18:30:03 <jsmith> #startmeeting FUDCon planning meeting (Pune, India) 18:30:17 <jsmith> #meetingname FUDCon Pune 18:30:27 <jsmith> Oh wait, where's zodbot when you need him? 18:30:39 * zodbot has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) 18:30:50 * bckurera (bckurera@ has joined #fudcon-planning 18:31:06 <bckurera> hi 18:31:19 <pjp> hi 18:31:23 <bckurera> meeting start? 18:31:31 <bckurera> mether?? 18:31:32 <jsmith> Well, I guess we'll go ahead and get started without zodbot/meetingbot 18:31:33 <tuxdna> hello folks :) 18:31:58 <tatica> o/ morning / evening / nites? o0 18:32:02 <bckurera> what happen to zodbot? 18:32:10 * pjp has quit (Quit: Leaving) 18:32:10 <jsmith> It died when I tried to start the meeting :-/ 18:32:24 * Shrink (~sgupta@redhat/shrink) has joined #fudcon-planning 18:32:26 <bckurera> hi tatica and FPL :) 18:32:55 <bckurera> ohhh zodbot :( :( 18:32:57 <tatica> bckurera, namaskara? 18:33:10 <bckurera> namasthe :) 18:33:13 <tatica> :D 18:34:10 * narasim_7 (~narasimha@ has joined #fudcon-planning 18:34:16 <mether> I am here 18:34:18 <mether> lets start 18:34:41 <jsmith> OK... 18:34:46 <bckurera> yup 18:34:50 <jsmith> No zodbot, but we can still pretend 18:34:59 <jsmith> #chair mether jsmith rbergeron 18:35:06 <jsmith> #topic Welcome / Roll call 18:35:08 * suchakra (~suchakra@ has joined #fudcon-planning 18:35:11 * jsmith is here 18:35:23 * tatica too 18:35:35 <mether> Rahul Sundaram here 18:35:44 <suchakra> suchakra is here at last 18:35:58 * Shrink is Shreyank Gupta 18:36:02 <bckurera> bckurera - Buddhika Kurera - Sri Lanka 18:36:05 * narasim_7 Lakshmi narasimhan here 18:36:10 * tuxdna has mailed about FUDCon website http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2011-July/001389.html 18:36:19 * tuxdna is Saleem Ansari 18:37:41 <mether> We had a ad-hoc meeting in Red Hat office in Pune this Wed and these are meeting mins 18:37:42 <mether> http://log.amitshah.net/2011/07/first-fudcon-india-meeting.html 18:38:03 <mether> We intend to do this regularly to catch up in person on the progress in time before the IRC meeting here 18:38:25 <jsmith> OK... can you post these sorts of things to the fudcon-planning mailing list, so that everyone else who is interested can be aware of them? 18:38:31 <mether> sure 18:38:38 <mether> will do 18:38:42 <jsmith> #info Wednesday meeting in India minutes at http://log.amitshah.net/2011/07/first-fudcon-india-meeting.html 18:39:35 <jsmith> I've read through the notes, and I think they look pretty good 18:40:02 <jsmith> The one minor thing I see is that we need to get hotel accommodations figured out before we have international travelers book their tickets 18:40:15 <mether> We have had some preliminary discussions with some hotels for room arrangements and for fudpub. I will post more details once we get some concrete progress. 18:40:34 <mether> One issue with that is we would get a better deal if we knew how many people are going to come 18:40:45 <jsmith> Right... 18:40:51 <mether> I know the count within India but I am not sure how many international participants are arriving 18:41:11 <jsmith> In general, it really depends on the FUDCon 18:41:14 <bckurera> I have noticed 2 tickets opened at the the track 18:41:27 <jsmith> In Panama, we had around 16 beds (double rooms) 18:41:29 <bckurera> I think they have started thinking of the participation 18:41:34 <bckurera> so better we hurry 18:41:36 <mether> I have asked people to open sponsorship request in trac 18:42:15 <jsmith> In Milan, I think they're planning for approximately twenty beds in the hotel 18:42:24 <mether> how is hotel booking typically handled? do we book locally in bulk? 18:42:37 <jsmith> It depends on the hotel 18:42:48 <jsmith> If the hotel is able to give us a better rate by booking a block, we'll do that 18:43:02 <mether> ok 18:43:06 <jsmith> (Sometimes that adds extra complications, like guarantees that we'll use that many rooms, etc.) 18:43:19 <jsmith> If the hotel wants a signed contract, I have to review it myself 18:43:22 <mether> and this comes from the budget that has been granted for the event. correct? 18:43:30 <jsmith> Well, it depends 18:43:42 <bckurera> what about the comunity architecture? 18:43:42 <jsmith> In Tempe, or example, we signed a contract for X number of rooms 18:43:49 <jsmith> Some of the rooms were subsidized 18:43:56 <jsmith> Other rooms were paid for directly by the participants 18:43:57 <mether> ok 18:44:31 <jsmith> No matter what we do, we'll have some rooms paid for by subsidies, some rooms paid for by Red Hat (for their employees), and some rooms paid by individuals 18:44:39 <mether> I told the hotels, 25 rooms, twin occupancy as a rough number. I will get some quotes by next week and we can discuss the details then 18:44:50 <jsmith> Sounds great! 18:45:19 * tuxdna is wondering if we have any list of blockers that we need to clear up for FUDCon 18:45:35 <bckurera> mether you can ask participant to notfy their precense over the ML then we can get a rough number for the count 18:45:36 <jsmith> I see that you've started opening some tickets in Trac for various items 18:45:41 * tuxdna has a blocker of domain + webspace for hosting FUDCon website. 18:45:42 <bckurera> what you think? 18:46:06 <jsmith> I'm still working on a canonical list of tickets that we'll open for each FUDCon, and will hopefully get that finished really soon now 18:46:14 <mether> tuxdna, wireless infrastructure is potentially problematic in COEP since they haven't hosted such a big event before. We might have to get them more routers. I have asked the sys admin to get me some details 18:46:26 <jsmith> You can see preliminary list at http://openetherpad.org/FUDCon-tickets 18:46:32 <mether> tuxdna, can you briefly outline your plan for the website? 18:46:38 <mether> bckurera, sure 18:46:39 <jsmith> (Don't worry about the milestones on that page -- I'm in the process of reorganizing them) 18:46:41 * tatica reading 18:46:48 <stickster> jsmith, mether: Who should be the default owner of tickets for FUDCon India? 18:47:11 <jsmith> Probably mether by default, and then he can reassign to other planning team members as appropriate 18:47:20 <mether> and its called fudcon apac in the trac which some have said is confusing 18:47:28 <mether> the component I mean 18:47:29 <stickster> mether, I'm fixing that right now ;-) 18:47:31 <suchakra> the details for wireless infra will be given soon 18:48:14 <mether> for others, suchakra is a COEP student and is helping us coordinate 18:48:21 <stickster> Hm, zodbot is sleeping? 18:48:32 <suchakra> i think the issue can be resulved once we have the actual bandwidth details 18:48:32 * FranciscoD (~Ankur^^@fedora/franciscod) has joined #fudcon-planning 18:48:39 <jsmith> stickster: Yeah, it crashed when I started the meeting :-/ 18:48:46 <bckurera> compnent on trac = fudcon apac 18:48:47 <bckurera> right? 18:48:54 <tuxdna> mether, sure. I have planned to use Drupal 6 for the website as Insight project is already using it. It has FAS authentication already. 18:49:13 <stickster> mether, What's your real @fp.o account? Is that 'sundaram'? 18:49:18 <mether> stickster, yes 18:49:22 <mether> suchakra, yes. please update when you know. also posters and banners 18:49:27 <tuxdna> we need to integrate OpenID as well, for those people who don't have an account on FAS. 18:49:48 <stickster> jsmith, mether, OK, name of component has been reset to 'FUDCon India 2011,' and sundaram@fp.o is default initial owner for tickets. 18:49:55 <mether> FranciscoD, Welcome. FranciscoD (Ankur Sinha) has volunteered for doing the booklet 18:49:58 * tatica can work on the theme this weekend 18:50:01 <mether> stickster, thanks 18:50:02 <stickster> jsmith, Who is default owner for Milan? 18:50:08 <tatica> so we can have it for Drupal 18:50:10 <suchakra> mether: me and taica ar on posers and banners already 18:50:14 <jsmith> stickster: fcrippa 18:50:32 <stickster> jsmith, OK, I just set that too 18:50:37 <mether> suchakra, where are you discussing it? doing it on the list would help others know the status 18:50:47 <jsmith> stickster: Awesome, thanks :-) 18:51:00 <suchakra> we discussed it on irc in #fedora-design 18:51:06 <mether> ah ok 18:51:07 <tuxdna> So Initially we can host a website with general information about FUDCon ( maybe a static graphic image ). And then we keep updating the actual Drupal6 based site in the background. 18:51:18 <suchakra> will do it on list now 18:51:20 * FranciscoD will quietly sit in a corner and absorb 18:51:20 <stickster> jsmith, Currently, you, mchua, rbergero, rrix, tuxbrewr, and I all have admin permissions. If that needs to change, you have the power to change it 18:51:36 <jsmith> stickster: Yes, I know :-) 18:51:41 * stickster makes quick note to fudcon-planning list 18:52:10 <jsmith> For what it's worth, I want people to still treat the wiki page as the definitive location for FUDCon information 18:52:14 * tuxdna thanks tatica 18:52:18 <bckurera> I took the tshirt design, is there any deadline we should follow mether? 18:52:25 <mether> jsmith, We expect a larger audience and doing voting on the whiteboard is probably going to be too messy. We are thinking of taking votes via the fudcon website that tuxdna is working on 18:52:49 <mether> bckurera, sooner the better. I would like the design stuff in general to be wrapped up in a couple of weeks 18:53:01 <jsmith> A website is nice and can make it easier for newcomers to find the right information, but as the FPL I'm going to expect the wiki page to have the most up-to-date information 18:53:16 <Southern_Gentlem> stickster please set FUDCon Blacksburg 2012 to me please 18:53:18 <suchakra> tuxdna: please do let me know of any gaphics needed for the site. I can take up some UI part if needed 18:53:20 <stickster> Southern_Gentlem, Will do -- thanks! 18:53:28 * jsmith thinks that online voting is a great idea, if it can be done easily and doesn't distract from the other planning 18:53:33 <mether> website is for two things: as a initial launch page and for the voting of talks. everything else will point to the wiki 18:53:45 <mether> atleast thats the current plan 18:53:49 <jsmith> OK, sounds great :-) 18:54:20 * tatica back sorry 18:54:21 <bckurera> mether we can reuse this web site for other FUDcons and FADs right 18:54:26 <bckurera> as we discussed on the ML 18:54:27 <tatica> a quick update about design 18:54:31 <mether> bckurera, yes. indeed 18:54:33 <tuxdna> mether, jsmith: wiki will always be upto date. so we will redirect most of the website links to wiki itself. 18:54:54 <tatica> bckurera, suchakra, tuxdna can we talk about it more detailed after meeting at #fedora-design ? maybe 15 min only for it? 18:55:08 <tuxdna> tatica, sure thing :) 18:55:10 <suchakra> tatica: yeah 18:55:13 <jsmith> tatica: Works for me :-) 18:55:19 <tatica> so we can set up a schedule for it and assign task, so we don't duplicate the efforts 18:55:23 <tatica> awesome :) 18:55:30 <bckurera> tatica i m ok 18:55:32 * zodbot (~supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has joined #fudcon-planning 18:55:32 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to zodbot 18:55:37 <tatica> zodbot, is back! 18:55:43 <Shrink> yay! 18:55:53 <suchakra> :) 18:56:01 <tuxdna> zodbot, where were you ! 18:56:24 <stickster> Southern_Gentlem, Done 18:56:31 <mether> jsmith, should we start discussing the sponsorship requests or do you want me to fix the hotel first? 18:56:35 <Southern_Gentlem> stickster, ty 18:56:42 <stickster> No problem! 18:56:43 <jsmith> mether: Well, I think there are two preliminary steps 18:56:50 <jsmith> mether: 1) Get the hotel details nailed down 18:57:12 <jsmith> mether: 2) Decide on a firm number for how much budget to spend on subsidies 18:57:40 <mether> can you clarify 2) 18:57:46 <jsmith> mether: Sure... 18:58:09 <bckurera> mether you have any idea about the type of visa participant should appy for? 18:58:25 <jsmith> So, what I want to see is a statement like "We plan to spend X thousand dollars on travel subsidies." 18:58:50 <jsmith> That way, when we start having subsidy meetings, we know how much to spend before we risk going over budget 18:59:20 <jsmith> In several of the FUDCons, we've set an initial subsidy amount (few thousand dollars), and then assigned out a few more subsidies later as we had more insight into the budget 18:59:38 <mether> jsmith, yes. I have send out the information to hotels and I will hopefully get these numbers by next week 18:59:45 <Shrink> jsmith, By subsidy do you mean like a sub budget? 18:59:51 <jsmith> Shrink: Exactly 19:00:29 * narasimhan_ (~narasimha@ has joined #fudcon-planning 19:00:31 <Shrink> jsmith, Ok, thanks, that makes it clearer. We already have a budget in place, mether has a link to it. 19:00:44 <jsmith> You can also start thinking about how much of that should be focused on India, and how much to put towards international travel 19:00:58 * narasim_7 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 19:01:17 <mether> FWIW, we can't put much into international travel 19:01:24 <suchakra> just a quick question 19:01:32 <mether> Europe and U.S would cost more than 1000 dollars typically 19:01:35 <jsmith> mether: Right... 19:01:35 <Shrink> jsmith, https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?pli=1&hl=en_GB&hl=en_GB&key=tBowy3DLK2oxq-knHeF-zuQ&authkey=CO7TqeMP#gid=0 <- would be the place 19:01:52 <bckurera> #link https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?pli=1&hl=en_GB&hl=en_GB&key=tBowy3DLK2oxq-knHeF-zuQ&authkey=CO7TqeMP#gid=0 19:02:03 <suchakra> is the local travel expenses paid for by FuDCon budget? 19:02:08 <Shrink> thanks bckurera 19:02:13 <bckurera> hey all zodbot os alive 19:02:23 <mether> suchakra, yes 19:02:28 <suchakra> ok 19:02:54 <suchakra> mether: by local i mean indian travellers 19:02:59 <tatica> are you planing to contact more local sponsors beside RH and Fedora budget? 19:03:22 <jsmith> I have a question regarding that budget spreadsheet 19:03:41 <mether> suchakra, yes. got it. everything is out of the budget. The only exception I am aware of is for some Red Hat folks which might get travel budget from within their team 19:03:48 <jsmith> You've got 23 "outside" speakers -- is that outside of India? Outside of Pune? Outside of what? 19:03:52 <mether> tatica, we are talking to a few 19:04:14 <mether> outside of Pune. I will make it more explicit 19:04:45 <jsmith> mether: OK 19:05:05 <mether> we know the count within India. international count was assumed to calculate the budget as part of the fudcon proposal. we will have to adjust as we get more closer to the event 19:05:28 <mether> note to amitshah to edit the spreadsheet 19:06:08 <jsmith> OK, sounds like you've got a good handle on things in that regard 19:06:21 <mether> yep 19:07:02 <jsmith> Once we know hotel costs, we can open subsidies and then plan a subsidy meeting (or two or three) 19:07:25 <mether> jsmith, sure 19:07:26 <mether> I don't have anything further to add unless there are any further questions or updates from others 19:07:39 <bckurera> I have an update 19:07:53 <bckurera> we will be having APAC bi-weekly tommorrow 19:08:00 <bckurera> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:APAC_Ambassadors_2011-07-16 19:08:06 * kushal (~kdas@fedora/kushal) has joined #fudcon-planning 19:08:17 <bckurera> may be we can dicuss with APAC FAm about those 19:08:27 <suchakra> one question here 19:08:35 <bckurera> anyway I ll update them with these info 19:08:52 <bckurera> Will you able to take part at the meeting mether? 19:08:59 <mether> bckurera, yep 19:09:01 <suchakra> mether: just being curious how big a dent will it be to get network infra outsourced 19:09:11 <bckurera> its great mether 19:09:15 <mether> suchakra, typically it is very expensive 19:09:44 <suchakra> so it should be the last resort right? 19:09:46 <mether> 50 to 80k or more depending on what we need 19:09:57 <suchakra> USB or INR? 19:10:01 <mether> INR 19:10:03 <bckurera> sucharaka mether why dont you try with local ISP they may be sponsor the even 19:10:07 <mether> yes. very much so 19:10:12 <bckurera> as like official ISP provider :) 19:10:30 <mether> yes. we can ask if this is needed 19:10:36 <kushal> they did not for HTML5 event 19:10:42 <suchakra> yeah, we can contact tikona, they are a budding ISP in pune 19:10:56 <bckurera> thats nice 19:11:01 <Shrink> suchakra, I have contact. 19:11:04 <suchakra> and they have Wireless networks only 19:11:12 <mether> as far as I know, noone will set it up for free but we might be able to negotiate 19:11:32 <Shrink> suchakra, We can do that as a last resirt, but we must try and leverage the college infra. 19:11:47 <bckurera> yup may be a big discount mether, if they get the publicity 19:11:48 <Shrink> s/resirt/resort 19:11:55 <suchakra> shrink : true, very true. I am just thinking of the worst case scenario 19:12:15 <Shrink> suchakra, I that case, I think I can arrange a contact. 19:12:18 <tuxdna> we can approach other ISPs as well: Airtel, Tata Indicom, MTS etc. 19:12:29 <Shrink> we can 19:12:32 <suchakra> tuxdna: yeah we can 19:12:44 <suchakra> but before that let me asses the actual situation here 19:12:58 <mether> suchakra, if COEP infrastructure is not adequate even if we add more routers, then let me know this as soon as you can so that I can set aside some budget for it and contact ISPs 19:13:31 <mether> suchakra, do you have any idea when you can get this info 19:13:33 <kushal> tuxdna, Shrink they don't generally 19:13:59 <Shrink> adding more routers and contacting ISPs are different senarios 19:14:00 <suchakra> ok i'll se to it asap. 19:14:23 <suchakra> I can give you solid numbers by 1st Aug 19:14:25 <Shrink> more routers when routers aren't enough, (which I see is the case) 19:14:30 <Shrink> ISP if the bandwith isn't enough. 19:14:38 <suchakra> and 'some idea' within the week 19:15:33 * gomix (~gomix@fedora/gomix) has left #fudcon-planning 19:15:38 <mether> Shrink, from our conversations earlier, my understanding is that bandwidth is good in COEP now but suchakra can get us more info I guess 19:15:51 <Shrink> mether, ok 19:16:03 <mether> anything else? 19:16:15 * jsmith has nothing else 19:16:22 <bckurera> Design ppl please follow the #fedora-design 19:16:26 <bckurera> we need to talk :) 19:16:42 <suchakra> bckurera: ok 19:16:51 <mether> if we are wrapping up the meeting here now, then you might as well as talk here and make it part of the meeting logs 19:17:06 <bckurera> tatica what you think? 19:17:21 <jsmith> The logs aren't working here anyway, so it's probably best to start another meeting 19:17:23 <tatica> reading backlog (give me 30secs) 19:17:24 <jsmith> (here or there) 19:17:33 <tatica> sire 19:17:37 <mether> alright. whatever you folks pick 19:17:49 <tatica> even if they ended up with the organization we can follow up here 19:17:54 <bckurera> jsmith as zodbot is fine we can start the meeting right here 19:17:57 <mether> tuxdna, the voting thing can be setup with openid and fas and works now in your system. is that right? 19:18:39 <tuxdna> mether, yes voting works. I need to fix a problem with OpenID though. That will be taken care of. 19:18:39 <tatica> lets talk about design then 19:18:49 <mether> stickster, jsmith do we have the resources to setup fudcon.fp.o as a drupal site 19:18:57 <stickster> mether, I have no idea 19:19:13 <tatica> afaik (pls correct me if I'm wrong) website and posters are already in process, and booklet will start shortly 19:19:24 <suchakra> right 19:19:27 <tuxdna> first priority for now is hosting+webspace so that we can share our work for website. 19:19:35 <jsmith> mether: That's really up to the Insight team, the infrastructure team, and the websites team to decide 19:19:36 <suchakra> we can wrap it up in a couple of weeks 19:19:40 <tatica> may I ask, beside bckurera, suchakra and tuxdna ; who else is helping you with design? any other local team member? 19:19:54 <stickster> mether, jsmith I'm hard pressed to keep up with Insight alone right now. And there are only a couple of us working on Insight. You should not be depending on us to set up that site. 19:20:09 <tuxdna> tatica, right now there is noone except four of us :) 19:20:12 <bckurera> i m not from India just helping them behalf the design team and APAC :) 19:20:24 <tatica> bckurera, same as I :P 19:20:25 <jsmith> stickster: Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say -- Let's not expect that we can do it in Insight if the team working on insight can't handle the additional work 19:20:30 <tatica> ok 19:20:45 <tatica> so I will start with the easier, then going to the harder and ending with the remaining task 19:20:49 <tatica> 1.- Posters 19:20:49 <suchakra> so do we have a list of TODOs? 19:20:59 <bckurera> FranciscoD is working with the booklet 19:21:00 <tatica> (we will do it now :) ) 19:21:11 <suchakra> ok carry on 19:21:11 <tuxdna> let me put my view regarding the website: 19:21:12 * narasimhan_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) 19:21:20 <FranciscoD> +1 19:21:23 <stickster> mether, jsmith, But we would be more than happy to have other people join us, and we'd collaborate with them to integrate functions for a FUDCon site if that's possible. I don't know whether we're really talking about a different site entirely, or a set of pages on Insight, or what. No one has really communicated that to us on the list (logistics) or Insight meetings. 19:21:25 <tuxdna> A gateway for the speakers/participants/sponsors for FUDCon 19:21:25 <tuxdna> * What is FUDCon? - past, present, some photographs 16:48:22 * What is FUDCon? - past, present, some photographs 19:21:25 <tuxdna> * Date, Time of event 16:48:22 * Date, Time of event 19:21:25 <tuxdna> * Vene - How to reach? 16:48:22 * Vene - How to reach? 19:21:25 <tuxdna> Talks selection based on user voting 19:21:26 <tuxdna> Automatic scheduling of talks 19:21:28 <tuxdna> * 4 Parallel tracks 16:48:22 * 4 Parallel tracks 19:21:32 <tatica> poster is almost done, only need some fix with the shapes of the building 19:21:42 <tatica> I guess that will be done for next week 19:22:02 <tatica> once the poster is done, we can consider done also banners and other easy artwork 19:22:13 <tatica> 2.- Booklet 19:22:15 <mether> stickster, I have asked tuxdna to coordinate in the logistics list. He is the one leading that effort 19:22:19 <tatica> FranciscoD, has some updates on this? 19:22:24 <bckurera> I saw the building, is it the event landmark then? 19:22:32 <tatica> FranciscoD, do you need help? are you already working on it? 19:22:38 <tatica> bckurera, afaik, yes 19:22:45 <tatica> is the place for the event 19:22:46 <stickster> mether, OK. When I get a chance I'll check list email to see if there's word. I have to get back to $DAYJOB stuff for now, though. 19:22:46 <FranciscoD> tatica: not a lot on the booklet yet, I'm sending out an email and we'll work on it over the weekend 19:22:53 <bckurera> i am heling FranciscoD 19:22:53 <mether> stickster, alright 19:22:56 <tatica> but, I got a sugestion to add some enna designs and work on that this weekend 19:23:01 <FranciscoD> there are other's who've already jumped in to help :) 19:23:08 <tatica> FranciscoD, awesome! 19:23:18 <tatica> FranciscoD, I will bother you then next friday to see some updates, is that ok? 19:23:55 <FranciscoD> yeah sure :D 19:24:06 <tatica> ok 19:24:08 * stickster is now known as stickster_afk 19:24:10 <tatica> 3.- t-shirts 19:24:20 <bckurera> ok i m planning 19:24:21 <tatica> I believe that having a poster we can also do this task with that artwork 19:24:31 <bckurera> so as the landmark we can use the building 19:24:32 <tatica> will ask more about apac culture to add some things in there 19:24:36 * stickster_afk is now known as stickster 19:24:39 <tatica> someone is handling t-shirts? 19:24:51 <tatica> bckurera, again, afaik yes 19:24:52 <bckurera> tatica i m thinking of a pattern as well 19:25:05 <tatica> suchakra, has been guiding me in there, he might have more information about it 19:25:09 <bckurera> any local from India for Tshirts 19:25:22 <kushal> bckurera, for design ? 19:25:30 <tatica> yeap, I guess enna is a +1, but more info is needed for that 19:25:37 <tatica> kushal, hello! 19:25:41 <kushal> tatica, :) 19:25:43 <bckurera> yes kushal for the tshirt design 19:26:04 <kushal> ok 19:26:08 * wyuka (~tirtha@kde/developer/chatterjee) has joined #fudcon-planning 19:26:11 <kushal> I can not :( 19:26:16 <tatica> someone is handling the t-shirts design already? 19:26:23 * suchakra is back 19:26:35 <bckurera> tshirt me tatica 19:26:43 <tatica> +1 19:26:51 <tatica> now you have more ideas :D 19:26:53 <tatica> ok, and finally, website 19:27:00 <tatica> tuxdna, I would like you to take a look at http://fedora-fudcon.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com 19:27:11 <tatica> is an static html and I believe looks amazing 19:27:40 <tatica> fcrippa already start to ask for the hosting space and domain 19:27:41 * tuxdna clicks 19:27:48 <tatica> so the idea with is is to have something like: 19:28:04 <tatica> fudcon.fedorapeople.org/emea --- fudcon.fedorapeople.org/apac -- fudcon.fedorapeople.org//latam 19:28:06 <bckurera> I need to speck on the tshirt 19:28:09 <tatica> and going... 19:28:10 <bckurera> soory :) 19:28:16 <tatica> bckurera, sure, hit 19:28:19 <suchakra> wow indeed its good 19:28:24 <bckurera> my idea is to make it more indian look 19:28:31 <suchakra> tuxdna: we can take elements from this design 19:28:33 <tuxdna> tatica, that is really cool 19:28:40 <bckurera> so by looking at the tshirt it reminds india 19:28:47 <bckurera> BUT there can be limitations 19:28:55 <bckurera> like number of colors and sizes 19:29:02 <bckurera> because we need to take the cost factor 19:29:08 <tatica> bckurera, we ussually go with 2 colors, top 3 19:29:14 <tuxdna> tatica, its framework is similar to the one you sent to me. 19:29:24 <tatica> tuxdna, is -almost- the same 19:29:29 <bckurera> so it will be easy for me if there is any local who handle printing tshirts as well 19:29:30 <suchakra> tuxdna, tatica : i can make the graphics for the site if i have the sources. 19:29:36 <tatica> I have been working on it to make it trough-regions 19:29:47 <bckurera> is there anyone who undertake tshirt printing at the moment? 19:29:55 <tatica> I believe tuxdna can send you the tar suchakra 19:30:00 <tatica> tuxdna, is that ok? 19:30:13 <tuxdna> tatica, sure I will forward it. 19:30:20 <suchakra> thanks 19:30:26 <tatica> bckurera, I guess that if we ask someone they can do a quick serch for prints 19:30:27 <mether> bckurera, Red Hat marketing in India might be able to handle that. We are inviting them to discuss next week 19:30:30 <tatica> and give us some numbers 19:30:31 <tuxdna> tatica, is that FUDCon in the image a real object ? 19:30:41 <tatica> bckurera, but mostly like I said... between 2-3 colors 19:30:41 <suchakra> bckurera: i know local t-shirt printers thoroughli in Pune 19:30:43 <bckurera> ok nice :) 19:30:44 <mether> bckurera, printing of t-shirts once we get the design, that is 19:30:49 <tatica> tuxdna, LOL no 19:30:51 <tatica> hell no! 19:31:07 <tuxdna> a piece of work it is :) 19:31:10 <mether> suchakra, can compare prices and quality to get a good deal 19:31:13 <tatica> suchakra, can you do a few calls and foward that info to bckurera ? 19:31:16 <bckurera> ok will come with a design ASAP 19:31:22 <tatica> awesome 19:31:29 <bckurera> i want to know the size of the print 19:31:39 <tatica> so tuxdna suchakra I guess that next step is to port the html design to drupal 19:31:40 <suchakra> tatica, mether : sure 19:31:40 <bckurera> because the pattern should be sized according to that 19:32:00 <mether> bckurera, size of the print? 19:32:03 <tuxdna> tatica, yes. 19:32:05 <bckurera> sucharaka your email id please? 19:32:11 <suchakra> i think the best deal/quality is of the Black polo fedoa-india tee we have 19:32:14 <tatica> bckurera, letter print top 19:32:25 <tatica> or small left-chest 19:32:31 <suchakra> mail@suchakra.in 19:32:37 <tatica> bckurera, do 2 designs, a smaller and a bigger (letter) 19:32:43 <suchakra> suchaka@fedoraproject.org 19:32:47 <tatica> in case prints are able to do a front-back design 19:32:47 <bckurera> ok then its nice 19:32:56 <mether> bckurera, i dont know yet. we will have to inquire. 19:33:16 <bckurera> ok will keep the discussion to ML then 19:33:24 <bckurera> first I need to think and think and think for the design 19:33:39 <bckurera> soon there will be a sketch 19:33:39 <tuxdna> suchakra, have sent you the design. 19:33:51 <suchakra> tuxdna: thanks 19:34:42 <tatica> bckurera, I can hlep you with that (mostly guidance) 19:34:57 <tuxdna> tatica, you will be working on the drupal + theming right ? 19:34:59 <suchakra> bckurera: make sure you include at least one henna design on the tee (won't look girly i promise ;) ) 19:35:02 <bckurera> ok i ll be KIT with you tatics 19:35:24 <tatica> tuxdna, yeap, sure, (unless some of you want the task, I can work on that this sunday) 19:35:35 <bckurera> suchakra I m thinking of that , thats pattern :) 19:35:38 <tuxdna> tatica, awesome 19:35:52 <tatica> ok 19:36:09 <suchakra> ok so we all now know what we have to do right? 19:36:17 <tatica> yeap, until next week 19:36:21 <suchakra> ok 19:36:28 <tatica> so... next friday task: 19:36:30 <tuxdna> i guess we are done with website related design here for now 19:36:37 <tatica> 1.- bckurera will come up with some t-shirt designs 19:36:44 <suchakra> tatica: please tell me standard poster, baner web buttons and sig sizes 19:36:49 <tuxdna> I will keep everyone updated on the list. 19:36:58 <tatica> suchakra, mail you that :) 19:36:59 <bckurera> TODOs 19:37:11 <mether> suchakra, when you get that info, update the wiki 19:37:17 <tatica> 2.- suchakra and I will keep on the poster - banners design 19:37:23 * tuxdna in leaving for the day 19:37:28 <tatica> tuxdna, will keep working on drupal, while I do the theme 19:37:33 <tatica> tuxdna, thx! :D 19:37:38 <tatica> is that ok for the moment? 19:37:40 <tuxdna> definitely 19:37:43 <suchakra> ok 19:37:48 <suchakra> all set 19:37:49 <tatica> awesome then :D 19:37:54 <tuxdna> have a nice weekend to all 19:37:55 <tuxdna> bye 19:38:00 <tatica> :) 19:38:07 <tatica> well, I think we are done then 19:38:08 * geek_cl (~lletelier@ has joined #fudcon-planning 19:38:11 <bckurera> yes 19:38:13 <tatica> thank you do much guys! 19:38:17 <bckurera> we can have a coffee now :) 19:38:23 * shanks (~shanks@nat/redhat/x-uzhcfqqouewfiika) has joined #fudcon-planning 19:38:23 <tatica> and cookies :D 19:38:33 <tatica> is someone loging meeting? 19:38:33 <bckurera> gran trabajo tatica :) 19:38:40 <tatica> bckurera, :O gracias :P 19:39:00 <bckurera> mether meeting logs? 19:39:11 <mether> bckurera, I have it 19:39:26 <bckurera> nice then shall we finish the meeting? 19:39:31 <jsmith> #endmeeting 19:39:32 <suchakra> ok adios guys! 19:39:36 <tatica> :) 19:39:36 <jsmith> Thanks everyone! 19:39:38 <mether> alright. thanks everyone 19:39:57 <jsmith> mether: If you have the logs, you can send them to the infra team, and they'll get them into meetbot format 19:39:59 <bckurera> ok then c ya 19:40:08 <mether> jsmith, ok 19:42:42 * wyuka (~tirtha@kde/developer/chatterjee) has left #fudcon-planning ("Konversation terminated!") 19:48:00 * pjp (~pjp@ has joined #fudcon-planning 19:48:36 <jsmith> #endmeeting