#fudcon-planning Meeting
Meeting started by tatica at 18:03:02 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- FUDcon LATAM Changes - planning meeting (tatica, 18:03:17)
- http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/fudcon-planning/2012-May/003642.html
- ACTION: yn1v will add
flight prices to wiki setting the new location for FUDcon (Valencia,
Venezuela) (tatica,
- ACTION: send mails to
everyone who has sing up at wiki with changes and, send trac link
(sponsorship) to those who request it (tatica,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Valencia_2012
- http://www.siragon.com/international.html
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Valencia_2012
- ACTION: yn1v and
valentin will make full documentation of robotic hacking so they get
resources on time from rbergeron (tatica,
Meeting ended at 18:55:28 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- yn1v will add flight prices to wiki setting the new location for FUDcon (Valencia, Venezuela)
- send mails to everyone who has sing up at wiki with changes and, send trac link (sponsorship) to those who request it
- yn1v and valentin will make full documentation of robotic hacking so they get resources on time from rbergeron
Action items, by person
- rbergeron
- yn1v and valentin will make full documentation of robotic hacking so they get resources on time from rbergeron
- yn1v
- yn1v will add flight prices to wiki setting the new location for FUDcon (Valencia, Venezuela)
- yn1v and valentin will make full documentation of robotic hacking so they get resources on time from rbergeron
People present (lines said)
- tatica (98)
- rbergeron (47)
- yn1v (28)
- jsmith (10)
- zodbot (5)
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