17:00:27 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:00:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 4 17:00:27 2018 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:27 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:00:27 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:37 <mbooth> Heya 17:00:42 <tibbs> Howdy. 17:00:46 <orionp> hello 17:00:46 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:00:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth 17:00:50 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 17:00:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth tibbs 17:00:53 <geppetto> #chair orionp 17:00:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs 17:01:40 <geppetto> orionp: mbooth: Hey, can you two reply to the candidates review email? 17:02:56 <mbooth> geppetto: Sure, sorry 17:03:06 <orionp> I will try 17:03:21 <geppetto> Cool. 17:03:54 <geppetto> We might not get 5 anyway, and we don't have any new tickets ... so we can take 10-15 minutes to do it from the meeting. 17:04:40 <tibbs> We do really need to get the new folks on board as soon as possible so that we can get some business done. 17:05:12 <geppetto> yeh, that should help. 17:13:52 <geppetto> #topic Doing emails 17:20:19 <tibbs> I haven't even had time to go through the tickets properly. But I just took care of two of them. 17:21:40 <geppetto> cool. 17:21:55 <tibbs> We're going to have to deal with the SCL question again, too. 17:24:37 <geppetto> We are? 17:25:12 <tibbs> Well, at least a bit. Unless we're just going to ignore 756 completely. 17:26:58 <tibbs> So, are we missing candidate feedback from anyone now? 17:28:03 <geppetto> yeh, one person ... let me work out who 17:28:25 <geppetto> limburgher? 17:28:42 <geppetto> Or SmootherFr0gZ ... can't remember which is xavier 17:28:55 <tibbs> That's Xaview. 17:29:00 <tibbs> limburgher is Gwyn. 17:29:10 <geppetto> Ok, so Gwyn then 17:29:16 <tibbs> I think she might be on vacation. 17:29:23 <geppetto> Ahh 17:29:32 <geppetto> Any idea when she returns? 17:29:59 <tibbs> Wel, she did process SCM requests two days ago, so maybe not. 17:30:21 <tibbs> But she usually does that more often. Fortunately I managed to get myself setup to do it as well. 17:31:08 <tibbs> I'm just inferring from when she stopped doing SCM request processing regularly; I don't actually know if she is away or if something else is up. 17:37:37 <tibbs> I just wish I had more free time. My TODO list at work is slowly shrinking, at least. 17:38:33 <geppetto> Well that's something. And, as you said, the hope is the new people will be able to help get the ticket backlog down. 17:38:46 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:39:15 <tibbs> Xavier's question about whether we should have a dedicated writer position within the committee is a good one, I think. 17:39:24 <geppetto> For 756 ... I'm happy to have the wording be something that makes it obvious one or two macros are fine, but original SCLs had macros everywhere 17:39:48 <tibbs> The thing about 756 is that they're just saying "please change your mind" without offering anything new. 17:40:11 <geppetto> But I didn't think it had got that much better ... so I'm a little worried the people using them have stockholm syndrome or something. 17:40:12 <tibbs> I personally haven't looked at the SCL stuff since the original discussion happened years ago. 17:40:34 <tibbs> So I don't know if it's gotten better of not. They're saying it's just two lines at the top of the spec, which seems... optomistic. 17:40:41 <tibbs> optimistic. 17:40:43 <geppetto> yeh 17:41:06 <tibbs> But I would be happy to be proven wrong. And if we didn't have such a backlog, I would even be happy to look at the whole thing again. 17:44:48 <geppetto> Ok, gg 17:44:51 <geppetto> #endmeeting