:17 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:00:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 4 17:00:17 2018 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:17 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:18 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:00:18 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:30 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 17:00:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto tibbs 17:00:32 <mbooth> Happy New Year 17:00:36 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:00:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth tibbs 17:00:41 <orionp> hello 17:00:47 <geppetto> Welcome to the first FPC meeting of 2018! :-o 17:00:51 <geppetto> #chair orionp 17:00:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs 17:02:02 <mbooth> But will it have the first quorum of 2018? :-o 17:02:14 * geppetto flips a coin 17:05:03 <tibbs> We just reopened yesterday and I'm still putting out fires. 17:05:08 * geppetto nods 17:05:26 <tibbs> They blipped the power a bunch of times and I have failed desktop power supplies all over the place. 17:05:29 <geppetto> Similar … having 10+ days off for most everyone was nice … until we came back :) 17:06:24 <geppetto> No new tickets 17:06:49 <geppetto> 726 could do with a vote, I think 17:07:03 <geppetto> But apart from that nothing that significant on the older ones. 17:07:42 <tibbs> Can anyone confirm that the icon cache scriptlet is no longer needed? 17:07:49 <tibbs> I got a personal email about it. 17:07:58 <geppetto> I'll give it until 10 past, unless anyone wants to talk about anything? 17:08:04 <geppetto> I have no idea. 17:08:20 <tibbs> It's something of a pain to see which file triggers exist. 17:08:35 * geppetto nods … the gnome desktop people should know, right? 17:10:42 <tibbs> rpm -qa --filetriggers, it seems, will also know. 17:11:02 <geppetto> That doesn't tell you if it doesn't need to run 17:11:15 <tibbs> It just lists all of the ones on the system. 17:11:20 * geppetto nods 17:12:09 <tibbs> Interestingly there are separate scriptlets for several subdirs under /usr/share/icons (on this F26 test system, at least). 17:12:42 <tibbs> And those trigger scriptlets are not identical. 17:12:56 <geppetto> nice 17:13:29 <nirik> oh hey FPC... 17:13:35 <geppetto> nirik: hey 17:13:48 <geppetto> Anything you wanted? 17:14:04 <nirik> wanted to note: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/X5LFFTNKAPIBIYHQBERSGKGXJEO5E37B/ 17:14:10 <tibbs> But, yeah, I believe that section of the guidelines should just go. The necessary file triggers are all there on F26 and up, so the guideline section is pointless. 17:14:12 <nirik> which you all may not have seen due to break, etc. 17:14:52 <nirik> if it would ever load 17:16:22 <geppetto> I hadn't seen it … but we all kind of know about it, quorum has not happened much recently 17:16:29 <tibbs> I see it. It's grousing that we're not addressing tickets quickly enough. 17:17:06 <nirik> yeah... just FYI, the natives are restless. ;) 17:17:25 <tibbs> Everyone is busy and I have more than though to do so I'm not going to apologize. 17:17:54 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:18:24 <tibbs> The ticket queue does need a pass over it. I think that they do actually need to get tagged as "meeting" for them to show up on geppetto's agenda. 17:18:35 <geppetto> yeh 17:19:03 <geppetto> And some of those in meeting probably need to be switched out to needinfo or something 17:19:26 <geppetto> Because a bunch of things on the meeting aren't really in a state to discuss anything about them. 17:19:43 <tibbs> Yes. It just needs someone to spend 15 minutes fixing the tags. 17:19:45 <geppetto> But quorum is still the biggest problem. 17:20:06 <geppetto> And the fact that everything is pointless. ;) 17:20:59 <geppetto> Anyway … 1/3 of the meeting is done and no 5th. So thanks for turning up, hopefully see you all next week. 17:21:04 <geppetto> #endmeeting