17:01:16 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:01:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 28 17:01:16 2019 UTC. 17:01:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:01:16 <zodbot> The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:01:16 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:01:16 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:01:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:01:26 * limburgher here 17:01:27 <mhroncok> hey 17:01:29 <redi> yo 17:01:37 <decathorpe> hello o/ 17:02:47 <geppetto> #chair limburgher 17:02:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher 17:02:49 <geppetto> #chair mhroncok 17:02:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher mhroncok 17:02:51 <geppetto> #chair redi 17:02:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher mhroncok redi 17:02:53 <geppetto> #chair decathorpe 17:02:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe geppetto limburgher mhroncok redi 17:03:05 <ignatenkobrain> .hello2 17:03:06 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Gnatenko' <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com> 17:03:24 <geppetto> #chair ignatenkobrain 17:03:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok redi 17:04:39 <decathorpe> FYI, I'm only online on my phone, moving at bus speed - but I should have decent LTE coverage along the way. so don't worry if I drop off along the way 17:05:10 <geppetto> ok 17:07:01 <geppetto> #topic Schedule 17:07:04 <geppetto> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/packaging@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/BDUM7AXJPUZPPEAXPUHK5IXSJNA3DSVV/ 17:07:17 <geppetto> #topic #859 Scriptlet to replace a directory: try delete first? 17:07:21 <geppetto> .fpc 859 17:07:22 <zodbot> geppetto: Issue #859: Scriptlet to replace a directory: try delete first? - packaging-committee - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/859 17:08:04 <mhroncok> "We should consider hiding this complexity behind macros. There's no reason for anyone to paste in that much low-level boilerplate." 17:08:15 <mhroncok> I agree 1000 % with tibbs 17:08:58 <geppetto> yeh 17:09:21 <geppetto> I'm somewhat surprised that wasn't already a macro 17:09:31 <mhroncok> is there anything to discuss? other than the obvious "who shall do this?) 17:10:02 <limburgher> Right. 17:11:10 <geppetto> I guess if anyone has different recommendations than tibbs … speak up now 17:12:55 <geppetto> #info Tibbs recommendations seem good 17:13:05 <geppetto> #action Someone really needs to move that code into a macro. 17:14:11 <geppetto> #topic #719 Simplify packaging of forge-hosted projects 17:14:13 <geppetto> .fpc 719 17:14:15 <zodbot> geppetto: Issue #719: Simplify packaging of forge-hosted projects - packaging-committee - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/719 17:14:57 <decathorpe> has this been merged yet? 17:15:05 <decathorpe> or was tibbs working on that? 17:15:06 <geppetto> So this ticket hasn't been updated since we last talked about it … do we need to keep it on the meeting tag? 17:15:32 <mhroncok> I don't think we do 17:15:43 <geppetto> Ok 17:16:27 <geppetto> I've moved it now. 17:16:37 <geppetto> #topic #845 Wiki deprecation status 17:16:40 <geppetto> .fpc 845 17:16:42 <zodbot> geppetto: Issue #845: Wiki deprecation status - packaging-committee - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/845 17:17:06 <geppetto> I think this is the status update ticket for tibbs 17:17:14 <geppetto> and nothing needs to directly be talked about 17:17:35 * decathorpe shrugs 17:17:37 <decathorpe> I think so 17:17:45 <mhroncok> for the record, I've added a link to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Versioning (there was none) but i wasn't able to checkt the enitire page, so there is no redirect yet 17:18:15 <geppetto> ok 17:20:11 <tibbs> Sorry guys, I got pulled into a thing. 17:21:31 <tibbs> Yes, it seems that I didn't quite finish adding links to all of the old guideline pages. I was working alphabetically and I guess I never managed to get to the ones at the end. 17:21:50 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 17:21:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok redi tibbs 17:22:03 <geppetto> Ok, do you know which ones are missing? 17:23:18 <mhroncok> around M 17:23:19 <mhroncok> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Packaging_guidelines 17:25:44 <mhroncok> #action Everybody please add links to new docs to guidelines lacking them 17:25:50 <tibbs> Damn, I thought I had done more than that. 17:26:08 <tibbs> BTW, if you look at one of the pages that's been done, you'll see I created a template for adding the redirect. 17:26:26 <tibbs> {{OldGuidelinePage|Conflicts}} 17:27:04 <tibbs> {{OldGuidelinePage|XXX}} adds the notice block and links to https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/XXX/ 17:27:16 <tibbs> So all you have to do is stick that at the top. 17:27:32 <tibbs> Sadly I know I will have no time at all today to work on this. About to go out of town for a couple of days. 17:27:39 <geppetto> ok 17:28:14 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:28:23 <geppetto> Anything else anyone wants to talk about? 17:28:47 <tibbs> I'm sorry I'm not more available today. 17:29:26 <tibbs> I did want to point out that after some discussion on the packaging list about arch-conditional source files I realized that I had accidentally nuked a section from the guidelines back in April. 17:30:00 <tibbs> I put back a slightly expanded version in https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/c/4260dba2d83f04eba850b1055f4219b3d76e4955?branch=master 17:30:04 <decathorpe> yeah, I followed the discussion. weird that basic sanity like this needs to be codified, though ... 17:30:57 <tibbs> Well, the fallout (patches or sources might be entirely missing from the SRPM) isn't really obvious if you don't know all that much about how RPM processes the tags. 17:31:39 <tibbs> But if there's any issue with that commit, I can revert it and go through the regular modification process. 17:31:52 <tibbs> Also I just realized there's a typo in there. I'll fix that now. 17:32:51 <geppetto> looks fine to me 17:33:01 <geppetto> ok 17:33:20 <geppetto> Unless speaks up again I'll close in a couple of minutes. 17:33:43 <geppetto> Thanks for coming, and if you have any free time feel free to do the guidelines thing above. 17:34:33 <mhroncok> geppetto++ 17:34:40 <mhroncok> thanks, bye 17:35:01 <geppetto> #endmeeting