20:32:34 <ianweller> #startmeeting FUDCon Lawrence status updates 20:32:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 12 20:32:34 2012 UTC. The chair is ianweller. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:32:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:32:43 <ianweller> #chair suehle rbergeron 20:32:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: ianweller rbergeron suehle 20:33:02 <suehle> heellllloooo 20:33:08 <ianweller> hellooooo' 20:33:10 <ianweller> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/query?component=FUDCon+Lawrence+2013&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component 20:33:18 <ianweller> i don't think i actually finished typing in the tickets from lastm eeting. 20:33:21 <ianweller> that looks a little small. 20:33:39 <ianweller> but those tickets are important 20:34:06 <suehle> there should be a way to spawn a ticket from IRC 20:34:23 <suehle> ...make a ticket to hold a session at fudcon to create a bot that makes tickets! 20:34:36 * ianweller tries to find last meeting's notes 20:34:51 <ianweller> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fudcon-planning/2012-10-19/fudcon-planning.2012-10-19-01.06.html 20:35:54 <ianweller> #topic general status updates 20:36:16 <ianweller> i really don't have anything to update, other than rbergeron and i wrote an announcement last week officially opening funding requests 20:36:54 <ianweller> in which we announced that the subsidy meetings will take place thursday and friday 20:36:56 <suehle> So no go on getting an invoice for the KU space? 20:37:00 <ianweller> so we should probably decide a time 20:37:10 <ianweller> suehle: i am going to send a reminder email after this meeting 20:37:15 <ianweller> i'm assuming something got dropped somewhere 20:37:18 <ianweller> apologies 20:37:31 <suehle> If we can pay it this week, it can go on this quarter. 20:37:47 <ianweller> okay then i will write that email now. holod on. 20:38:55 <suehle> uh, actually I might have had to start the PO today. let me check 20:39:08 <suehle> and carl's gone--rbergeron, do you know? 20:41:48 <suehle> ianweller, are you familiar with PowerPlay and have an opinion about its possibilities for a FUDPub? 20:41:54 <ianweller> i am not familiar 20:42:10 <suehle> K. I'm supposed to call them as soon as I get motivated to go to the phone . 20:44:43 <ianweller> ok 20:44:59 <suehle> it would definitely be a bus situation like Dave and Buster's, but possibly much cheaper than D&B 20:45:07 <ianweller> suehle: are you talking about the one in shawnee ks 20:45:14 <suehle> yeah 20:45:16 <ianweller> ok yeah 20:45:27 <suehle> which brings us to buses... any progress there? do you want to just give me a list of bus company names you have? 20:45:37 <ianweller> no progress. i'll give you a list 20:45:41 <ianweller> i'll forward that email 20:46:52 * suehle proposes FUDpub Leavenwoth :D 20:48:45 <ianweller> suehle: oh also 20:49:16 <ianweller> suehle: do you know if there's a chance we can get one more day added to the beginning of the hotel block 20:49:26 <ianweller> suehle: for the FADNA that is apparently also happening right before fudcon 20:49:46 <suehle> yup, I'm having her add 20 rooms unless you think we need more 20:49:55 <ianweller> i don't think we'll need more than that 20:49:57 <suehle> 20 for the extra night that is, rather than 40 20:51:21 <ianweller> in other status news 20:51:24 <ianweller> 72 people pre-registered 20:52:57 <suehle> woohoo attendees 20:53:11 <ianweller> i'm going through last meeting's action item list 20:58:03 <ianweller> and now i'm adding tickets from last meeting's action item list 20:58:05 <ianweller> (finally) 21:05:47 <ianweller> suehle: okay i think i have all the tickets in 21:05:51 <ianweller> suehle: https://fedorahosted.org/fudcon-planning/query?type=Task&component=FUDCon+Lawrence+2013&order=priority&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=type&col=status&col=priority&col=milestone 21:06:05 <ianweller> suehle: can you think of anything more 21:06:27 <suehle> If it didn't come up last time around, I don't have anything new. 21:06:37 <suehle> I'm going to get up and call PowerPlay. 21:06:41 <ianweller> okay. 21:06:54 <ianweller> i'm going to end this email and ask fudcon-planning@lists for a time on thursday for the meetnig 21:06:59 <ianweller> the subsidy requests meeting 21:07:31 <ianweller> end this meeting* i mean from above 21:07:44 <ianweller> #endmeeting