22:10:17 <jds2001> #startmeeting 22:10:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Dec 5 22:10:17 2009 UTC. The chair is jds2001. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:10:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:10:29 <jds2001> talking about basic mediawiki syntax 22:10:36 <jds2001> = header = 22:10:41 <jds2001> '''bold''' 22:10:47 <jds2001> ''italics'' 22:11:02 <jds2001> on the main page is one of many tempaltes that we use on the side 22:11:11 <jds2001> that provides the bulb icon and the blue box 22:11:38 <jds2001> {| = wiiki table 22:11:39 <jds2001> on the fedora wiki we have five admonition names 22:12:20 <jds2001> there are all admon/<something? 22:12:43 <jds2001> ]to call a template it must be in the tempalte namespace 22:12:52 <jds2001> the namespace is the part before to colon 22:13:13 <jds2001> {{admon/tip}} 22:13:17 <jds2001> ther eare often variables 22:13:38 <jds2001> there are two variables for an admon template 22:13:58 <jds2001> the first is some bold text, and the rest is the text that's in the box 22:15:48 <jds2001> {{admon/tip|first variazble|second variable}} 22:20:53 <jds2001> going into some functions and parser functios 22:23:34 <jds2001> if you want to know about parser functions 22:24:12 <jds2001> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:ParserFunctions 22:25:45 <jds2001> going into the header template 22:25:58 <jds2001> it has a switch parser function 22:30:08 <jds2001> another important tmeplate is {{Anchor|AnchorName}} 22:35:58 <jds2001> important things about the table 22:36:08 <jds2001> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Table 22:42:43 <jds2001> at the top of a table, put a ! in order to have it sortable 22:42:56 <jds2001> oops, scratch thatq - more of a header line 22:45:56 <jds2001> !colspan=3|<data> 23:30:06 <zodbot> Announcement from my owner (nirik): streaming is in progress for fudcon state of #fedora address by paul frields -- http://asterisk1.fedoraproject.org:8000/fudcon1.ogg.m3u -- come listen... See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Toronto_2009 and /join #fudcon for more info. 19:24:45 <nirik> .addchair nirik 19:24:45 <zodbot> nirik: (addchair <channel> <network> <nick>) -- Add a nick as a chair to the meeting. 19:25:01 <nirik> .addchair #fudcon-room-2 freenode nirik 19:25:01 <zodbot> nirik: Chair added: nirik on (#fudcon-room-2, freenode). 19:25:11 <nirik> #endmeeting