18:00:13 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 18:00:13 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 24 18:00:13 2018 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:13 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 18:00:13 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 18:00:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 18:00:13 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 18:00:17 * limburgher here 18:00:22 <geppetto> #chair limburgher 18:00:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher 18:04:54 <geppetto> Well this isn't a good sign. 18:05:28 <limburgher> Not particularly, no. 18:05:40 <limburgher> I mean you and I are swell but we don't scale. 18:05:40 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 18:05:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher tibbs 18:05:41 <tibbs> Hey, folks. 18:05:48 <limburgher> 'sup. 18:05:49 <geppetto> Hey number 3 18:05:59 <tibbs> I guess it doesn't look good. 18:06:10 <limburgher> Our thoughts exactly. 18:06:11 <geppetto> Yeh 18:06:13 <tibbs> We really have to get it in gear. 18:06:14 <limburgher> Like, literally. 18:06:46 <geppetto> tibbs: Do you want to volunteer to post to the mailing list? 18:08:10 <tibbs> I guess the first question is: Who isn't showing up? 18:08:23 <tibbs> And is there anyone who is willing to replace them? 18:08:33 <limburgher> I hadn't been but I had to wipe my phone and the fp.o calendar fell off. I fixed that. 18:08:58 <tibbs> Not sure why we haven't seen Ralf. Rathann is often busy. Xavier, well, I don't think he's come to a meeting in years. 18:09:00 <geppetto> The last month has been v. bad because of holidays 18:09:21 <geppetto> racor can't make Wed. and Rathann can't make Thur. IIRC 18:09:26 <tibbs> True, the last six weeks or more, even. But we do have 5+ month old business. 18:09:40 <limburgher> Which wouldn't be so bad if we had more people who could make both. 18:09:47 <tibbs> We're in a bad position with a member who is completely inflexible, true. 18:10:03 <orionp> I'm just too busy these days... 18:10:05 <tibbs> But that would be OK if said member would comment in tickets. 18:10:16 * limburgher narrowly avoids immature joke 18:10:16 <geppetto> #chair orionp 18:10:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher orionp tibbs 18:10:43 <tibbs> We should also try to figure out if there is anyone who would be willing to join us should someone choose to leave. 18:11:02 <geppetto> I think I could find a couple of people 18:11:16 <geppetto> At least for the Thur. meeting. 18:11:34 <limburgher> That would be great. 18:11:36 <geppetto> Wed. isn't a great time for Germany/Brno 18:11:57 <tibbs> Well, there should probably be a public call. And it should include a fixed time or set of times so people can know not to volunteer if they can't make it. 18:12:00 <geppetto> as it's 7pm 18:12:07 <geppetto> Yeh 18:12:41 <geppetto> I'm just saying I'm pretty sure I can prod. at least 2 people into applying if we did a call. 18:13:47 <tibbs> The list of members at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging_Committee is actually correct, right? 18:13:47 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 18:13:53 <geppetto> tibbs: yeh 18:14:19 <geppetto> I ping: geppetto,limburgher,mbooth,orionp,racor,Rathann,SmootherFr0gZ,tibbs,tomspur 18:14:37 <tibbs> So first step is to mail everyone and simply ask if they're still interested in serving. 18:14:40 <geppetto> Anything anyone wants to talk about with only 4 of us? 18:15:00 <tibbs> I've been trying to keep up but there's a lot of stuff going on and our backlog doesn't help. 18:15:08 * geppetto nods 18:15:28 <limburgher> I have nothing. I appreciate what you guys have been doing. 18:15:32 <tibbs> Would be super great if everyone could at least look over the things tagged as "meeting" and see if they have anything to add. 18:15:44 <geppetto> We actually have a couple of easy thing too IIRC, but it'll have taken us a month to do them if we do it next week 18:15:52 <limburgher> Ouch 18:16:29 <tibbs> Yes, it's bad and if we don't take care of it ourselves then the grumbling will get to fesco and I assume that things will just be made to happen somehow. 18:17:11 <geppetto> I'll try to make time to email everyone later today, we can go from there. 18:17:41 <limburgher> Sounds like a plan. You can take my presence as intention to stay on. 18:17:58 <tibbs> Yeah, I am willing to keep doing as much as I can. 18:18:23 <tibbs> But from what I gather of the level of business of everyone, that's only three out of nine. 18:18:32 <tibbs> Not sure why mbooth hasn't been around recently. 18:19:23 <geppetto> #endmeeting