17:00:22 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 28 17:00:22 2021 UTC. 17:00:22 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 17:00:22 <zodbot> The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:22 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:00:22 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:01:01 <ignatenkobrain> .ehllo2 17:01:06 <geppetto> #chair ignatenkobrain 17:01:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain 17:01:07 <geppetto> hey 17:01:08 <ignatenkobrain> .hello2 17:01:09 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Raits' <igor.raits@gmail.com> 17:01:48 <tibbs> Hello. 17:02:08 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 17:02:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain tibbs 17:02:32 * carlwgeorge waves 17:02:38 <geppetto> #chair carlwgeorge 17:02:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: carlwgeorge geppetto ignatenkobrain tibbs 17:02:53 <decathorpe> .hello2 17:02:54 <zodbot> decathorpe: decathorpe 'Fabio Valentini' <decathorpe@gmail.com> 17:03:00 <geppetto> #chair decathorpe 17:03:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: carlwgeorge decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain tibbs 17:03:21 <mhroncok> hey 17:03:26 <mhroncok> I am here but I am unfortunatelly busy 17:05:02 <geppetto> #chair mhroncok 17:05:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: carlwgeorge decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain mhroncok tibbs 17:05:06 <geppetto> No big deal 17:05:30 <geppetto> #topic PR-#1045 WIP: Add discussion of macro names beginning with underscores. 17:05:43 <geppetto> #link https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/pull-request/1045 17:06:14 * King_InuYasha waves 17:06:18 <King_InuYasha> .hello ngompa 17:06:19 <zodbot> King_InuYasha: ngompa 'Neal Gompa' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 17:06:33 <King_InuYasha> sorry I'm late, work meeting ran over 17:06:51 * mhroncok is generally in favor of adding this, explicit suggestions added there 17:07:09 <geppetto> #chair King_InuYasha 17:07:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: King_InuYasha carlwgeorge decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain mhroncok tibbs 17:07:48 <geppetto> Yeh, I think I'm +1 … not sure if we want to be notified, or just have the problem fixed. 17:07:59 <geppetto> wrt to the last comment 17:08:10 <King_InuYasha> I'm okay with it as it stands +1 17:08:17 <mhroncok> geppetto: we want it fixed but we are in better posiion to work with the macro maintainers I'd say 17:08:22 <tibbs> Yeah, so the real question here is whether we want to say something that you can't actually follow. 17:08:24 <mhroncok> *position 17:08:47 <mhroncok> tibbs: we can add a note that explains this problem 17:09:06 <tibbs> Double-underscored macros appear in a number of places in the guidelines. 17:09:10 <geppetto> Sure I just don't want us to be in the way if someone could easily get it fixed without us 17:09:28 <mhroncok> NOTE: Sometimes, this is not possible to follow. We would like to elimiate sch cases. Let us a know and we'll try to make it possible. Your truly, FPC 17:09:59 <mhroncok> geppetto: good point 17:10:25 <tibbs> I tried to say "this is the general rule, but it's not always possible". 17:10:59 <tibbs> But there are so many cases where it's not possible that I have to wonder. 17:11:20 <tibbs> First, what about single-underscored macro names? Right above we say you should use %_bindir and the like. 17:11:35 <mhroncok> :) 17:12:03 <mhroncok> I'd say start with dunderscored first and let the underscored be. they are omnipresent 17:12:15 <tibbs> And even the rust guidelines use %__install for some reason. 17:13:04 <tibbs> But, hey, the ocaml guidelines set BuildRoot. So, uh, yeah, we just have cleanups to do. 17:13:34 <tibbs> I can add easy fixes to the PR, certainly. 17:13:51 <decathorpe> tibbs: they (Rust) shouldn't. is that fixed by my PR or not? 17:14:07 <tibbs> I don't know; it's in the rustgrep spec in the examples directory. 17:14:24 <tibbs> Sorry, ripgrep. 17:15:07 <tibbs> The CronFiles guidelines also uses %__install. I will fix that one but avoid stepping on the rust rework. 17:16:59 <tibbs> Today I will learn how to reorder and selectively squash commits. 17:17:12 <ignatenkobrain> yeah, it has been fixed by Fabio Valentini (decathorpe) if I see it correctly 17:17:25 <mhroncok> sorry I need to go AFK 17:17:29 <geppetto> tibbs: Everytime I need to do that I have to google it again :) 17:17:47 <mhroncok> I use `git rebase -i origin/master` 17:17:49 <mhroncok> see you 17:18:30 <geppetto> Also always confuses me because you need to do it from the parent commit of the one I'd think 17:20:07 <geppetto> We want to officially vote, or just merge … or do any more changes before the merge? 17:20:37 <tibbs> It's still a WIP. I certainly wouldn't merge it now. 17:20:43 * geppetto nods 17:20:53 <geppetto> Ok, I'll leav it to you then 17:20:56 <tibbs> Can vote on the sentiment if you like but otherwise I can just keep tinkering. 17:21:04 * geppetto nods 17:21:13 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:21:19 <geppetto> Anything else we want to discuss? 17:21:24 <tibbs> I think we generally agree on the "only set __* macros" and it has the benefit of being Panu-approved. 17:21:45 <tibbs> I think there was one other thing; let me find it. 17:22:14 <tibbs> A couple of things, I guess. 17:22:30 <tibbs> There was a question about requiring AVX-512. 17:22:39 <tibbs> I don't think the distro as a whole has made a decision on this. 17:23:15 <geppetto> yeh, that doesn't feel like an us question 17:24:06 <King_InuYasha> the distro has generally said no to requiring AVX-512 17:24:11 <tibbs> I agree and will day that in the ticket. 17:24:36 <tibbs> It's a decision that needs to be repeatedly reconsidered as the processor landscape changes. 17:25:09 <tibbs> But not by us. If Fedora does allow it then it would fall to us to figure out what packages would need to do when they do require it. 17:26:45 <tibbs> I don't think the question of a library (not application) which requires special CPU features has been answered in the past. 17:27:04 <tibbs> What I recall was about applications. 17:27:37 <geppetto> For libraries it's easy … you can do multiple builds and have the dynamic linker choose the right one etc. 17:27:41 <tibbs> The end result was always that things must transparently work for users. 17:27:57 <tibbs> Not for this library, though; it explicitly doesn't support old CPUs. 17:28:13 <geppetto> Yeh, I guess we just shrug at that point? 17:28:17 <tibbs> Applications which link it are supposed to do the right thing on those CPUs and call different functions. 17:28:30 <tibbs> I think it's at minimum a "kick to FESCo" thing. 17:29:21 <geppetto> To just not allow it in the distro? … seems harsh 17:29:45 <King_InuYasha> glibc supports alternate builds and selecting it properly 17:29:49 <King_InuYasha> but that's only for libraries 17:29:56 <King_InuYasha> for binaries, nothing exists like that 17:30:16 <geppetto> Yeh, doesn't help when it just doesn't work without it either 17:30:23 <tibbs> There is actually a good bit of supported magic here, but the question raised by this library seems to be different. 17:31:44 <tibbs> The other thing that was brought up recently is whether we want to allow the full time specification in the changelog. 17:32:32 <tibbs> I think maybe we should, but we should restrict the allowable set of timezones as the RPM devs have requested. 17:34:35 <tibbs> Was going to ask Miro about use of %__python3 in the python guidelines. 17:35:53 <tibbs> Anyway, that was all that I had. 17:36:28 <geppetto> Ok, I'll close in a couple unless anyone else has anything? 17:37:04 <geppetto> Anyone have any idea on non-FPC people we could volunteer to change the changelog quidelines? 17:37:09 <geppetto> ;) 17:39:25 <geppetto> Oh, one final thing … I might not be around next week 17:40:22 <tibbs> I doubt we'll have much to do. 17:40:32 <geppetto> #endmeeting