21:01:25 <stickster> #startmeeting 21:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 19 21:01:25 2009 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:35 * SMParrish_mobile here 21:01:44 <stickster> #topic roll call 21:02:31 <SMParrish_mobile> I know ctyler was here earlier not sure about mchua 21:02:40 * ctyler here 21:04:40 <ctyler> hello? 21:04:54 <stickster> Hi ctyler 21:05:01 <stickster> Sorry, I am in crisis mode right now 21:05:11 <ctyler> np 21:05:31 <ctyler> want to do this later then? 21:05:36 <stickster> No, it's not getting better. 21:05:47 <stickster> Let's hit my major concerns right now, and then open the floor 21:05:53 <ctyler> k 21:05:58 <stickster> #topic T-shirts 21:06:13 <stickster> ctyler: Did the final design get to the printers at this point? 21:07:03 <ctyler> Just heard from Entripy 30 minutes, they can print using a different process. Working out details, looks like we will place the order start of next week. 21:07:35 <ctyler> mintutes ago* 21:07:50 <SMParrish_mobile> They can get them done in the time allotted? 21:08:17 <ctyler> yes, they have a standard turnaround of 7 bus. days 21:08:23 <stickster> ctyler: That's fantastic. 21:08:47 <stickster> ctyler: Is there any price change we need to worry about, beyond the $1800 or so we mentioned earlier for long-sleeves? 21:09:04 <stickster> #info ctyler is working out details with Entripy, and order will be placed start of next week 21:09:38 <ctyler> I don't think so, will get that in writing in next day or so. If anything it might be a slightly higher setup fee. 21:10:57 <stickster> OK, I'll look to the list for an update? 21:11:09 <ctyler> Will do. 21:11:25 <stickster> #action ctyler will check price with Entripy, and place order next week 21:11:31 <stickster> You'll need mchua to pay, I assume 21:11:44 <ctyler> Anyone with an RH card will do :-) 21:11:54 <stickster> #action mchua will give payment info to Entripy once notified by ctyler 21:12:14 <stickster> Anything else on this? 21:12:18 <stickster> If not... 21:12:31 <ctyler> we're good 21:12:32 <stickster> #topic Room share 21:12:57 <stickster> #info Room sharing seems to be set up OK. FUDCon wiki pages have full info. 21:13:12 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:FUDCon_Toronto_2009_logistics#Room_sharing 21:13:32 <stickster> If you or someone you know was left out, please alert the fudcon-planning list! 21:13:53 <stickster> #info related issue -- crash space for people in Boston 21:13:57 <ctyler> Probably need a reminder post sometime early next week 21:14:01 <mchua> Aah! Sorry, I'm here, CST != EST 21:14:07 * mchua reads up 21:14:14 <stickster> #info stickster is canvassing again in Red Hat Westford 21:14:59 <SMParrish_mobile> looking at the roomshare list looks like several groups have not booked rooms. need to remind them to do that 21:15:06 <mchua> stickster, dump stuff my way; I've got bandwidth. 21:15:24 <mchua> stickster: can I take the room-share and FUDBus crash space off your shoulders? 21:15:30 <stickster> mchua: That would be great 21:16:34 <stickster> I would like to ensure that we identify and accommodate anyone looking for crash space on Thursday and/or Tuesday nights 21:16:52 <stickster> Some people are coming in to Boston from other places, and need crash space the night before/after the bus rides 21:17:13 <ctyler> How many? 21:17:31 <stickster> I don't think it's many 21:17:46 <stickster> mchua: Can you try to come up with a number based on either a canvassing or from the pre-reg? 21:18:09 <ctyler> Or maybe the bus list 21:18:17 <stickster> Oh, duh. 21:18:20 <stickster> Thank you Chris. :-) 21:18:21 <mchua> Yep, I was going to go from the bus list. 21:18:37 <mchua> #action mchua to check which bus riders need crash space, get them said crash space 21:18:52 <stickster> #chair mchua 21:18:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: mchua stickster 21:18:55 <stickster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:FUDCon_Toronto_2009_logistics#People_riding_the_bus 21:19:01 <mchua> thanks. 21:19:01 <stickster> #chair ctyler 21:19:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: ctyler mchua stickster 21:19:25 <stickster> mchua: I may be forgetting something else that was on my mind this morning, but if so I'll get it to the list. 21:19:38 <mchua> #action mchua look at roomshare list, make sure all pairs have rooms, that rooms are booked, and that it's clear what the reimbursement situation is for each room. 21:19:53 <stickster> mchua: I think most of that is done, hopefully 21:20:02 <mchua> #action mchua take another pass through FUDCon accounting (incl. waiting for Tshirt expenses from ctyler) 21:20:05 <stickster> I sent out some mail about it over my time in Australia and it appears to have borne fruit 21:20:29 <stickster> mchua: If you find places where we could easily even out the expenditures in Q4, please let me know 21:20:39 <stickster> i.e. ensure that Fedora Engineering spends appropriately close to its budget 21:20:39 * mchua nods 21:20:58 <mchua> stickster: will you/Spot be able to approve any last minute Q3 expenses from the FE budget today/tomorrow? 21:21:06 <mchua> iirc this is the last week to do Q3 stuffs 21:21:16 <mchua> and I need to get all the CommArch ones in to Max before tonight 21:23:45 <mchua> Other things I can think of that we need to cover: 21:23:48 <mchua> * user track topics - what's the schedule and who's teaching what? 21:23:49 <stickster> mchua: I don't think we have any FE budget left for Q3 21:24:01 <mchua> stickster: ok, so that's a nonissue then. :) 21:24:05 <stickster> We took care of several travel costs as agreed though 21:24:14 <stickster> Those have all been submitted already 21:24:25 * stickster is up to date on everything but his AUS expense report 21:24:39 <mchua> Cool, so I'll take care of the CommArch Q3 stuff with Max later today and then do accounting for the rest and holler status to the list. 21:24:44 <stickster> Great 21:24:47 <mchua> stickster: it's nothing that should need your attention before next week's meeting 21:24:47 * stickster has to fade back now 21:25:02 <stickster> #info stickster will email the list if any other issues occur 21:25:02 <SMParrish_mobile> I revised and reduced the tracks down to 1 for users and 1 for contribs. did everyone see that and agree with it 21:25:11 <stickster> Ah, topic change, good move 21:25:28 <ctyler> #topic User Tracks 21:25:33 <SMParrish_mobile> lol $ always gives me a headache ) 21:26:18 <ctyler> SMParrish_mobile: sounds great. Anything else we need to do with that? 21:26:33 <stickster> SMParrish_mobile: Those tracks look GREAT. 21:26:37 <stickster> +1 from me 21:26:45 <stickster> I'm sorry it took me a while to say so :-) 21:26:48 * stickster really fades now 21:26:57 <SMParrish_mobile> I was going to post it to the wiki with the note that topics may change (depends on interest) 21:27:01 * mchua pops up 21:27:05 <stickster> +1 21:27:23 <ctyler> Btw, as far as users registering, it seems that anonymous edits on the FUDCon:Toronto_2009 edit page leads to infinite loop of math captchas 21:27:37 <ctyler> ^ That has an effect on getting casual users signed up 21:27:59 <mchua> SMParrish_mobile: Sweet - once that's done, we just need to make sure people are signed up and prepared to teach said sessions? Or what else needs to happen between now and FUDCon to make sure user tracks == Total Win? 21:28:03 * ctyler is wiped out, sorry for the excesive typos 21:28:37 <mchua> #action mchua check out infinite math captcha loops for casual users (no FAS account) trying to edit the FUDCon:Toronto_2009 page with their registration 21:28:50 <ctyler> Thanks mchua 21:28:55 <SMParrish_mobile> I will send a note out to those who signed up to teach to make sure they are still attending and that they are prepared to present 21:29:12 <mchua> ctyler: worst case scenario we add a "hey, you need a FAS account" to the registration instructions 21:29:25 <ctyler> indeed 21:29:42 <mchua> SMParrish_mobile: rockin'. so you've got User Tracks all covered, basically, and the rest of us will relax and be on standby on the mailing list for any help needed? ; 21:29:55 <mchua> er, that was supposed to be a ;) 21:30:05 <SMParrish_mobile> yes you can action me on it. 21:30:25 * ctyler thinks that was a reverse-cheshire-cat, eyes without the smile 21:30:33 <mchua> #action SMParrish_mobile taking care of User Tracks - for next week, sending notes to those signed up to teach to make sure they're still teaching / prepared 21:30:40 <mchua> SMParrish_mobile: thank you. you rock. 21:30:57 <mchua> actually, it's probably time for one of these also 21:31:05 <mchua> #action mchua blog FUDCon status update and call for help on some of these tasks 21:31:06 <SMParrish_mobile> Thanks, glad to help 21:31:10 <mchua> thar we goez. 21:31:15 <ctyler> +1 on SMParrish_mobile rocking 21:31:24 <ctyler> #topic Lunch on Saturday 21:31:36 <mchua> nom! what about it? 21:31:55 <ctyler> I've checked out some possibilities for lunch. Turns out that feeding 130 people bag lunches for $1000 is not as easy as it might first appear. 21:32:14 <stickster> How close can we get? 21:32:47 <stickster> We should have some $100s of wiggle room restored IIRC 21:32:48 <ctyler> Most of the quotes I've seen are $8-11 plus tax, but I found someone -- former executive chef at a country club, who now runs her own catering business -- who's quoted $6.80 21:33:04 <ctyler> which is just under $1000 after tax 21:33:16 <ctyler> Menu suggested is: 21:33:20 <ctyler> assorted deli sandwiches(112 people) 21:33:20 <ctyler> grilled vegetable wraps (17 vegetarian lunches & 1 Vegan lunch) 21:33:20 <ctyler> Vegetable sticks 21:33:20 <ctyler> Large cookie 21:33:20 <ctyler> Small bag of chips 21:33:20 <ctyler> Bottle of water 21:33:28 <mchua> That sounds good to me. 21:33:33 <ctyler> as bag lunch 21:33:34 <stickster> mchua: When you check the numbers, see if the fact that ke4qqq is no longer coming helps 21:33:41 <stickster> I think it got us back about $300 21:33:44 <mchua> If it's (1) reasonably within budget and (2) has veggie options, we should be fine 21:33:55 <mchua> stickster: Yep, that's on my accounting list 21:33:58 <stickster> disco! 21:34:01 <stickster> ctyler: Sounds good 21:34:09 <ctyler> I'll forward to the list, but I think that option looks good. 21:34:14 <mchua> I'd say doooo it 21:34:21 <SMParrish_mobile> looks good to me 21:34:50 <mchua> what else do we need to take care of? 21:34:57 * mchua looks at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:FUDCon_Toronto_2009_Planning_meetings#this_week.27s_agenda 21:34:58 <ctyler> #action ctyler to forward menu/quotation for lunch to list 21:35:10 <ctyler> #topic Networking 21:35:50 <SMParrish_mobile> lol that was my going to be my next question 21:35:52 <ctyler> I have a bit of a concern about the wireless getting crushed, especially on Monday. I'm working with ITT to get additional wired ports for the hackfest rooms, esp. for high-bandwidth stuff 21:36:19 <ctyler> They've asked how many ports we want, I suggested 12 for each room would be good 21:36:39 <ctyler> we don't need everyone on wired, just those pulling in (or pushing) lots of stuff 21:36:43 <ctyler> video upload, for example 21:36:52 <ctyler> Sound OK? 21:37:22 <ctyler> also, there is a local Fedora mirror, which is syncing up F12 presently (in addition to F10/F11) 21:37:28 <SMParrish_mobile> yes, also need to make sure the wireless is open 21:37:56 <ctyler> SMParrish_mobile: it will be web-auth with no encryption. I've requested 300 passwords IIRC 21:38:15 <SMParrish_mobile> sounds good to me then 21:38:39 <ctyler> There is a weired IPv6 issue with http://fedoraproject.org but I hope to have that sorted in the next few days 21:38:56 * SMParrish_mobile thinks we should place each persons wireless password on the back of their name badge ahead of time 21:39:13 <mchua> ctyler, is that what you did for FSOSS? 21:39:20 <ctyler> ye 21:39:21 <ctyler> yes 21:39:35 <ctyler> mchua: are you doing name badges or want them printed here? 21:39:52 <ctyler> I probably won't have the passwords much in advance of the event 21:40:13 <mchua> ctyler: if you can print them, that'd be awesome; if not, I was planning on making a Staples run the night before 21:40:21 <ctyler> but can probably send you the file on Wed or Thu of that week, or print stickers here and then we can just put 'em on 21:40:30 <SMParrish_mobile> if you have them on Friday I can add them to the name badges that evening 21:40:55 <mchua> ctyler: oh, my solution was "Large Box Of Generic Nametag Stickers" + Markers on a table 21:41:08 * stickster did all of this for the last FUDCon and is so, so grateful to everyone for helping with it this time 21:41:26 * stickster puts head down again 21:41:46 <mchua> ctyler: I'm happy to have that as a fallback, but I'm driving from DC to Boston the day before the FUDBus leaves, so if we want prettier stuff we'll need to find Somebody Else to do it 21:42:07 <mchua> ctyler: if it's too much of a hassle to print them at Seneca I can try and ask someone at Westford to stand by the printer, or maybe someone in the RH Toronto office 21:42:07 <SMParrish_mobile> mchua: printed name badges for those pre-registered are nice and are also an easy way to know who registered by just looking. 21:43:22 <ctyler> Ok, why don't I run them here on the Friday 21:44:01 <mchua> ctyler: Thanks! 21:44:39 <SMParrish_mobile> ctyler: stickster or someone should have the template from the last FUDCon badges 21:45:04 <ctyler> SMParrish_mobile: sounds good 21:45:15 * mchua looks quickly for those badge templates, likely in design space 21:45:18 <ctyler> #action ctyler to run FUDCon badges w/ wireless info 21:45:24 <mchua> other topics? 21:45:30 <mchua> #action mchua Toronto area groups that will be visiting FUDCon (incl. JBoss devs, local hackerspaces, LUGs, etc) 21:45:55 <mchua> (figured I should just do that followup anyway, hopefully that'll get wrapped up via email real quick) 21:46:11 <ctyler> I'm starting another push to get Seneca Fedora-users and -curious out. 21:46:48 <SMParrish_mobile> ctyler: anything you need an extra set of hands for on Friday let me know, I can take an earlier flight in that day 21:47:27 <ctyler> mchua, stickster: has anyone booked the hack room at the hotel? they said it would need to be booked directly with the hotel 21:47:45 <mchua> ctyler, stickster: I have not, but can do that if it still needs to be done. 21:47:45 <ctyler> Also, they offered one other king suite at the basic room rate, someone should take them up on that. 21:48:55 * mchua isn't sure what "the hack room at the hotel" is, honestly 21:49:09 <mchua> is that the Massive Suite? 21:49:18 <mchua> (a king suite?) 21:49:25 <mchua> if they're offering two, does that mean we are getting two hack rooms? 21:49:28 <SMParrish_mobile> room where ppl can get together and hack on things at the hotel 21:50:23 <ctyler> yes, they offered a free king suite, plus one at regular rate ($105 instead of $130 or whatever a king suite usually is) -- so we should offer that to one of the couples coming, perhaps 21:51:38 * ctyler thinks the hotel called it a "hospitality suite" 21:51:56 <ctyler> which I immediately thought of as hackfest room 21:52:28 <ctyler> SMParrish_mobile: thanks for the offer for Friday. to be honest, though, I don't think there's anything to be done except for badge-printing, which is easy 21:52:28 <mchua> #action mchua check status of hackfest room at hotel, 2nd king suite at regular rate, book/fill if not already booked/filled 21:53:15 <SMParrish_mobile> ctyler: sounds good 21:53:38 <ctyler> mchua: stickster had suggested conf call with hotel to ensure that we're on same page (late arrival, etc). should we set that up for next week? 21:54:25 <mchua> ctyler: who should be on the call? 21:54:58 * mchua kinda sucketh at phone calls, but can do this if needed, esp. if it takes a load off stickster 21:55:47 <mchua> (it just means I'll have to prep before the call to make sure I know what we're talking about, and be on IRC backchannel in case we have random new topics that come up) 21:55:53 <ctyler> not sure. I'd be glad to just contact them and reconfirm things 21:56:11 <mchua> ctyler: ok - if you want me on that call, just let me know 21:56:37 <mchua> ctyler: I'll send a list of things we Should Probably Check With The Hotel to list later tonight after I make a pass through roommates and see what hotel-related stuff remains 21:56:59 <stickster> mchua: I can do that call -- if it's Tuesday that would be helpful 21:57:07 <stickster> Or Monday if necessary 21:57:23 * stickster forecasts unavailability tomorrorw 21:58:09 <ctyler> Tuesday <10:30 or >3:20 is fine, but I'd be glad to take it off your plate if you're firefighting, Paul 21:59:41 <stickster> ctyler: Let me know the time and I will do my beset to be there 21:59:44 <stickster> *best, even :-) 21:59:53 <mchua> stickster: do you need to be there? or would a followup email to the agenda list I'll start drafting on-list for that call suffice? 22:00:31 * mchua hath network lag; didn't see last messages before sending this one 22:00:50 <mchua> well, I'll just say "I'm not planning on being on the call, but can be if needed, just ping" 22:00:53 <mchua> and set this: 22:01:10 <mchua> #action mchua draft "to talk with hotel about" agenda to list as a reminder for ctyler to schedule confcall with hotel, stickster to make if possible 22:01:20 <mchua> what else do we need? 22:01:47 <SMParrish_mobile> Since next Thursday is a holiday here in the US do we want to meet next Wednesday instead? 22:02:01 <ctyler> Wednesday wfm 22:02:17 <mchua> For things that don't need physical access to stuff (Toronto, printers, etc) I can take on a lot between now and FUDCon; my bandwidth's clear, Thanksgiving isn't a big holiday at my house, so feel free to pile stuff on me or holler to the list and I'll pick up 22:02:21 <mchua> Wednesday wfm 22:04:20 <SMParrish_mobile> That's all I had on my list 22:04:47 <ctyler> Sounds good. Next Wed at 4 EST then? 22:04:50 <mchua> +1 22:04:51 <mchua> stickster: ^^ 22:04:58 <mchua> i have nothing further on my list 22:05:21 <ctyler> I need to recheck the vegetarian stuff with D&B, will do early next week. 22:05:31 * ctyler list is emptied 22:05:34 <mchua> #action ctyler recheck veggie stuff with d&b 22:05:43 <mchua> #info next week's meeting same place same time different day (Wednesday) 22:05:51 <mchua> #action mchua tell list about next week's new meeting time 22:05:53 <mchua> I think we are done 22:05:56 <ctyler> Sold! 22:05:58 <ctyler> 5 22:06:00 <ctyler> 4 22:06:01 <ctyler> 3 22:06:03 <ctyler> 2 22:06:04 <ctyler> 1 22:06:06 <mchua> 0.5 22:06:08 <ctyler> #endmeeting